Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 512 I'm Afraid of Your Bloody Fanggang Doing Something Wrong, How to Restore Your Memor

Chapter 512 Afraid of Your Vigor Fanggang Doing Something Wrong, How to Restore Your Memory (Part [-])
Just as Shen Chuwei stood up, she heard that she was sitting back again. After eating and drinking, her favorite thing to do was to lie down, but now was not the time to lie down.

"I'll give you acupuncture when I come back from the pulse diagnosis. I'll be back soon."

Lin Xian said dissatisfiedly: "Then why didn't you go just now? When you give me acupuncture, why don't you go to him to check the pulse?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Didn't you have dinner just now?"

Lin Xian asked again: "What about before dinner? Why don't you go?"

Shen Chuwei replied confidently: "Wasn't Ouyang Leyuan here before? It's not appropriate for a lonely man and a widow to live in the same room."

Lin Xian explained after hearing the words: "Princess Le Yuan and I are innocent, don't think too much about it."

Shen Chuwei didn't think so, she couldn't have the heart of harming others, and the heart of guarding against others was indispensable. According to her intuition, Ouyang Leyuan just had unreasonable thoughts about Xiao Jinyan.

"If Husband remembers me, I naturally believe that Husband has a sense of propriety, but you don't remember now, Husband is at the age of youthful vigor, what if he loses his sense of propriety?"

The phrase "fresh and vigorous" reminded Lin Xian of his reaction after seeing that painting. He is indeed a vigorous and vigorous at his age, which doesn't mean what she said.

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it is."

"Stop talking, I'm going to check Ouyang Jingyuan's pulse, or it will be too late."

"Then it's safe for you to go and get Ouyang Jingyuan's pulse now?"

Shen Chuwei picked up the medicine box and retorted: "I'm going to see a doctor, what's wrong?"

"Lonely men and widows live in the same room, and Ouyang Jingyuan is also at a young age." Lin Xian snorted, "Is it suitable?"

Shen Chuwei nodded thoughtfully, "What you said makes sense."

Lin Xian snorted with satisfaction: "Then are you still going?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Go, I won't feel at ease if I don't check the pulse."

Lin Xian's eyes paused, and his face changed accordingly: "Then didn't you just say that it made sense?"

Shen Chu smiled slightly: "If I go with Qin Xiao, it doesn't count as a single man and a widow living in the same room. I promise to go and come back soon."

Lin Xian: "..."

Shen Chuwei carried the medicine box, opened the door and walked out without looking back.

Lin Xian threw away the teacup in his hand angrily, and finally realized that he was angry, but he was not calm.

When Shen Chuwei came, Ouyang Jingyuan had just finished bathing and was wearing light-colored pajamas. If he came later, he might have to rest.

Ouyang Jingyuan saw her coming, with a slight smile in his mouth, "I thought you wouldn't come for the pulse today."

Shen Chuwei was a little embarrassed, because of her personal affairs, it was delayed so late.

"Some things have been delayed for a while, so you have been waiting for a long time."

Ouyang Jingyuan said softly: "I'm free now, you can come over anytime, don't blame yourself."

Shen Chuwei sat down in front of him, "I'll check your pulse first, and then decide how to use the medicine tomorrow."

Qin Xiao put the medicine box on the table, then opened it, took out the medical pad and put it on the table, followed Shen Chuwei for a while, and his assistant became more and more comfortable.

When Shen Chuwei brought over the medical pad, Ouyang Jingyuan also stretched out his hand in cooperation. In summer clothes, the wrists were exposed, so there was no need to roll them up.

Shen Chuwei took his pulse seriously.

Shen Chuwei was quite familiar with Ouyang Jingyuan's illness, and after a period of treatment, his condition stabilized.

It's just that the medication is extremely particular, and the medicine used must be mild and non-irritating. Ouyang Jingyuan's body would not be able to bear any slightly strong medicine.

After Shen Chu's pulse diagnosis, he knew what medicine to take tomorrow.

"Rest well, I'll come back tomorrow."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Ouyang Jingyuan called her to stop: "Mr. Shen, how did you become Xiao Jinyan's wife?"

