Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 501 Falsely Framed?Lin Xian's Difficult Choice

Chapter 501 Falsely Framed?Lin Xian's Difficult Choice
Shen Chuwei thought that the guards were taking her to see a doctor for Ouyang Jingyuan, but when he walked halfway, he found that it was not the way to Ouyang Jingyuan's room.

She asked the leading guard, "This is not going to the third master's room."

The guard snorted: "Of course not to the third master's room, this is the way to the confinement room."

Shen Chu glanced around slightly, no wonder he walked more and more sideways, it turned out that he was going to the confinement room.

She stopped, "Didn't you say that the third master fainted? Isn't it urgent to save people now?"

"The doctor has been invited to treat him, what if you attack the third master again? Hurry up, don't waste time." The guard said impatiently.

"How good is the doctor's medical skills? Before the third master was in a coma, it was useless for you to invite so many doctors. I think it's better for you to let me have a look to avoid accidents."

Shen Chuwei was worried about Ouyang Jingyuan's condition. She knew his physical condition too well during the period of seeing and treating him. She had been very stable, and it was impossible for her to faint suddenly.

Unless there is an incentive.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? This is not something you should worry about, go away quickly."

When the guards were about to attack, they were stopped by Qin Xiao. He coldly swept the four guards in front of him, "I see who dares to touch my young master?"

Qin Xiao is the prince's personal bodyguard. He has gone through life and death countless times, and his eyes are enough to make people fearful.

The guards looked at each other, they all had seen how powerful Qin Xiao was, so they didn't dare to do anything.

Shen Chuwei and Qin Xiao were locked in a closed room with nothing in it, not even a bed.

Qin Xiao looked at Shen Chuwei and saw that she had been staring at the small window on the door. He raised his foot and walked over, "Master, what are you looking at?"

Shen Chuwei said: "I'm worried about Ouyang Jingyuan's physical condition. Sudden fainting is no small matter. If he doesn't get treatment, it will be very serious."

Qin Xiao said: "Master, they should be fine after inviting a doctor. The most important thing now is how we can get out."

Shen Chu sighed slightly, "If the doctors here are useful, they don't need to post the imperial list and pay a lot of money to seek medical treatment."

At this time, Ouyang Jingyuan's room was full of people, and three doctors took turns to treat Ouyang Jingyuan, but it still didn't help.

The patriarch paced back and forth anxiously in front of the bed, and glanced at the youngest son on the bed from time to time, only to see his son's face was pale and his heart ached.

"What happened to my son?"

The doctor said: "Patriarch, the third master is very weak and cannot be cured by ordinary medicine."

The patriarch questioned: "How is this possible? My son's health has gradually improved in the past few days, why is he suddenly so weak?"

The doctor pondered for a moment, and explained: "Patriarch, it may be that Dr. Shen used strong medicine, and he seemed to be getting better gradually, but in fact it was not."

The patriarch slapped the table angrily, "What a Dr. Shen, you actually used strong medicine on my son?"

Ouyang Jingxuan glanced at his younger brother on the bed, stepped forward and suggested, "Father, that Dr. Shen's origin is unknown, and in my child's opinion, he is a cheater of food and drink, and a liar like this should be paraded in the streets to make an example of him. "

But Ouyang Jingyu said: "Father, I really don't think that Dr. Shen is cheating."

Ouyang Jingxuan snorted coldly: "Brother, you said that Dr. Shen didn't lie to eat and drink. If he didn't use strong medicine, which caused his body to be weak, why did he suddenly faint?"

Ouyang Jingyu had no words to refute for a while, he thought for a while and said: "Father, this matter still needs to be investigated carefully. If Dr. Shen is wrongly blamed, my brother's life is in danger."

Hearing the two sons' excuses, the patriarch couldn't be sure for a while, "I leave this matter to you to investigate, and you must investigate it clearly."

Ouyang Jingyu said: "My child understands."

After the doctor took the medicine, Ouyang Jingyuan woke up for a while, then fell into a coma again.

When Ouyang Leyuan learned that Dr. Shen was arrested, she immediately brought her guards to Dr. Shen's residence.

She pushed open the door hard, glanced at it, and saw the snowball on the couch, she raised the corner of her lips, "Now, you belong to me."

As Ouyang Leyuan said, she went forward to hug Xuetuan, but just as she stretched out her hand, Xuetuan scratched her paw.

"Ah!!!" Ouyang Leyuan couldn't dodge in time, and was scratched with three bloodstains on the back of her hand.

After the snowball finished scratching, he jumped off the couch and ran away with oil on the soles of his feet.

Ouyang Leyuan clutched the back of her hands and saw Xue Tuan running away, she got angry, and saw the guard who was not moving, she said angrily: "What are you still doing in a daze? Get him back quickly."

"Yes, princess." A group of guards took orders and hurriedly chased them out.

Ouyang Leyuan looked down at the back of her hand, which was as white as jade, with three bloodstains clearly visible.

"This princess is giving you face when she sees you. Just like your master, it's shameless to give face."

When Xuetuan found out that someone was chasing him, he knew that the bad woman wanted to catch him and do nothing good, so he instinctively ran towards Xiao Jinyan, and disappeared after a while.

The four guards were looking for Xue Tuan everywhere in the courtyard, but they didn't see Xue Tuan.

Ouyang Leyuan ran out of the house angrily, and found that the guards were empty-handed and hadn't caught the snowball.

"A bunch of waste, what's the use of raising you?"

"What are you still doing? Why don't you find it for me quickly?"

