Chapter 489 Staying in the Imperial City
Qin Xiao followed closely behind with the medicine box on his back, while looking at the layout inside.

The door of the room was opened, and after the three of them entered, Shen Chuwei came to the bed and sat down. Xue Tuan consciously jumped off her body and watched from the side.

Shen Chuwei looked at the patient on the bed. He didn't look carefully yesterday, but today he found that the patient didn't seem very old, about 23 years old.

He looked five points like Ouyang Jingyu, with extremely delicate facial features, his face was too pale, and his lips didn't even have any color, so he could tell at a glance that he was seriously ill.

Judging from yesterday's pulse situation, the situation is not optimistic.

"Xiao Qin, take out everything."

When they were away from home, the two of them changed their names. She was the first name, and Qin Xiao was Xiao Qin.

Before going out, Shen Chuwei gave instructions, and also introduced the contents of the medicine box, as well as the medical tools and medicines to be used today.

Qin Xiao opened the medicine box neatly, and took out the needle pack and medicine one by one.

Shen Chuwei ordered again: "Undo his clothes."

Qin Xiao took a step forward, and quickly unbuttoned Ouyang Jingyuan's shirt.

Shen Chu opened the needle bag slightly, took out the silver needle, found the right acupuncture point, and inserted it.

Ouyang Jingyu stood aside and watched. He, who did not know medical skills, looked terrified, afraid that if the injection was given, his brother's life would die.

"Be careful, if something happens to my third brother, I'll only ask you."

Shen Chuwei didn't answer, she continued to look for acupuncture points.

After the 32 silver needles in her hand had penetrated Ouyang Jingyuan's various acupuncture points, she picked up the sterilized dagger, picked up the patient's hand, and cut all five fingers.

However, Ouyang Jingyu was taken aback by the way he raised and lowered the knife. He hurried forward to stop him, but Qin Xiao stopped him first.

Not afraid of Ouyang Jingyu's sharp eyes, "My son is saving lives, so don't disturb him."

When Ouyang Jingyu wanted to push Qin Xiao away, Shen Chuwei had already picked up the patient's other hand and did the same thing, cutting five finger pads in the same way.

Ouyang Jingyu immediately became angry when he saw it, "Why did you hurt my third brother?"

Shen Chuwei said without turning his head: "Let the blood stasis."

Ouyang Jingyu is not a doctor, so naturally he doesn't know what it means to put blood stasis, until he saw the dark red blood flowing from the third brother's finger, he was shocked.

Shen Chuwei picked up the medicine package prepared in advance and handed it to Ouyang Jingyu, "This is medicine, three bowls of water to boil in one bowl."

"Okay, I'll let someone fry it." Ouyang Jingyu strode out with the medicine bag.

Shen Chu lowered his head slightly to look at the patient's finger. The moment the cut was made, the blood flowed very quickly, but it was only for a moment, and then it was as slow as a drop of water.

After about one stick of incense, Shen Chu narrowed the needles slightly and began to disinfect and bandage them one by one.

The medicine was ready at this time, Ouyang Jingyu picked up the third brother and began to feed him the medicine.

It is extremely difficult to feed a comatose person. It took a long time to feed half of it, and the remaining half was spilled.

After Ouyang Jingyu fed the medicine, he asked Dr. Shen, "When will my third brother wake up?"

Shen Chuwei replied: "After three days, acupuncture and moxibustion will be needed for these three days, and the course of treatment will be changed after three days."

Ouyang Jingyu looked down at the third younger brother on the bed, his face was still very pale, he would be happy if he woke up after three days after being in a coma for so long.

"Well, if you don't wake up after three days, don't blame me for being rude."

Shen Chu smiled slightly: "Just watch it in three days."

As the son of the patriarch, Ouyang Jingyu understood how to treat guests, not to mention that the other party was a doctor, so he had to be more polite before the results came out.

"It's lunch time now, I'll ask someone to take you to dinner."

As soon as Shen Chuwei heard about the lunch, she was a little curious about the food of the Xing Miao people, and she readily agreed: "Okay."

Ouyang Jingyu found that Dr. Shen seemed very happy to hear that he had lunch. Could it be that he is so poor that he can't afford to eat?

It was a rare kindness to ask someone to prepare some more meat so that Dr. Shen could eat enough.