When Qin Xiao heard his master's name, he raised his head and glanced at Ouyang Jingyuan with a questioning look in his eyes.

Shen Chuwei took it for granted, "If you enter the East Palace in the draft, you will naturally be Xiao Jinyan's wife. Is there any problem?"

Ouyang Jing is far from understanding the rules of Daxia, but he understands one thing, that is imperial power, and no one dares to defy it.

"No problem, just curious, what kind of person do you think Xiao Jinyan is?"

Shen Chuwei said without even thinking about it: "He is very smart, he is an excellent future prince, and he is also a qualified husband."

A short sentence, without too many adjectives, but contains a lot of adjectives.

Ouyang Jingyuan was a little surprised when he heard the words, "Xiao Jinyan is the prince?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "En."

After Ouyang Jingyuan was surprised, he nodded in agreement, "No wonder you said that he is excellent, and if he can become the prince, he is naturally the best among all the princes."

Shen Chuwei was quite proud, "I still have a good eye."

Ouyang Jingyuan asked curiously: "Are you sure that Lin Xian is Xiao Jinyan? Why don't you just say it outright? Then take him away?"

Shen Chuwei said helplessly: "I also want to take him away, but he doesn't think he is Xiao Jinyan, and this is the Xingmiao people, not Daxia, and I still don't know who is trying to kill Xiao Jinyan? It's better to be careful, in case If something happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect him."

Of the entire Xingmiao people, only he knew Shen Chuwei's identity, Lin Xian's undetermined identity, and the purpose of coming here.

"Then tell me this, are you not afraid that I will tell others?"

Shen Chuwei said with a mysterious face: "Because I know how to look at faces, your face is kind, not the kind of person who stabs a knife in the back."

Ouyang Jingyuan was startled when he heard the words, and then he couldn't help laughing, "You speak very much like Feng Wuyou, she also said similar things."

Shen Chu showed a slightly surprised look: "Such a coincidence?"

"Once she ate the tribute. How can she eat the tribute? But she ate it secretly and hid behind the door. I saw her. She was not afraid to eat the pastry in front of her face. I asked her if she was not afraid that I would tell others. ? She said, I can look at the face, and you are not the kind of person who likes to make small reports. "

After Ouyang Jingyuan finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing again, and then the smile gradually disappeared because he hadn't seen her for many years.

Shen Chuwei couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "I think what she said makes sense. You're a good person, you don't know how to make small reports, and you certainly don't want to stab a knife in the back."

It is a joy to be trusted, then and now.

Ouyang Jingyuan said: "Since you trust me, I will not let you down, but don't worry, I can keep you safe here."

Shen Chuwei frowned happily when he heard the words, "With your words, I am more confident. It feels like hugging my thigh and giving me a sense of security."

Ouyang Jingyuan was amused, "So exaggerated?"

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, "I heard that you are a heaven-level Gu master, and you are also a rare Gu master genius?"

Ouyang Jingyuan's actual age is 24 years old. He has been in poor health since he was a child, but he is a rare Gu-making genius. During this period, he went to Nanzhao Kingdom for medical treatment.

These were all inquired by Qin Xiao, and Shen Chuwei was shocked for a long time, knowing the big names in the world of Gu masters.

In the unfamiliar Xingmiao people, what is it if you don't hug your thighs?
Ouyang Jingyuan chuckled, "He's a heaven-level Gu master. As for geniuses, they are just exaggerating."

Shen Chuwei said very seriously: "These are not important, the important thing is that a heavenly Gu master makes people feel safe."

When she came here, what she was most afraid of was being accidentally bewitched by a Gu. When she thought of those Gu insects that she had never heard of or seen before, her skin got goosebumps.

People I know can detoxify, just like her doctor, so don't worry.

Ouyang Jingyuan laughed when he heard the words, it turned out that the sense of security came from the title of Heavenly Gu Master, not from him~
After Shen Chuwei left, Ouyang Jingyuan lay on the bed, and he recovered well in the past two days, all thanks to Shen Chuwei.

It's just that it's hard for him to fall asleep at this moment, and when he closes his eyes, a pair of smiling eyes are looking at him.

