Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 504 Desperate for her, wishful thinking in vain

Chapter 504 Desperate for her, wishful thinking in vain
Lin Xian never took the initiative to look for Ouyang Leyuan, and when she heard Lin Xian looking for her, she dressed happily before going to the guest room.

Lin Xian was eating breakfast, but he was just worried that Shen Chuwei would not be able to eat breakfast after two mouthfuls.

Footsteps came from outside the door, and he guessed it was Ouyang Leyuan. The difference between her and Shen Chuwei's steps was that Shen Chuwei's steps were brisk like hers, and it was very easy to get along with her.

And Ouyang Leyuan's pace was quick and slow, and the moment she entered the door with some strength, but with some deliberate slowness, just like her, she had a bad temper but insisted on pretending to be very gentle.

Ouyang Leyuan walked in, saw Lin Xian, and sat down in front of him, her eyes couldn't hide her joy: "Lin Xian, I heard the maid said that you are looking for me, is there something wrong?"

Lin Xiandao: "I have something to ask you for help."

Ouyang Leyuan said very straightforwardly: "What's the matter? I will definitely help you as you said."

Lin Xian was too worried about Shen Chuwei, so he didn't beat around the bush, but said straight to the point: "I want to see Dr. Shen."

Ouyang Leyuan's face changed when she heard the words, "What do you want to see Dr. Shen for? He is a liar, my third brother was almost killed by him."

Lin Xian noticed that Ouyang Leyuan's tone had changed, and he said slowly, "I don't think Dr. Shen is like that kind of person. You can ask Dr. Shen to look at your third brother's condition again, maybe there will be a turnaround."

Ouyang Leyuan didn't like Dr. Shen at all, seeing Lin Xian speaking for him, she felt a little unhappy, but she pretended to be very good on the surface.

"Lin Xian, you are not familiar with Dr. Shen, why do you want to speak for him?"

Lin Xian said indifferently: "As the saying goes, once you are acquainted, you live in the guest room and you are familiar with a few words. Besides, I asked her to see my eyes."

Ouyang Leyuan's expression changed when she heard the words, "You actually asked him to show you your eyes? He is a charlatan, young, and has a lot of tricks. Aren't you afraid that he will harm you?"

"I have no grievances with her, how could she harm me?" Lin Xian paused here, and after calming down his displeasure, he said quietly: "My eyes can see a little bit."

Lin Xian never wanted to let others know about his recovery of vision, but, for Shen Chuwei's sake, he made an exception and tried.

Ouyang Leyuan has been looking forward to Lin Xian's recovery of eyesight, she can see her, of course she will be very happy now that she can see.

"Really? Can you see me then?"

"It's enough for Dr. Shen to change the medicine twice. If I don't change the medicine and continue to treat, my eyes may..." Lin Xian didn't continue, the meaning in his words is self-evident.

Ouyang Leyuan is not a fool, so she can understand the meaning of Lin Xian's words. Lin Xian is worried that Dr. Shen will be kicked out of the imperial city after being fined, and no one will continue to treat his eyes.

"Don't worry, I will help you."

It just so happened that she could propose to Dr. Shen that if she wanted to save her, she would have to exchange it with snow balls. For the sake of her own life, she would definitely compromise.

By the way, I helped Lin Xian, let him remember his own kindness, and killed two birds with one stone.

At this time, the confinement room

Shen Chuwei was busy until late last night, there was no bed in the confinement room, so she could only sleep against the wall.

The closed door opened from the outside, making the sound of metal clashing.

Qin Xiao was awake all the time, when he saw someone walking in, he pushed Shen Chuwei, "Young Master, Young Master, someone has come in."

Shen Chuwei woke up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes, and saw that the person who came was a tall and straight man. The man was wearing black clothes, with a blue scarf on his head, and three tiny braids hanging down from his right side. .

She immediately recognized that it was the patriarch's second son, Ouyang Jingxuan.

Ouyang Jingxuan looked down at Dr. Shen condescendingly, not paying attention to him at all, "Doctor Shen, please come with me."

Shen Chuwei supported Qin Xiao to stand up. She was too busy last night to have time to take a bath, and felt uncomfortable all over. Although she is lazy, it doesn't mean she doesn't like to be clean.

She patted the dust off her body, then raised her head to look at Ouyang Jingxuan, "Where are you going?"

The corner of Ouyang Jingxuan's lips curled up into a sneer: "A vicious charlatan like you is naturally going to parade in the streets, so that the entire Xingmiao people can see you as a liar, so as not to be cheated again."

As soon as Qin Xiao heard about the parade, his face immediately changed. How dare he let Princess Daxia parade in the street?
He stepped forward to protect Shen Chuwei behind him, and said bluntly: "My son's medical skills are superb, he can cure all kinds of poisons, the third master woke up from a coma, and his spirit improved. These all prove that my son's medical skills are excellent."

Seeing that they were unwilling to give up, Ouyang Jingxuan said: "After the doctor's diagnosis, the improvement is also due to the use of strong medicine, and the sudden fainting is also caused by the overpowering of the medicine. If the medical skills are good, my third brother will not faint now. don't wake up."

Shen Chuwei came out from behind Qin Xiao, looked up at Ouyang Jingxuan, "The third master will wake up today."

Shen Chuwei, who had just woken up, had a hoarse voice, with a soft feeling of powerlessness.

Ouyang Jingxuan seemed to have heard some joke, "The doctor made a diagnosis yesterday, and the third brother is in a coma, which is worse than before."

