Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 497 Remember?By mistake, there is a way to save him

Chapter 497 Remember?By mistake, there is a way to save him

This was Lin Xian's instinctive reaction. He was afraid that he would miss some important information if he was a second late.

Especially the word "good night", which is very sensitive.

Shen Chuwei was already very sleepy, and she planned to go to bed after saying good night, and the kiss was also because she was said to be immodest last night.

We are old couples, what are we talking about reserved?
It's just that she suddenly grabbed her wrist, and that extremely cold voice scared away all the drowsiness in her.

Shen Chu looked at the man in a daze, and found that he was very excited at this moment, as if he had been stimulated by something.

She asked cautiously: "What's the matter with you?"

Lin Xian didn't answer but instead asked, "Why did you say goodnight to me?"

Shen Chuwei put a question mark on his forehead, "Can't you say it? But good night doesn't mean cursing, it means I like you."

Lin Xian frowned tightly, the blue veins on his forehead were clearly visible, and fine beads of sweat flowed out from his fair skin.

Shen Chuwei felt that his wrist was about to be strangled by a man, and the force was stronger than last night.

When she was about to struggle, the man suddenly let go of her hand.

Lin Xian only felt that he had a splitting headache and was extremely uncomfortable, but he suppressed himself to keep calm.

He couldn't restrain a painful moan from his mouth: "...Xiao Jiu, wait for me."

The voice was too low, Shen Chuwei didn't hear what the man said, and saw the man's hands tightly grasping the bed sheet, causing the bed sheet to become wrinkled.

Only then did he realize that something was wrong with the man.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Chuwei held the man's hand and wanted to check his pulse, but the man shook him off, "Don't touch me."

Lin Xian was like a frightened cub at this time, he didn't want anyone to touch him, he wanted to be comforted but was afraid of being comforted.

In Shen Chuwei's eyes, Xiao Jinyan is the flower of Gaoling, the prince who plans strategies, and his emotions and anger are invisible.

How have you ever seen Xiao Jinyan moaning in such pain?

She couldn't help being a little impatient, "But, I think you seem to be very uncomfortable."

Lin Xian didn't pay attention to Shen Chuwei, the more he thought about it, the more his brain hurt, and he couldn't control himself to think about it. He was eager to grab something, it felt like holding quicksand, the more he wanted to grab it, the faster it would be lost, let him Distraught.

Shen Chuwei was really worried, so she had to force him to check his pulse, but the man grabbed her hand as soon as she stretched it out. She froze for a moment, and then freed up her other hand to check his pulse. Fortunately, this time he didn't get rid of her hand.

From the pulse condition, there are no other symptoms, just too excited.

I don't know if it's because of falling off the cliff, or if it's the sequelae of the life-and-death battle with the enemy.

If it was a psychological reason, she would be helpless, after all, she is not a psychiatrist.

Shen Chuwei took out the homemade calming incense from the space, lit it with a lighter, and wisps of green smoke filled the whole room.

The man gradually calmed down, probably because he was too tired, and fell asleep after a while.

Seeing that he was asleep, Shen Chuwei got up and left.

For several days in a row, Shen Chuwei went to Xiao Jinyan's place every night, and he would bring steaming meals with him when he went.

When Xiao Jinyan checked the wound on her heart, she found that the wound could not heal, and after four days, there was still bleeding from the heart.

It was the first time for Shen Chuwei to see such a situation when he was so old, and his delicate eyebrows were wrinkled into a ball.

From the moment the gauze was untied, Lin Xian didn't hear her speak, otherwise he would definitely explain the condition of the wound to him.

"what happened?"

Shen Chuwei slowly explained: "It's a bit strange, the medicine I make is made of extremely expensive medicinal materials, which are very effective in healing wounds and scabs, promoting blood circulation and promoting muscle growth, but after four days of medication, the wound still hasn't improved, which is very abnormal .”

During the time when Shen Chuwei was treating him, Lin Xian knew that she was doing her best to treat him. Not only did she treat him, but she also carefully prepared meals for him, which were not the same every day.

Although all this is because he is very similar to her husband, it is not denied that she is really responsible.

"Just try your best, it may be because of my health."

