Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 470 Caught on the spot for adultery...? ...the wives and slaves show the most vividly

Chapter 470 Caught on the spot for adultery...? ...the wives and slaves show the most vividly
Susu just took a bite of the biscuit in her hand when she saw Grandma Huang coming, and rushed towards Grandma Huang happily.


Xiaobai was also running along with Susu, Xiaobaijiu was like Susu's follower, wherever Susu went, it followed, never leaving.

The queen saw Susu from a distance, and when she saw her running over, she couldn't help but feel a little worried, afraid that she would fall.

Susu walks unsteadily and falls easily when running. The last time she fell down, her little hands were all red, and she felt so sorry for her.

She didn't care about the queen's demeanor, and ran to meet her, "Shusu, slow down, don't fall."

Chang Liangyuan followed behind, watching the queen's worried behavior, and tightly clenched the handkerchief in her hand. When she was a child, the queen was never so nervous about her.

Susu ran in front of the queen, reaching out for a hug, "Nai Nai hugs the baby."

"Okay." The queen bent down and picked up Susu. Susu's weight was a bit difficult to hold, not as easy as when she was about one year old.

But who made her baby granddaughter?Even if you can't hold it, you have to hold it, otherwise, if it gets bigger, it won't be able to hold it.

Susu pursed her mouth and gave Grandma Huang a "baw" on the cheek, smiling with crooked eyebrows, "Nai Nai."

The queen looked at the actions of her precious granddaughter and smiled, "What are you eating?"

Susu raised the biscuit in her hand, shaking it triumphantly, "Bingbing, good time."

The biscuits were made by Shen Chuwei taught by Chunxi. They are specially made with milk, low in sugar, very crispy, and I especially like to eat them.

The queen looked at the crispy little face and joked with a smile, "You, be careful to eat into a fat ball."

Susu took a bite of the biscuit, and said in a childish voice, "Qiaoqiu, it's fun."

Chang Liangyuan didn't understand why her aunt liked the little Princess so much?Seeing the white tiger following the little princess, she was still very scared, but seeing that her aunt didn't seem to be afraid of the white tiger, she bravely stepped forward and reminded: "Auntie, the sun is getting stronger outside, go inside."

Seeing Susu's little face flushed by the sun, the queen nodded, and walked towards the study with Susu in her arms.

Chang Liangyuan followed immediately, fearing that she would fall behind and be thrown down by the white tiger on the spot.

When she got closer, Chang Liangyuan looked at Taotao and Chu Lingfeng who were playing at the door, she sneered, and suddenly understood why Tao Liangyuan always ran here, because Tanhualang was here.

Tao Liangyuan must be unable to bear the loneliness and wants to hook up with Tanhualang.

At this moment, only Tanhua was in the study, and Tao Liangyuan was not outside. She was a lonely man and a widow, and she might have done something deviant in a place where no one was watching.

She smiled and looked at the queen, "Auntie, I heard that the person who will be Taotao's first teacher is this year's new Tanhua."

"I have also heard about this matter. I heard that the newly promoted Tanhua Lang is the youngest Tanhua. He is only 19 years old. He is a rare talent."

The queen hadn't seen her before, so she just took advantage of this time to visit Susu and Taotao.

When Chu Lingfeng saw the empress coming, he saluted first, "I greet the empress, and the empress is blessed and safe."

Taotao hadn't seen Grandma Huang for a few days, so she was so happy that she forgot to salute, she took two steps forward and tugged at the Queen's sleeve.


The queen squatted down, put Susu down, pinched Taotao's small face, it was not as fleshy as Susu's cheeks, but it was also soft.

"Peach, are you tired from studying?"

Taotao shook her head, "Wo likes it."

Chang Liangyuan glanced around and did not see Tao Liangyuan and Song Tanhua, so she asked Chu Lingfeng, "Where is Song Tanhua?"

Chu Lingfeng replied, "Mr. Song is in the study."

Chang Liangyuan turned her head to look at the queen, and specially reminded: "Auntie, do you want to take a look?"

