Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 481 Jun Wuxian is heartbroken to death, avenge her!

Chapter 481 Jun Wuxian is heartbroken to death, avenge her!

At this time, the first thing she thought of was him.

He is strong in martial arts, so he should be able to deal with the kidnappers easily.


The carriage stopped suddenly, and then, the body was lifted up.

After several times of tossing and turning, she heard the sound of the door opening. Before Xu Qingqing could react, her body was thrown heavily onto the bed without any sympathy.

Xu Qingqing struggled to sit up, but her hands were tied and she couldn't sit up at all. Then she found a hand touching her face suddenly. The cool touch felt like being entangled by a snake, which made people sick.

Because he was blindfolded, his eyes were pitch black, and he couldn't see anything, so naturally he couldn't see who the other party was.

That hand didn't intend to stop, fingers touched the corner of the mouth, and the fingers actually tried to go in.

She frowned and shook her head desperately, trying to stop the finger, but her chin was suddenly pinched hard, and she gasped in pain.

The lower jaw was squeezed tightly.

Also let her know that the other party is a hooligan.

Thinking of falling into the hands of hooligans, first of all, his reputation will definitely be lost.

When Xu Qingqing thought that her reputation would not be guaranteed, she suddenly became terrified. The most important thing for a woman is her reputation. If she loses her reputation...

Suddenly, the cloth strip from his mouth was pulled out, and the black cloth from his eyes was also ripped off.

After being blindfolded for too long, she was suddenly torn off, and she closed her eyes for a while feeling uncomfortable.

"Xu Qingqing, can you still refuse me this time?"

This voice is too familiar, she has been harassed all the time, and she will never forget it.

Meiyi Temple?
Xu Qingqing's eyes widened, and when she saw Mei Yisi's wretched face, she struggled to free her jaw from being restrained, "Mr. Mei, how dare you kidnap me?"

"Why don't I dare?" Mei Yisi looked down at Xu Qingqing's beautiful face, and stroked her hand again.

Then he came to the skirt, and when he looked up at Xu Qingqing, he smiled triumphantly.

"Not only did I dare to tie you here, but when you become a dead flower and a willow tree, let me see how you still look superior."

While speaking, with force on his hands, the skirt was pulled open, revealing the pink obscene clothes inside, and the slender straps looked more attractive on the snow-white skin.

Xu Qingqing had never encountered such a situation before, her face turned pale in a flash of fright, and her tears fell down in spite of herself.

"Meiyi Temple, you can't treat me like this. I'm the general's daughter-in-law. If you dare to do this, my father and my brother will not let you go."

Hearing this, Meiyi Temple seemed to hear a joke, he grabbed her hand and pressed it on top of his head, sneering: "When I have had enough fun, I will sell you to a brothel, so that they will never find you." your turn."

Xu Qingqing only felt a chill down her spine when she heard the words, and there was more resentment besides the fear, "Meiyi Temple, you are not human at all, you are a pervert."

"Pervert? It's appropriate for you to scold me later." Mei Yisi looked down at her. It was very difficult to get close to him before, but now, he felt that it was easy.

Xu Qingqing noticed Meiyi Temple's actions and struggled even harder. Tears flowed out of the corners of her eyes like broken beads because of fear.

"Meiyi Temple, don't touch me, do you hear me?"

"The more you cry and struggle, the more excited I am. It's much more interesting and touching than those women who offered to play with me."

As Mei Yisi said, her hand came to her waist, grabbed the belt and pulled it hard, and then untied the belt three or two times.

When Meiyi Temple possessed her body, Xu Qingqing opened her mouth and bit his neck forcefully, refusing to let go.

Blood flowed out in an instant, Mei Yisi yelled in pain, and when he struggled away, a large piece of skin was bitten off his neck.

In a fit of rage, Mei Yisi slapped her across the face, Xu Qingqing's face immediately swelled up, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

"Bitch, you dare to bite me, I can't kill you." Mei Yisi grinned when his wound hurt.

Xu Qingqing was terrified in her heart, but now she could only hold on, not letting her reputation be ruined.

"If you dare to touch me, I will bite you to death."

What she got in exchange was still two slaps, two slaps in a fit of anger, Xu Qingqing couldn't bear it at all, she just felt a burning pain in her cheeks, her head was dizzy, as if she was about to faint at any time.

Mei Yisi clutched his neck, the pain was unbearable, so he had to leave in embarrassment.

When Xu Qingqing heard the sound of closing the door, she fell back on the bed as if collapsed, and spat out the blood in her mouth with a few "peh peh".

She lay on the bed for a long time, still feeling dizzy, and finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fell asleep.

At this time, the general's mansion was in chaos.

Caixia searched for a day but couldn't find Miss, so she could only go home crying and told the young master that Miss was gone.

When General Xu heard that his daughter was missing, he immediately led people to search from house to house.

Caixia was crying out of breath, "It's all bad for the maidservant, it's all the slaveservant's fault for not watching Miss."

Xu Changfeng roared irritably, "What's the use of crying?"

Caixia twitched in fright, her shoulders shrugged uncontrollably.

When Xu Qingqing woke up again, it was already dark. She turned her head to look out of the window and found that the moon was already hanging on the treetops, which meant that it was already midnight.

She only had lunch, and she would be groaning with hunger.

No matter how hungry she is, she is afraid that Meiyi Temple will break in suddenly, she is really afraid.

If something so precious to her is taken away by scum, she will die in peace!
So important and so precious, it is natural to keep it for the one you love, until the wedding night.

Xu Qingqing thought of Jun Wuxian again, and suddenly burst into tears of grievance. If she couldn't escape this time, she might not have the chance to see him.

