Chapter 500

After Shen Chuwei finished kissing, she stood up straight and looked at Xiao Jinyan with a smile: "I'm going back, come back tomorrow night."

Only then did Lin Xian realize that, seeing that she was about to leave, he reached out and grabbed her wrist.

Shen Chu slightly frowned, "Did my husband change his mind? Do you want me to stay?"

"..." Lin Xian: "No."

Shen Chuwei looked at the hand holding his wrist with some disappointment, and asked suspiciously: "What is the husband doing holding my hand?"

Lin Xian said coldly: "You don't understand whether men and women can kiss each other?"

Shen Chuwei sighed helplessly. In his eyes, they were not husband and wife, so he felt that kissing goodnight was deviant.

But in her eyes, she is a loving couple, so what is a kiss?
"Of course I understand. Husband, let's rest first. I'm going back."

Shen Chuwei yawned after finishing speaking. During this period of time, she stayed up every night. Although she would make up for it during the day, she still felt that she didn't get enough sleep.

During this period of time, Shen Chuwei always came late at night, and it was already late at night after her treatment. She couldn't see her before, but now she can see her tired face, so she must be very tired.

When Shen Chuwei came out of the house, she saw Qin Xiao coming out from the dark place. Since the last time when he frightened her by appearing from behind, Qin Xiao always came out in front of her.

"Master, has he not remembered?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, looking back at Xiao Jinyan's reaction during this period, he is not like a person with amnesia, because people with amnesia will not think who they are, but will be curious about who they are.

"I don't think he's lost his memory."

Qin Xiao asked: "Master is not amnesia, what is that?"

"I feel that there's something wrong with his memory." Shen Chuwei thought hard and didn't come to a conclusion, but she felt that the current Xiao Jinyan didn't hate herself.

"What's wrong with your memory?" Qin Xiao was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

On the day of Songkran Festival, Shen Chuwei was sleeping soundly on the bed when she was woken up by a knock on the door.

Hearing from the servant girl, she only knew that today is the Water-Sprinkling Festival, and people from all over the city would go to the square to splash water and pray for blessings.

After Shen Chuwei finished listening, she lay down on the couch, closed her eyes and continued to sleep. Sleeping is worse than playing with water~
The maid asked suspiciously: "Doctor Shen, are you not going?"

Shen Chuwei lay motionless on the couch, and said in a lazy voice, "No."

The maid stared at Dr. Shen for quite a while. After getting along these days, the maid also found out that Dr. Shen is a very nice person, except that he likes to sleep. He can sit but never stand, and can lie down and never sit.

Another hobby is eating.

Seeing that Dr. Shen was not interested, the maid stood up and went out.

Seeing the third master at the door, she stepped forward to salute, "Third master, Dr. Shen is resting inside, saying that he is not interested in the Songkran Festival."

"I'll go in and have a look." Ouyang Jingyuan waved the maid back, then opened the door and walked in, and saw Dr. Shen lying on the couch, just as the maid said, resting on the couch.

"Doctor Shen, today is the annual Songkran Festival, and there are many fruit cakes, are you sure you don't want to go and have a look?"

When Shen Chuwei heard the cakes and fruits, he immediately opened his eyes, and saw Ouyang Jingyuan looking at him with a smile on his face.


Ouyang Jingyuan smiled and said, "Of course it's true."

"Then why don't you tell me earlier." Shen Chu got up from the couch neatly.

Ouyang Jingyuan looked at the person who couldn't wake up one second, and put on his shoes with vigor the next second. He couldn't help laughing, "I thought Dr. Shen knew about it."

"I don't know the customs here." Shen Chuwei put on his shoes, picked up the sleeping snowball, and urged, "Let's go."

"Okay." Ouyang Jingyuan took Shen Chuwei out.

Outer sun is in full bloom

Shen Chuwei followed Ouyang Jingyuan out of the imperial city, and he heard people's voices from a distance, and the sound of silk and bamboo could not be heard, and it was full of people at a glance.

She glanced around, but she didn't see any food, so she poked Ouyang Jingyuan, "Where is the food?"

Ouyang Jingyuan smiled lightly: "Come with me."

"Okay." Shen Chuwei followed Ouyang Jingyuan to the high platform on one side. The high platform was divided into three floors, and there were many people sitting on it.

She saw Ouyang Jingyu and Ouyang Leyuan sitting on it, and a man about 50 years old was sitting in the middle. The clothes on his body were moon white inlaid with gold, and the scarf on his head was also inlaid with gold.

It is not difficult to guess that this person is the patriarch of the Xingmiao tribe, and this is the first time she has seen him after so long.

Ouyang Jingyuan brought Shen Chuwei to the patriarch, put his right hand on his left chest to salute, and introduced: "Father, this is Dr. Shen who rescued the child."

Shen Chuwei imitated Ouyang Jingyuan, raised his right hand and put it on his left chest to salute, "Patriarch."

The patriarch has been busy these days and has not spared time to meet this Dr. Shen, who has great medical skills. Now seeing that he is so young, his eyes are full of surprise.

"Doctor Shen, don't be restrained, eat and drink as you like."

Shen Chuwei saluted and thanked, "Thank you patriarch for your hospitality."

Ouyang Jingyuan brought Shen Chuwei to the seat next to Ouyang Leyuan and sat down.

Shen Chuwei looked at the dozens of plates of pastries and fruits in front of him, and couldn't wait to pick up a piece of pastry that he had never seen before, put it in his mouth and took a bite. It was cool and refreshing, a little sweet, and tasted good.

