Chapter 488
The man paused as he drank tea, and felt something jump on his lap. Since he couldn't see it, he could only vaguely guess that his lap was a small animal.

He put the teacup in his hand on the table, and he had done the movements he was used to, so he could place it on it accurately.

Shen Chuwei also came to her senses at this time, she took a few steps forward, hugged Xuetuan from the man's lap, and touched Xuetuan's head.

How did you run into the arms of a stranger?If the other party is a bad person, if they sell you immediately, you won't be able to see your master, understand?
Shen Chuwei took out the words of training the children and gave the snow ball a lesson, but he did it in his heart, but all the men on the opposite side heard it.

At first, he thought that the person in front of him was speaking inappropriately, but then he realized something was wrong.

After training the snow group, Shen Chuwei looked at the man in front of him again, and smiled awkwardly: "My lord, I'm sorry, my pets seldom throw themselves into my arms, don't worry, I will teach it when I go back, There will be no such problems in the future.”

The man frowned imperceptibly, "Who are you?"

Shen Chuwei was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and felt that the man's voice was a little familiar, "I'm a doctor."

The man obviously had some doubts, "Doctor?"

Shen Chuwei didn't hear the man's questioning. She lowered her head and looked at the man in front of her. Although her eyes were covered with gauze, she could still see that the man's facial features were good, but unfortunately she couldn't see them.

Looking at his legs, it is likely that his legs are disabled in a wheelchair.

I don't know whether it is born or acquired, and it can be cured after birth.

But these are things she should worry about.


At this time, a sharp female voice suddenly appeared behind him, "Who are you?"

Shen Chu slightly turned his head to look behind him, and found that it was a woman in a red dress. The woman also wore a scarf on her head, which perfectly presented her oval face. Looking at the fabric, she could guess that the other party should be from the royal family.

This person is Ouyang Leyuan, the youngest daughter of the patriarch.

Because of the hot weather, the clothes on the woman's body are a bit revealing compared to the big summer clothes.

Half of the arms and calves were exposed, and even a section of the waist was exposed.

The woman has long and curly hair, and with this oval face, she looks a bit enchanting.

These clothes are much cooler than big summer clothes.

"I am a doctor who reveals the imperial list to treat diseases."

Ouyang Leyuan immediately understood when she heard the words, she looked at the young man in front of her, she didn't know if he was 15 years old, but he looked very beautiful, how could he know medical skills at such a young age?

"Then why did you come here? You know medicine at such a young age? My Xing Miao man is as old as you, and he is still studying in the school."

Shen Chu explained in a neither humble nor overbearing manner: "My pet ran around just now, and I followed the pet to discover this water pavilion. It doesn't matter how old I am, what matters is that I know medical skills."

Ouyang Leyuan said: "If that's the case, let's go, otherwise my elder brother won't see anyone and think you are someone with ulterior motives who sneaked into the imperial city on purpose."

Shen Chu felt guilty inwardly, she might have ulterior motives, if I hadn't found someone, I wouldn't be bothered to reveal the imperial list, that three or something, even if cured, she wouldn't live long.

"I'm leaving now."

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he hugged the snow ball and left the waterside pavilion. As soon as he got out of the waterside pavilion, it was extremely hot outside.

At this point, the man was in shock.

Who wouldn't be surprised or shocked when hearing other people's inner thoughts for the first time?

The point is, he can only hear what the doctor is saying.

After the man calmed down his shocked expression, not only did he know that Ouyang Jingyuan was cured and he would not live long, but he also knew that he had a purpose in entering the imperial city.

Ouyang Leyuan walked up to the man and squatted down, looked at the man's face, and asked with some concern: "How do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

The man's voice was cold: "There is nothing uncomfortable, it's just..."

Ouyang Leyuan asked: "Just what?"

The man lowered his head and said sadly: "I can't see it, and it's inconvenient to walk."

Although Ouyang Leyuan is healthy, it should be extremely painful to understand that a normal person who suddenly cannot see and cannot walk.

"Don't worry, I will find a doctor for you and heal your eyes and your legs."

The man reminded: "The doctor just now seems to have good medical skills."

But Ouyang Leyuan snorted: "It's just a child, what kind of medical skills can he know? I think he is a liar who eats and drinks. I don't know how many people like this have come since two years ago. I will find another one for you. doctor."

The man paused when he heard this, "Then wait until he can cure your third brother's illness. If he can be cured, it means his medical skills are good."

Ouyang Leyuan nodded, "Okay, if he can really cure my third brother, it means that he has some skills, then I will pay another [-] gold to let him cure your eyes and legs."

The man did not hear Ouyang Leyuan's inner thoughts, what is certain is that he could only hear the words of the doctor just now.

After Ouyang Leyuan agreed, he didn't bring up the matter again, picked up the teacup and continued to drink tea slowly.

Shen Chuwei returned to the place where he was waiting for Ouyang Jingyu at first, and before he could stand still, he saw Ouyang Jingyu striding towards him.

"Tomorrow, I will send someone to wait for you at the bulletin board. I hope you are not talking nonsense."

After Shen Chuwei agreed on the time and place, he left the imperial city.

Qin Xiao waited outside for a long time, and when he saw Shen Chuwei coming out, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When I went back, I still rode in a carriage, driven by the guard who came.