"Let me sterilize you first, and try to use twice as much medicine. If the wound does not heal for a long time, it is easy to get infected." Shen Chuwei's eyes were a little serious. She is a doctor, and she knows too well that the wound on the heart that does not heal will be life-threatening.

"Okay." Lin Xian didn't understand these things, so naturally he listened to her.

After Shen Chuwei dealt with the injury on his heart and mouth neatly, he was full of worry. This is the first time he encountered such a difficult injury. What is the reason?
These days, Ouyang Leyuan has been helping Lin Xian find a cook, and today's cook is No.12.

The three dishes and one soup in front of Lin Xian were made by the No. 12 cooks.

Ouyang Leyuan looked at Lin Xian expectantly, "This is a newly recruited cook recently, try it and see how it tastes? If you like it, let him cook for you in the future."

"Okay." Lin Xian picked up the chopsticks, picked up the food and put it into his mouth slowly.

In the eyes of others, Lin Xian's appearance of eating is elegant and dignified, no different from ordinary people.

Ouyang Leyuan waited for him to eat all the dishes, and asked impatiently: "How does it taste?"

Ever since Lin Xian ate the food made by Shen Chuwei, his appetite has become even bigger. Before, he thought it was okay, now?Somewhat difficult to swallow.

He shook his head slowly.

Seeing that he didn't like it, Ouyang Leyuan ordered: "Let that cook go, and recruit another cook."

"It's Princess Le Yuan." The guard led the order to leave.

Ouyang Leyuan coaxed: "You can eat some first, and I will find a cook who suits your taste as soon as possible."

Lin Xian nodded lightly, "Yes."

Lin Xian doesn't have much expectation for breakfast and lunch now, the only thing he looks forward to is what Shen Chuwei will bring him in the evening.

Just like tonight, he was looking forward to what meal Shen Chuwei would bring him?No matter what kind of meal suits his appetite.

Before Shen Chuwei figured out what happened to Xiao Jinyan and whether she had anything to do with Ouyang Leyuan, she was afraid of arousing suspicion, so she didn't dare to go to Xiao Jinyan easily during the day, and went secretly at night.

Apart from treating Ouyang Jingyuan during the day, the rest of the time was spent lying down and eating snacks to pass the time.

The posture of the snow ball salted fish is lying on the couch, and it is warm here, so it moves to continue to lie on the salted fish.

Under the cooperation of Dr. Shen's treatment, Ouyang Jingyuan has recovered a lot and can walk alone without blushing or panting.

Shen Chuwei stayed up every night, and after lunch, she lay down on the couch to catch up on sleep.

Just when he was about to close his eyes, Qin Xiao strode in, "My lord, Ouyang Jingyuan, please see me."

Shen Chuwei said lazily: "What's he doing here if he's a sick patient?"

Qin Xiao said: "The subordinates don't know."

As soon as Qin Xiao finished speaking, Ouyang Jingyuan walked in and saw Dr. Shen lying on the couch at a glance. He stepped forward to say hello: "Doctor Shen."

Seeing people coming, Shen Chuwei could only open his eyes and look at Ouyang Jingyuan, "What are you doing here?"

Shen Chuwei's voice was so soft that it made people's hearts soften.

Ouyang Jingyuanjun had a gentle smile on his face: "I want to chat with Dr. Shen."

Shen Chuwei doesn't want to chat at all right now, she just wants to play chess with Duke Zhou~
It's just that Ouyang Jingyuan is the son of the patriarch anyway, so she can only deal with it.

"Then can I ask you a question?"

Ouyang Jingyuan was just about to find something to chat with, and he didn't feel embarrassed but happy when he heard this.

"When Dr. Shen has something to say, just ask, and I will definitely tell you everything."

Shen Chuwei didn't hesitate to ask directly: "You said the wound didn't heal for a long time, could it be because of the Gu worm?"

She thought about this question for two days, but she still couldn't figure it out. Seeing Ouyang Jingyuan was there, she casually mentioned it.

Ouyang Jingyuan just thought for a while and said: "It is possible that there is a kind of Gu insect that feeds on human flesh and blood. If there is an injury on the body, it will be difficult for the wound to heal after being injected with this Gu insect."

