Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 524 Very greedy, I met Susu while shopping, and found out that it was a shrunken version of

Chapter 524 Very greedy, I met Susu while shopping, and found out that it was Xiaojiu's miniature version
Xu Qingqing brought Jun Wuxian to the place where the lamps were lit, and there was a special person here to help light the lamps, and the money was given freely, and the rich would give more, and they could earn a lot of money a day.

There were quite a few people who came to set off the lanterns, Xu Qingqing and Jun Wuxian lined up together, and soon it was their turn.

After the two lanterns were lit, Jun Wuxian generously rewarded them with some silver coins.

When the lamplighter saw Sui Yin, he frowned with a smile and said good things repeatedly.

"Young master is suave and suave, young lady is as beautiful as a flower, a talented man matches a beautiful woman, many sons bring blessings."

Sure enough, everyone loves to hear good things. Xu Qingqing was still very happy when she heard it, but her smile gradually disappeared when she thought of her disfigurement.

When she came to the river, Xu Qingqing bent down and squatted down, carefully put the lantern in her hand into the river, and then gently fiddled with the water with her hands to let the lantern follow the river.

She is actually very greedy and wants everything.

I want my family to be healthy and live a long life.

I want Jun Wuxian to get up early to find his sister, so he doesn't have to work hard.

I want to restore my previous appearance.

want to……

Jun Wuxian squatted beside Xu Qingqing, put the lantern in his hand into the river, and watched the lantern slowly catch up with Xu Qingqing's lantern.

He looked at Xu Qingqing, wearing a veil, and the light was a bit dim, so he couldn't see her expression at this time.

"I heard from your brother that you have eaten strawberries, and you were still in the palace. Is it true?"

Xu Qingqing raised her head to look at Jun Wuxian when she heard the words, and nodded with a smile, "Of course it's true, the strawberries grown by the princess are very delicious, and you can eat a lot of them every year."

Speaking of this, she began to miss the princess and the babies again. The princess went out to look for the prince and has not returned yet.

Jun Wuxian asked: "You said the strawberries were planted by Shen Chuwei?"

"Well, there is no such fruit in Daxia, nor in the palace, only the Xiyun Pavilion of the Crown Princess grows strawberries."

After Xu Qingqing finished speaking, she asked suspiciously: "Why do you ask this?"

"Not only is there no strawberries in Daxia, but there are also no strawberries in several surrounding countries, but Xiao Jiu knows." Jun Wuxian shook his folding fan, thinking of Shen Chuwei, he suddenly felt that there were too many coincidences, but if Shen Chuwei was Xiao Jiu, how could Shen Chuwei meet the Shen family? ?

"Do you suspect that the crown princess may be your sister? I don't think so. She was brought back from the countryside by the Shen family, but the crown princess is very powerful. I have never seen a lot of food, and she gave me a lot of food. If you read the book, you can learn a lot of novel knowledge in it."

When it comes to story books, Xu Qingqing feels that it's a pity that after leaving the palace, she doesn't even have to read the picture books.

Jun Wuxian said: "I did suspect it, but there is no evidence to prove that she is Xiaojiu."

Xu Qingqing comforted: "Don't worry, you will definitely find it."

Jun Wuxian smiled lightly, "Let's go, it's rare to come to Daxia to catch up with the Qiqiao Festival, so go shopping elsewhere."

Xu Qingqing responded readily: "Okay."

Not far behind them, Caixia was so excited, "Miss has been depressed for a while, but now that Mr. Jun is here, Miss is finally alive."

Chu Zhao sighed, "Does your lady like my master?"

Caixia turned her head to look at Chu Zhao, "What's wrong? Can't you like it?"

Chu Zhao asked suspiciously: "Then why Miss Xu didn't respond at all when my master said he wanted to marry her?"

Caixia said, "Didn't you see my lady smile? That's called no reaction?"

Chu Zhao: "..." Does that count as a smile?
At this time in the palace

In the past few days, Susu has been looking for Mama, and the emperor looks distressed, thinking that today's Qiqiao Festival, the long street in the capital must be very lively.

When he was still the prince, he took the queen out to play. After so many years, he has not taken the queen to go shopping.

So tonight, the emperor ordered Susu and Taotao to be brought to Fengyi Palace.

The emperor originally only thought of bringing crisps, but it was Eunuch Li who reminded him, the grandson of the emperor, that he thought of bringing them together.

"Empress, put on your clothes, let's go out for a stroll."

The queen heard the words and saw that the dog emperor was taking off his clothes and changing into ordinary clothes, she still couldn't believe it.

"The emperor is so free today, would you like to take his concubines out of the palace?"

"Today is Qiqiao Festival. I have been busy with government affairs these years, and I have never taken you out to play. Since today is not too busy, let's go out for a stroll."

The emperor said and urged: "The queen also change clothes quickly, and Susu and Taotao will come later."

Seeing that the dog emperor was coming, the queen did not hesitate to start changing clothes.

After staying in the palace for a long time, who wouldn't be bored?It is naturally a pleasure to beg Qiaojie to go out for a stroll.

"Are you going to take Taotao and Susu with you?"

The emperor was wearing a belt, and took the time to reply: "Well, Susu always said that she misses Mama recently, take her out to play, maybe she forgot to think about Mama."

"I haven't seen my mother and concubine for almost two months, so I naturally think about it." With the help of Qingying, the queen put on her regular clothes.

At this time, Taotao and Susu had been picked up by Eunuch Li.

