Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 490 Treating eye conditions, look at the face!Sneaked in to meet a man

Chapter 490 Treating eye conditions, look at the face!Sneaked in to meet a man
Shen Chuwei looked at the stranger in front of her, and the familiarity of the low voice came again, she couldn't help leaning over, and whispered: "You can call me Dr. Shen."

The man felt the warm breath blowing towards his face, with a faint fragrance, but it was not annoying.

"Do you like to be close to people when you talk?"

"That's not true." Shen Chuwei said so, still looking up and down at the man in front of him from a close distance, why did his voice sound a little like Xiao Jinyan's?
With doubts, she reached out her hand to remove the gauze from his eyes, but when she touched it, she was tightly held by a hand, which was very strong.

"What do you want to do?"

The man's voice was lukewarm, with no emotion or anger.

Shen Chuwei listened carefully, and found that when he first met Xiao Jinyan, he spoke like this, making people unlikable.

If it wasn't for his good looks, she wouldn't have thought of secretly painting him.


"Look, it's so hot, you're wearing such a thick gauze, and it's so airtight, it's not good for your eyes to recover. You can actually take it off at night to let you breathe." Shen Chuwei said very seriously, she is a doctor, the reason Feel free to pinch it.

The man explained lightly: "You are a doctor, what you said is not unreasonable, but my eyes can't see the light."

"Can't see the light?" Shen Chuwei will now understand why the man covers his eyes so tightly that it covers most of his face, and he can't even see his eyebrows.

She asked suspiciously, "How did your eyes hurt?"

The man paused when he heard the words: "I don't remember the details, the doctor said it was scalded by lime."

"Are you sure it's lime? If it's lime, it won't be the case if you clean it in time." Shen Chu touched his chin slightly, "Basically, my clinical experience guesses that there are two possibilities for your eyes to be unable to see light, one is caused by drugs, and the other is One possibility is that your eyes were stimulated by strong light and temporarily blinded."

The man saw that what Dr. Shen said was logical, but he felt that it made sense, "Can you cure my eyes?"

Shen Chu smiled slightly, "My consultation fee is very expensive, but..."

The man asked: "But what?"

Shen Chuwei continued to smirk: "You take off the thick gauze on your eyes, let me see if you are handsome or not, and if you look good, I can heal you."

"..." The man: "What if it doesn't look good?"

Shen Chuwei spread his hands, "If you don't look good, you can only double the consultation fee. I rely on medical skills for a living."


Shen Chu smiled and asked, "Have you decided?"

The man can't wait to recover at this moment, but he doesn't know anything about his appearance.

After pondering for a moment, he nodded, "I'll show you."

Shen Chuwei poked his little hand expectantly, "You untie it yourself, or should I help you?"

I can finally see the true face of Lushan. I am so excited. I wonder if the appearance and voice can be directly proportional?

"..." The man said flatly, "I'll do it myself."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Yeah."

The man raised his hand to the back of his head and was about to undo the gauze when a female voice came from the door.

"It's so late, what are you doing here?"

The man's hand paused and slowly lowered.

Shen Chu slightly raised her head to look at the woman at the door. She came three times, and she also knew that the woman in front of her was Ouyang Leyuan, the patriarch's daughter.

She sighed in her heart, she came here at the wrong time, and almost saw the true face of Mount Lu.

But it doesn't matter, there is still a chance.

Shen Chuwei raised the snow ball in his hand, "I'm here to find pets."

Xue Tuan blinked his beautiful blue eyes twice, in the night, like stars in the night sky.

Ouyang Leyuan looked at the cat in Dr. Shen's arms. She didn't look carefully a few days ago, but now she saw that this cat was really beautiful. She had never seen this kind of cat before.

"Since the pet is found, let's go back, don't delay his rest."

On other people's territory, Shen Chuwei could only nod, "Okay."

After Shen Chuwei left with the cat in her arms, Ouyang Leyuan sat down at the table, looked at the man in front of her, and said excitedly, "My third brother woke up."

The man was also a little surprised. Ouyang Jingyuan had been in a coma for so long, and all the doctors said there was no cure. It only took Dr. Shen three days to wake him up.

"That Dr. Shen seems to have good medical skills."

Ouyang Leyuan said: "Although my third brother is awake, his mental condition is not very good. Let's wait and see, what if it is half-baked? As long as my third brother is cured, Dr. Shen will treat you. "

The man nodded, "OK."

Ouyang Leyuan looked at the man in front of her almost obsessively, "I really look forward to the day you can see it, your eyes are beautiful."

At this time, Qin Xiao hurried back to the barracks, and when he saw Xiao Jinyu guarding the door of the tent, he was surprised.

"Prince Yu? Are you waiting for the princess to come back to cook?"

Xiao Jinyu originally wanted to wait for Shen Chuwei to come back to cook and eat, but after running on the battlefield for a day, he was so hungry that he couldn't bear it, so he went to eat the food in the barracks.

When he came back after eating, he found that Shen Chuwei hadn't come back yet, so he waited here.

"Then I have to live until now." Xiao Jinyu glanced behind Qin Xiao for a few times but didn't see Shen Chuwei, and his expression immediately changed, "Where is my sister-in-law? Why did you lose my sister-in-law?"