After Shen Chuwei came out, she probably hugged her thigh unintentionally, and her steps were happier and easier than usual when she walked.

Qin Xiao carried the medicine box and followed unhurriedly. Although he had doubts in his heart, he didn't ask any questions.

When returning to the guest room, Shen Chuwei saw a light on at the door of another guest room, and saw a slender figure in the yard.

Under the light, the man's handsome facial features were looming, like a rough jade hidden in the world.

"Little Master Wutan." Shen Chu greeted with a slight smile.

Hearing the familiar voice, Wu Tan turned his head and saw Shen Chu walking over with a smile, an imperceptible smile appeared in his cold eyes.

"Doctor Shen, haven't you rested yet?"

Shen Chuwei said: "I just came here from the third master, now I'm going to see a doctor for Lin Xian, and I can rest after watching."

Before Xiao Jinyan's identity is determined, he will be called Lin Xian.

Wu Tan asked, "He also lives here?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Well, we are all guests, we all live in guest rooms, and we can drop by."

Wu Tan said: "The poor monk just wants to stay for a few more days."

"Then I'll go in first." Shen Chu waved his hand slightly, and walked into the courtyard with cheerful steps, followed by Qin Xiao.

Wu Tan stood under the porch, watched Shen Chuwei walk into the yard, pushed open the door and walked in, before he leisurely looked away.

The moment the door was pushed open, Lin Xian raised his head and looked towards the door. Seeing Shen Chuwei, he asked, "Didn't you say go and come back soon? Why is it taking so long?"

"We chatted for a while." Shen Chu came over happily and sat down in front of Xiao Jinyan.

Lin Xian saw her smiling, as if she had encountered something very happy, "What are you talking about so happily?"

Even Lin Xian himself didn't realize how sour his tone was.

Shen Chuwei said proudly: "I hugged a thigh."

Lin Xian's eyes darkened when he heard the words: "Can't you be more reserved as a woman? Hug someone's thigh?"

As soon as Qin Xiao opened the medicine box, when he heard this sentence, he knew that his master had misunderstood the meaning of Shen Chuwei's words.

Shen Chuwei explained: "It's a good thing that we can hug our thighs in this unfamiliar place, so don't be reserved."

Lin Xian: "..." Is it a good thing to hug someone's thigh?
Qin Xiao couldn't help explaining: "Master, hugging your thigh means that you have a strong backer."

Lin Xian was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, because he thought hugging his thighs meant literally~~

Only then did Shen Chuwei realize that Xiao Jinyan had misunderstood what she said, and she couldn't help laughing, "Why is my husband so stupid? How could I really hug someone's thigh?"

Lin Xian glanced at Qin Xiao coldly.

Qin Xiao felt that he was talking too much, so he exited after thinking about it, and closed the door by the way.

Lin Xian looked back at Shen Chuwei, and asked casually, "Whose thigh did you hug?"

"Ouyang Jingyuan, he is a heaven-level Gu master, very powerful."

Shen Chu gave him acupuncture and moxibustion very familiarly, this time it was different from the previous few times, this time he will use medicine and moxibustion later.

Lin Xian snorted and said nothing.

After the moxibustion was over, Shen Chuwei packed up the medicine box and put down his trouser legs.

After the medicinal moxibustion, Lin Xian felt that his knees were surrounded by warmth, which was very comfortable.

Shen Chuwei stood up and looked at Xiao Jinyan wearing a white tunic. The material of the summer tunic was very thin, and the skirt was slightly open, revealing the gauze inside. She slowly took possession of her body.

Lin Xian was about to go to bed and rest, when he saw a figure enveloping him, as the figure approached, the faint scent of peach blossoms rushed over his face, making his body stiff.

He looked up at Shen Chuwei, because of his approach, his body instinctively leaned back, and when he could no longer support himself, he could only support the bed with his hands to prevent himself from falling on the bed.

"What are you doing?"

Shen Chuwei wrapped his arms around his neck, and said seriously: "I want to try to get closer to you, and see if I can remind you of me."

 Good afternoon, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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