Shen Chuwei looked Ouyang Jingxuan up and down. Although they were brothers, they didn't look like Ouyang Jingyuan, not as comfortable as Ouyang Jingyuan.

"I think you don't have to worry about Ouyang Jingxuan now, but you should worry about your own body."

Ouyang Jingxuan's face changed again when he heard the words, but he still couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with my body?"

Shen Chuwei looked at Ouyang Jingyuan's face and said calmly: "Second Master's complexion is yellowish, and his eyes are blue. It's because of a liver problem. If he doesn't get treatment in time, it will be very dangerous."

Ouyang Jingxuan opened his eyes wide, as if he didn't believe that there was something wrong with his body, he pretended to be calm, and said angrily, "You are a charlatan, think I will believe your nonsense?"

Shen Chuwei shrugged indifferently, "Believe it or not is your business, whether you can save it or not is my business."

Ouyang Jingxuan pursed his lips and looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he was very afraid of something wrong with his body. If he took the initiative to ask Dr. Shen to treat him, I'm afraid that everything he did would be in vain.

Just when Ouyang Jingxuan was hesitating, Ouyang Jingyu strode in.

"Doctor Shen, Doctor Shen."

When Ouyang Jingyu came in and saw Ouyang Jingxuan, he frowned, "Why are you here?"

Ouyang Jingxuan explained: "Brother, my father asked me to take them to parade in the street, so as to make an example to others."

"The third brother is awake and wants to see Dr. Shen." Ouyang Jingyu took two steps forward and came to Dr. Shen with joy in his eyes: "Dr. Shen, my third brother is awake, please go and have a look."

Seeing that Ouyang Jingyuan woke up as expected, Shen Chuwei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay." Shen Chu lowered her head slightly and smelled it. After a night, the smell of sweat was so heavy that she almost hated it.

"But I want to take a shower first, my body is covered in sweat, it smells too bad."

Ouyang Jingyu smiled, "This is no problem."

Shen Chuwei followed Ouyang Jingyu out of the confinement room.

Qin Xiao followed closely behind.

It was stuffy in the closed room, but after coming out, the air was much better, but it was unbearably hot.

Shen Chu slightly raised his hand to block the sun above his head. On such a hot day, he should stay in the house, with maids to fan the wind, and ice cubes to cool down, eating iced watermelon grapes.

She believes that such a day will be realized soon.

As long as Xiao Jinyan's leg is cured, she will coax him home.

Ouyang Jingxuan watched Ouyang Jingyu lead Doctor Shen away, his face turned blue with anger, "Yesterday the doctor clearly said that his condition was getting worse, why did he suddenly wake up?"

After leaving the guest room, Ouyang Leyuan rushed all the way to the confinement room. She wanted to see how embarrassed Dr. Shen was, and even more wanted to see how he begged herself.

When she walked into the closed room, she only saw Ouyang Jingxuan standing inside, but did not see Dr. Shen.

Ouyang Leyuan thought that she was one step late, and looked at Ouyang Jingxuan with some indignation, "Second brother, where is Dr. Shen? You won't be dragged out to parade in the street, will you? Can't you wait for me?"

She promised Lin Xian to take Dr. Shen there, and she couldn't let him down.

Ouyang Jingxuan was about to leave, but he stopped when he saw Ouyang Leyuan coming.

"I didn't go to parade in the street, but was taken away by my elder brother. It seems that your third brother woke up."

Ouyang Leyuan said with eyes full of doubts: "Third brother woke up, and it wasn't Dr. Shen who saved him. Why did you take him away?"

"I know that too." Ouyang Jingxuan sighed helplessly, "Doctor Shen is too good at deceiving people, big brother believes him, A Yuan caused trouble, and it will be too late to regret it."

Ouyang Leyuan couldn't help but start to worry when she heard the words: "Brother is also confused, that Dr. Shen treats the third brother's dead horse as a living horse doctor just for the ten thousand gold, so many doctors are useless, and he is just a stunned young man." What good medical skills are there?"

After Ouyang Leyuan finished speaking, she thought of Lin Xian's eyes. Lin Xian said that Dr. Shen could cure his eyes, so he has some medical skills?
Even so, Ouyang Leyuan was still a little unhappy when her wishful thinking failed.

In the guest room, Shen Chuwei sat in the tub soaking in warm water, feeling comfortable all over.

This is the second bucket of hot water. She didn't take a bath last night, and she felt that the bucket of water was not clean.

When Shen Chuwei was taking a bath, Qin Xiao was guarding outside the door.

After Shen Chuwei took a shower and changed, he went to Ouyang Jingyuan's room.

The house was full of people, including the patriarch, Ouyang Jingyu and several other doctors.

When Shen Chu stepped in slightly, he felt that the air inside was thin, and the room was even hotter than the corridor~
"Patriarch, the third master was able to wake up only because the medicine was too effective. The subordinates checked the prescriptions used by Dr. Shen one by one. Several herbal subordinates studied it and found that the medicinal properties of the few herbs were strong. The third master is very weak, not suitable for use on the third master, the purpose of Dr. Shen's doing this is to want the ten thousand gold."

As soon as Shen Chuwei came in, she heard a doctor dissing herself. She walked two steps inside and saw the doctor dissing herself.

The patriarch was distraught after hearing this, and paced back and forth in the room, "Then what can you do?"

The doctor pondered for a moment, and said: "Patriarch, you can try Lingxu grass as a medicine."

The corners of Shen Chuwei's mouth twitched violently. The spirit whisker herbal medicine was strong, and the effect came quickly, but it was also a life-threatening talisman.

This is not a cure, it is clearly a reminder!


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(End of this chapter)

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