Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 498 Very moved, after the man saw the light again

Chapter 498 Very moved, after the man saw the light again
Lin Xian was embarrassed to say that three meals were a lot, but he just ate two mouthfuls and didn't eat, because it didn't suit his appetite, so he waited to eat the meal she sent.

He coughed lightly: "I'm not hungry. If you deliver the food, I will naturally finish it for my face."

Shen Chuwei knew Xiao Jinyan well, and she only ate seven percent full for meals, and would feel uncomfortable if she ate too much. She would prepare supper because she saw that he had lost weight. During this time, it was either stewed chicken soup or ginseng soup, which were all great supplements.

"Then you should eat less, it will be bad if you hold on."

"It's okay." Lin Xian continued to eat the rice in the bowl slowly. After a day of hunger, he only expected to be full in the evening. How could he eat less?

Shen Chuwei felt that Xiao Jinyan was too embarrassed, so in order not to embarrass him, he decided not to cook tomorrow night.

"Although the husband's approach is very touching, it is too stomach-ache. Tomorrow night, I will only make soup. If you drink some soup, you won't make it difficult for yourself to eat."

When Lin Xian heard that he had to eat a meal, he waited a day just for this meal tonight, how could he be full just by drinking soup?
"I won't hold on." He also didn't care about Shen Chuwei calling his husband, if this pause were gone, he would really starve to death.

Shen Chuwei said: "How could you not hold on? Husband, please don't push me."

Lin Xian had no choice but to say: "I didn't eat dinner."

Shen Chuwei was stunned for a while, and then realized, "No wonder my husband is a little anxious to eat, so there is no use for dinner."

Lin Xian drank some soup, not only did he not eat dinner, but he also took a few mouthfuls for breakfast and lunch.

Shen Chu slightly touched Xuetuan's ears, looked at Xiao Jinyan's chest, and said with some sadness: "I asked Ouyang Jingyuan today, the wound on your heart may be caused by a Gu, and that Gu is made of flesh and blood. This is the reason why the wound has not healed."

Lin Xian raised his head, "As far as I know, you and Ouyang Jingyuan have only known each other for a short time, so you trust him so much and ask him about this?"

Shen Chuwei said: "I haven't known each other for long, but I think Ouyang Jingyuan is a nice person, always answering every question. I just asked casually, and didn't mention my husband. He also answered very carefully, and explained it again without taking the trouble. "

Lin Xian snorted: "You don't know that people can pretend, and your feeling is wrong."

Shen Chuwei felt that Xiao Jinyan was questioning his ability to see people, "I have always had a good eye, and I think Ouyang Jing is far from being a bad person, maybe he can help you out."

Shen Chuwei's behavior was stupid in Lin Xian's eyes, and he easily believed what others said after getting along for such a short time.

"When you are cheated, you will know how poor your vision is."

Shen Chu curled his lips slightly, "Why does my husband always think that I have bad eyesight? If I have bad eyesight, how can I fall in love with you? At present, my husband is excellent in other aspects except that he doesn't remember me."

Lin Xian: "..."

Shen Chuwei said again: "No one can guarantee that they will not be deceived for the rest of their lives, and the employer will not be suspicious of others. Husband thinks what I said is right?"

Lin Xian was so angry that he didn't want to talk, he lowered his head and continued to eat, he didn't know why he was so angry, what did she have to do with him being cheated?
After eating, Shen Chuwei began to change his dressing. This was done every day during these days, and after getting used to it, it would be as fast as clouds and flowing water.

Only the wound on her heart made her frown, not knowing what to do.

After changing all the medicines, Shen Chuwei helped Xiao Jinyan to bed.

Since the last time she hugged Xiao Jinyan to bed, she was not allowed to hug her, and she was the one who helped her into bed.

Lin Xian felt that her body had recovered a lot during this period, not only because of Shen Chuwei's treatment, but also because of her nightly meal, Dabu Tang, which had a lot to do with it.

Shen Chuwei sat down on the bed, hesitated again and again, she still planned to discuss with him about detoxification.

"Husband, I want Ouyang Jingyuan to come and relieve you."

Lin Xian said coldly: "Don't call me husband."

Shen Chuwei retorted: "I called out several times just now, but you didn't say no."

Lin Xian was at a loss for words for a moment, feeling inexplicably that he was full and refused to admit it.

Shen Chuwei pondered for a long time, thinking of a possibility, she suddenly approached Xiao Jinyan, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Are you afraid that I said that I want to stay overnight, so you said that on purpose?"

Lin Xiandao: "Lonely man and widow, living in the same room, you are the one who affects your reputation, not me."

Shen Chuwei said it as a matter of course, "But I'm dressed as a man now, besides, we are husband and wife, and it's justified to be in the same room."

Lin Xian was a little annoyed, he grabbed Shen Chuwei's wrist, and asked, "What do you want me to say, so that you will definitely believe that I am not your husband?"

Shen Chuwei never thought that she would be distressed to convince her husband that she was his wife, but when an accident happened, no matter how helpless she was, there was nothing she could do.

"You don't need to say anything, you will know in the future. In three days, my husband's eyes will be able to see. Maybe my husband will remember me after seeing me?"

Lin Xian was a little excited when he heard that he could see it in three days, "Are you serious? I will be able to see it in three days?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "If there is no accident, I can see it. I also hope that my husband can see the light again as soon as possible. Eating will be much more convenient."