"Go in and have a look." The queen walked into the study, holding Taotao with one hand and Susu with the other.

Chang Liangyuan couldn't wait to follow.

When he walked into the study, he saw two people standing inside, arranging their clothes.

Seeing someone coming in, both of them froze for a moment.

Chang Liangyuan saw Tao Liangyuan standing with a handsome man, and he seemed to be arranging his clothes, and that handsome man, whose face looked a little green, should be Tanhualang.

No wonder Tao Liangyuan came here every day, Tanhualang is indeed attractive.

Chang Liangyuan pretended to be surprised and asked: "Tao Liangyuan, why are you here?" Then he pointed at them, as if he had discovered something serious, "What are you lonely men and women doing in the study?"

When Chang Liangyuan spoke, she deliberately raised her volume, as if she was afraid that others would not hear her.

When the queen saw Tao Liangyuan and Song Qing getting so close, doubts flashed in her eyes, "You guys, what are you doing?"

After Tao Liangyuan became flustered, she stepped forward to salute, "My concubine pays her respects to the empress, the queen is blessed and safe, and my concubine is asking Mr. Song for advice on how to write well."

Song Qing lowered her head and narrowed her eyes, "I would like to pay my respects to the empress, the empress is blessed and safe."

"I saw you chattering just now. It doesn't seem like you are learning to write. What's more, men and women are different. It's hard not to suspect you when you're alone in a room." Chang Liangyuan looked at the queen after finishing speaking. "Aunt, do you think Lan'er is right?"

The queen frowned: "Chang Liangyuan is right, how can you guys and widows be alone in the same room? It's hard not to be misunderstood."

"The empress has misunderstood. The concubine is really learning calligraphy from Mr. Song, and not only the concubine, but also the concubine."

Chang Liangyuan sneered, "Tao Liangyuan, do you think we are blind? You and Tanhua are obviously acting ambiguously. Could it be that Tao Liangyuan couldn't bear to be lonely because His Highness led the army?"

Tao Liangyuan retorted: "Chang Liangyuan, if there is no evidence, you can't speak blood."

Chang Liangyuan looked at Song Qing with her head bowed and said nothing, she knew she was guilty and her eyes were not good. She fell in love with Tao Liangyuan and even paid for her own life.

"The queen was caught on the spot, do you still need evidence?"

After Chang Liangyuan finished speaking, she sneered again: "Who doesn't know that Tao Liangyuan has never had a chance to sleep after entering the East Palace. Tanhua Lang is so handsome, Tao Liangyuan couldn't hold back for a while... Fortunately, I came with the queen at the right time, otherwise The lonely man and the widow are alone in the room, I am afraid they have been hugged together long ago?"

"Chang Liangyuan's thoughts are really dirty." Shen Chuwei slowly stood up from the ground, and put the rice paper in his hand on the desk.

Chang Liangyuan was taken aback when she saw Shen Chuwei appearing suddenly, why is Shen Chuwei here?Huaixiang clearly only saw Tao Liangyuan coming in, but not Shen Chuwei.

Shen Chuwei took a few steps forward to bless Fushen, "My mother and queen are blessed and safe."

Seeing Shen Chuwei, the queen raised a smile, "It turns out that the princess is also there."

"Mr. Song's handwriting is so good that my concubine and Tao Liangyuan are ashamed of themselves. I wanted to take advantage of the break to ask Mr. Song for advice. Unexpectedly," Shen Chuwei raised his head and looked at Chang Liangyuan, "I didn't expect Chang Liang Yuan's thoughts are so dirty, she really suspects that my concubine is having an affair with Mr. Song?"

Chang Liangyuan immediately retorted: "I didn't say that you had an affair with Mr. Song, I said that Tao Liangyuan was flirting with Song Qing, it's not proper."

Tao Liangyuan said, "Shouldn't Chang Liangyuan salute when she sees the princess? It's said that Chang Liangyuan is well educated, why doesn't she even understand the most basic etiquette?"