After getting into the carriage, Qin Xiao couldn't help but ask, "How is the master?"

"The one who is sick is the third son of the patriarch. His condition is very serious, but I can heal him. I have to go to the imperial city tomorrow."

Shen Chuwei paused at this point, "I'm afraid that in the days to come, we will often go to Xingmiao Imperial City. The disease is difficult to cure and it will take time."

Qin Xiao said: "Isn't that just a chance to find His Highness?"

The guards driving the car were just ordinary guards, so after their conversation was deliberately suppressed, they were covered by the sound of wheels, and the guards naturally couldn't hear anything.

When I returned to the barracks, it was already dark, even later than the last time I came back.

Xiao Jinyu, who had been busy all day, stood guard at the door of the tent, clutching his stomach and starving.

Yesterday Xiao Jinyu found out that Shen Chuwei could cook by himself, so he didn't eat dinner, because he just wanted to eat the food that Shen Chuwei made himself.

As a result, Shen Chuwei came back later than yesterday, and Xiao Jinyu's stomach was so hungry that he started to protest wildly.

Sun Xiaohu saw that his master was so hungry, his heart ached so much, "Master, can I ask the cook to make you some noodles to pad your stomach?"

When Xiao Jinyu thought of the noodles in the military camp, he immediately shook his head, "It's not as delicious as sister-in-law's."

"But, hasn't the princess come back yet?" Sun Xiaohu looked into the distance.

Suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes, and Sun Xiaohu said excitedly: "Master, master, the princess is back, and the master is saved."

Xiao Jinyu held his last breath, "Finally came back."

After Shen Chuwei got off his horse, he threw the reins to Qin Xiao. When he saw two people standing at the door of the tent, he was taken aback for a moment.

"King Yu?"

Sun Xiaohu hastily stepped forward and said excitedly: "Princess Concubine, you can count yourself back. If you come back a moment later, my master will almost die."

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyu when he heard the words, and saw that he was frowning tightly and looked extremely painful. He subconsciously thought that he was injured and was waiting for her to save his life.

"Are you stupid? Seek medical treatment immediately when you are injured. Wait for me to come back. What if you can't wait?"

Shen Chuwei was so anxious that he dragged Xiao Jinyu and rushed inside. Saving people was like putting out a fire, and a moment later would be life-threatening.

"Go to bed and lie down. I'll look for a scalpel." Shen Chuwei dragged out the medicine box under the bed. Xiao Jinyu's injury must have been caused by a knife. A scalpel, sewing thread and other things are all necessary.

Xiao Jinyu looked at Shen Chuwei who was squatting under the bed with a confused expression, "Sister-in-law, what are you doing?"

Shen Chu said without raising his head slightly: "What can I do? Of course it's to save your life."

Xiao Jinyu recognized at a glance that it was a medicine box.

"...But, what are you doing with the medicine box?"

"I can't save you with my bare hands, can I?"

"Sister-in-law, don't work on these useless things. You haven't eaten yet, have you? Hurry up and cook, I'm starving to death."

Shen Chu paused slightly, then raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyu, looked up and down a few times, and her eyes fell on him holding his stomach, no, it was holding his stomach...

"You're not hurt?"

Xiao Jinyu said indifferently: "I just broke a little skin, it's okay."

Shen Chuwei: "..."

In the end, Shen Chuwei copied four dishes and one soup, among which were minced meat eggplant and steamed meat powder. She hadn't eaten for a long time, so she made it when she was hungry, mainly for convenience.

Qin Xiao didn't eat either, so Shen Chuwei called Qin Xiao over to eat together.

Xiao Jinyu was so hungry that he ate two pieces of snacks, and held on until Shen Chuwei brought the steaming hot meal to the table.

Three bowls of rice were served on the table, and one was placed in front of the snow ball, with a lot of meat on it.

Xiao Jinyu was like the first child of a starving ghost at this time, and before Shen Chu moved his chopsticks, he couldn't wait to eat it. He smelled the aroma of the meat, and put it in his mouth. He had never eaten tamales, and he ate it three times in a row. chunks.

This time, Qin Xiao was unwilling to go to the table no matter what.

"Your subordinates can sit aside and eat." Qin Xiao took a bowl, picked up some vegetables, and sat aside.

Shen Chuwei let him go, picked up the chopsticks, picked up several pieces of tamales, put them into the bowl, and ate them.

Xiao Jinyu ate a bowl of rice to relieve his hunger, and couldn't help boasting: "Sister-in-law, I found out that the prince's brother married you, it is really a blessing he has cultivated in eight lifetimes."

Shen Chu slightly puffed up his cheeks and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Xiao Jinyu sighed: "You cook so delicious."

Shen Chuwei was noncommittal, how could he satisfy his appetite if it didn't taste good?

This is the first time for Qin Xiao to eat the food made by Shen Chuwei, and it is indeed very delicious. The food in the restaurant is several times more delicious.

Xiao Jinyu went back to the camp on his stomach tonight.

After Shen Chuwei took a bath, she lay on the bed and almost fell asleep after touching the pillow.

The next day, at the agreed time and place, Shen Chuwei was taken into the imperial city by the guards.

After going in once, Shen Chuwei did not have the curiosity for the first time, and followed Ouyang Jingyu into the room.

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(End of this chapter)

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