Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 513 After being made to cry by Lin Xian, Xiao Jinyan came to coax her regardless of her leg

Chapter 513 After being made to cry by Lin Xian, Xiao Jinyan came to coax her regardless of her leg injury

When Lin Xian heard the words, he thought of what Shen Chuwei said in the afternoon, and wanted to do some intimate things with him.

As for intimacy, he thought of that painting, and couldn't help but feel dry.

Anyone who sees that painting will be stimulated. He is just a normal man, and the man in that painting is exactly like him, and his reaction is normal.


Shen Chuwei was a little disappointed, "Why not?"

Lin Xian paused and said: "You are the one who suffers in such an intimate matter, and there is no room for regret in the future. Why do you ruin yourself because of a similar face?"

Shen Chuwei laughed again when she heard the words, and took the initiative to post the post. She didn't forget that Xiao Jinyan had a wound on his heart, so she avoided pressing on his wound.

"Are you afraid that I will suffer, so you refused?"

When the person on him approached, Lin Xian's breathing was stagnant, his face flushed slightly, and he turned his head away from looking at Shen Chuwei.

"Don't you understand what I mean? Come down!"

Shen Chuwei asked again without giving up: "Are you really unwilling to try?"

Lin Xian was a little impatient, "Why bother?"

Shen Chuwei couldn't help but emphasize her tone, "Of course it's necessary, I just hope you can remember me soon, I want to go home."

Lin Xian hoarsely said: "Get off me first."

Shen Chuwei didn't notice the man's change. She looked at the two of them suspiciously. Although they were close to each other, she didn't forget that he was a patient, so she didn't put the weight on him, but clung to him.

She looked at the man innocently, "I didn't press your wound."

She just wanted to kiss, why is it so difficult?
Before kissing, he was unwilling to let her go until he was out of breath.

Lin Xian was about to collapse at this moment, he only felt that it was very hot, very hot, and his back was almost drenched.

In the afternoon, he will say that he is young, forget it now?
Shen Chuwei noticed that the man's face was getting redder and redder. She stretched out her hand to caress his face, and became even more puzzled. During the medicine moxibustion just now, she checked the pulse and everything was normal.

"Your face is so red and hot."

Lin Xianqiang pretended to be calm and said, "It's too hot in the room."

"Is it hot?" Shen Chu slightly raised his head and looked out of the window. The wind was a bit strong tonight, and the windows creaked. It wasn't hot but rather cool.

Lin Xian said angrily, "Of course it's hot."

Shen Chuwei looked back and found that not only his face was red, but also his long and narrow phoenix eyes were also red. She suddenly thought of Xiao Jinyan that night, and she was also suddenly shy.

"Are you shy?"

Lin Xian: "..."

Shen Chuwei is not impatient, but he is extremely anxious about Xiao Jinyan's recovery of memory.

Probably because they were too affectionate before, suddenly they returned to the starting point and became strangers, and their attitudes were too different, which made her a little sad.

If she went back to the beginning, even if Xiao Jinyan didn't visit her once a year, she wouldn't feel anything, she should eat and drink, and the life of salted fish couldn't be more comfortable.

Thinking of this, she wanted Xiao Jinyan to remember quickly, and then go home together, so that she could continue to eat and drink...

Just when Shen Chuwei was distracted, he was pushed down on the bed by a strong force.

After Lin Xian pushed her away, he took a deep breath, but he still couldn't calm down the fast heartbeat and the evil thoughts in his mind.

Shen Chuwei was unprepared, and was pushed down on the bed. The bed board was a bit hard in summer, because there was no bedding, so how could a pampered body withstand this fall?
Immediately, half of his face turned red, and seeing that his elbow was also bumped and hurt, it didn't even need to be looked at, and it turned a little bit red.

Shen Chuwei propped herself up and sat up, rubbed her elbows, and touched her aching face, she raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyan in doubt.

"Why did you push me?" Shen Chuwei, who was a little bit lost and sad, was even more aggrieved at this moment.

Lin Xian looked sideways, and saw Shen Chuwei looking at him aggrievedly, his eyes were a little red, as if he was about to cry.

He didn't want to hurt her, he just wanted to push her away so that he wouldn't be able to hold on.

Seeing her like this, I suddenly felt distressed, but what I said was very hurtful.

"Can't you be more reserved as a married woman? Do you have to come to seduce me?"

It's obviously the same face, but at this moment, it's strange and annoying, and what he said is even more annoying.

Shen Chu blinked his big watery eyes slightly, and couldn't hold back for a moment, tears fell down with a bang.

The moment Lin Xian saw her tears falling, he regretted what he just said.

Shen Chu pursed his lips slightly and did not speak, his misty eyes stared at the man in front of him without blinking, but tears kept falling like broken beads.

Seeing her crying so aggrieved, Lin Xian couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and the headache came back again, as if her head was about to explode, excruciating pain.

Tears blurred his vision, but he didn't see clearly what was wrong with Lin Xian.

Shen Chuwei felt a little aggrieved, she wanted Xiao Jinyan to remember her, and if she had a real way, she would never think of having some intimate contact to remind him of her.

Growing up so big, the number of times I cried is very small, and today is the first time that I was made to cry because of a man's words.

dog man!
She wiped away her tears, got off the bed, and started packing the medicine box without saying a word.

Lin Xian watched Shen Chuwei packing up the medicine box and guessed that she was going to leave. He stretched out his hand to her, trying to keep her, but he couldn't even speak because of a splitting headache.

After Shen Chuwei packed the medicine box, he carried it on his shoulder, thought for a while and said, "You rest first, and I'll come back tomorrow."

After speaking, he opened the door and walked out, then closed the door by the way.

