Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 530 Xiao Jinyan's jealousy turned over, and he began to accept the fact that he was Xia

Ouyang Leyuan stopped drinking tea when she heard the words, because she didn't expect Lin Xian to leave here so soon.

"But your injury hasn't healed yet, can you rest up for a while?"

In Ouyang Leyuan's words, there is an obvious meaning of persuasion.

Shen Chuwei heard it, and Lin Xian naturally heard it too.

"I've been out for too long. I'm afraid that my parents will miss me and I need to go back. Besides, I have been recuperating for a long time, and my injury is recovering well."

Ouyang Leyuan naturally didn't want Lin Xian to leave, she looked at his legs, and said: "Your legs are not healed yet, how about leaving after your legs are better?"

Lin Xian looked down at his legs, then raised his head to look at Ouyang Leyuan, with a smile on his lips: "Thank you Princess Leyuan for your concern, my legs have improved a lot, thank you for taking care of me these days. "

Shen Chuwei saw Xiao Jinyan smiling at another woman, he would never smile at any woman in the past.

Sure enough, her worry was correct, Xiao Jinyan, who lost his memory, forgot his own nature.

She picked up the mung bean cake on the plate, and saw Wu Tan beside her, she almost ignored Wu Tan who came with her.

His complexion is really bad today, he was originally white and tender... Ugh!Such a description is not appropriate, it should be too fair and somewhat sickly pale.

Maybe it's acclimatization?
She handed over the mung bean cake in her hand, "Little Master Wutan, eat mung bean cake to cool off the heat."

Wu Tan saw the mung bean cake in front of him, and when he looked up, he saw a pair of bright eyes with a faint smile.

He stretched out his hand to hold the mung bean cake, "Thank you, Dr. Shen."

Shen Chuwei said: "You're welcome."

With a smile, Wu Tan put the mung bean cake into his mouth and took a bite. The taste was cool and sweet, not greasy, and the taste was delicate, even better than the cakes used by the emperor in the palace.

He looked up at her, and boasted without hesitation: "It's delicious, did you make this yourself?"

Shen Chuwei shrugged helplessly, "Well, if you want to eat, you can make it yourself."

As he spoke, he picked up a piece of mung bean cake and stuffed it into his mouth, took a big bite, and squinted his eyes in satisfaction. She hadn't eaten for a long time, and she was almost starved to death.

Wu Tan boasted: "You are very powerful."

Lin Xian watched the two people eating and laughing in front of him. A monk was not staying in the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha, so he came to the secular world to be contaminated by fireworks.

Talking and laughing with a monk in front of him, and calling him husband over and over again?
Who is talking and laughing with another man in front of her husband?
"Young Master Lin."

Lin Xian was sulking in his heart, and he didn't react until Ouyang Leyuan yelled the third time. He looked at Ouyang Leyuan calmly, and said casually: "Thank you Princess Leyuan for your kindness, I will stay for a few days."

Ouyang Leyuan nodded happily, "Okay."

Then her eyes fell on Lin Xian's legs, "Can your legs walk?"

Lin Xian nodded, "Well, you can walk for a while, but you can't be too tired."

"That's good, as long as the legs get better, you don't need a wheelchair." Ouyang Leyuan looked forward to walking around the garden side by side with him.

"Then tomorrow, how about I take you to the square for a stroll?"

Lin Xian glanced at the two who were still chatting and laughing, and responded perfunctorily, "Okay."

"Then it's settled." Ouyang Leyuan took a sip of tea happily.

Lin Xian looked at Shen Chuwei, and saw that she took a big bite of mung bean cake, turned her head to talk and laugh with Wu Tan, her cheeks were bulging into buns, and she couldn't speak clearly.

He has a sullen face, mung bean cakes can't stop your mouth.

"I also plan to make dinner by myself. You can order a dish." Shen Chuwei thought for a while and said, "Do you have a bad complexion because you are not acclimatized? You can eat some strong dishes. What do you want to eat?"

Wu Tan was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled: "I'm not picky about food, I'll eat whatever you want."

