Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 505 It's so satisfying, let Ouyang Jingyuan undo the Gu, but someone is jealous

Chapter 505 It's so satisfying, let Ouyang Jingyuan undo the Gu, but someone is jealous

This is ancient times, and I don't know if the doctor has a qualification certificate for the job. Black people are called white, and white people are called black.

"I need money for medical treatment, but you need death for medical treatment."

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked over with doubts.

Shen Chuwei walked in slowly under the eyes of everyone, with a lazy posture, as if he had just woken up.

When the doctor saw Dr. Shen, he couldn't get angry. Just because of Dr. Shen's arrival, they were scolded bloody by the patriarch. A 50-year-old doctor like him is not as good as a stunned young man with no hair at all. ?

"What do you mean by that?"

Shen Chuwei repeated again: "I said that your cure will kill you."

The doctor's face turned blue with anger, and when he saw the third master on the bed, he snorted: "For a reward of ten thousand, you gave the third master strong medicine, which caused his body to become weak. Do you really think you are very capable? I have practiced medicine for thirty years. Zai, be careful when you treat the third master, it's not like you give the third master strong medicine for your own selfishness, trying to kill the third master."

Shen Chu said quietly: "As a doctor, you don't even know the medicinal materials, so you have the nerve to say that you have practiced medicine for [-] years? If I use strong medicine, the third master will be alive and well in the first three days, not ten days. I am It’s right for the bounty, if it wasn’t for the [-] bounty, I wouldn’t be on the list, so I need money for medical treatment.”

What a big tone. The doctor stroked his gray beard: "Are you 15 years old?"I'm afraid you don't even know the medicinal materials at your age, right?For a reward of [-], he dared to use any medicine. "

Shen Chu looked at her and wasted no time arguing about her age, but she asked back: "Then what do you think is the effect of the spirit beard grass? Why do you use the spirit beard grass for the third master?"

The doctor's eyes froze when he heard the words, and he coughed lightly: "Lingxucao is a herbal medicine that nourishes Qi and nourishes vitality. More importantly, Lingxucao has a saying of reviving the soul. The third master is weak and can be used This medicine."

"The theory of reviving the soul is all nonsense. It is true that the spirit beard grass nourishes qi and nourishes the vitality, but the spirit beard grass also has the effect of nourishing yang energy, which is ten times the effect of deer blood. Generally, it can't bear such a strong medicine. What's more, people who are too weak? You give the third master this medicine, it's like a life-threatening talisman. It's not wrong for you to say that you cure the disease, right? "

Shen Chu spoke slowly, showing a faint smile to the doctor.

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, the room suddenly became quiet.

The doctor's face turned blue and then pale. He didn't expect such a brat to know so much that he couldn't get down.

After hearing what Dr. Shen said, the patriarch asked coldly, "Doctor, what's going on?"

The doctor was guilty, and when he was questioned by the patriarch, he was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat, "Patriarch, don't be fooled by a brat. I have practiced medicine for thirty years, how could it be possible that I don't even know the efficacy of the spirit beard herb? He just wanted to Bounty, made up, and wanted to murder the third master."

The patriarch's heart began to waver when he heard the words. The doctor has been working in the imperial city for ten years, and looking at Doctor Shen, a young boy, it is really hard to convince people.

"Doctor Shen, what else do you want to say?"

The doctor lowered his brows and nodded, feeling a burst of joy in his heart. The patriarch still believed in him. In this way, Doctor Shen would not only be punished but also kicked out, and his goal would be achieved.

Shen Chu smiled slightly, and replied calmly: "In that case, then please ask this elderly doctor to use a spirit whisker grass for himself. If there is nothing wrong, I will take the initiative to apologize and get out of the imperial city."

The corner of the doctor's mouth just raised, and when he heard this sentence, his smile disappeared immediately, and he said angrily: "I'm not sick, why do I need to eat the spirit whisker grass?"

Shen Chuwei said lightly: "You said that the spirit beard grass is a mild medicinal material. At your age, it's no problem to replenish some vitality and yang energy, unless you dare not."

The doctor stiffened his neck and replied calmly: "Who says I dare not? Lingxu grass is a very precious medicinal material, and it is also a plant that is kept in the imperial city. If I use it, the third master will be out of medicine." ?”

"Lingxu grass is very valuable. Unfortunately, I have one here, so you don't have to worry about the third master." Shen Chuwei took out a small wooden box from her arms, looked at the doctor with a smile, and opened it slowly. Box, take out the Spirit Beard Grass inside and show him.

When the doctor saw the spirit beard grass in his hand, he panicked. He knew the medicinal effect of the spirit beard grass too well. If he ate the whole plant, he might vomit blood immediately.

Seeing him standing there without moving, Shen Chuwei asked with a puzzled look: "Are you worried that the spirit whiskers need to spend money?"

The doctor opened his eyes wide, the spirit beard grass is a very valuable medicinal material, if you buy it with money, some people will refuse it.

"That's natural. Spirit whiskers are hard to find..."

Shen Chu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Lingxucao doesn't charge money."

The doctor only felt that this smile was like a murderous knife, killing without blood.

The patriarch was also a little excited when he saw the Spirit Beard Grass, he turned to look at the doctor, "What are you waiting for? Since you said the medicine is mild, let's try it."

The doctor couldn't evade it, and it wasn't easy to try. In the end, his legs softened and he knelt on the ground with a plop and kowtowed, "Patriarch, it's because the subordinates are confused and misunderstood the properties of the medicine."