Lin Xian was immersed in joy, and ignored her and called him husband again. Three days later, he could look at things, nothing made him happier than this.

three days later

Today, Lin Xian was looking forward to the nightfall more than ever. He had been sitting at the table drinking tea, but he didn't eat the lunch brought by the maid, probably because Shen Chuwei would bring the meal over at night, so he had the capital not to eat it .

In the afternoon, Ouyang Leyuan walked in with a worried face, and saw Lin Xian in a wheelchair, even though he was in a wheelchair, he couldn't hide his noble aura.

His eyebrows and eyes are like snow on the mountain, and his spirit is like the moon in the clouds, which is the most suitable description for him.

Ouyang Leyuan walked over slowly, sat down opposite Lin Xian, and said worriedly: "I heard the maid said that you didn't eat lunch, I am a little worried, you are sick and weak, how can you take care of yourself if you don't eat?"

Lin Xian paused while drinking tea, and said lightly, "I don't have much appetite."

In fact, Lin Xian didn't say anything, Ouyang Leyuan also guessed it, but after recruiting for so long, she still couldn't find a satisfactory cook, so she was also very anxious.

"I know that the food is not to your taste. I have already sent someone to find a cook outside, and I should be able to find it soon."

Lin Xiandao: "Let you worry about it."

Ouyang Leyuan showed a shy smile, "You don't have to be so polite in front of me."

Lin Xian said softly: "For my business, not only did you bother but also cost you money, thank you."

Ouyang Leyuan said with a serious face: "As long as I can cure you, I will be very happy. Needless to say thank you, it's too strange."

Lin Xian: "Okay, I don't say anything."

"In a few days, the annual Water-Splashing Festival will be held. The scene is very lively, but it's a pity..." Ouyang Leyuan looked at the man in front of her, her eyes were insomnia, her legs were seriously injured, otherwise she could participate in the water-splashing with her Festival.

Lin Xiandao: "It's not too late to participate in the future."

Ouyang Leyuan laughed happily when she heard the words, "It's true, you will definitely get better."

Lin Xian gave a light "hmm".

Ouyang Leyuan stayed for a while and then left. Not long after leaving the yard, she saw a snow-white cat running towards this side.

She had never seen such a beautiful cat, last time she wanted to spend a lot of money to buy it from Dr. Shen, but it was a pity that Dr. Shen didn't know what to do.

She never gave up wanting to own this cat, and when she saw it, she wanted to catch it.

Just grab it and own it without spending a penny.

Ouyang Leyuan ordered his followers: "You two, grab that cat."

"Yes, princess."

Two burly attendants were ordered to attack the snow group.

Xuetuan just wanted to drop in. Seeing the two giants approaching him, he turned his head and ran back.

The entourage immediately chased after him, but Xue Tuan ran so fast that he got into the flowers and disappeared after a while.

The two attendants stepped into the flowers and searched for a long time, but they couldn't find Xue Tuan.

Seeing that they didn't catch Xue Tuan, Ouyang Leyuan cursed: "Trash, what's the use of spending money to support you?"

At this time, Xuetuan ran into the house in a hurry, and when he saw Shen Chuwei, he let out a long breath, scared the baby to death, and was almost captured by the bad woman.

Shen Chu glanced at the snow ball slightly, with a look of shock, she took out the small dried fish from the space and tore it open, then poured it into a bowl.

Xue Tuan smelled the smell of fish, his eyes lit up, and immediately jumped onto the couch, without Shen Chuwei saying a word, it came over, lowered its head and ate the small dried fish in the bowl to suppress its shock.

Shen Chuwei lay on the couch, watching Xuetuan eating small dried fish, but in his heart he was looking forward to the arrival of night, because tonight the gauze could be removed, and Xiao Jinyan could see her.

I don't know if Xiao Jinyan saw him, could he immediately remember that she is his wife?
At night, when there was no one in the kitchen, Shen Chuwei sneaked in to cook.

Today, she stewed pork ribs with corn, and the soup is very fragrant.

Tomato scrambled eggs, potato stewed beef, Sixi meatballs.

On the way, Qin Xiao was carrying the medicine box in one hand and the food box in the other, and couldn't help but ask, "Master, can I really see the light again tonight?"

Shen Chuwei said: "If there is no accident, it can be seen, and we will know later."

Qin Xiao nodded, very much looking forward to his master seeing the light again.

Shen Chuwei walked into the yard with the snow ball in his arms, and found Xiao Jinyan sitting in the yard. He used to be in the house.

"Husband, why are you outside? There are mosquitoes outside." Shen Chuwei said as he put the snowball into his arms, and pushed the wheelchair into the house.

Lin Xian didn't say that he really couldn't wait any longer, so he came out and waited.

Qin Xiao walked in, closed the door, turned around and came to the table, took out the food from the food box one by one and put them on the table.

Lin Xian couldn't wait to ask: "Is it possible to remove the gauze now?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Well, I'll take it apart for you now and have a look."

Qin Xiao stood aside, watching expectantly.

Shen Chuwei looked at the back of the man's head, stretched out his hand to untie the knot of the gauze, grasped the top of the gauze with his fingers and untied it with a little force.

Compared to Shen Chu who was calm and calm, Lin Xian was very nervous. After waiting for more than ten days, he was afraid that he would be disappointed.


It's the last day of the month, Baozi asks for a monthly pass!

 Good evening baby!

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(End of this chapter)

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