Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 484 Chapter 484 If you keep him, you can see him every day. Two killers are too unlucky

Chapter 484 Chapter 484 If you keep him, you can see him every day. The two killers are too unlucky

The general clapped his hands and applauded immediately when he heard the words, "Well done, it's not a pity to kill such a beast."

"Daughter, don't be afraid. With daddy around, no one will dare to hurt you. Death will be easier for him."

Xu Qingqing was so moved, "My daughter knows that her father treats her best."

The general's wife was terrified after hearing the general process. She hugged her daughter into her arms distressedly, looked at the veil on her cheek and asked, "Qing'er, why are you wearing a veil?"

Xu Qingqing touched her face, her eyes darkened: "Mother, my face is hurt."

General Xu looked at his daughter distressedly: "Did that beast do it?"

Xu Qingqing nodded.

The general's wife caressed her daughter's cheek in distress, she was careful not to hurt her.

"Is it serious? Have the doctor read it?"

Xu Qingqing couldn't bear to tell her mother that she was disfigured, but she didn't want to lie to her. If she found out in the future, she might as well just tell her now.

"Have seen it, it may be disfigured."

The general's wife was stunned, and even General Xu, who was fighting on the battlefield, was also stunned.

The general's wife came to her senses and hugged her daughter into her arms again, the tears that had just stopped dripping from the corners of her eyes again.

"Qing'er, my poor child."

General Xu shouted: "Why are you crying? As long as Qing'er is safe."

The general's wife retorted: "What do you know? What girls care about most is their face."

Jun Wuxian was sitting by the side drinking tea, listening to General Xu's family's concern for Xu Qingqing, he thought of Xiao Jiu, who was also doted on by the family.

After confirming that Xu Qingqing was safe and knowing the ins and outs, Xu Qingqing took Jun Wuxian to visit the back garden. This was Jun Wuxian's first visit to her house.

Xu Qingqing raised her head and looked at Jun Wuxian. This was the second time she met him in regular clothes. The last time she saw him he was wearing purple clothes. This time she was wearing moon white, which was equally good-looking.

Jun Wuxian looked at the General's Mansion, and felt someone staring at him, he turned his gaze away and found Xu Qingqing was staring at him without blinking.

"Look at what?"

Xu Qingqing boasted without hesitation: "You look good in moon-white clothes."

Jun Wuxian smiled lowly, "I didn't realize that you are so good at complimenting others."

Xu Qingqing said something in her heart, praise depends on people, and I don't praise people casually.

"How long do you plan to stay in the capital?"

Jun Wuxian: "Maybe I will leave after a few days."

"Oh." Xu Qingqing was a little disappointed, and left after a few days. I don't know when the next meeting will be.

She suddenly raised her head and looked at Jun Wuxian, "Then you can stay at my house for a few days, it's more comfortable than staying in an inn."

Jun Wuxian didn't refuse, "Okay."

Xu Qingqing was a little happy to see that she agreed, and she could see Jun Wuxian every day in the next few days.

"By the way, have you found your sister?"

Jun Wuxian sighed, "How can it be so easy, I have been missing for nine years, if it was so easy to find, I would have found it long ago."

Xu Qingqing was actually a little happy when she heard the words, not because Jun Wuxian didn't find her sister, but because she came back to see her even if she didn't find her.

"It's really more difficult for you to find it alone, but you can definitely find it."

Jun Wuxian didn't explain too much, how could Xiaojiu be the only one looking for him when he lost it?

"My greatest wish now is that she will be safe and sound."

Shen Chuwei drove for eight days in a row, the horses and carriages alternated, and those who felt pain from riding the horses took the carriage.

But she learned to be smart. After the first time riding a horse, the skin was severely worn out, and she took out a sponge cushion from the space and put it on the saddle, so that she could ride for a day.

Still staying overnight at the inn today.

As the sky darkened, Shen Chuwei lay on the fence on the second floor, looking at the crescent moon above her head. At this moment, she was thinking about her baby son and daughter, but also about Xiao Jinyan, and she was even more worried about Xiao Jinyan.

I don't know if Xiao Jinyan found it.

Xiao Jinyu pushed open the door and walked out, seeing the figure on the fence not far away, and by the light above his head, he recognized Shen Chuwei at a glance.

He raised his foot and walked over, "Sister-in-law, are you still asleep?"

Shen Chuwei changed into a more comfortable position, and tilted his head to look at Xiao Jinyu who was walking over, "Aren't you asleep too?"

"I miss my daughter-in-law." Xiao Jinyu sat down on the fence, waved a folding fan, and said quietly: "I have never been separated from her, and I really want to be separated for so many days suddenly."

Shen Chu nodded slightly to express his understanding, "It's not normal for a man not to want his wife."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinyu stared at Shen Chuwei for several seconds, and suddenly understood, he smiled: "Sister-in-law understands well."

Shen Chu sighed slightly, "You only think about your wife, I not only miss His Highness but also my babies, I'm busier than you."

"That's right, I'll help my sister-in-law share a little." Xiao Jinyu said solemnly: "Then I just miss Taotao and Susu. You spend more time thinking about the prince's brother."


Shen Chuwei put his hands on his chin, continued to look at the moon above his head, and said, "Your Highness, don't know what to do now?"

Xiao Jinyu comforted: "Brother Prince will be safe and sound, don't worry, sister-in-law."

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, "I think so too."

After chatting for a while, Shen Chu stretched slightly and went to sleep.

