Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 471 I started to worry about Xiao Jinyan when I dragged my family to eat and drink

Chapter 471 I started to worry about Xiao Jinyan when I dragged my family to eat and drink
He was wearing a sapphire blue brocade robe and a jade crown of the same color on his head. His facial features became more three-dimensional and handsome with age.

"Go." Miss Han said lightly.

"Wait for me to come back." Xiao Jinyu stood up and walked to the door, then turned back, "By the way, I won't come back for lunch. My sister-in-law's small kitchen cooks delicious food, and I haven't eaten for a long time."

Miss Han: "..."

Xiao Jinyu stared at his daughter-in-law for a long time, only to see that she was bored, as if unhappy.

Miss Han yawned, seeing Xiao Jinyu standing still, she asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Xiao Jinyu was a little worried: "You stay in the dormitory every day and don't go out, what if you get overwhelmed? You go to Cengfan with me."

Miss Han shook her head and refused, "I'm too lazy to move now, let's go."

Xiao Jinyu hooked his lips and smiled: "It's okay, I'll take you."

Miss Han was stunned.

Xiao Jinyu bent down, lifted the blanket on her body, and hugged her horizontally. Miss Han instinctively stretched her arms around his neck, and looked at him incredulously, "Are you serious?"

"Of course, my husband will take you to eat delicious food." Xiao Jinyu smiled and strode out.

That extremely gentle tone made Miss Han startled again.

Xiao Jinyu strode out of the dormitory. He had someone prepare the sedan chair in advance, and it was at the door.

Cuiping saw the prince hugging Concubine Han from a distance, and felt a little indignant, "My lord, look, the prince went out with Concubine Han in his arms."

Wan Xin stopped watering the flowers, raised her head to look at the door, and saw Xiao Jinyu hugging Concubine Han, almost three months ago, Xiao Jinyu had never stepped into her room, even if she took the initiative to find him.

Xiao Jinyu stayed at Concubine Han's place every night, as if that was Xiao Jinyu's bedroom.

"My lord, you have to think of a way. Hurry up and take care of Concubine Han before she is pregnant." Cuiping's tone was a little anxious.

King Yu has no heirs so far. If anyone is happy at this time, the mother may become the main concubine by virtue of the son.

Wan Xin clenched the water bottle in her hand, watching the sapphire blue figure disappear at the door.

Inside the sedan chair, Xiao Jinyu hugged his wife firmly, looked down at her lazily leaning on his chest, and before he reached the East Palace, he lowered his head and kissed her tender lips.

Miss Han slowly opened her eyes, and she saw a magnified handsome face. At this time, he was extremely gentle, but he seemed to be a different person when he got on the bed.

Don't toss until she faints in the end, don't give up.

"Didn't you already..." The last two words were stopped abruptly by Xiao Jinyu's hand movements.

Xiao Jinyu pressed against her neck, gushing hot air on her neck: "You are too thin, there is no meat here."

Miss Han raised her eyebrows: "You hate it?"

Xiao Jinyu raised the corners of her lips, "Why would I dislike my wife? It's too late for the pain."

After Miss Han gave Xiao Jinyu a similar look, she leaned lazily in his arms.

After arriving at the East Palace, Xiao Jinyu walked out of the sedan chair with his daughter-in-law in his arms, and strode into the Hall of Hehuan.

"sister in law."

Shen Chuwei was knocking melon seeds, and when he heard the sound, he raised his head and saw Xiao Jinyu walking in with his wife in his arms, just to discuss something... Why did you drag the family here?

It is rumored that King Yu is a wife and slave, and it is true.

Unlike Xiao Jinyan, he didn't take her with him when he went out.

After Xiao Jinyu put his daughter-in-law on the couch, he sat down with him, not treating himself as an outsider at all, and began to order after sitting firmly, "Sister-in-law, I will have lunch with you, and cook more. My daughter-in-law recently I'm all thin, so I need to make more supplements, stew some chicken soup, and then have braised pork ribs with braised pork, minced meat vermicelli, eggplant with minced meat...that's all."

Miss Han: "..."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Do feelings treat her here as a restaurant?

I'm still staring at the old hen in her chicken coop~

Shen Chu took a slight look at Concubine Han, she seemed to have lost some weight, no wonder Xiao Jinyu felt so distressed.

Without Shen Chuwei's instructions, Chunxi withdrew to prepare.

Xiao Jinyu picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea, then turned around and handed it to his wife, "Drink some tea, the tea in Hehuan Palace tastes very good."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Can tea brewed with spiritual spring water be bad?
Miss Han took the teacup in his hand, held it to her lips, and took a couple of sips. The taste was indeed better than the tea from Qian Chengdian.

After taking a few sips, I found that my sleepiness dissipated a lot and I became more energetic.

Xiao Jinyu then picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and then asked, "Sister-in-law, you asked me to come, what's the matter?"

Shen Chuwei: "..." I finally remembered that I came here for something, not just to eat and drink~

"The new Tanhua, you know that, right?"

Xiao Jinyu took a sip of tea, "I know, the youngest Tanhualang, the whole capital knows."

Shen Chuwei asked again: "Then you know that many people want to recruit Taohua as their son-in-law?""

Xiao Jinyu nodded, "I know, Tanhua Songqing is well-educated, talented and beautiful, and he likes his daughter-in-law, there are countless of them."

Shen Chu licked melon seeds slightly, "Isn't Song Qing the dream lover of all the girls in the capital?"

Xiao Jinyu continued to nod, "You can say that."

Shen Chuwei smashed six melon seeds in a row. Song Qing is so popular, how can Tao Liangyuan win all the girls in the capital?

