Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 480 "Ex-Girlfriend" Comes to Take Advantage

Chapter 480 "Ex-Girlfriend" Comes to Take Advantage

Xu Qingqing walked around the store and saw a blue skirt, which was the latest style in the store.

Xu Qingqing was also considered a regular customer, and the shop owner also knew that she was General Xu's legitimate daughter and a rich man, so he tried his best to promote this new dress.

"Xu Qianjin, this skirt is very suitable for you." The store owner said with a smile.

Xu Qingqing really liked it, and was about to ask the boss to wrap it up, when a flattering female voice came from behind: "Qingqing, long time no see."

Xu Qingqing turned her head and saw a woman in a light green dress, her best friend Zhang Yin'er who had a good time before entering the palace.

Originally, their identities had nothing to do with each other. Zhang Yin'er used to embroider some handkerchiefs and sachets for sale on the street. Xu Qingqing took a fancy to the handkerchiefs she embroidered, and they got to know each other after a while.

Zhang Yin'er is good at coaxing people, Xu Qingqing who is often teased is very happy, Xu Qingqing has always been generous to her friends, whatever Zhang Yiner likes, Xu Qingqing will buy it for her as long as she has enough money.

Zhang Yin'er walked over with a flattering smile, holding Xu Qingqing's hand, "Qingqing, I find that you are getting more and more beautiful."

Xu Qingqing looked Zhang Yin'er up and down, she was much thinner than herself before, but now she looks a little richer looking at the tight clothes.

"You seem to have gained weight."

Zhang Yin'er's face froze, and then she smiled and said perfunctorily: "After giving birth, you will be fatter, and when you have a baby in the future, you will definitely be fatter."

Xu Qingqing said: "Not necessarily, the princess is not fat after giving birth to twins, her figure is good, if I have children in the future, I won't let myself become fat."

Zhang Yin'er was just trying to put it off but she didn't expect to be severely hit. She had never seen the princess before, who knew she was fat or thin?

When she saw the blue skirt in the shop owner's hand, she immediately liked it very much. She held Xu Qingqing's hand as before, with a coquettish and flattering tone.

"Qingqing, this dress is pretty, it suits me very well."

In the past, as long as she said she liked it, Xu Qingqing would buy it and give it to her without saying a word.

Xu Qingqing glanced at Zhang Yin'er's thick waist, and then looked at the cyan skirt in the shop owner's hand, it was a very figure-defining one.

"Where does it fit? This skirt is suitable for thinner people. Look at your waist. It might look too tight."

Zhang Yin'er was immediately furious when she heard the words, but she didn't dare to lose her temper in order to get that dress, instead she said with a smile: "I'm a little fatter now, but I'll lose weight after a while, Qingqing, we are such good friends ,right?"

Caixia couldn't like Zhang Yin'er when she saw her. In the past, she always asked the young lady to buy this or that for her. She was too thick-skinned.

"Miss, it's getting late, we should go back."

"That's right." Xu Qingqing looked at the boss, "Wrap this up."

Zhang Yin'er showed a flattering smile when she heard the words, "Qingqing, can we go have dinner together later?"

Xu Qingqing readily agreed, "Okay, I certainly won't refuse if you want to treat me, then go to Fengxian Restaurant, the food there is the most suitable for me."

"Ah?" The smile on the corner of Zhang Yin'er's mouth froze. Fengxian Restaurant cost several taels of silver for any food, and it took her a year to earn back the embroidery.

"Qingqing, you see that I didn't bring any money when I went out today, please please this time, and I will please next time, okay?"

Xu Qingqing frowned, "You didn't bring any money and you made an appointment for dinner?"

Zhang Yin'er smiled awkwardly: "Qingqing, didn't I tell you to go eat with you? How lonely you are eating alone."

At this time, the shop owner took the packed clothes and handed them over with a smile, "Xu Qianjin, the clothes you want."

Zhang Yin'er happily reached out to pick it up, but when she was about to get it, Xu Qingqing took it halfway. She looked at Xu Qingqing suspiciously, "Qingqing, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Xu Qingqing told Caixia, "Pay the bill."

