Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 523 Shocking everyone by saying marry her in front of everyone

Chapter 523 Shocking everyone by saying marry her in front of everyone
Seeing that Jun Wuxian was so serious, Xu Changfeng also replied seriously: "I heard from my sister that I ate it, is there any problem, Mr. Jun?"

A look of doubt flashed in Jun Wuxian's eyes. He was able to guess this lantern riddle only because Xiao Jiu told him that strawberries are indeed not available in summer, so how could Xu Qingqing have eaten them?
Just when everyone was wondering, three gongs sounded on the stage, which also meant that this round of guessing lantern riddles was over.

The representative of the organizer smiled and congratulated: "Congratulations, young man, the answer is correct."

After speaking, he said to the assistant on the side: "Bring the prize here."

The assistant handed two blessing lanterns to Jun Wuxian respectively.

The representative of the sponsor came over with the token, and said softly, "This is the token to enter the Wanfeng Villa. When you enter the villa, you can enter with this token."

Jun Wuxian held the blessing lantern in one hand, and took the token with the other hand. The token was made of wood and was carefully crafted, with the word evening wind engraved on it.

After guessing the lantern riddles, both on stage and off stage, everyone sighed.

"Zhuangyuan Lang actually guessed all the lantern riddles."

"Isn't it? Seeing that young master has an extraordinary bearing, he can guess lantern riddles with ease and with ease."

"Isn't the moisture of the champion man a little big?"

Xu Changfeng didn't care about winning or losing. He just wanted to win when he came up. He didn't get the chance to take a day trip to Wanfeng Mountain Villa. It would be nice to get a blessing lantern, which can make his sister happy.

Now that Mr. Jun got it, it must be for his younger sister, as long as the purpose is achieved.

On the other hand, Du Zhiheng, listening to everyone's comments, looked a little ugly. He was a new champion, and he was actually compared to someone he didn't know. He was ashamed and couldn't get down.

Xu Qingqing saw that Jun Wuxian had won, and the corners of her mouth curved into a beautiful arc unconsciously. She glanced at Cao Yanran, flicked the handkerchief in her hand, and covered her mouth with a laugh: "Miss Cao, I have let you down, your fiancé I lost."

Cao Yanran is not as proud as she was just now. Seeing Du Zhiheng's loss, her expression immediately became ugly. Hearing Xu Qingqing's sarcasm, she couldn't pretend anymore.

"What are you happy about? His young master is very imposing and well-educated, and he doesn't look down on this ugly monster like you. If you don't be scared away by your face, it's because you are bold."

Jun Wuxian walked over with a slight smile, stood still in front of Xu Qingqing, and handed the bullying lantern and token in front of her, "Qingqing, I gave it to you."

Xu Qingqing originally wanted to give Cao Yanran a hard time, but when she saw Jun Wuxian walking towards her, she had no time to take care of others. She was a little nervous. She hadn't seen him for more than a month, and he suddenly appeared again. She was nervous at the same time. , still very happy.

Seeing him give her the prize he won, tears of joy filled his eyes.

Xu Qingqing is not a hypocritical person, Jun Wuxian said to give it to her, and she continued.

"You are amazing, you guessed all the difficult lantern riddles correctly."

Jun Wuxian only felt that Xu Qingqing's mouth was getting sweeter and sweeter, and he was about to catch up with Xiao Jiu, so he tapped her head lightly with the folding fan in his hand, "The mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

Xu Qingqing looked at the lantern and token in her hand, and when she heard that she raised her head to look at Jun Wuxian, when she came into contact with those gentle eyes, her previous efforts were in vain.

She thought before that it was impossible for her to be with Jun Wuxian, and it would be good to just be friends.

Now, she felt that she still couldn't just treat him as a friend.

Cao Yanran's jaw dropped when she saw this scene. It turned out that this young man did not know Xu Qingqing. Not only did he know him, but this young man treated Xu Qingqing very well?

Could it be that this young master doesn't know that Xu Qingqing is disfigured?

Seeing her reaction, Jun Wuxian smiled, and looked away at Cao Yanran, the smile disappeared from his eyes.

"As a woman, you uttered harsh words instead of sympathy. Qingqing's face just has two more scars. Compared with your vicious and maggot-ridden heart, you are more disgusting and hard to avoid."

Cao Yanran was stunned when she heard this, why was she ever accused and insulted like this?It was also because of the ugly Xu Qingqing.

This embarrassment is no less than that of Zhuangyuan Lang when he can guess all the lantern riddles.

Du Zhiheng came here at this time, originally he wanted to leave directly, but Cao Yanran was his fiancée after all, and Cao Guogong's first daughter, so he came here and wanted to take her away regardless of face.

"Yan Ran, let's go."

Cao Yanran also wanted to leave, but she was a little unwilling to be scolded like this, and she had to swallow her anger.

She glanced at Xu Qingqing, who was smiling smugly while holding the prize, and snorted: "Since the young master doesn't value appearance so much, then marry Xu Qingqing. Focus on the outside, not the inside."

Xu Qingqing first glanced at Jun Wuxian when she heard the words. Cao Yanran said this to make things difficult for Jun Wuxian, and she was also afraid of making things difficult for Jun Wuxian, and also afraid that because of this matter, she would not even have friends in the future.

When she looked at Cao Yanran, she said coldly: "Young Master Jun and I are good friends, how can friends care about appearance? Miss Cao is so persecuted and her thoughts are so vicious, the number one scholar really dares to marry."