Qin Xiao explained: "I didn't lose it, I didn't lose it, the princess is now staying in the Xingmiao Imperial City, I came back to get clothes, and I have to go tomorrow."

Xiao Jinyu patted the frightened little heart reassuringly, "You almost scared me to death. If my sister-in-law is lost, the prince's brother will definitely go crazy when he comes back."

Qin Xiao: "..." I didn't say anything~

Xiao Jinyu felt a little regretful, "I won't be able to eat the meals cooked by my sister-in-law, but the most important thing is to find the prince's brother. When the prince's brother comes back, he can eat every day."

Qin Xiao: "..."

Shen Chuwei woke up naturally after falling asleep, and the only thing that could wake her up was always being hungry.

Although Shen Chuwei is just a doctor, the treatment of doctors in the imperial city is not bad.

After she finished washing, the maids had already placed breakfast on the dining table.

Since seeing Dr. Shen's attitude towards pets, the maid prepared a bowl in advance this time, and specially prepared a steamed fish.

When Shen Chuwei sat down to eat, Xuetuan was already sitting on the chair unceremoniously, eating gracefully.

Routine inspection after breakfast is the same as modern ward rounds.

When Shen Chuwei left, Ouyang Jingyuan had already been placed in a wheelchair by his servants, and his face didn't look any better compared to yesterday.

From the moment Shen Chuwei came in, Ouyang Jingyuan had been staring at him with curiosity and inquiry.

Because I just woke up yesterday, I am not sure if I am dazzled.

This will look real, it does.

Shen Chuwei noticed that the other party had been staring at her face, she frowned, "Take your hand up."

Ouyang Jingyuan realized that he had been staring at him. He hastily stretched out his hand, and all five fingers were wrapped in white medical tape.

Shen Chuwei placed two fingers on the pulse and began to diagnose the pulse.

Ouyang Jingyu kept watching, and when he saw Dr. Shen withdrawing his hand, he couldn't wait to ask: "Dr. Shen, you said yesterday about sun protection, how do you do it?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "Just put on a hat to protect your eyelids."

Ouyang Jingyu nodded and said, "I'll let someone prepare it."

After everything was ready, Ouyang Jingyuan was withdrawn by the guards and came to the yard.

Shen Chuwei instructed: "The sun is very strong in summer, you can tell if you feel uncomfortable halfway, and let someone push you back, don't force it."

Ouyang Jingyuan nodded, "Thank you, Doctor Shen."

The guards pushed Ouyang Jingyuan into the sun, the sun was strong at ten o'clock.

Shen Chuwei sat in the gazebo drinking tea and eating snacks.

Xuetuan doesn't like summer the most, because it's too hot, so it lies on the fence bench and spreads its body lazily there.

Shen Chuwei picked up the teacup and saw Ouyang Leyuan came and sat down opposite her. She found that Ouyang Leyuan liked wearing bright red clothes, just like she likes pink.

Ouyang Leyuan didn't beat around the bush, and said straight to the point: "I want to buy your pet."

Shen Chuwei took a bite of the pastry, and answered simply, "Not for sale."

Ouyang Leyuan asked again: "How much do you want to sell?"

Shen Chu chewed slightly, "Didn't I just say, I won't sell it."

Ouyang Leyuan directly asked the price, "I'll give you five thousand gold, and you sell the pet to me."

"..." Shen Chuwei: "Why don't you understand what I mean? You can't even sell it."

Ouyang Leyuan gritted her teeth and raised the price again, "Ten thousand gold."

Shen Chuwei shook his head helplessly, he was not as young as a six-year-old child.

Ouyang Leyuan was a little angry, feeling that he just didn't know good from bad.

"Ten thousand gold is already a lot. If you sell it on the street, even one thousand gold is not bad."

"Let's say it one last time, not for sale, not for [-] yuan." After finishing speaking, Shen Chuwei took a big bite of the pastry and chewed it vigorously.

Ouyang Leyuan was very angry, she had never seen such a ignorant person.

Ouyang Leyuan left angrily.

Shen Chuwei continued to drink tea until Ouyang Jingyuan was pushed back and she was sure that nothing happened before she left the pavilion in peace.

Qin Xiao came in the morning and brought a change of clothes. He was relieved to see that Shen Chuwei was safe and sound.

During the day, there were so many people, Shen Chuwei didn't dare to go to the opposite yard, and it was not convenient for the man to come because of his injured leg.

After dark, Shen Chuwei hugged the snow ball and wanted to go to the opposite side, but was stopped by Qin Xiao, who looked up at him suspiciously.

"Master, this is the Xingmiao imperial city, famous for its Gu insects, it is very dangerous."

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously when he heard the words, "What you said makes sense. In unfamiliar places, it's better to be more vigilant."

Qin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and heard Shen Chuwei say again: "So, you also go along and help me stand guard."

Qin Xiao didn't know what Shen Chuwei wanted to do, so he followed.

Qin Xiao is a bodyguard who is best at protecting. It is very easy to hide in the dark and keep watch.

Shen Chuwei sneaked into the man's yard with the snowball in his arms.

Under the eaves, there are two red lanterns hanging.

The man was sitting in a wheelchair, drinking tea slowly.

Shen Chuwei came over with Xue Tuan in his arms, sat down opposite him, and said hello, "I'm here."

 Good afternoon!

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(End of this chapter)

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