Shen Chuwei followed the maidservant all the way to the restaurant with the snow ball in his arms. The restaurant was located very close to the garden, and the sound of splashing water could be heard in his ears. It was very close to the artificial lake.

There are four dishes and one soup on the table, one of which is wrapped in banana leaves, which looks a bit like rice dumplings.

Shen Chuwei asked Qin Xiao to sit down together, and the maid brought two bowls and a big bowl of rice.

Shen Chuwei asked for another bowl, first to get some food for Xuetuan, and to pick up a few extra pieces of meat for it.

The maids saw it and looked at each other.

Shen Chuwei first took a delicacy like a zongzi. After opening it, it was fragrant, and there was meat in it, which tasted okay.

Although Qin Xiao was a rough guy, he was quite gentle when he ate at the table, maybe he was a little restrained in an unfamiliar place.

After lunch, Ouyang Jingyu asked the guards to take Dr. Shen back.

When he returned to Jisai Town, Shen Chuwei got off the carriage and was about to leave when the guard stopped him.

"Doctor Shen, you can prescribe a medicine for my disease, and the price is negotiable."

Shen Chuwei looked at the guards up and down, not like a rich man, "It's fine to prescribe medicine, and the consultation fee plus medicine fee must be silver."

Certain silver is already expensive for ordinary people.

The guard was a little hesitant when he heard the words, the money must be half a year's income, but thinking of his illness, he still gritted his teeth and gave it.

Shen Chuwei collected the money, took out several packs of medicine from the medicine box, gave them to the guards, and instructed how to take them.

After the guard thanked him, he left with the carriage.

On the third day, Shen Chuwei came to the imperial city as scheduled to give Ouyang Jingyuan acupuncture and moxibustion blood. This time it was obviously much slower than the last two times. It is not an exaggeration to say that the speed of the turtle crawled.

When the time was up, Shen Chu narrowed the needle slightly, and then bandaged the wound.

Ouyang Jingyu kept watching, and when he saw that his brother hadn't woken up yet, he became a little impatient.

"Doctor Shen, aren't you my third brother who will wake up on the third day? Why haven't you woke up yet?"

Shen Chu pointed slightly, "Aren't you awake?"

Ouyang Jingyu withdrew his gaze and looked at the bed. He didn't notice any symptoms at the first glance, but when he looked at the second and third glances, he found that his brother's eyes moved.

He stepped forward to grab his younger brother's hand excitedly, "Third brother, wake up."

He yelled several times but didn't see his brother open his eyes. He looked at Dr. Shen angrily again, "My brother is awake?"

Shen Chuwei looked at the grumpy Ouyang Jingyu, and said quietly: "He is very weak now, and he is resting after drinking the medicine. He will definitely wake up and talk before night."

Ouyang Jingyu gritted his teeth and said, "How do I know you are fooling me? Today, you must wait for my brother to wake up before you can go back."

Shen Chuwei shrugged helplessly, "As long as you take care of the meals, staying overnight is not a problem, oh yes, it would be even better if you can take care of supper."

Ouyang Jingyu: "..."

Shen Chuwei was arranged in the guest room. The environment of the room was good, with the garden in front.

Seeing the maidservant, she took the initiative to ask, "Miss, please bring some pastries and make a pot of loose tea."

Shen Chuwei was wearing men's clothing, and he looked very handsome. The maidservant blushed when she called "Miss Sister".

"My lord, please wait a moment, this servant will go to prepare."

Shen Chuwei frowned, "Thank you, miss."

The maid blushed and went to prepare pastries and tea.

Shen Chuwei put the snow ball on the table and rubbed the snow ball's hairy head.

At this moment, the maidservant brought cakes and tea and put them in front of Dr. Shen, then she blushed and left.

Shen Chuwei picked up a piece of pastry, it didn't look as good as fruit, she tasted it, and it tasted okay.

She picked up a piece and handed it to Xue Tuan, "I heard that it's better to eat something sweet if you use your brain too much. You should eat more and use your smart brain. Let's try to find His Highness as soon as possible."

Xuetuan looked at Shen Chuwei in a daze, then lowered his head and ate the cake resentfully, as if unhappy.

Qin Xiao: "..." I expect a cat to find His Highness~
After Xuetuan finished eating the pastry, he jumped off the table and ran away.