Caixia took out her purse, took out ten taels of silver and handed it to the shop owner.

"Qingqing, let me get the clothes." Zhang Yin'er stretched out her hand again but it was in vain.

"No need, Caixia can take it." Xu Qingqing handed the clothes to Caixia.

Caixia happily took it, and hugged her tightly, she almost thought that the young lady was going to give it to Zhang Yiner again.

Zhang Yin'er looked at Caixia holding the clothes, afraid that she would forget to give them to her when she went out later.

"Qingqing, give it to me, Caixia is so tired."

Caixia snorted: "Why do I feel tired when I carry things for Miss? It's not the first time I go shopping with Miss."

Zhang Yin'er thought to herself that it's a good thing she was more considerate, otherwise Caixia wouldn't give it to her.

"Qingqing bought it for me, how dare you let Miss Caixia take it?"

Caixia hugged and refused.

Zhang Yin'er could only look at Xu Qingqing, and asked with a smile, "Qingqing, tell me, did you give it to me?"

Xu Qingqing pointed to the pink dress and asked without answering, "Yin'er, what do you think of this pink dress?"

Zhang Yin'er saw the pink dress, and immediately asked Xu Qingqing to buy this one for herself, "It's very pretty, and it's not bad to buy this one."

"I like it too." Xu Qingqing looked at Zhang Yin'er, and said with a smile, "I bought you so many clothes and jewelry, so it's not too much for you to buy a piece of clothing for me?"

Zhang Yin'er is in this shop, and she can't afford to buy clothes that cost ten taels. She has been embroidering handkerchiefs for two years before selling them for ten taels.

"Qingqing, it's not that I don't buy it, it's that I don't have any money with me, how can I buy it for you?"

The shop owner said with a smile: "They are all acquaintances, and they can pay on credit."

Zhang Yin'er glared at the shop owner, she was not stupid to pay the ten taels of silver.

Xu Qingqing looked at me, Zhang Yin'er, with a smile, "Yin'er, you can pay me on credit."

"Qingqing, don't you have to pay back the credit? How can I have so much money? I embroider the little handkerchiefs every day, and I can't even get enough food and clothing." Zhang Yin'er burst into tears as she spoke.

Xu Qingqing looked at Zhang Yin'er and cried whenever she wanted, just like before, trying to win her sympathy.

"Okay, okay, let's go to Fengxianlou for dinner."

Zhang Yin'er wiped away her tears, "Qingqing, you are really kind, and you are my only friend."

Xu Qingqing: "..." The only friend, the only friend who works as a cash machine.

Xu Qingqing read modern Chinese books and learned a lot of modern words. Zhang Yin'er just used her as a cash machine, only going in and out.

Fengxian Restaurant is a place where Xu Qingqing often comes to, and all the shopkeepers know her.

Following the shop waiter to the private room, Zhang Yin'er started to order food as soon as she sat down.

"Buddha jumps over the wall, crystal elbow, steamed abalone, black chicken soup with ginseng..."

Xu Qingqing heard that Zhang Yin'er ordered all the signature dishes and the most expensive ones, she just watched without saying a word and let her order.

After Zhang Yin'er ordered the dishes she wanted to eat, she asked Xu Qingqing, "Qingqing, what do you want to eat?"

Xu Qingqing said: "That's all, I won't pick."

Zhang Yin'er turned her head to the shop waiter and said, "Then let's have another steamed cured meat."

"Okay." The waiter took the menu and exited.

After the dishes were brought to the table one after another, Zhang Yin'er couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks, picked up the crystal elbows and put them into the bowl.

Xu Qingqing ate slowly, looked up at Zhang Yin'er, she looked like she hadn't eaten in a few lifetimes, but then again, with Zhang Yin'er's family conditions, she couldn't afford Fengxian Tower at all, she had been in the palace for so many years, Zhang Yin'er I guess I haven't been here once.