Lin Xian watched her go out helplessly, but now he has no time to take care of these, the headache has made him unable to think.

Shen Chuwei returned to the guest room, put the medicine box on the table, rubbed his elbow, felt some pain, rolled up his sleeve and looked down, and found that the skin on the elbow was scratched.

"No wonder it hurts so much."

Qin Xiao said outside the door: "Master, the hot water is ready."

"Here we come." Shen Chuwei replied weakly, and took his clothes to take a bath.

The bathroom is next door, and Qin Xiao is guarding the door, so he is not afraid of someone breaking in suddenly.

Shen Chuwei took off her clothes and sat in the bathtub. The broken skin accidentally touched the water, and she grinned in pain.

Thinking of what Xiao Jinyan said just now, she was still a little sad.

After taking a bath, Shen Chuwei put on his clothes and went back to the guest room without saying a word.

Qin Xiao found that something was wrong with Shen Chuwei tonight, but he couldn't ask more questions due to his identity, so after Shen Chuwei entered, he closed the door.

Shen Chuwei sat on the bed, kicked off his shoes, took out a piece of strawberry-flavored candy from the space, unpacked it, and put it into his mouth to eat.

Eating candy in the mouth, the slight sweetness permeates the whole mouth, and the mood will also improve.

She took out the disinfectant and bandages from the space, treated the broken skin on her elbows, and then used two bandages, so that it wouldn't hurt so much if she touched them accidentally.

After finishing these, Shen Chuwei took out chocolates, potato chips, sesame candies, and cola from the space.

Usually she is reluctant to eat, because she is afraid that if she finishes eating, she will have nothing to eat in the future.

These are items that were stored before passing through. There is a storage room in the space to keep food from expiring. In layman’s terms, it is equivalent to balancing the space, and time is still.

Shen Chuwei tore open the potato chips, picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it was crunchy, then picked up the Coke and opened it, handed it to his mouth and took a sip, drinking carbonated drinks is not good for the health, it's okay to satisfy your craving occasionally .

She unwrapped the chocolate, put it in her mouth and took a bite. She suddenly wanted to have a happy spring and eat homemade ice cream.

The Xingmiao people are not as prosperous as Daxia, and neither are the ice cubes.

Another room at this time

Lin Xian lay curled up on the bed, his splitting headache didn't disappear, on the contrary, it became more and more unbearable, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Wishing someone would knock him out directly, it was better than having to bear such pain.

After a while, the pain gradually disappeared.

Xiao Jinyan looked at a strange place, thinking of Xiao Jiu, he couldn't wait to get out of bed, but just as his feet touched the ground, he felt a sharp pain.

He didn't care about it, he put on his shoes and walked out, every step he took would cause a tingling sensation, which was still bearable.

It usually took a few steps to reach the door, but it took him more than double the time.

Opening the door, the oncoming night breeze felt a bit cool.

He held on to the door frame and walked out. Looking at the dark night, he didn't know which room Xiao Jiu lived in, and he was a little anxious for a while.

Xiao Jinyan endured the pain and walked out of the yard. Looking around, he found a room with lights on, so he walked towards that room.

Qin Xiao kept vigil until late at night before going back to take a bath and rest. When he was about to take a bath, he found the master walking out of the house, and he hurried up to help him.

"Master, why did you come out?"

Xiao Jinyan saw Qin Xiao and asked, "Where are the little nine?"

Qin Xiao raised his hand and pointed to the lighted guest room opposite, "It's in that room, my subordinate will carry you there."

"No, I'll go there by myself." Xiao Jinyan pushed Qin Xiao away and walked towards that room.

Qin Xiao remembered that his master's leg was injured and he couldn't walk for a while, so he took two steps forward and supported his master again.

"Master, your leg is injured, it's better to pay attention."

Xiao Jinyan didn't say anything after hearing the words, and let Qin Xiao help him to walk towards that room.

The distance between the two rooms is not far, and they arrived in a short while.

When he came to the door, Qin Xiao let go of his master's arm, raised his hand and pushed the door open. After the master entered, he closed the door and stood guard outside.

When he was in the palace, Xiao Jinyan would not knock when entering the house, so Qin Xiao didn't even knock, and let the master in directly.

Shen Chuwei just ate a lot of snacks and was rinsing his mouth. He planned to go to bed after rinsing his mouth. When he woke up, it was a new day.

Suddenly hearing the sound of the door opening, she frowned, spit out the mouthwash in her mouth, picked up the teacup and drank a few mouthfuls of tea before spitting it out, wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, and then came out from behind the screen.


As soon as the words were finished, she saw Xiao Jinyan standing in the room, and she froze for a moment.

"How did you come?"

The moment Xiao Jinyan saw Xiao Jiu, the heart he had been carrying finally fell to the ground, and he said softly: "I seem to see you crying, so I came to find you."

A trace of doubt flashed in Shen Chuwei's eyes, did Xiao Jinyan see whether she was crying or not?
Besides, why am I crying, he is not the clearest?
Although what Xiao Jinyan said was very hurtful, he is also a person with amnesia.

Shen Chuwei stepped forward to support him, "Your leg is still injured, what can't you say tomorrow?"

Xiao Jin said: "I'm afraid you will disappear."

Shen Chuwei's heart softened immediately, she helped Xiao Jinyan to sit down by the bed, and she followed suit.

"How could I not see you? Didn't I promise to see you tomorrow?"

Xiao Jinyan held her hand and called out in a low voice, "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chuwei froze for a moment when she heard the familiar address, she raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyan in disbelief, "Do you remember?"


Three chapters were updated today, with an average of [-] words per chapter, and more than [-] is equivalent to a small explosion.

Try to go earlier tomorrow

 Good night babies!
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(End of this chapter)

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