Ouyang Leyuan was spoiled and domineering since she was a child, and the guards also understood her temper, so they dared not speak out when they were angry, and continued to look for Xuetuan with their heads down.

Xuetuan ran all the way into the yard, saw Xiao Jinyan, it ran over quickly, and jumped into his arms.

Lin Xian was drinking tea and eating snacks to pad his stomach, looking forward to Shen Chuwei bringing him food in the evening.

Thinking about the meals he eats every night is what he looks forward to most in a day.

Suddenly finding Xue Tuan jumping into his arms, he sipped tea, "Could it be that she is here?"

Although Lin Xian has recovered his eyesight, he just doesn't want others to know, so his eyes are still covered with gauze.

After waiting for a while, he didn't see Shen Chuwei walking in, so he frowned, "Doctor Shen?"

"Meow." Xue Tuan raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, indicating that Shen Chuwei didn't come, only it came.

Lin Xian waited for a while, making sure that Shen Chuwei hadn't come, he touched Xuetuan's fluffy head.

"Where's your master?"

"Meow." Xuetuan said that he didn't know either.

Lin Xian had an inexplicable bad premonition in his heart.

Just when Lin Xian was wondering, he heard footsteps, which he was too familiar with, it was Ouyang Leyuan.

The snow ball in his arms suddenly jumped out of his arms and hid under the bed.

As soon as she hid it, Ouyang Leyuan walked in. She looked around and looked everywhere, except the courtyard where Lin Xian lived.

Lin Xian called out: "Princess Le Yuan?"

When Ouyang Leyuan heard Lin Xian calling her, she changed from being spoiled and domineering before, her voice immediately softened a bit: "Lin Xian, it's me."

Lin Xian asked suspiciously: "Isn't today the Songkran Festival? Why are you here?"

When Ouyang Leyuan saw Lin Xian, she immediately forgot about looking for Xuetuan. She sat in front of Lin Xian with a smile on her face: "I just came back from the square, do you know? I just prayed for you, I hope you will recover soon. "

Lin Xiandao: "Thank you."

Ouyang Leyuan smiled shyly, thinking of Dr. Shen, her expression immediately changed.

"By the way, that Dr. Shen is a liar, and his medical skills are not good. But don't worry, I won't give up and treat you."

Lin Xian naturally didn't believe that Shen Chuwei was a liar when he heard the words. She cured her eyes and has excellent medical skills. How could she be a liar?
"Why do you say that?"

Ouyang Leyuan said: "My third elder brother fainted suddenly. In the beginning, it was Dr. Shen who used strong medicine, so my third elder brother suddenly got better. After the effect of the medicine, he returned to his original state."

Lin Xian frowned, how could a pure person like Shen Chuwei do such a thing?
Without waiting for Lin Xian to ask, Ouyang Leyuan said: "I have to go to work beforehand, so you can rest."

As Ouyang Leyuan said, she walked out clutching the back of her hand. She didn't believe that a cat could disappear out of thin air?
As soon as Ouyang Leyuan left, Xuetuan got out from under the bed and jumped into Xiao Jinyan's arms again, looking for comfort.

Lin Xian noticed Xuetuan's actions and wondered if it was hiding from Ouyang Leyuan, or it would have run out as soon as she left.

After listening to Ouyang Leyuan's words, his bad premonition came to his heart again.

This premonition lasted until night, when he found that Shen Chuwei usually came to deliver food at this time, but he didn't come today.

After waiting for about half an hour, Shen Chuwei still did not come.

Lin Xian couldn't help feeling a little worried, did something happen to Shen Chuwei?
He removed the gauze from his eyes, put the snow ball on the ground, and stood up with the help of the wheelchair. After this period of treatment, he can stand up and walk.

Shen Chuwei refused to let him stand up, saying that the bones had not grown well, and if he forced to walk, the consequences would be more serious.

Xue Tuan raised his head and saw Xiao Jinyan stand up, rolled his eyes and walked out.

Lin Xian supported the table and came to the door, picked up the crutches that he seldom used, and walked out slowly following the snow ball.

He remembered that Shen Chuwei said that Xuetuan was different from other pets in that it had a very sensitive nose, didn't like strangers, and was good at leading the way.

Lin Xian came out holding the door frame, and saw a white figure running towards the door in the night, indicating that Shen Chuwei was not in his guest room

He frowned and chased after him, because his leg injury hadn't healed, and every step he took would hurt painfully if he tried hard.

"During this time, don't use your legs too hard, or you will be disabled, and it will be too late."

Shen Chuwei's words sounded in Lin Xian's mind, he hesitated, and at the same time he stopped.

If he went to find Shen Chuwei regardless, others might find that he could see.

It may also lead to permanent disability. If his legs can't move freely, how can he leave here?

Lin Xian has always had an obsession in his heart, that is to leave here and go to Nanzhao Kingdom.

He didn't know what to do in Nanzhao Kingdom, but he kept reminding him in the back of his mind.


ps: Ask for the monthly ticket to climb the list first, and plan to make a small update in a few days.

Then thank you guys for following up to the latest chapter, which exceeds 100 million words, which is really not easy.

I saw Baozi's comment today, and mentioned the inadequacies of the plot of Xing Miao. It is indeed the lack of writing by the son. The state is not very good recently, and the plot is not well written.

I will try my best to write better.

This episode should end as soon as possible and move on to the next episode.

Young Master is about to prepare a new book, what kind of subject do you guys expect Young Master to write?
Once the theme is determined, the young master will open a pre-collection, and the treasures can collect and add bookshelves in advance.

 Good night babies!
  Ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support!
(End of this chapter)

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