Shen Chuwei drank a few sips of tea with a teacup, and saw Xue Tuan running away~
You've only been out for a few days, and you're running wild?
Shen Chuwei was about to stand up and go after him, when she saw Xue Tuan running back in desperation. When she was wondering, she saw several guards walking in from outside.

It turned out not to block back~

Qin Xiao stood up to protect Shen Chuwei. His duty was to protect Shen Chuwei.

Shen Chu glanced at the guards slightly, "What's the matter?"

The head guard said expressionlessly: "My master asked Dr. Shen to go."

Shen Chuwei: "..." With such a big fight, I thought something happened to Ouyang Jingyuan~
Shen Chuwei picked up Xue Tuan and followed the guards to meet Ouyang Jingyu.

Ouyang Jingyu was in the patient's room. As soon as Shen Chuwei walked in, he heard Ouyang Jingyu's voice. Not surprisingly, the patient should have woken up.

As soon as Shen Chuwei entered, Ouyang Jingyu said excitedly: "My brother is awake, Doctor Shen, come and have a look."

"...Okay." When Shen Chuwei passed by, Ouyang Jingyu stood up tactfully and stepped aside to make room.

After Shen Chuwei sat down, he checked the patient's pulse.

Ouyang Jingyuan has already woken up now, and he was still chatting with his elder brother. He saw a young man sitting on the edge of the bed, and he stared at that face for a long time, as if he couldn't believe it.

Shen Chu withdrew his hand slightly, and smiled at the patient: "You are still weak and cannot walk independently for the time being. At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, you can go out for half an hour in the sun. By the way, take care of the sun."

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he turned to look at Ouyang Jingyu, "Master Ouyang, did you hear that?"

"Ah?" Ouyang Jingyu froze for a moment, then nodded, "Got it."

Shen Chuwei stood up, "Then I'll go back first, and come back tomorrow."

Ouyang Jingyu said: "You live too far away from the imperial city, it's too troublesome to come and go, you live in the imperial city temporarily, what do you think?"

"Immediately, Ouyang Jingyu added: "Take care of the meal and supper. "

When Shen Chuwei heard Guan Fan, he readily agreed, "Okay, but my family is afraid that they will be worried, so I asked my assistant to go back and let me know, and bring some changes of clothes."

Ouyang Jingyu readily agreed, "It's no problem, I'll send someone to take him back."

After Ouyang Jingyuan was stunned for a long time, he felt that he must be dazzled, how could it be her?
After going out, Qin Xiao was a little worried, "My lord, my subordinates are worried."

Shen Chu patted Qin Xiao's shoulder slightly and said, "Don't worry, go back, I'm fine."

Qin Xiao hesitated for a long time before nodding and leaving.

Shen Chuwei returned to the guest room, finished his dinner, and when he was about to take a rest, he saw Xue Tuan wandering around the door and ran out suddenly.

Shen Chuwei almost thought that Xue Tuan was fascinated by beauty and lost his mind.

She put on a coat and went out.

This area is all guest rooms, each room has its own yard, and the guest rooms are near the artificial lake.

She watched the snowball run into the yard 20 meters away.

Shen Chuwei came to the yard and saw Xue Tuan jumping into the arms of a stranger again, and that stranger was the one he saw three days ago.

Under the light, the pale complexion of the man was faintly visible, and the gauze covering most of his face.

She walked in with doubts, and watched Xue Tuan scratching the back of the man's hand with his claws. The force was not heavy, just like tickling.

"...That, in fact, I have already taught it."

Shen Chu smiled awkwardly, reached out to hug the snow ball back, and did not forget to pinch its ears.

Xuetuan, you are a male cat, how can you pounce on a handsome man when you see it?You were not like this before.

Xuetuan expressed aggrieved.


Seeing that the man didn't make a sound, Shen Chuwei must have been angry. She secretly took out the strawberry jelly from the space, feeling a little bit reluctant. There were only three of her left~
She gritted her teeth and handed it to the man, "This is for you as compensation."

The man squeezed the thing in his hand. It was the first time he saw and heard of strawberry jelly.

"What's your name?"


ps: Babies really can’t accept the amnesia stalk and have no choice but to give up~

Because it's for setting up the plot.

What I can guarantee is that instead of abuse, it can deepen the relationship between each other.

 Good night spicy!

  Ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support!

(End of this chapter)

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