Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 469 Something happened to Xiao Jinyan, the queen came to visit the prince's bedroom in

Chapter 469 Something happened to Xiao Jinyan, the queen came to visit the prince's bedroom in person

The more Chang Liangyuan thought about it, the more she felt that there must be something wrong with Tao Liangyuan.

"Go and see."

Huaixiang responded, and followed Chang Liangyuan towards Hehuan Hall.

Seeing Tao Liangyuan walk into the Prince's bedroom from a distance instead of the Hehuan Hall, Chang Liangyuan's eyes flashed doubts, Xiao Jinyan left the palace for almost two months, what did Tao Liangyuan go to the Prince's bedroom?
As soon as Chang Liangyuan stepped into the prince's bedroom with doubts, she saw the little princess in the garden, sitting on a rock and eating. Every time she saw Shen Chuwei's pair of dragon and phoenix twins, she couldn't help being jealous.

She caressed her belly, when could she conceive a child and turn over?
Xiao Jinyan was not in the palace, so he didn't even have a chance to make it.

Looking at the little princess on the rock again, Chang Liangyuan was so jealous that she ignored Susu's cuteness and softness, but hated her just like Shen Chuwei, wishing she would disappear.

In this way, the eyes of the emperor and queen will not always be on them.

Jealousy is a scourge. Once you have a thought, it will take root in your heart.

Chang Liangyuan clenched the handkerchief in her hand and walked towards the little Princess, then knelt down in front of her, looked at the little Princess who was devoting herself to eating, and asked, "Little Princess, where is the princess?"

Susu took a bite of the purple potato crisps, raised her head, and looked at Chang Liangyuan in front of her with her big watery eyes. Because she was too unfamiliar, she ignored it after taking a look, and continued to eat the purple potato crisps in her hand.

Chang Liangyuan gritted her teeth secretly, how could a person at such a young age know how to flinch?

The little princess ignored her, and she didn't continue to ask. This is the prince's bedroom, no matter how much you hate it, you can't do anything here.

Chang Liangyuan stood up straight and was about to walk in when she heard the little princess sigh, "Hoo hoo."

At this moment, a snow-white figure ran towards this side, and when he took a closer look, he found that it was a white tiger.

The white tiger has a strong body, roared, and the eardrums buzzed.

Chang Liangyuan's face turned pale with fright, she took a few steps back and accidentally fell to the ground, she stared wide-eyed at the approaching white tiger, where did the tiger come from?

Shen Chuwei heard the low growl of the white tiger, walked out of the house, saw Chang Liangyuan in the yard from a distance, she frowned, Chang Liangyuan didn't come to Hehuan Hall a few times a year, let alone Xiao Jinyan was not in the palace, She will not come to the prince's bedroom.

She has been passing through for so long, and she has never liked Chang Liangyuan.

Shen Chuwei glanced back at the location of the study, and suddenly thought that Tao Liangyuan had just arrived, and Chang Liangyuan had followed her. Did she follow Tao Liangyuan?
At this time, Chang Liangyuan was already frightened and softened, and it was impossible to go in. With Huaixiang's support, she left the prince's bedroom in a panic.

After leaving the dormitory, Chang Liangyuan looked back, always feeling that there was something wrong inside.

And why is there a tiger in the East Palace?Who raised the tiger?

After seeing Chang Liangyuan leave, Shen Chuwei turned his gaze back to the door of the study, and saw Tao Liangyuan standing in front of the desk, watching Song Qing write, the picture was very warm.

Tao Liangyuan is still coming every day, and she will show her presence in front of Song Qing every day, but there is no progress...

The queen accompanied the queen mother to worship the Buddha during this time, and finally had free time, and planned to go to the East Palace to visit her precious grandchildren.

Before he walked out of Fengyi Palace, he saw the dog emperor coming, and saw him walking hurriedly, as if there was something urgent.

She stepped forward and blessed her body, "Your Majesty."

The emperor stepped forward to hold the queen's hand, and walked into the sleeping hall, "Queen, I have something to tell you."

The relationship between the emperor and the empress eased a lot, but the emperor knew in his heart that the empress still had a knot in her heart.

And what he said that night, the queen did not hear.

It may be because he is the king of a country and has a good face, so when the queen is sober, he can't speak.

The dog emperor has always been calm and composed, but his sudden expression gave the queen a bad feeling.

"what's up?"

After the emperor led the queen in, he waved away the maids and eunuchs, and waited until only he and the queen were left before saying, "The prince is missing."

Although the empress didn't have a good relationship with her eldest son, and there was a rift because of something that happened when she was a child, but she was born after she was conceived in October, and she brought her younger son to birth.

If the elder son hadn't pushed the younger son, causing the younger son to almost die, the mother and son would not have had a rift.

"How did the prince disappear?"

"The news from the frontline said that the crown prince has won consecutive victories on the battlefield. The most recent time, Xueyue Kingdom invited an expert from somewhere. The crown prince was defeated and fell off a cliff. I haven't found it yet."

The emperor appointed Xiao Jinyan as the prince because he liked Xiao Jinyan's ability. He was the strongest among all the princes. He suddenly disappeared and his life and death were unknown. His heart was not only because of his father and son, but also because he cherished his talent.