Ouyang Jingyuan picked up the flagon and poured her a glass of wine, "This is sweet wine made from fruit, try it."

Shen Chuwei looked at the liqueur in the glazed cup, it was light red in color, she picked it up with novelty and took a sip, it was sweet and sour, and it was cold in the mouth, it should have been chilled.

Ouyang Leyuan saw the snow ball in Dr. Shen's arms, she turned her head and took the patriarch's arm, and said coquettishly: "Father, Dr. Shen has a pet, and my daughter likes it very much."

Hearing the words, the patriarch looked at the pet in Dr. Shen's arms. He had a quick glance just now. It was a snow-white cat with azure blue eyes that were very spiritual. No wonder his daughter liked it.

"Mr. Shen."

Hearing the words, Shen Chuwei raised his head to look at the patriarch, ate the fruit in his mouth, and then asked, "What's the matter with the patriarch?"

The patriarch smiled and said, "My daughter likes your pet very much. How much do you think you can sell it for?"

If it were someone else, for the patriarch's sake, they would give their pets to Ouyang Leyuan even if they don't need money.

However, Shen Chuwei hugged Xue Tuan tightly, and refused very simply: "Patriarch, this is my pet, not for sale, I have already rejected Princess Le Yuan last time."

The smile on the corner of the patriarch's mouth froze when he heard the words. As the patriarch, why was he ever rejected?

Ouyang Leyuan didn't expect that Dr. Shen wouldn't even give her father face, so she continued to act coquettishly: "Father, my daughter really likes it."

The patriarch looked at his daughter's expectant eyes, and couldn't bear to let her down, so he had to ask again: "Since Dr. Shen doesn't want money, can I exchange it with other things?"

Shen Chuwei put down the glass cup in his hand, and said seriously: "Patriarch, in your eyes, snow is a pet, but in my eyes, it is like a family member. I have no intention of selling or giving away, let alone taking snow balls to exchange for something."

The patriarch was slapped in the face again, and his face was a bit ugly, but Dr. Shen was unwilling to change, and he couldn't exert pressure with force.

Ouyang Leyuan tugged on the patriarch's arm with some unwillingness to give up, and continued to act like a baby, "Father."

Ouyang Jingyuan saw that his sister was so unreasonable, he said: "Sister, a gentleman does not take what others like, if you like cats, let me buy one for you tomorrow."

Ouyang Leyuan found that her brother was facing outsiders, and said dissatisfiedly: "I just like Dr. Shen's pet snow ball, can you find a cat that is exactly the same?"

Ouyang Jingyuan said: "You are making trouble for no reason, how can there be a cat that is exactly the same?"

"Third brother, my sister likes it. Dr. Shen is not stingy. A gentleman has the beauty of an adult. It's just a cat. How about giving it to my sister?" The person who spoke was Ouyang Jingxuan, the second son of the patriarch. younger sister.

"Second brother still loves me, unlike some people who help outsiders." Ouyang Leyuan snorted.

"I'm neither a gentleman nor generous. I'm just an ordinary person. You think too highly of me." Shen Chuwei said with confidence.

None of the people present thought that Dr. Shen would belittle himself like this, leaving people speechless for a while.

Ouyang Jingyuan withdrew his gaze and looked at Shen Chuwei. Not everyone could openly reject the patriarch with her indifferent expression, and he still admired her a little.

The drums sounded, and the water-splashing session began.

Both the royal family and the nobles walked to the center of the square to splash water and pray for blessings.

Ouyang Leyuan also ran down happily, because she wanted to pray for Lin Xian.

Ouyang Jingyuan asked Shen Chuwei, "Splash water to pray for blessings, are you going?"

Shen Chuwei shook his head simply: "No, I'll go back after eating the pastries and fruits."

Ouyang Jingyuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed out loud. She really came here just for a few plates of pastries and fruits.

"Then I'm going down."

Shen Chu nodded slightly.

Ouyang Jingyuan, as the third master of the Xing Miao nationality, must participate in splashing water and praying for blessings.

After Shen Chuwei finished eating the pastry and fruit, he took out a handkerchief to wipe his mouth, then picked up the snow ball and went back to the imperial city.

Back in the guest room, Shen Chuwei put the snow ball aside, and continued to sleep on the couch, because he had to stay up late at night for medical treatment.

Just when Shen Chu was sleepy and drowsy, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting.

Xuetuan screamed, "Meow."

Shen Chu slightly raised his head and rubbed his eyes, then saw the maid running in hastily.

"Doctor Shen, something happened."

problem occurs?
Shen Chuwei sat up and got off the couch, put on her shoes and came out of the house, and saw Qin Xiao fighting with a group of guards in the yard.

She yelled, "What the hell is going on?"

Qin Xiao took the time to reply: "My lord, they want to arrest you."

After they all stopped, Shen Chuwei asked suspiciously, "What are you arresting me for?"

The leading guard said: "Third Master fainted suddenly, please Dr. Shen come with us."

If it weren't for his eloquent words, Shen Chuwei would have thought they were joking.

"He was fine before I came back, why did he faint suddenly?"

"We are only following orders." The leading guard waved his hand to arrest people.

A group of guards surrounded him again. When Qin Xiao made a move, Shen Chuwei stopped him.

"This is someone else's territory, and it will be tricked, so you can't touch it head-on."

Hearing this, Qin Xiao stared fixedly at the guard who was walking in front of him, unwilling to let him be captured without a fight.


ps: Babies, ask for a monthly ticket to climb the list!

 good afternoon!

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(End of this chapter)

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