Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 483 Are you willing to marry an ugly 1 monster?guarded her all night

Chapter 483 Are you willing to marry an ugly monster?guarded her all night

Jun Wuxian picked up the tea cup and drank it slowly, seeing Xu Qingqing looking at him in shock, he smiled lowly: "Scared?"

"How could I be scared? He deserved it!" Xu Qingqing was indignant, she looked at Jun Wuxian with some concern, "But, aren't you afraid? If the Mei family pursues it, you will be in trouble."

Jun Wuxian said quietly: "I'm not even afraid of killing people, and of course I'm not afraid of being held accountable. Didn't you say that he deserved what he deserved?"

Seeing that Jun Wuxian seemed to be really not afraid, Xu Qingqing thought of his excellent martial arts, "If something happens, you should run away first, and let my father clean up the mess."

"Since I dare to do it, I'm not afraid, you don't have to worry about me." Jun Wuxian picked up the teacup, and took a few sips of hot tea slowly.

"By the way, I've been missing for so long, my father must be in a hurry, I want to go back." Xu Qingqing stood up and wanted to go out, but was stopped by Jun Wuxian.

"It's very late now. You have injuries on your face. You should rest more. I'll let Chu Zhao go back and report your father's safety."

Xu Qingqing hesitated, "But, what if my father doesn't believe it?"

"Your father is a general, so he has his own ability to judge. If the kidnappers will report your father's safety?" Jun Wuxian asked back.

Xu Qingqing thought for a while and said, "What you said makes sense, then ask Chu Zhao to tell my father that I'm fine, so he can rest assured."

Jun Wuxian asked, "Did you hear that?"

Chu Zhao, who was guarding the door, hurriedly replied: "I heard this, I will go to the capital to deliver the letter."

There is still a long way to go from here to the capital, and Chu Zhao rode a fast horse back to report his safety.

After Xu Qingqing ate and drank enough, she felt drowsy, but she didn't want to sleep, because she was afraid that when she woke up, she would find that she was dreaming. Jun Wuxian didn't fall from the sky, and a hero came to save the beauty.

Xu Qingqing has been greatly frightened these two days, after Jun Wuxian comforted her to go to bed and lie down, he comforted her: "You rest first, if there is something to knock on the wall, I can hear it from the next door."

After Jun Wuxian finished speaking, he stood up and was about to leave, but before he took a step, he found that his sleeves were being pulled, and when he turned around, he saw Xu Qingqing's eyes full of reluctance.

"what happened?"

Xu Qingqing dare not fall asleep now, let alone stay in the house alone, only with Jun Wuxian by her side, can she feel at ease.

Seeing that she was silent, Jun Wuxian asked again: "What's wrong."

Xu Qingqing hesitated for a while, "I'm afraid, can you stay with me?"

Jun Wuxian evoked a slight smile: "What should I do, if you don't mind..."

Xu Qingqing answered without waiting for him to finish, "I don't mind."

"That's good." Jun Wuxian came back and lifted up his clothes and sat down again.

Xu Qingqing grabbed Jun Wuxian's sleeve, and she didn't feel at ease until he sat down.

"Jun Wuxian, will I be disfigured?"

Jun Wuxian saw with his own eyes the cuts on her face, which were deep and bloody. He didn't know whether Xu Qingqing's face would be able to recover. He couldn't give her hope and let her down.

"You care so much about your looks?"

Xu Qingqing said: "Of course, there are two things that are most important to a girl, one is fame and the other is face, if one is missing, life would be worse than death."

Jun Wuxian corrected: "The most important thing is to be alive."

Xu Qingqing retorted: "But alive, if you lose these two things, what's the point of living?"

Jun Wuxian reassured: "Women are the ones who please themselves. If the person who admires you doesn't care about your appearance, you can ignore those external things."

Xu Qingqing asked back: "I want you to marry an ugly monster, are you willing?"

Jun Wuxian asked suspiciously: "Why should I marry an ugly monster?"

Xu Qingqing was startled when she heard the words, yes, who wants to marry an ugly monster?I'm afraid that the blind date man she rejected by him before is also unwilling to marry her.

"Even you say you won't marry an ugly monster, let alone other men. Who doesn't look at faces? I also look at faces."

As Xu Qingqing said, she lowered her eyes aggrieved. When she didn't see Jun Wuxian, she still thought that if he came back, she would confess her love.

Now that this happened, how could she confess?Who has the face to confess?

Jun Wuxian paused when he heard that, it is normal for girls to care about their appearance.

"I'll find you the best doctor to treat the wound on your face."

Xu Qingqing looked at Jun Wuxian's earnest face and comforted herself, she was not stupid, if he said that, her face would definitely not get better.

"I told my brother before, what to do if I'm too picky to marry, but now it's not me who picks others, it's others who pick me. Even so, I don't want to marry casually."

"My whole life is destined to be alone."

Xu Qingqing said the last sentence in a very low voice, as if she was talking to herself.

Jun Wuxian still heard it with extraordinary hearing, he looked down at Xu Qingqing, and saw that her eyes were closed tightly, her breathing was even, and she could tell she was asleep at a glance.

When had he seen Xu Qingqing who was so sad?
The Xu Qingqing he knew was confident and a bit arrogant, but just right enough not to be annoying.

Just disfiguring her face completely wiped out her arrogance.

When he saw her grabbing a corner of his sleeve, he realized that he hadn't let go of it since the moment just now.

At this time, the general's mansion was brightly lit.

Chu Zhao rushed back to the capital overnight and galloped all the way to the general's mansion.

As soon as Chu Zhao got off his horse and walked to the general's mansion, he was stopped by two guards, "The general is busy, so he won't be picking up guests for now."

