Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 528 Shen Chuwei manipulated him so hard that he would rather hurt himself than her?

Chapter 528 Shen Chuwei manipulated him so hard that he would rather hurt himself than her?

Lin Xian stared at Shen Chuwei for a long time, seeing her expectant look and the tone of voice she used to coax the children just now.

"Why are you following me?"

Shen Chuwei sighed helplessly, "If you weren't my husband, I wouldn't have to follow you. It's a long journey to Nanzhao Kingdom. It's a long journey, and it's inconvenient to eat and drink. How can I feel comfortable lying at home?"

After hearing this, Lin Xian felt that what she said made sense. She took care of him at the beginning because he looked like her husband, and now she followed him because she believed that he was her husband.

"If you want to follow, you must listen to me, can you do it?"

Shen Chu breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought it was some kind of world problem, and that's it?"

Lin Xian stared at her, and words he couldn't understand would always burst out of her mouth, such as what does the world's problem mean?
"You are the crown prince. Now you are my husband. If I don't listen to you, who else can I listen to?"

Lin Xian asked back: "Aren't you afraid that I will do you bad things? Or maybe I will do bad things to you?"

Shen Chuwei said firmly, "You can't."

Lin Xian: "..."

Shen Chuwei suddenly came over, put his arms around his neck, and asked mysteriously: "When are you going to Nanzhao Kingdom? Are you going to leave generously? Or sneak away?"

Lin Xian suddenly felt very hot. His summer clothes were thin, and his arms could clearly feel the soft touch. He pursed his lips dryly.

Shen Chuwei has been staying here these days, saying that the masked man will hurt him, so that he spends every night in torment.

The masked man didn't show up. I don't know if it was because of her presence or for other reasons.

He picked up the teacup and drank a few sips of tea, relieved his dry mouth, and asked, "Why do you ask that?"

Shen Chuwei rested her chin on his shoulder. She used to do this frequently, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"I feel that Ouyang Leyuan has ideas for you. He is domineering and bossy. At first, he wanted to buy our snow balls with money. I refused immediately. If she doesn't sell her, I will grab them. I have seen her try to steal our snow balls twice. , if you leave, I'm afraid she won't let you go easily."

Lin Xian raised his eyebrows: "Are you jealous?"

Shen Chuwei replied very seriously: "This is not called jealousy."

Lin Xian looked at her with a half-smile: "What's that called?"

"I'm afraid of trouble, what do you think?" Shen Chuwei directly threw the question to him, wanting to hear what he had to say?
Lin Xiandao: "Of course she left generously. If she doesn't want me to leave, she can't force it."

Shen Chuwei nodded in agreement, "My husband makes sense?" Then he stared at him seriously, "But you can't leave me and run away."

Lin Xian was drinking tea, and glanced at Shen Chuwei who was close at hand, "I have some doubts, your husband was entangled by you in this way, and then he couldn't get rid of him, so he married you."

Shen Chu snorted slightly: "That's not true."

Lin Xian asked: "Could it be that your husband took the initiative to marry you?"

Shen Chuwei thought that he didn't remember, so she explained her original intention in a concise manner.

She shrugged, "I just want to eat and drink all I want. Being a princess is purely accidental."

It was also a surprise.

Lin Xian looked at Shen Chuwei thoughtfully, not doubting the authenticity of her words, but feeling a little unbelievable.

An unfavored concubine, locked in a remote courtyard, can still stand up and be favored?

Others rely on means to turn over and regain their favor.

That night, Shen Chuwei came to Xiao Jinyan's guest room as usual, and when she first came in, she heard the sound of fighting. Thinking that it might be the masked man, she ran in quickly and saw three people fighting in the room.

One of them is the masked man.

Even someone who doesn't know how to move can see that Xiao Jinyan and Qin Xiao are at a disadvantage, and the masked man is very strong in martial arts.

It didn't take long for Xiao Jinyan's legs to recover, so how could he stand up to such a fierce fight?

When she was holding the medicine box and was going to rush over, she thought of her own strength, and she was no match for the masked man at all. She took out the medicine powder from the space, and then rushed over.

While rushing past, he saw the masked man slapping Xiao Jinyan's chest. The wound on his heart had just healed, how could he stand up to the masked man's palm?

She didn't even have time to think, so she rushed towards Xiao Jinyan, hugged the palm he was trying to avoid the masked man, and at the same time sprinkled the medicine powder in her hand on the masked man.

All this happened in an instant.

Shen Chuwei hugged Xiao Jinyan and fell to the ground due to inertia.

The masked man saw Shen Chuwei who suddenly appeared, and saw the palm wind hitting her back, he withdrew his hand abruptly, and at the same time was counterattacked by his internal force, which almost made him take several steps back, but he stood there straight , endured the internal injury caused by the backlash of internal force.

Things happened so fast, Lin Xian wasn't sure if the palm of the masked man hit Shen Chuwei, he hurriedly looked her up and down, "Are you okay?"

This was the second time Shen Chuwei rushed over to save him regardless, which shocked him greatly.