When the doctor knelt down, everyone realized that the doctor was lying, and what Dr. Shen said was right.

The patriarch kicked the doctor angrily, kicking him to the ground, spitting blood.

"Eating food from inside and outside can't cure my son's illness, and he still wants to harm my son." The patriarch shouted angrily: "Come here, put him in the dungeon and feed the snake."

"Patriarch, spare your life, patriarch, spare your life..."

Regardless of the doctor's desperate begging for mercy, the guards swallowed him expressionlessly.

The house was quiet again.

When the patriarch looked at Dr. Shen, he was more trusting than before.

"Doctor Shen, I wronged you before, as long as you cure my son's illness, the reward will be doubled."

Shen Chuwei was very happy to be able to earn [-] gold while looking for someone, "Thank you patriarch."

After everyone in the room dispersed, Shen Chuwei came to the bed and sat down, took his hand and began to check his pulse.

Ouyang Jingyuan has been in a state of sobriety all along. He has seen what happened just now. He did not expect her to solve it so easily.

Looking at the eyebrows and eyes similar to Xiao Jiu, he seemed to see Xiao Jiu who had grown up.

Shen Chuwei checked his pulse and found that Ouyang Jingyuan had been staring at him, "What's wrong?"

Ouyang Jingyuan shook his head, "It's nothing, did you come here last night?"

Shen Chuwei chuckled: "Well, I came here secretly last night. I checked your pulse and found that you were poisoned. I detoxified you and gave you acupuncture, otherwise I would have to parade in the streets today."

"No wonder I feel much better this morning." After Ouyang Jingyuan finished speaking, he found an important question, "Did you sneak out? Are you locked up? They want you to parade in the street?"

"Well, you fainted suddenly. They thought it was me, so they put me in the confinement room. They sneaked out last night to check your pulse."

When Shen Chuwei said this, he laughed out loud: "Shouldn't you be worried about why you were poisoned? Who poisoned you?"

Ouyang Jingyuan said indifferently: "Aren't I fine now? It's you, who was imprisoned and imprisoned in a confinement room."

Shen Chuwei hesitated for a while before asking: "Since you said that, can you do me a favor?"

Ouyang Jingyuan readily agreed, "Tell me, I will definitely help."

Shen Chuwei said: "Didn't I tell you last time that the wound would not heal? You said that you might have been bewitched. This is the case with a friend of mine. How about you help me out?"

Ouyang Jingyuan agreed almost without thinking, "Okay, when you ask your friend to come over, I'll relieve him immediately."

Shen Chuwei was a little excited, "Tonight, I'll bring him here tonight."

Ouyang Jingyuan raised the corners of his lips, "Okay, I'll wait for you tonight."

Shen Chuwei happily went to find Xiao Jinyan.

At this moment, Lin Xian hugged the snow ball and waited for a long time for Shen Chuwei to come, so he couldn't help becoming anxious.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

Lin Xian couldn't wait, and pushed the wheelchair to the yard, looking at the door.

Xuetuan raised his head and looked towards the door.

One person and one cat, like a watchful husband...

Shen Chuwei came back with cheerful steps, and saw Xiao Jinyan and Xue Tuan in the yard from a distance.

She happily pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.


Lin Xian heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Shen Chuwei come back. He looked her up and down, and found that the clothes she was wearing were different from last night, obviously she had changed after bathing.

"Just come out."

Shen Chuwei knelt down in front of him, rubbed Xuetuan's forehead, and asked with a smile: "Husband, you came out to wait for me on purpose, are you worried about me?"

Lin Xian saw her smiling face, he paused, and denied: "No, the room is too stuffy, come out to get some air."

"Oh, I thought Husband was waiting for me here specially." Shen Chu was a little disappointed, she smiled again and said, "Husband, Ouyang Jingyuan and I have agreed to relieve you, tonight."

Lin Xian frowned, and said displeasedly: "Did you tell him?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly: "The wound on your heart can't drag on any longer, you must remove the Gu immediately, and let the wound heal quickly, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

Lin Xian's voice was very deep: "You trust him that much?"

Shen Chuwei said: "I don't trust him very much, but I think he can be trusted."

Lin Xian: "..."

"Don't worry, if something happens, I'll take care of it, and I won't drag you down." Shen Chuwei was so earnest that he almost raised his hand to swear.

Lin Xian ignored her, turned the wheelchair and walked inside.

"Husband, I'll help you." Shen Chuwei stood up and grabbed the armrest, pushing the wheelchair in.

After entering, Shen Chuwei picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea, took several sips, feeling too thirsty.

After finishing drinking, she planned to pour another glass and found that he was looking at her. She blinked her beautiful big eyes twice, and immediately realized what was going on.

Then poured another cup and handed it to him with both hands, "Husband, drink tea."

Lin Xianyun glanced at the teacup in her hand, it was the one she had just drank, he looked back and ignored it.

Shen Chuwei didn't know what he meant, so he asked, "Husband, aren't you thirsty?"

Lin Xian's thin lips parted slightly: "I'm not thirsty."

"Oh." Shen Chuwei withdrew it and handed it to his lips, and drank it in a few sips. After drinking two cups, he finally quenched his thirst.

Lin Xian: "..."


I originally planned to write some stories about Xu Qingqing and Jun Wuxian, but this chapter is full of [-] words...

 Good night, babies!

  Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets to climb the list!

(End of this chapter)

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