She touched the little bell in her hand, it hadn't rung for seven months.

She really hoped that Jun Wuxian would come down from the sky to save her like that time.

Hungry and wronged, Xu Qingqing couldn't control herself, as if crying would relieve the fear and grievance in her heart.

She didn't know when Xu Qingqing fell asleep again. She only knew that when she woke up again, she was in the carriage again. This time she was not blindfolded, but a cloth was stuffed at the corner of her mouth.

She found herself leaning against Meiyi Temple's arms, and when she turned around, she saw that disgusting face, no less than seeing a scourge, she shrank back in fright.

Meiyi Temple forgot the pain after the scar healed, and a piece of flesh was bitten off her neck yesterday, seeing her wake up now, she couldn't help but take advantage of her.

He put his hand on her waist, grabbed the belt, and untied it easily.

Xu Qingqing began to struggle violently again, trying to shake off the hand on her body.

Mei Yisi frowned, took out a small bottle from her arms, opened the bottle cap and poured out a pill, pinched her chin, took off the cloth strip and stuffed the medicine in.

Xu Qingqing had a hunch that it was not a good medicine, and was about to vomit it. Mei Yisi seemed to have guessed her thoughts, and poured the tea into her mouth with the teacup. .

Mei Yi Si pressed close to her ear, and said ambiguously: "This is a good thing, a good thing that can make you want to die."

Xu Qingqing immediately guessed that the medicine she was forced to swallow just now was a love potion, her complexion was a little ugly, and she turned pale from fear.

Immediately, it turned red again due to the effect of the medicine. She found that it was very hot, and it was getting hotter and hotter, as if being immersed in hot water, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Meiyi Temple couldn't bear it any longer, and began to untie her belt, throw away her outer robe, and went to take off her clothes.

The woman's clothes were more complicated. After taking it off for a long time, he took off the coat, followed by the middle coat. When he saw the pink obscene clothes inside, he stared straight at him.

Just when Meiyi Temple was about to take off the last obscene clothes, there was a sudden burst of pain, which made his face turn pale, and he was in extreme pain.

He looked down, only to realize that the culprit was Xu Qingqing, who was so dishonest even after being drugged.

Xu Qingqing stared at Meiyi Temple, holding on to the last bit of clarity, "Do you dare to touch me again?"

Meiyi Temple was in excruciating pain, worse than biting her neck.

In a fit of rage, he picked up the dagger on the table, pulled out the blade, and slashed towards that face.

Xu Qingqing only felt the burning pain on her face, which was more painful than the few slaps she received yesterday, so painful that she couldn't breathe.

She was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, how did she suffer from this crime?

Xu Qingqing felt that she was going to die, it hurt to death, but she was afraid that she would die like this, she hadn't waited for Jun Wuxian to come back, she was waiting for Jun Wuxian to find her.

She is so unwilling!

After Meiyi Temple realized it, she was stunned for a long time when she saw Xu Qingqing's pretty face being slashed twice by herself.

He hasn't played enough, how can he be disfigured?

Jun Wuxian was riding a horse and was rushing towards the capital, when he passed by a carriage, he sensed the emotion Gu.

But with a dazed effort, the carriage ran away.

He looked back at the carriage and frowned. How could Xu Qingqing be in that carriage?
Jun Wuxian withdrew his gaze and continued on his way. After running for about a mile, he suddenly tightened the reins and turned his horse to catch up.

Meiyi Temple was no different from a lunatic at this time, he put down the dagger in his hand, and stretched out his hand to tear off the pink obscene clothes, just as he stretched out his hand, the roof of the carriage was violently toppled over.

Jun Wuxian jumped onto the roof of the car from his horse, and was stunned when he saw the scene inside the car.

Xu Qingqing always carries the sensory Gu with her. When he approaches, Xu Qingqing should know that he is coming. Normally, she would open the curtain of the car to see if he is nearby.

But it didn't happen this time, so Jun Wuxian felt that something was wrong.

It's just that he didn't expect to see such a scene, his eyes turned red immediately, he clenched the saber in his hand tightly, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Jun Wuxian got out of the car, swiped his sword and swept at Meiyi Temple's arm, the hand holding the obscene clothes was chopped off, and a howl sounded.

Jun Wuxian's sword was fast and accurate, he lowered his head and hugged Xu Qingqing, and untied the cloak on his body to wrap her body tightly.

Xu Qingqing half-closed her eyes, and when she saw Jun Wuxian's handsome face, she froze for a moment, and seemed to concentrate all of a sudden.

"Jun Wuxian, you've come." After speaking, he cried again.

Every time Jun Wuxian sees Xu Qingqing, he always looks like a pampered young lady. He has never seen her so weak, as if she is going to die in the next second.

He comforted in a gentle voice: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Xu Qingqing wanted to say a few more words, but her eyes went dark and she didn't know anything.

The carriage was also forced to stop at this time.

Jun Wuxian stood on the carriage holding Xu Qingqing in his arms, looking at the crying Meiyi Temple, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The followers of Meiyi Temple drew out their sabers and slashed at Jun Wuxian.

Jun Wuxian surrounded Xu Qingqing with one hand, and clenched the sword with the other, but with one move, several followers were killed.

Meiyi Temple saw that his guard was wiped out so easily by the man in front of him, and he didn't even have the last reliance.

Jun Wuxian raised the long sword in his hand and pointed it at Meiyi Temple, which made Meiyi Temple shout angrily: "You, you can't kill me, my father is the minister of the court, if you kill me, you don't even want to live .”

 Good night spicy, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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