After Xu Qingqing was full, she wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, stood up and was about to leave.

Zhang Yin'er saw that there were still a lot of dishes, so she hurriedly asked, "Qingqing, don't you want to eat?"

Xu Qingqing smiled and said: "Eat slowly, don't worry, if you can't finish eating, you can take it away."

Zhang Yin'er nodded happily, "What Qingqing said makes sense, then I will not be polite."

Xu Qingqing raised the corners of her lips, retracted her eyes and walked out.

Before going out, Xu Qingqing said to the shopkeeper, "I'll go first, and Zhang Yin'er will pay the bill."

This trick was learned from the script, and thinking of Zhang Yin'er's appearance when she had to pay so much money, she felt refreshed.

The shopkeeper sent Xu Qianjin away with a smile, and turned to go to the private room on the second floor.

The waiter in the shop worked through the abacus and said, "Miss Zhang, the total is 18 taels of silver."

"Go to Xu Qianjin to pay the bill. By the way, pack all of these." Zhang Yin'er pointed to more than half of the dishes left on the table, and she planned to pack them back for Xianggong to taste. He hadn't eaten the food at Fengxianlou yet.

"Xu Qianjin told you to pay the bill."

Zhang Yin'er was stunned on the spot by the shopkeeper's light words.

"Impossible, how could Qingqing let me pay the bill? I used to come here to eat with Qingqing, and it was Qingqing's treat." Zhang Yin'er stood up and walked out after speaking.

The shopkeeper yelled angrily: "You want to eat the overlord's meal? Come and stop her."

Two burly men at the door stopped Zhang Yin'er.

Zhang Yin'er had never seen such a formation before, and her legs went limp in fright, "What do you want to do?"

The shopkeeper said: "I will let you go after paying for the meal."

Zhang Yin'er cried immediately, "I'm just an ordinary woman, where can I get so much money?"

The shopkeeper said again: "Then I don't care about my business. I have a reason to make trouble in the Yamen."

As soon as Zhang Yin'er heard that she was going to the Yamen, her legs softened and she fell to the ground.

On the lively street, Xu Qingqing walked happily.

Caixia said happily: "Miss, this servant has discovered that you have become smarter."

Xu Qingqing helped the embroidery on her temples, and proudly said, "I've always been smart, okay?"

Caixia nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, Miss has always been smart, but she wasted a lot of money, but it's all worth it."

Xu Qingqing snorted: "I was young and ignorant before, but now it's not so easy to take advantage of me."

While the two were talking and laughing, a person suddenly rushed over from the opposite side and snatched the package from Caixia's hand.

"At the feet of the Son of Heaven, you actually dare to snatch things in the street. How brave." Seeing her favorite dress being snatched away, Xu Qingqing immediately chased after her.

Caixia was hit hard, and when she came to her senses, she saw Miss running far away, she hurried to catch up, "Miss, Miss."

Xu Qingqing chased all the way into the alley, and when she saw the robber who had nowhere to retreat, she picked up the wooden stick on the ground. Although she didn't have much skill, it was more than enough to deal with a young man.

Just as Xu Qingqing was about to beat up the robber with a wooden stick, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck, her eyes darkened, and she passed out.

His precarious body was hugged by the man behind him.

Meiyi Temple walked over with a folding fan, looked at Xu Qingqing who had fainted, and a smirk appeared on the corner of her lips: "Take it away."

But after a while, Caixia couldn't see Xu Qingqing's figure, she searched around but couldn't find it.

Seeing the streets full of people coming and going, Caixia immediately cried.

"Miss, miss, where have you been?"

When Xu Qingqing woke up, she found that she was in a carriage, because the wheels could be heard in her ears.

The back of the neck is still hurting, which also shows how ruthless the opponent is.

With a cloth strip stuffed in her mouth, she couldn't make a sound.

She suddenly thought of kidnapping, human traffickers, no matter what it is, it is not a good thing.

Not so unlucky, right?
It would be great if Jun Wuxian was here.

 Good evening, babies!

  Ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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