Chang Liangyuan's complexion changed. Due to her status, she stepped forward to bless her body, "My concubine greets the crown princess."

Only then did Shen Chuwei continue to ask: "Which eye of yours saw Tao Liangyuan flirting with Mr. Song? You insisted on having an affair, and Chang Liangyuan will try the case again next time the Shaoqing of Dali Temple."

Chang Liangyuan was speechless when asked, he turned his head to look at the queen and defended, "Auntie, I'm just skeptical, besides, I'm telling the truth, His Highness is not in the East Palace now, Tao Liangyuan has never served in bed..."

The queen interrupted her next words, "Okay, haven't you never served in bed before? Don't you also have such thoughts?"

In front of outsiders, Chang Liangyuan said that she had never slept with her before, Chang Liangyuan's face was a little unsightly, no matter how unhappy she was, she couldn't show it.

"Of course Lan'er doesn't have such thoughts, I..."

The queen was a little impatient, and interrupted her again, "That's fine, pay attention to evidence in everything, don't just insist that others have done something bad."

Chang Liangyuan pursed her lips, feeling unwilling, but she didn't dare to talk back. Looking at Shen Chuwei and Tao Liangyuan, neither of them was a good thing.

The empress pretended to have something in her heart, she couldn't tell Shen Chuwei about the disappearance of the prince, for fear that she would be in a hurry, so she played with Susu and Taotao for a while, then went back to Fengyi Palace.

Shen Chuwei personally sent the queen out.

After everyone left, Tao Liangyuan raised her head and looked at Song Qing, her eyes were full of apology, "Mr. Song, I was all blamed just now, and I almost hurt you."

Song Qing recalled what happened just now. He had never been in contact with a woman before, and he didn't realize it for a long time. He didn't feel wrong that his lips touched Tao Liangyuan's.

Thinking of this, Song Qing hurriedly took a few steps back, bowed and saluted, "Tao Liangyuan, what happened just now was just an accident, let's pretend it didn't happen."

Tao Liangyuan looked at Song Qing's deliberate alienation. If Shen Chuwei hadn't appeared in time just now, they might not be able to clean up by jumping into the Yellow River.

And she did hide that kind of thought. Although she didn't do anything out of the ordinary, she did cross the line.

It almost got Song Qing involved.

"I see, there have been many disturbances recently, and I have caused trouble for Mr. Song."

After Tao Liangyuan finished speaking, she turned and left.

Song Qing lowered his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes until he walked out of the study, then he raised his head and looked towards the door.

After Shen Chuwei sent the queen away, she turned around and saw Tao Liangyuan, she went up to meet her, "How is it?"

Tao Liangyuan sighed helplessly: "It's too dangerous. I really shouldn't get too close to Song Qing with my current status. I'm lucky this time. Next time, if someone deliberately adds fuel to the scene, I'm afraid Song Qing will be hurt."

Shen Chuwei nodded in agreement, "There are too many people in the palace. It is indeed very dangerous for your current identity to be discovered. You can only return to your freedom after leaving the palace."

"I plan to leave the palace as soon as His Highness comes back. However, Song Qing is so good, I'm afraid he will be snatched away before that time. Even if he waits, Song Qing may not like a woman like me."

In the past few years Tao Liangyuan stayed in the palace, after reading so many scripts, she was still clear-headed and self-aware.

She is not outstanding, and her beauty is not very outstanding in the palace. The only thing she is good at is reading account books and settling accounts.

Shen Chuwei nodded in agreement again, "I'll find someone to help you."

Tao Liangyuan asked suspiciously, "Who can help me?"

Shen Chuwei said: "King Yu."

The next day, Shen Chuwei asked someone to call Xiao Jinyu over.

After Xiao Jinyu got married, he became a veritable wife-slave. Before going out, he had to report to his wife.

"Ayan, my sister-in-law told me to go to the East Palace for something."

Miss Han has been a little lethargic recently, and when she saw Xiao Jinyu lying on the bedside, that handsome face had lost its childishness and become a bit more mature.

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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