"No, His Highness is the most beautiful man in terms of appearance, and it's Song Qing's turn, right?"

Xiao Jinyu stopped drinking tea, looked at Shen Chuwei who spoke surprisingly, and said, "You really want my brother to become the dream lover of all the girls in the capital?"

Shen Chuwei corrected: "Of course not, I'm talking about His Highness's appearance."

Xiao Jinyu said: "Then you have to look at your identity? My brother is the prince, and the future prince, how can they think of it?"

"..." Shen Chuwei: "That's right."

"Why is my sister-in-law so concerned about Tanhua?" Xiao Jinyu stopped drinking tea, then suddenly raised his head to look at Shen Chuwei, and said seriously: "Sister-in-law, my brother is not at home, so you can't play three scenes and four, Song Qing can't do it again He is even better than my brother."

Miss Han: "..."

Shen Chuwei: "..." What kind of brain circuit~
Putting on a hot, handsome and dedicated husband who doesn't love her, and coveting Song Qing?

She's not out of her mind

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Xiao Jinyu rolled her eyes, "I was just joking, my sister-in-law is not stupid, my brother is so good."

Shen Chu coughed lightly, "I have a friend who has fallen in love with Song Qing, but my friend thinks Song Qing is too good and I don't think I'm good enough for him, so so many people rob Song Qing... we have to help her .”

Xiao Jinyu asked casually: "Who is your friend? Is it ugly?"

Shen Chu said seriously, "Of course not ugly."

not ugly?That is not pretty?

It's hard to help!

"Then how can I help?"

Shen Chuwei said today's key point, "As long as someone matches Song Qing, you're going to mess up the porn."

Xiao Jinyu said truthfully: "It's a bit wicked to do this."

Shen Chuwei didn't deny it either, "It's a bit."

Xiao Jinyu waved his hand, "It's okay, the sister-in-law's business is my business. I will go to Song Qing tomorrow and have an in-depth exchange with him."

When Shen Chuwei heard the words, he knew that he had found the right person.

"It's done, I'll send you an old hen."

As soon as Xiao Jinyu heard that there was an old hen, he happily took over the matter. The old hen stewed ginseng, which is the best way to make up for his daughter-in-law.

During lunch, Xiao Jinyu really didn't treat himself as an outsider, and kept picking up vegetables for his daughter-in-law.

Miss Han looked at the vegetables in the bowl piled up into a hill, she raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyu who was still picking up vegetables for herself, and said, "Enough."

Xiao Jinyu saw that the bowl was full, so he didn't continue to pick it up, "Then you hurry up and eat, and I'll pick it up when you're done."

"..." Miss Han lowered her head and ate the food in the bowl slowly.

Shen Chuwei was fed a big mouthful of dog food, and lowered his head to grab a few mouthfuls of food to comfort his abused soul.

After lunch, Xiao Jinyu ate and drank enough, picked up his daughter-in-law and strode away from Hehuan Hall.

Shen Chuwei held onto Xiao Jinyu's wife like a slave, she missed Xiao Jinyan so much, she hadn't seen Xiao Jinyan for three months, and she didn't say how long she would be back?
She rested her chin in both hands, "The letter from home this month has not come yet."

After Xiao Jinyan left, he would write a letter from home every month to report his safety, but this month was delayed for several days.

Shen Chuwei picked up the teacup, took a few sips of tea, then put on his shoes and walked out. As soon as he walked into the yard, he saw Chunxi and Qin Xiao, his subordinates.

They were talking and laughing, as if they were talking about something happy.

Qin Xiao likes Chunxi, who does Chunxi like?

Only Qin Xiao is a real man in Hehuan Palace, and the rest are all eunuchs~
Looking at Qin Xiao and Chunxi, she felt that they were a good match.

While embroidering, Chunxi said, "I've been idle recently, so I made you a pair of shoes, you can try them later."

"Okay." Qin Xiao looked down at the shoes on his feet. They were made for her by Chunxi last year. The soles of the shoes were worn out. He was reluctant to throw them away, so he kept wearing them.

Shen Chuwei came over, she really didn't want to disturb the chatting between the two, but she wanted to know why Xiao Jinyan hadn't written back yet.

"Qin Xiao."

Qin Xiao turned around and saw Shen Chuwei, who immediately stood up and saluted, "Prince Princess."

Shen Chuwei asked: "Why hasn't Your Highness sent back this month's family letter?"

Qin Xiao said: "My subordinates don't know either. Turn around and ask my subordinates."

Shen Chuwei was a little disappointed, "Okay, let me know as soon as you ask."

Qin Xiao lowered his eyebrows and nodded, "I obey."

Since that time, Tao Liangyuan didn't come so diligently, and only came to Hehuan Hall to chat with Shen Chuwei.

Shen Chuwei told Tao Liangyuan about King Yu's help, "Wang Yu is reliable in his work."

"I've thought a lot these days. Maybe Song Qing and I are destined to have no fate. He is too good." Tao Liangyuan sighed after finishing speaking, a little unwilling to finally meet someone she likes.

Shen Chuwei didn't know what was going on in Song Qing's mind, and she couldn't make a decision for Tao Liangyuan.

"You haven't seen Song Qing for some days, let's go, let's go to the study next door."

Tao Liangyuan was a little hesitant, but since he hadn't seen her for a few days, she really missed Song Qing, so she nodded and followed Shen Chuwei.

This time, she will not be alone with Song Qing, and will not put pressure and burden on him.

I haven't seen you for a few days, and I don't know if Song Qing is happy or...

 Good night, babies!

  Be coquettish and cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support! !

(End of this chapter)

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