Shen Chuwei fell down just now and hit the ground. There was some pain in her knee, but she ignored the pain and shook her head at him, "I'm fine."

Only then did Lin Xian heave a sigh of relief, and raised his head to look at the masked man, only to see him standing there straight, with cold and evil eyes like Shura from hell, without any emotion.

It's just that the palm hit Shen Chuwei just now, why did he take it back?

As a martial arts student, I know too well that the consequences of internal force backlash will be more serious than hitting that person.

Shen Chuwei supported Xiao Jinyan to stand up, turned to look at the masked man, she asked indignantly: "What kind of hatred do you have with him that you insist on putting him to death?

The masked man looked at the two people in front of him, and his eyes fell on Shen Chuwei's arm that was holding Xiao Jinyan. He turned and left without saying a word, with such a fast speed that he disappeared at the door almost in the blink of an eye.

Shen Chuwei felt that the man in the mask was not polite at all, and then thought that he was a killer with no emotions, and it was normal to be rude.

Qin Xiao heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the masked man leave. That man is very skilled in martial arts, and they are not his opponents at all.

As soon as the person left, he started to clean up the mess, and then left.

Shen Chuwei looked Xiao Jinyan up and down worriedly, fearing that his injury would add to the injury, "Are you injured anywhere? I'll check your pulse."

Lin Xian shook his head, "I'm fine."

Not long after the masked man arrived, Shen Chuwei came.

What is puzzling is that after Shen Chuwei came, the masked man not only stopped but also left. I don't know if he should think that Shen Chuwei's martial arts are better than the masked man.

Qin Xiao withdrew after cleaning up, leaving only Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan in the room.

Shen Chuwei reminded: "Go to bed, I'll check you up, so I can feel at ease."

Lin Xian didn't refuse either, "Yes."

Shen Chuwei put the medicine box beside the bed and opened it, took out the medicine and the tools to be used later.

Lin Xian lay down on the bed. After the fight just now, he knew that the sensitivity of his legs had not returned to what a normal person should have.

Shen Chuwei checked his body from top to bottom, and his clothes were opened wide, revealing his perfect figure.

Lin Xian was used to taking off his clothes and belts in front of Shen Chuwei. He looked at Shen Chuwei who was carefully examining the wound, more seriously than ever before.

"Has your family studied medicine for generations? Why would you have the opportunity to enter the palace?"

Shen Chu slightly raised his head and smiled at him: "No, I am self-taught."

Lin Xian chuckled: "The tone is not small."

Shen Chuwei shrugged indifferently, "Just take me for bragging, anyway, I don't rely on medical skills for a living."

Lin Xian laughed again, "As a princess, I really don't need to rely on medical skills."

"That's right." Shen Chuwei looked at the scar on her chest, and with her medicine, the scab didn't crack, and it wouldn't take long for it to heal.

After treating the wound, Shen Chuwei checked his pulse again to make sure that he didn't suffer from internal injuries, and that the internal injuries he suffered last time were almost healed, so she felt relieved.

After Shen Chuwei packed the medicine box, she came to the bed, took off her shoes and went to bed.

Lin Xian watched this scene every day for the past few days, and every time he watched it, he only had one thought in his mind, that is, don't want to sleep tonight.

Lin Xian sighed helplessly, lying flat on the bed, thinking of any way to ignore a woman sleeping next to her and not thinking about it.

After Shen Chuwei lay down, she hugged his arm sideways.

Lin Xian wanted to pull back, but was held tightly by her, touching each other inevitably.

Shen Chu slightly raised his head to look at him, "Husband, I have a question to ask you."

Lin Xian didn't want to be entangled with the title of Husband anymore, and let her go.


Shen Chuwei asked seriously: "You won't promise yourself because Ouyang Leyuan saved your life?"

Lin Xian snorted: "That's an idea only you women have."

No wonder Shen Chuwei took precautions, who made him not remember?She could trust Xiao Jinyan, but she couldn't trust "Lin Xian" in front of her.

"Then Ouyang Leyuan proposed to marry you, what will you do?"

Lin Xian said lightly: "Why worry about things that haven't happened?"

Seeing that he didn't answer, Shen Chuwei simply turned over and lay on top of him, looking down at him condescendingly.

"Because you don't remember, it is necessary for me to remind you that I don't serve a husband with others."

Lin Xian smiled lowly: "Your husband is the prince, the future heir, how could you be the only woman?"

Sure enough, after I didn't remember, my thoughts changed, even though I was talking about the real situation.

"Although there are several women in the East Palace, you have only me from the beginning to the end, and you have never had sex with them."

Lin Xian seemed to be in disbelief, "What you said is true?"

Shen Chuwei was afraid that he wouldn't believe it, so she nodded vigorously, "Of course it's true, there's no need to lie about it. So, if you don't remember, I want to remind you that although my medical skills are good, I can't develop regret medicine."

Lin Xian was really shocked when he heard that, the dignified prince was so dedicated, no wonder she would come all the way to find her husband, no wonder she would come to rescue him regardless of her own danger.

 Good afternoon!
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(End of this chapter)

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