Chu Zhao didn't talk nonsense, and directly explained the purpose of coming, "I came to the General's Mansion under the order of Xu Qianjin."

The guards looked at each other, and then brought Chu Zhao in to see the general.

General Xu is in his early 50s. He spends years outdoors on the battlefield. His complexion is a healthy wheat color.

He took his son to search for a day and a night, but he couldn't find his precious daughter, and his mental state was obviously not as good as before.

The guard came in ahead of time to report, "General, some people say that the person sent by the lady wants to see the general."

When the general heard the news about his daughter, he immediately regained his spirits, "Let him in."

Chu Zhao came in with the guards, stepped forward and made a fist-cup salute, "General Xu, Qianjin Xu asked me to come back and tell General Xu that Qianjin Xu is fine at the moment, so General Xu can feel at ease."

General Xu stood up abruptly when he heard the words, and asked, "Then where is my daughter? Why didn't she come back and asked you to come back and report?"

Chu Zhao replied neither humble nor overbearing: "General, don't worry, Xu Qianjin will come back tomorrow, and then General Xu can ask her in person."

Xu Changfeng took a few steps forward and asked, "Are you sure my sister is safe and sound?"

Chu Zhaodao: "Xu Qianjin is safe now, what happened, it would be better for General Xu to ask Xu Qianjin himself tomorrow."

After repeated confirmation, General Xu believed that his daughter was fine.

The next day, when Xu Qingqing woke up, she saw Jun Wuxian sitting by the bed, and found that he was staring at her without blinking, and she blushed.

"Why are you still by my bed?"

Jun Wuxian glanced at the large piece of sleeve in her hand, "Look for yourself."

Xu Qingqing looked at her hand with doubts, and found that her hand was tightly grasping Jun Wuxian's sleeve, and was still pressing under her head.

She actually caught it all night?
Seeing that it was dawn, Jun Wuxian originally wanted to go out to wash up, but Xu Qingqing grabbed and pressed his sleeves. He tried harder because he was afraid of waking her up, so he continued to sit and wait for her to wake up.

Xu Qingqing loosened her sleeves in embarrassment, and let Jun Wuxian leave.

After the two washed up one after another, they sat at the dining table to eat.

Jun Wuxian took his chopsticks and ate slowly, "After lunch, I'll take you home."

Xu Qingqing nodded vigorously, "Well, they must be very worried about me."

Jun Wuxian picked up a lot of food for her, "Eat more, your parents will definitely feel distressed when they see you lose weight."

"Now, they can't force me to go on a blind date. Who wants an ugly monster?" Xu Qingqing ate Jun Wuxian's food. After a night of precipitation, she still couldn't accept the fact that she was disfigured.

Jun Wuxian reassured: "The most important thing is the inside. Good-looking skins are the same, and interesting souls are one in a million, understand?"

Xu Qingqing thought this sentence looked familiar, she seemed to have seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration.

Come to think of it, it's a sentence in the script.

She looked at Jun Wuxian with doubts, "Where did you hear this sentence?"

Uh!Jun WuXian paused when he heard the words, and then said perfunctorily, "It's just what I heard."

Xu Qingqing didn't believe it, "How can I remember that it's a sentence in the story book?"

Jun Wuxian brought her some more food, "Eat, go back early after eating, otherwise your parents should be in a hurry."

Xu Qingqing glanced at Jun Wuxian suspiciously, always feeling that he was lying to her.

It was already afternoon when we returned to the General's Mansion, and General Xu and others were waiting anxiously in the mansion.

The guard saw a carriage parked at the door, and when he saw the people getting off the carriage, he was puzzled for a few seconds.

Chu Zhao stepped forward and reminded: "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and tell the general that Xu Qianjin is back."

After the guard came back to his senses, he was stunned for a while, and then he turned and ran in, "General, General, Miss is back."

Xu Qingqing followed Jun Wuxian all the way into the General's Mansion, and as soon as she reached the front hall, she saw her father, mother, and younger brother, and she felt aggrieved immediately.

She threw herself into the general's arms, "Father."

The general looked at his daughter up and down, and finally asked the veil that fell on her cheeks, "Qing'er, what happened? Why did you disappear suddenly? And why is your face covered with a veil?"

The general's wife saw her daughter crying uncontrollably.

Seeing the faces of her father and mother who seemed to have aged several years, Xu Qingqing couldn't hold back her tears for a while, "Father, it's a long story, let's go in and let our daughter tell the story one by one."

The general grabbed his daughter's wrist and walked inside, "Okay, let's go in and talk first, go in and talk."

Xu Qingqing walked a few steps, thinking of Jun Wuxian behind her, she hurriedly stopped and looked back at Jun Wuxian.

Jun Wuxian waved the folding fan in his hand and looked at the scene in front of him calmly, until Xu Qingqing turned around, he smiled slightly, and finally remembered that he was the savior.

Xu Qingqing introduced: "Father, let me introduce you, he is Jun Wuxian, my daughter's friend, and also her daughter's lifesaver."

General Xu turned his head to look at Jun Wuxian, he smiled lowly: "So it's Mr. Jun, please come inside."

Jun Wuxian nodded and followed in.

Xu Qingqing truthfully told her father and family what happened to her.

After hearing this, General Xu immediately became angry, drew out his sword, and rushed out, "What a Meiyi Temple, you dare to hurt my daughter, I will arrest him and bring him to justice."

Xu Qingqing stepped forward to stop General Xu, and told the truth, "Father, my daughter has already killed Meiyi Temple."

She didn't say that Jun Wuxian killed him. Jun Wuxian had already saved him, so he couldn't let him bear another murder case.

In case this matter comes to light, it has nothing to do with Jun Wuxian.

Jun Wuxian paused while drinking tea, then raised his head and looked at Xu Qingqing suspiciously.

 Good night, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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