Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 529 He's in a hurry, he's flustered! ! !can't refuse her

Shen Chuwei lay on his body, resting her head on his neck, playing with his long black hair.

Although they slept together in the same bed these few days, they were more pure than brothers, without any intimacy.

After Lin Xian was shocked, he realized something was wrong. He looked at Shen Chuwei who was lying on top of him, but he didn't expect to let her get down just now.

I saw her playing with her hair.

What fun is there in thinking about hair?

Shen Chuwei suddenly raised his head, "You haven't told me the answer yet."

Shen Chuwei suddenly raised his head, and his body moved accordingly. The two of them were originally stuck together without a single gap, and a slight movement would cause inevitable contact.

Lin Xian's face was reddish, and he even breathed heavily: "You are worrying about nothing."

Shen Chuwei thought for a while and said: "It's going to rain, mother is going to get married, and a man wants to marry again, there's nothing to stop him."

After figuring this out, Shen Chuwei didn't think about it any more. The worst result would be that Xiao Jinyan broke her promise. She became a false princess, and she was still a salty fish if she didn't turn around.

Lin Xian was not interested in this topic at first, but suddenly he became curious again.

"If you really marry, what will you do?"

Shen Chuwei lay on his chest, and said lightly: "What can I do? Let's serve cold salad, anyway, it won't affect me from continuing to be a salted fish."

Lin Xian asked: "Didn't you just say that you don't want to serve a husband with others? Why don't you care?"

Shen Chu said faintly: "Serving a husband together requires practical actions. As long as I don't attend bedtime, it doesn't count as serving a husband together. Occupying the position of the princess, it's good food and drink, and it's worth it."

Lin Xian understood now, and was inexplicably angry: "Since you love your husband so much, knowing that your husband is going to marry someone else, shouldn't you stop him? Why are you still indifferent?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Didn't I tell you? You already know and insist on marrying someone else. Do you still want me to snatch the groom in public? It sounds exciting, but it's actually very boring."

Lin Xian snorted coldly: "You obviously don't care, if you care, how could you not stop it?"

Shen Chu curled his lips slightly, thinking that what he said was clear enough, but he didn't expect that he still thought that he didn't care.

She propped up her upper body angrily, stared at that unparalleled handsome face for a long time, and said after a while: "Do you think that on the day of your big wedding with Bie, I will hold you in tears? Letting you marry someone else, and then forcing you to give up marrying someone else with death, is that what you care about?"

Lin Xian was stunned when she heard the words, her voice was always soft, like chatting, and she seldom spoke so seriously.

Shen Chuwei said again: "It turns out that in your eyes, you only care if you cry, make trouble, and hang yourself. However, the candy you get is not sweet, but bitter."

Lin Xian couldn't say a word at this moment, and he didn't know why he cared so much about what she just said casually.

He's not saying that crying is what he cares about.

He just felt that taking action was what mattered.

Shen Chu put his arms around his neck slightly, looking from those picturesque eyebrows to his sexy thin lips, "Jin Yan, how about a goodnight kiss before going to bed?"

She was just saying hello, not asking for his opinion.

Before she finished speaking, she lowered her head and kissed his lips.

Lin Xian opened his eyes wide, and when he stretched out his hand to push her away, he found that the place he touched was extremely soft. After being stunned for two seconds, he realized where he touched her, and his face immediately became hot.

Shen Chuwei grabbed Xiao Jinyan's hand and interlocked his fingers.

It wasn't a superficial kiss, Shen Chuwei almost showed off all the kissing skills she had learned all her life.

Lin Xian has endured so much these days, how can she stand up to her wanton behavior?
He also doubted his identity, but he never found evidence to prove it.

It is undeniable that he had no strength to resist Shen Chuwei's kiss, and quickly responded proactively.

They have such a tacit understanding, such a fit, as if they often did this before.

After Shen Chu kissed enough, he withdrew. In the past, Xiao Jinyan would only let her go when she was about to die, giving her a chance to breathe.


She can also call the shots.

Lin Xian was in high spirits, but suddenly stopped, he frowned in dissatisfaction, and after he realized it, he realized that he couldn't resist her temptation.

"Good night, husband." Satisfied, Shen Chuwei turned over and lay down beside him, hugging his arm and going to sleep.

Lin Xian was stunned for a while, but he didn't seem to react, so it was over.

The kiss just now, plus Shen Chuwei's unintentional move, already made her a little emotional.

His chest heaved violently, and his restless heartbeat could not be calmed down in a short time.

He looked sideways at the culprit, who had already closed his eyes and slept.

He took a deep breath helplessly, trying to calm down his agitated mind and body.

After a while, Lin Xian was already sweating profusely, and the veins on his forehead were bulging. He stared at the sleeping man, gritted his teeth and said, "You are here to torture me."

Shen Chu slept soundly, not knowing that the person next to him hadn't slept all night.

The next day, when Shen Chuwei woke up, she found that Xiao Jinyan was still asleep. She found that he, who had always been up early during this time, also started to snooze.

If it wasn't for the pulse diagnosis and no problem was found, she would have suspected that he was ill.

It just rained last night, and today's temperature is a little lower than yesterday. Shen Chuwei carried the medicine box to check Ouyang Jingyuan's pulse. His body has always been stable. She wanted to make sure that he could stabilize his condition even after she left.

On the way there, she met Wu Tan, and she found that Wu Tan's mental state was not very good recently.

She greeted with a smile, "Little Master Wutan, are you going to visit the third master?"

Wu Tan nodded and said warmly: "Well, it's rare to get together, and I want to chat with him."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, and looked at his complexion. As a doctor, it is easy to find out that the other party is not in good health through his complexion.