Cao Yanran was already on fire, but Xu Qingqing's words were like adding fuel to the fire, making it even more intense.

"Xu Qingqing, what do you mean by that? No one wants you to disfigure your face, and you still want to smear me, right? Looking at the entire capital, which son of a famous noble family is willing to marry you, an ugly monster?"

Ever since Xu Qingqing's face was disfigured, she knew that no man was willing to marry a disfigured woman, and she had long been prepared not to marry.

However, when Cao Yanran said these words, she still felt a little sad.

The sad thing is not that he didn't want to marry her.


Jun Wuxian looked at Cao Yanran coldly, he was an ugly monster when he opened his mouth and shut his mouth. Although Xu Qingqing had a scar on his face, he had nothing to do with an ugly monster.

"I'll marry her, don't bother you."

As soon as these words came out, the people around were stunned.

Cao Yanran looked at Jun Wuxian in surprise, suspecting that there was something wrong with her ears, Xu Qingqing was disfigured, and he was willing to marry?

Du Zhiheng also showed surprise. As a man, he knows men too well. Which man is willing to marry an ugly monster?
Xu Qingqing was more shocked than any of them, Jun Wuxian actually said to marry herself?He himself said that he would not marry an ugly monster.

She stared at Jun Wuxian without blinking, but with his calm face, she couldn't tell if it was a joke or the truth.

But soon, she realized that Jun Wuxian probably didn't want to be bullied because of her looks.

It is said that a man who is talented and a woman is a perfect match, Jun Wuxian will not dislike Xu Qingqing's face, but is willing to propose marriage, some envy others will be jealous.

Cao Yanran was dragged away by Du Zhiheng, instead of fighting to win or lose, it is better to leave, so as not to make people laugh.

Seeing that Jun Wuxian was with his sister, Xu Changfeng didn't go up to bother her, but bought some snacks and stood aside to eat, planning to go back and report after eating.

In the end, when Jun Wuxian threatened to marry his younger sister, he was shocked at first, and then pleasantly surprised.

Finally, someone is willing to marry my sister, and the person who marries her sister is still the one she likes.

After Xu Changfeng ate what was in his hand in two or three bites, he went home non-stop to announce the good news.

The general's wife was drinking tea in the living room, and when she saw her youngest son rushing in, she scolded in a low voice: "How old are you? You should act more prudently."

Xu Changfeng ran all the way back. He was so thirsty that he picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. He drank a few sips, took a breath and said, "Mother, the matter is very important. My son can't be steady if he wants to."

"What happened?" The general's wife immediately became nervous when she thought of her daughter: "Could it be that something happened to Qingqing? How did you become a brother? You can't even protect your sister?"

Xu Changfeng reassured: "My sister is fine, don't worry, mother."

When the general's wife heard that it was not her daughter's accident, she picked up the teacup and continued to drink tea leisurely, "What is that?"

Xu Changfeng smiled and said, "Someone wants to marry my sister."

The general's wife is most worried about her daughter's marriage, and she is afraid of being wronged by marrying into someone else's family, so she immediately regained her spirits after hearing this.

"Really? Whose son?"

The general's wife's reaction was within Xu Changfeng's expectation, and he kept it a secret, "Madam, guess who this person is?"

The general's wife was in a hurry, but her son was still playing tricks. She picked up the round fan beside her and greeted her son's head, "If I know, do I need to ask you?"

Xu Changfeng was drinking tea, when he was knocked down, he didn't dare to show off again, "It's Mr. Jun."

When the general's wife heard Mr. Jun, her eyes lit up. She still prefers Mr. Jun as a son-in-law. He has both talent and appearance, and he has a good character. The key is that her daughter likes him.

"Didn't Mr. Jun leave? Are you back?"

Xu Changfeng quickly took a few sips of tea, "I saw it on the street tonight, and I'm with my sister right now."

The general's wife smiled when she heard the words, "The relationship is good, Mr. Jun is a good-looking person, and his character is also good. I can rest assured that Qingqing can marry him."

Xu Changfeng drank two cups of tea in a row, and then sat down to drink the third cup of tea leisurely.

The street is still very lively.

There were so many people just now that Xu Qingqing didn't have a chance to ask. Now that the meeting was over, she couldn't help asking: "It's a coincidence that you came here just in time for the Qiqiao Festival. I thought I wouldn't see you for another half a year."

Jun Wuxian looked down at Xu Qingqing, not seeing her for more than a month, and found that she seemed to be thinner again, and her eyes were bigger than before.

"I haven't seen the Qiqiao Festival in Daxia before, so I came here to see it." Jun Wuxian glanced at the busy street, which was almost full of people, "It's very lively."

Xu Qingqing said: "That's natural, on Qiqiao Festival, people who are usually busy with work will also find time to pray."

Jun Wuxian looked at Xu Qingqing, just now he said to marry her in front of so many people, but she didn't respond at all, he looked at the street with people coming and going, and it was not suitable for chatting.

He retracted his gaze, "Next, where are you going?"

Seeing the two blessing lanterns in her hands, Xu Qingqing happily raised them up, "Let's go and put the lanterns together, I heard that praying will be very effective."

Jun Wuxian: "Okay."

There is a difference between flower lanterns and river lanterns, and the place to put them is also different.

Putting lanterns to pray for blessings, the river is near the Yuelao Temple.

When Xu Qingqing and Jun Wuxian came, there were already many boys and girls by the river putting up lanterns.

 babies.good night!

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(End of this chapter)

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