"Grandpa, grandma."

This was the first sentence the two little guys came in.

The emperor bent down to pick up Susu, turned his head and said to the queen, "You hold Taotao, Taotao is lighter than Susu."

The queen said coquettishly: "If you like hugging Susu, just say so, and make excuses."

As he spoke, he picked up Taotao and followed the emperor out.

The emperor smiled without saying a word.

But having said that, Taotao’s weight is indeed lighter than Susu~

Because they left the palace in micro-clothes, there were not many people with them, and the carriage they took was relatively ordinary.

When riding in the carriage, Susu and Taotao were already lying on the window of the car excitedly, staring outside.

The emperor and queen met each other and smiled.

"It seems that we should take them out to play more in the future. They look like bumpkins entering the city, and everything is new."

"What Ling'er said makes sense. It's also good to see more of the world."

When they arrived at the lively long street, Susu and Taotao ran around excitedly.

The emperor and queen followed closely behind, for fear that the two little guys would get lost.

Susu's two calves ran so fast, it felt like a beast out of the cage, looking at the fun and delicious food, I was overwhelmed.

She pointed at the little bunny dough man, then pointed at the scones, and shouted childishly, "Grandpa, grandpa, I want this, and I want this."

When they were in the carriage, the emperor handed them two brothers and sisters, and when they were outside, they called him grandpa, not the emperor's grandpa.

The emperor doesn't care what his precious granddaughter wants to buy, anyway, he should come down to buy whatever she wants, "Okay, buy everything."

The guard paid the money and then picked up the things.

Susu took the bunny dough figurine, happily ran to the queen, raised the dough figurine in her hand, "Grandma, little rabbit."

The queen bent down, looked at the dough man in Susu's hand, and boasted with a smile: "What a cute rabbit, as cute as Susu."

Susu smiled and frowned, "Grandma loves you too."

The queen laughed when she heard the words, "Susuzui is so sweet."

Susu came to Taotao with another dough man, and handed the dough man to him, "Guokuo, this is for you."

Tao Tao looked at the dough in his sister's hand, it was a tiger, he took it happily, and looked at it carefully, "It looks like Dabai."

Susu raised her chin and said, "Dabai is more generous than him."

Taotao agreed with her sister's words very much when she heard the words, "Well, I really love you."

Susu happily ran away with the dough man, saw the food stall, and saw the unfamiliar food. Out of novelty, she grabbed the emperor's sleeve, "Grandpa, I want this."

"Buy." The emperor picked up one and handed it to Susu, and said with a smile, "Baby, eat."

"Thank you, Grandpa." Susu took a bamboo stick, handed it to her mouth, took a bite, and found it delicious, she raised her head to look at Grandpa Huang, "Grandpa, I need five more nests."

The emperor raised his head and said, "Buy ten."

The guard took ten of them, took out the money bag, and paid the bill.

The emperor took advantage of the time when Susu was eating, and raised his head to look at the queen, "Is there anything Ling'er wants to buy?"

The queen glanced at the items on the stall, smiled and shook her head, "I'm already a grandma, these are not suitable for me, I'm very happy to be able to go shopping during this festival."

These are the most sincere words in the queen's heart. After entering the palace, what she thinks about every day is when the prince will be free to take her out of the palace to play, and when the emperor will be able to spare time to accompany her out of the palace for a stroll.

During this period of time, Emperor Dog was indeed different from before. He had never been lucky enough to visit anyone, and he came to Fengyi Palace whenever he was not busy.

Although she was a little repelled at first, but after thinking about it, if the dog emperor can keep it, she will let the past go.

They have entered middle age, they are grandparents, and they don't know how long they can live, cherishing every day is a day.

The dog emperor said: If you don't let me eat, isn't it the same as pushing me towards other women?
She thought about it and thought it made sense.

So during this time, she felt like she was back to her youth, when they were still princes and concubines.

The emperor noticed that the queen was staring at him all the time, so he stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and asked in a gentle voice, "Ling'er, what are you thinking?"

The queen smiled and shook her head, "I didn't think about anything, I haven't come out for a long time, I'm a little happy."

The emperor also knew that he was busy with government affairs and paid too little attention to her. He felt a little guilty: "In the future, I will take you out for a stroll."

The queen nodded, "OK."

Xu Qingqing and Jun Wuxian walked around and ate street food, thinking it was quite interesting.

Suddenly, a child rushed towards him and put him into Jun Wuxian's arms.

Fortunately, Jun Wuxian reacted quickly and helped the child who bumped into him in time to prevent her from falling.

Susu forgot to look at the road while eating, ran too fast and bumped into someone.

She hastily apologized: "I'm sorry, Wo didn't do it on purpose, Wo gave you a candy, don't you get angry, okay?"

When Jun Wuxian saw the child's appearance, he was stunned. The girl's palm-sized face was fleshy, and her sparkling eyes flickered, as if she could talk.

The little girl had two little braids tied on her head, and a butterfly bead flower on the front. She was wearing a pink dress, as cute as a porcelain doll.

What surprised him was not how beautiful the little girl was, but that she looked so much like Xiao Jiu when she was a child.

Xu Qingqing hasn't seen Susu for two months, but she still recognizes her at a glance.

"Hey, isn't this Susu? Why are you here?"

Jun Wuxian looked up at Xu Qingqing, "You know her?"

"Of course." Xu Qingqing leaned close to his ear and whispered: "She is the daughter of the princess, named Susu."

 Good night, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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