Shen Chuwei's drowsy mind suddenly woke up after listening to Ouyang Jingyuan's words.

She propped herself up and sat up, looking at Ouyang Jingyuan curiously, "Is there really such a Gu?"

Ouyang Jing nodded, "Of course, why did Dr. Shen ask this?"

Shen Chuwei said: "I'm a doctor, and I'm very curious about these things. If I encounter this kind of situation in the future, I won't be ridiculed for my lack of medical skills."

Ouyang Jingyuan smiled when he heard the words, "This is the truth. People who don't understand will definitely think that doctors are not good at medicine."

Shen Chu smiled and leaned over, "I think you understand it very well, then can you detoxify?"

Ouyang Jingyuan smiled lightly: "Yes."

Shen Chuwei secretly rejoiced when he heard the words, finally there was a cure for Xiao Jinyan's heart and wounds.

"Then how to undo the Gu?"

Ouyang Jingyuan replied: "Blood is used as a matchmaker, and flesh is used as a guide to relieve Gu."

Shen Chuwei was confused, she tugged at Ouyang Jingyuan's sleeve, "Can you explain how to detoxify in plain language?"

Ouyang Jingyuan didn't hold back, he gave a rough explanation in easy-to-understand words.

Shen Chuwei will understand now, but it's useless to understand, because it needs a Gu Master to complete.

She is a doctor and not a Gu master, so she cannot dispel Gu.

Shen Chu sighed slightly, could it be that people who wanted to kill Xiao Jinyan would also use Gu?
Gouged out the heart, but also played Gu, so poisonous!
"Doctor Shen, where are you from?"

Shen Chu came back to his senses slightly, and when he looked up, he saw Ouyang Jing was very close to him, so close that he could see the tiny pores on Ouyang Jingyuan's skin.

She moved back instinctively, "What are you doing so close to me?"

Ouyang Jingyuan sat up straight and shook his head in embarrassment, "It's nothing, I'm just curious about where you are from."

Shen Chu smiled slightly, "Actually, I'm also quite curious about you."

Ouyang Jingyuan became interested when he heard the words, "Why are you curious about me?"

Shen Chuwei said seriously: "I wonder why you are so seriously ill?"

Ouyang Jingyuan shook his head, "I don't know either. When I was young, a fortune teller told me that I would not live to be 25 years old."

Shen Chuwei couldn't help admiring the fortune-teller who told him, because she knew Ouyang Jingyuan's condition very well, and it was true that he would not live long.

Seeing that she was silent, Ouyang Jingyuan smiled and said, "What? Are you scared?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "I just think it's a pity."

Ouyang Jingyuan laughed out loud, "It's a pity, I haven't married a wife and had children yet."

Shen Chuwei said: "Then you don't hurry to marry a wife and have children, there is still time."

Ouyang Jingyuan smiled helplessly, "In my life, I will never be able to marry the girl I like."

Shen Chuwei inexplicably felt a little sad. Most of her feelings for men and women came from romance novels. She and Xiao Jinyan married first and then fell in love.

She doesn't know much about love, but it is enough for her to know that the person she likes is Xiao Jinyan.

In the dead of night, Shen Chuwei came to Xiao Jinyan's room again, coming every night, already familiar with the road.

Lin Xian had been sitting at the table waiting for Shen Chuwei, when he heard the door open, he raised his head subconsciously.

After Qin Xiao put the food on the table as usual, he quietly left.

Without Shen Chuwei's reminder, Lin Xian picked up the food he couldn't wait to pick up with chopsticks and put it into his mouth to chew slowly. Although he didn't know what the food was, it was delicious.

Shen Chuwei is very familiar with Xiao Jinyan's eating style, which is elegant and luxurious, but recently she found that Xiao Jinyan's eating style is a bit more aggressive than usual. Although she looks better than her, she still found out.

She asked distressedly: "Husband, don't they give you food during the day?"

Lin Xian paused after chewing, then shook his head, "Three meals a day are never missed, and afternoon tea is never missed."

Shen Chuwei asked suspiciously: "Then why are you so hungry?"

 Did You Baozi guess what's wrong with the hero's memory?

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(End of this chapter)

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