The queen said anxiously: "Then send more people to look for it. The princess, Taotao and Susuke are all waiting for his triumphant return."

"I have sent people to tell them to find the prince. If you want to see someone alive, you must see the corpse. The Qin Tianjian has counted the prince's fate. He is not a short-lived person." The emperor is the Qin Tianjian, and he firmly believes that his son is still alive.

"Don't tell the Crown Princess about this for the time being, if she knows that the Crown Prince has fallen off the cliff, how sad will she be?" The Queen can't bear it, let alone the Crown Princess?
The emperor hugged the queen into his arms, and stroked her back comfortingly, "I know, I have already shut up all the insiders. The queen doesn't have to worry too much, Yan'er is the prince, and the future emperor will definitely save the day." of."

Perhaps it was the emperor's appeasement that helped, the queen suddenly felt relieved, she nodded, "The concubine knows, the prince will be fine."

The emperor said quietly: "Yan'er has been working hard all these years and has not let me down, and this time he still won't let me down."

The queen said in a low voice: "The concubine is going to visit Susu. I haven't seen her for a few days. I miss her very much."

"I haven't seen Susu for a few days, and I don't know if Susu will talk more."

Ever since the prince led the army to go out, the emperor has been busy, and the time to go to Fengyi Palace at night is getting later and later. Sometimes he is busy until late at night, so he can only rest in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Naturally, he also wanted Susu very much, wanted to hear Susu call him grandpa, every time he heard Susu call grandpa to hold the baby, his heart would become very soft.

After the emperor left, the empress went to the East Palace. The mighty guard of honor was very conspicuous wherever she went.

Chang Liangyuan was about to go to Fengyi Palace, and before she left the East Palace, she saw the queen's guard of honor. The queen would only go to one place when she came to the East Palace, and that was the Hall of Hehuan.

Last time, because Baihu didn't go in, it was different when the queen came. She could follow the queen in, and take a look at Tao Liangyuan and Shen Chuwei's shameful things.

Chang Liangyuan greeted her with a smile, blessed her body, "Aunt."

The queen looked at Chang Liangyuan, and asked in a lukewarm tone: "Where are you going?"

Chang Liangyuan said softly: "Lan'er originally wanted to visit my aunt, but I didn't expect to meet her on the way. Is my aunt going to visit the little princess?"

The queen said: "I haven't seen Susu for a few days, of course I have to visit."

Chang Liangyuan took two steps forward, and said with a smile on her face, "Then Laner will go with you. Last time Laner wanted to visit, but she couldn't go in."

The queen frowned, "What are you going to do?"

"The crown princess gave birth to two children, and His Highness led the army to go out. She had two children to accompany her, but there was no one around Lan'er. The life was too dry and boring, so I wanted to see the little princess." Chang Liang Yuan felt aggrieved as she spoke.

The queen heard that she had watched her niece enter the palace for three or four years, and she had been staying alone in the vacant room. A woman couldn't stand it. Seeing other people having children, she naturally hoped that she would have children too.

She is a woman, and she can better understand the difficulties of women.

But the crown prince only had Shen Chuwei in his heart, and Lan Er continued to stay in the palace, fearing that it was a waste of time, why not leave the palace with dignity like Concubine Xu and marry someone else.

"Then let's go together."

Chang Liangyuan smiled happily, "Yes, aunt."

The Queen and Chang Liangyuan went to the Hehuan Hall with the guard of honor.

At this time, Tao Liangyuan stood in front of Song Qing, watched him write carefully, and taught her how to write good calligraphy.

These are taught in my free time.

And her eyes stayed on Song Qing's face, staring at his side face in a daze, until Song Qing raised her head to look over, she didn't react.

Song Qing found that Tao Liangyuan was staring at his face, he coughed lightly, "Tao Liangyuan?"

"Ah?" Tao Liangyuan froze for a moment, flustered with guilt, and accidentally swept the ink stick to the ground, and the ink splashed on the skirts of the two of them.

"I did not mean it."

The two bent down to pick up the ink sticks on the ground almost at the same time. Seeing each other squatting down, Song Qing subconsciously put aside, but they still couldn't avoid bumping into each other.

When the soft lips were brushed, the soft touch was no less than an electric shock, and both of them were taken aback.

Outside the door, the queen's guard of honor passed by the prince's bedroom.

Chang Liangyuan glanced at the Prince's bedroom, and Huaixiang had been staring at it these days. Knowing that Tao Liangyuan went to the Prince's bedroom every day, she reminded: "Aunt, the Crown Princess is probably not in the Hehuan Hall, but in the Prince's bedroom."

The queen heard that what Chang Liangyuan said made sense. Taotao and Chu Shizi studied in the study room in the prince's bedroom. The study room was specially prepared for Taotao, and it was larger than Xiao Jinyan's study room.
This time is estimated to be there, so he ordered people to go in.

After the queen entered, she went straight to the study.

Chang Liangyuan felt proud for a while, the queen came in without eunuchs shouting, just in time to see what shameful things Shen Chuwei and Tao Liangyuan were doing.

 Good night, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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