Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 472 Tempted, let Lu Zhaoyan tell the prince fortune-telling

Chapter 472 Tempted, let Lu Zhaoyan tell the prince fortune-telling
When Shen Chuwei and Tao Liangyuan came, Song Qing was drinking tea and reading in front of the desk, while Taotao and Chu Lingfeng were practicing calligraphy.

Having reached the door of the study, Tao Liangyuan hesitated again.

Seeing her standing still, Shen Chuwei stretched out his hand and walked in. Tao Liangyuan was forced to follow. When he saw Song Qing, he hadn't seen her for a few days. He didn't change, but his eyes seemed to be different from before.

Song Qing paid the most attention to etiquette and rules. When she saw the Crown Princess and Tao Liangyuan coming, she immediately stood up and said, "Prince Princess, Tao Liangyuan."

Shen Chuwei said: "You continue to read, I'll come over to see how Taotao writes."

Song Qing nodded and went back to the desk to continue reading.

Shen Chu took a sideways glance at Tao Liangyuan, only to see that she shook her head, and she patted her shoulder reassuringly, and then came to Taotao's desk.

Tao Liangyuan watched Song Qing lower her head and continue to read. She didn't look for topics like before. She came to the bookshelf, took out a book and opened it. She didn't know why Song Qing liked reading sage books so much, but she didn't like to read them. The book that Shen Chuwei gave was beautiful.

She is holding the book at the moment, it doesn't matter whether she reads it or not, it's just pretending.

Tao Liangyuan heard the rustling sound of flipping books, which came from Song Qing. She looked at Song Qing's hairband, which was blue and embroidered with bamboo leaves.

"Book, take it down."

Tao Liangyuan was staring at the bamboo leaves when she suddenly heard Song Qing talking, because she was distracted and didn't hear what he said, she looked at Song Qing suspiciously.

Song Qing repeated: "The book is upside down."

Tao Liangyuan could hear clearly this time, she looked down at the book in her hand, and sure enough, she turned it upside down, her face flushed with embarrassment, and she hurriedly turned the book over to straighten it.

Seeing Tao Liangyuan's actions, Song Qing looked away, and the corners of her lips curled into an imperceptible arc.

Although Taotao is only 17 months old, she can clearly recognize the characters he wrote from the beginning of the ghost drawing. Compared with her peers, it can be said to be much better.

Shen Chuwei actually didn't have any requirements for her son, but as a royal family, she didn't ask for it if she didn't ask for it. Xiao Jinyan said that only this son, what if he isn't good?
Looking at the handwriting written by her son, she felt that it was already very powerful.

Taotao raised her head to look at her mother, and happily bent her phoenix eyes: "Mother's concubine."

Shen Chuwei boasted without hesitation: "My son is great. He can write when he is just over one year old. When my mother was over one year old, he only knew how to eat."

In fact, she doesn't remember what she was doing when she was as big as Taotao, but, thinking about her, she probably eats besides eating.

Taotao put down the vermilion pen, picked up the rice paper on the desk and happily held it up, "I want to show my father."

Shen Chu touched Taotao's head in a comforting manner, "When your father comes back, you can show it to him."

Taotao silently put down the rice paper, he hasn't seen his father for three months, he doesn't know why his father hasn't come back for so long.

Holding a pen in his hand, Chu Lingfeng looked at the warm scene of the princess getting along with the emperor's grandson with envious eyes.

"Small pot, low sugar."

Hearing the sound, Chen Lingfeng turned his head to look sideways, and saw the little princess raised her hand, in which was a candy wrapped in green candy paper, and then looked at her pink and tender face, looking at herself expectantly.

"Thank you little princess." Chu Lingfeng took the candy from her hand.

Susu happily took out another candy from the satchel and held it in front of Chu Lingfeng, "It's a small pot, and the nest is the second."

Chu Lingfeng glanced at the candy in front of him, then looked at her expected action, and roughly guessed that she wanted to peel off the candy wrapper.

He took the candy from her hand, and slowly peeled off the candy wrapper. Just as he peeled it off, a little hand stretched out impatiently, as if he was afraid of being eaten by him.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his lips, and he gave her the candy.

Susu stuffed the sugar into her mouth, and when she tasted the sweetness, she immediately raised her eyebrows happily.

She threw herself into Chu Lingfeng's arms, "Xiaoguopuo, let's go play together."

Chu Lingfeng put the sugar into his sleeve pocket, and looked at the little princess who suddenly threw himself into his arms, with those dark and shiny eyes that seemed to be able to speak.

"I'll play with you after I finish writing."

"Oh." Although Susu is small, she can understand the general meaning of Chu Lingfeng's words.

Shen Chuwei had already discovered that her precious daughter was coming, and she took her with her when she left, so as not to disturb Chu Lingfeng's handwriting practice.

Shen Chuwei told Tao Liangyuan that Xiao Jinyu planned to have an in-depth exchange with Song Qing.

Tao Liangyuan was a little worried, "King Yu won't use power to suppress people, right?"

Shen Chuwei reassured: "Don't worry, although Yu Wang has the potential of a little overlord, he has matured a lot after getting married and will not be so childish."

Tao Liangyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I'll fight for it."

After Tao Liangyuan left, Shen Chuwei took Susu to Xiyun Pavilion to see how the watermelon was doing, and wondered if he could hurry back to eat watermelon.

Xiao Bai followed closely behind, and none of the passing maids and eunuchs dared to approach.

After arriving at the Xiyun Pavilion, Shen Chuwei saw that the watermelon vines were growing well, and when she turned around, she found a person and a tiger lying on the fence next to the chicken coop.