Xiao Jinyu also went back to his room to sleep.

dead of night

Two black figures flew over the eaves and walls of the inn under the moonlight, and landed neatly from the roof onto the corridor, and then came to Shen Chuwei's room with cats.

One of them was guarding the door, and the other was in front of the window. He took out a bamboo tube from his pocket, pierced the window paper with his fingers, carefully inserted the bamboo tube, and then blew in the misty smoke in the bamboo tube.

After all this was done, the man in black who was guarding the door took out a dagger from his pocket, poked it secretly into the crack of the door, and easily removed the bolt.

Hearing only a slight sound, the man in black withdrew his dagger and gently pushed open the door and walked in, aiming at the person on the bed.

The two men in black looked at each other, drew out their long knives, lifted them up and slashed at the bed.

Right here, Shen Chuwei, who was sleeping, rolled over, took out a dart from the space and shot it at the man in black.

She kept the darts in the space all the time, to pass the time when she was bored.


In the dark room, two screams came to mind.

Shen Chuwei took the opportunity to kick the man in black violently.

Turn left and retreat, and right uppercuts take turns.

When all the dust settled, Shen Chu clapped his hands slightly, and slowly lit the lamp. The dark room instantly lit up, and at the same time, she saw the man in black lying on the ground moaning in pain.

The two darts hit the man in black's eyes respectively, leaving the rest on his chest and thighs.

After being beaten up by her, his face was swollen like a pig's head.

One of them was holding a machete in his hand, and the posture just now was to kill her.

Xuetuan stood on the bed and called out, "Meow"

Fortunately, Xue Tuan reminded her just now, otherwise she would suffer disaster if she slept so deeply.

At this moment, the door was kicked open.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?" Xiao Jinyu lived next door, and hurriedly got up when he heard the sound of fighting, and was stunned when he saw the situation inside clearly.

Shen Chuwei looked back at the door, and saw Xiao Jinyu who was only wearing a white jacket. She shrugged, "I'm fine, I met a killer, but unfortunately I'm not good at learning."

Xiao Jinyu believed it to be true, "It's a good thing I'm not good at learning. If it's a powerful killer, if something happens to my sister-in-law, how can I explain to the prince brother? How can I explain to Taotaosusu?"

The man in black who was about to faint: "..." You are not good at learning, and your whole family is not good at learning~
Xiao Jinyu strode in, squatted in front of the man in black to check, saw the dart on the man in black, looked up at Shen Chuwei suspiciously, "Sister-in-law, you shot the dart?"

Shen Chuwei nodded seriously, "I shot randomly, but unfortunately they were unlucky and got shot."

Xiao Jinyu was convinced, "Then they are really unlucky."

Shen Chuwei also felt that they were unlucky, seeing that the man in black was still twitching and not dying, "I don't know who sent them, you interrogate them."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I'll let General Xu handle this matter." Xiao Jinyu stood at the door and shouted before two guards walked in.

Xiao Jinyu pointed to the two dogs on the ground and said, "Drag them down and let General Xu interrogate them."

"Subordinates obey."

Each of the two guards dragged one out, just like that.

Shen Chuwei yawned, "I'm so sleepy, I'll go to bed first, you go out and close the door."

Xiao Jinyu watched Shen Chuwei walk to the bed, go directly to the bed and lie down, and suddenly two killers barged in, how could he still sleep so calmly?
"it is good."

After Xiao Jinyu went out, he closed the door by the way.

He was a little worried, and called two guards to guard the door.

When the man in black came into the hands of General Xu, he was about to be interrogated when he was found to have committed suicide by taking poison.

The next day, when Shen Chuwei learned about it, she felt a little regretful.

No matter how regrettable it is, it is impossible to stop going to Mobei because of the two killers.

After breakfast, Shen Chuwei rode on the tall horse, and before going up, she put a sponge cushion on it.

Xiao Jinyu came over and stared at the cushion under Shen Chuwei's buttocks very curiously, because Shen Chuwei couldn't stand riding a horse for half a day before, but now he can ride for a day.

Although he is a man, no matter how thick his skin is, he can't stand riding a horse every day. His thighs are red and painful when they get wet.

"Sister-in-law, what did you put on? Give me one too."

"No problem." Shen Chu slightly bent down to untie the bag, and took out a new cushion from it to Xiao Jinyu, "Here you are."

"Thank you sister-in-law." Xiao Jinyu happily pressed the cushion and came to the front of the horse. After the cushion was placed, he got on the horse. After sitting on the cushion, he found that it was super soft, and he couldn't feel any pain in the inner thigh.

He regretted that he didn't ask Shen Chuwei for a cushion earlier, and suffered from the bumps in vain.

Xiao Jinyu was about to whip his whip, when he saw the thing on Shen Chuwei's face, he drove the horse over.

"Sister-in-law, what are you wearing on your face?"

Shen Chuwei introduced: "An anti-sunshine and dust-proof hooded mask, exposed to the sun every day, the skin will not only be dark, but also dry and peeling. Wearing this will not have these problems."

Xiao Jinyu touched his face subconsciously. After dozens of days of wind and sun, his skin was dry, peeling and darkened a lot.

He beat his chest regretfully for a moment, why didn't he and Shen Chuwei ask for a sunscreen and dustproof hooded mask earlier.

"Sister-in-law, you are too mean, don't give it to me."

Shen Chuwei expressed her innocence, "I thought you men didn't care about these things."

 Good evening babies!

  Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!
  About Jun Wuxian and Xu Qingqing, I will write later, and the relationship will make some progress.At present, Jun Wuxian doesn't know that he likes Xu Qingqing.

(End of this chapter)

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