"Little Master Wutan, are you sick? You look so pale."

Wu Tan shook his head, "It's just that I haven't rested well, so you don't have to worry."

"Really?" Shen Chuwei was a little worried, "Do you want me to feel your pulse? It will be fine soon."

Wu Tan spoke calmly, "It's really all right, you'd better show Jing Yuan first, I don't think he's in good health."

"Alright then." Shen Chu took a few glances and then looked away.

When he came to Ouyang Jingyuan's room, he had just woken up and was drinking tea.

Seeing them coming, I greeted them with a smile, "I was just about to ask you out to have fun, but you came here unexpectedly."

Wu Tan said softly: "The most important thing for you now is self-cultivation. When your body recovers, you will have time to play in the future."

Shen Chuwei put down the medicine box and said, "I'll check your pulse first."

Ouyang Jingyuan nodded, "OK."

Shen Chuwei began to examine Ouyang Jingyuan's pulse according to the procedure. The pulse was weak and stable, and his condition was stable. As long as there was no emergency, he would be fine.

"Take medicine on time, pay attention to rest, and spend half an hour in the sun every day, and you will be fine."

Ouyang Jingyuan responded one by one, "I see, I didn't expect you to be so good at medicine at such a young age."

Shen Chuwei said modestly: "Where, your condition is stable, and I have to leave here too."

Ouyang Jingyuan asked: "Where are you going?"

"Go to another place." Shen Chuwei didn't say where he was going.

Ouyang Jingyuan looked at Shen Chuwei. He should have known that she would leave after his condition stabilized.

Probably because of the similarity with Feng Wuyou, he was somewhat reluctant to part.

"Can't you stay a few more days?"

Shen Chu shook her head slightly, she wished she could go back to Daxia immediately, but Xiao Jinyan was going to Nanzhao Kingdom, so she had to accompany him.

Wu Tan asked suspiciously: "What about Lin Xian? You think he is Xiao Jinyan, do you want to take him with you?"

Shen Chuwei shrugged helplessly, "I can't take him away, but I want to be with him again."

Ouyang Jingyuan knew that Shen Chuwei had always believed that Lin Xian was Xiao Jinyan, but during this period of time, he didn't realize what he remembered.

"Is it possible that you were mistaken?"

Shen Chuwei said firmly, "No, he is Xiao Jinyan."

Ouyang Jingyuan said: "Then I hope he is, otherwise it will be too difficult to find someone in such a huge crowd."

"By the way, although your physical condition is stable, I still have to say that your medicine cannot be stopped."

There is another saying that two years is a long time to live.

The reason why she didn't say it was because she didn't want to add a psychological burden to the patient. If she had a good attitude, maybe a miracle would happen.

Ouyang Jingyuan nodded, "I remember."

After leaving Ouyang Jingyuan's room, Shen Chuwei suddenly felt a little heavy.

Wu Tan looked at her sideways, and seeing her frowning, he was a little worried: "I think you seem a little unhappy, what's the matter?"

"I'm fine, maybe I'm going to be separated soon, and I'm always a little worried." Shen Chuwei said modestly.

Wu Tan chuckled, "I'm leaving here too."

Shen Chuwei asked curiously: "Where are you going?"

Wu Tan said: "I want to go back and have a look."

"Go back and have a look?" Shen Chuwei guessed, "Is it my hometown?"

Wu Tan nodded with a low smile: "Almost, it's been too long, it's time to go back and have a look."

Shen Chuwei nodded in agreement, "Yes, I also want to go back to Daxia."

Wu Tan said softly: "I hope you will return to Daxia as soon as possible."

Shen Chuwei frowned, "With your kind words, I'm sure I'll be able to return to Daxia in a short time."

Shen Chuwei and Wu Tan returned to the guest room together, and saw Xiao Jinyan and Ouyang Leyuan strolling in the garden from a distance, Xiao Jinyan was sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed by Ouyang Leyuan.

Only she and Qin Xiao knew about Xiao Jinyan's ability to walk, and Ouyang Leyuan thought Xiao Jinyan would not be able to walk yet.

Ouyang Leyuan was always flamboyant and domineering, so she would laugh happily, as if others would not know that she was very happy.

Shen Chuwei puffed up his cheeks and walked over, his eyes fell on Xiao Jinyan, "Are you visiting the garden?"

Lin Xian raised his head to look at Shen Chuwei, and said calmly, "Well, Dr. Shen is here."

When Ouyang Leyuan saw Dr. Shen, a look of displeasure flashed in his eyes, he finally had time to take a walk with Lin Xian, and he came to bother him, without any discernment.

Shen Chuwei asked again: "What are you talking about? So happy?"

Ouyang Leyuan snorted, "Of course it's a happy thing. Do you have any questions about Dr. Shen?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that Mr. Lin has just recovered his eyesight, so it's not suitable to see the sun for a long time." Shen Chuwei opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"Really?" Ouyang Leyuan stared at Lin Xian's beautiful phoenix eyes suspiciously.

"Of course, I'm a doctor. Mr. Lin's eyes are seriously injured. If you're not careful, you can easily lose your sight again." As for the last sentence, Shen Chuwei deliberately emphasized his tone.

Although Ouyang Leyuan was still a little puzzled, she still pushed Lin Xian into the house.

Shen Chuwei watched Ouyang Leyuan's actions, and suppressed a laugh without making a sound.

Once inside the house, everyone sat around the table and drank cool tea.

Lin Xian pretended to be careless and said: "Princess Le Yuan, I will leave here in a few days."

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