Every time they come to Xiyun Pavilion, Susu and Xiaobai will stare at the chicken coop. The former wants to play with the chicks, while the latter wants to eat them.

Susu's little hand reached into the fence, pointed at the chicken and shouted, "Chiji, come out to play."

Not to be outdone, Xiaobai stretched his claws in, just howled, scaring a group of big chickens and chickens to paralysis~
Shen Chu called out slightly: "Susu, Xiaobai."

Susu turned her head and saw the concubine mother, immediately withdrew her hand and walked over.

Xiaobai also retracted his paws, and walked over with his head down. It walked very slowly, like a child who has done something wrong.

Susu hugged her mother's concubine's thigh, raised her small face and asked in a childish voice: "Mama, I miss my father's hotness."

Shen Chuwei looked at her daughter, feeling that this scene was very familiar.

In the afternoon, when Shen Chuwei woke up, he saw a small figure lying on the couch, reaching into the cabinet, grabbing a handful of candy and stuffing it into his satchel.

There are only three candies in the satchel every day, and they are gone after eating.

This will steal the candy, indicating that the candy in the bag is gone.

"Susu, you can't eat too much candy, be careful that your teeth are eaten by bugs." Shen Chuwei said and put the candy back in her bag.

Seeing that the sugar in the bag was gone, Susu threw herself into the arms of the concubine mother, and said aggrievedly: "Mama, I miss my father."

Shen Chuwei: "..." She realized why her daughter's behavior was so familiar, because when she met Xi, she often said this sentence...

Is this also hereditary?

Even so, Shen Chuwei didn't give Susu any candy.

When Qin Xiao came, he came from outside the palace, carrying a lot of things in his hands.

When passing by Chunxi, he put one of the bags in front of her, "It's for you."

Chunxi saw an extra bag of things in front of him, raised his head and saw Qin Xiao, "Why did you buy me something again?"

Qin Xiao said: "I bought it when I saw it. I will go to see the Crown Princess first."

Chun Xi nodded.

After Qin Xiao left, Chunxi opened the bag and saw a piece of cloth inside, the color was beautiful.

In addition to the cloth, there is also food, wrapped in oiled paper, it should be pastry.

Whenever Qin Xiao went out to buy things from the palace, he would buy some for Chunxi. He would buy something for food and use when he saw it.

When Shen Chuwei saw Qin Xiao coming in, he couldn't care less about eating, "Is your Highness's letter from home here?"

Qin Xiao shook his head, "No."

"Oh." Shen Chuwei withdrew his gaze in disappointment, seeing the big and small bags in Qin Xiao's hands, he knew they were for food without even looking at them.

She couldn't care less about food now, she looked back at Qin Xiao and continued to ask: "Then you asked why the letter from home this month has been delayed for so long and hasn't been delivered yet?"

Qin Xiao said: "My subordinates have already asked, but I still don't know the reason."

"Then I'll write a letter to ask." As Shen Chuwei said, he took out a pen and paper, and wrote a letter. The letter was not long, just a few hundred words.

After finishing writing, she folded the letter, put it in an envelope, sealed it, and handed it to Qin Xiao.

After the letter was sent, Shen Chuwei began to look forward to the reply.

The queen came here in a rush for lunch, and she hadn't eaten with the princess for some days, just in time to see her grandchildren.

Shen Chuwei looked at the queen on the opposite side, and took the chicken legs for Taotao and Susu. She thought of Xiao Jinyan, and asked, "Mother, Your Highness's letter from home this month has not been sent for more than ten days. Is the battle on the front line very intense?"

Shen Chuwei only learned about the frontline affairs in letters. Xiao Jinyan even won the battle, but now more than a month has passed, and he doesn't know how the battle is going.

The smile on the corner of the queen's mouth froze, that's why she didn't dare to come to the East Palace, because she was afraid that Shen Chuwei would ask her about the prince.

"I don't know either. Maybe it's because I'm too busy for not coming home? This time Daxia is facing not only the Xueyue Kingdom, but also the Fengqi Kingdom. The fierce battle is inevitable."

Thinking of the cruel and bloody scenes on the battlefield, Shen Chuwei couldn't help feeling a little worried: "Then he's too busy, he doesn't even have time to write letters, so he can't even sleep, right?"

The queen looked at the worried look on Shen Chuwei's face. If she knew that the prince had fallen off the cliff and disappeared, she would definitely be sad. She lowered her head guilty.

Susu took a bite of the chicken leg in her hand, puffed her cheeks and said, "Father, Wang Hui, come and buy a good one for the nest."

Shen Chu raised his head slightly to look at his daughter, only to see that her mouth was full of oil, and her chubby face was also shiny with oil. The stuffing in her mouth was not enough, and she was still thinking about her father coming back to buy food?
But having said that, Chunxi must kill one more chicken tomorrow, otherwise she won't have a chicken leg to eat.

The queen was afraid that she would leak her words, so she played with Susu for a while and then returned to Fengyi Palace.

At night, when the dog emperor came, the queen asked, "Have you found the prince?"

The emperor shook his head, "There is no news about the prince in Mobei for the time being. No news doesn't mean it's bad news. As long as you don't find it, it means you're still alive."

The queen also felt that what the dog emperor said made sense, "The concubine went to the East Palace to see her grandchildren today, and the princess asked about it. The prince's family letter did not arrive this month, and Susu also missed her father."

Susu hasn't seen her father for three months, so she will definitely think about it, but she is too young to understand anything.

"I have already sent someone to ask Lu Zhaoyan to come back quickly, and then ask Lu Zhaoyan to do a fortune telling for the prince."

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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