"Well, it's too painful for you as a monk not to be able to eat meat." Shen Chuwei looked at Wu Tan sympathetically.

Wu Tan smiled lowly: "Master said that there is no pain in cultivating the mind and body, but..."

Shen Chuwei asked: "But what?"

Wu Tan's pure eyes looked at Shen Chuwei without blinking, and thought of the picture of her catching rabbits by herself when she wanted to eat roasted rabbit meat in the White Horse Temple.

"For you, it is a very painful thing."

"That's right, I have no destiny with Buddha." After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he stuffed the mung bean cake in his hand into his mouth.

Wutan laughed lightly when he heard the words, "It's good to be happy."

Lin Xian couldn't listen anymore, coughed twice: "Doctor Shen."

Just as Shen Chuwei put his hand into the plate, he raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, "Huh?"

Lin Xian pursed his lips and looked at her without saying a word, but he thought in his heart, he knew how to give mung bean cake to Wu Tan, but he didn't know how to give mung bean cake to me?
Seeing that he was silent for a long time, Shen Chuwei had no choice but to ask, "What's wrong?"

Lin Xian was angry, glanced at the plate of mung bean cake on the table, and asked lightly: "Mung bean cake, is it delicious?"

Shen Chuwei looked at the plate, picked up a piece of mung bean cake, and said with a smile, "It's delicious, do you want to try it?"

With an indifferent tone, Lin Xian gave a faint "hmm".

Shen Chuwei handed the mung bean cake in front of him.

Lin Xianmin glanced at the mung bean cake, and picked up the mung bean cake in her hand with a reluctant look. He looked at the mung bean cake in his hand. There was a pattern on it, and the pattern was a delicate peach blossom.

He took a bite with anticipation, the taste was slightly cool, the sweetness was right, and the taste was really good.

While eating the mung bean cake, Shen Chuwei asked, "Do you have any special dishes you want for dinner? You can order one."

Lin Xian heard clearly just now that Shen Chuwei also wanted Wu Tan to order a dish, so in her heart there is no difference between her husband and Wu Tan?
He couldn't help but ask, "Why one?"

Shen Chuwei comforted: "We're outside, so don't pick and choose. It's not bad to order a dish, and maybe there are ingredients."

Lin Xian: "...Then let me order food?"

Shen Chu smiled and said, "Maybe the dishes you ordered have ingredients?"

Lin Xian: "..."

After Wutan finished eating the mung bean cake, he picked up the teacup in front of him and held it to his lips for a few sips. After glancing at the two people in front of him, he lowered his eyes and continued to drink tea.

Shen Chuwei got up after eating the mung bean cake, "Sit down for a while, I'll cook."

After speaking, he walked out with cheerful steps.

Wu Tan also stood up, but was stopped by Lin Xian, "Where are you going?"

When Wu Tan saw Shen Chuwei going out, he immediately got up and followed him, knowing that he wanted to follow Shen Chuwei without asking.

Lin Xian asked the question knowingly.

Wu Tan stopped and looked back at Lin Xian, his voice was as indifferent as his eyes: "Where is the poor monk going, does it have anything to do with the benefactor?"

"It has nothing to do with me." Lin Xian changed the subject: "However, she said that I am her husband, and she is a married woman. Shouldn't you, a monk, avoid suspicion?"

"The poor monk has his own measure, so he doesn't bother the benefactor." After Wu Tan finished speaking, he turned and left without waiting for Lin Xian's answer.

Lin Xian watched Wu Tan's straight figure walk out of the door, he pursed his lips tightly, and when he saw Xue Tuan who was sleeping beside him, he called out: "Xue Tuan."

Zheng Xiang, who was sleeping in Xue Tuan, did not hear his call.

Lin Xian looked sideways at the table and saw several green fruits on it, which were picked by Shen Chuwei, so he picked one up and threw it towards the snow ball.

The green fruit just hit Xue Tuan on the head, Lin Xian controlled the strength, and the hit was not heavy.

Xuetuan opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Jinyan in a daze, is it really good to disturb Mao Qingmeng?
Lin Xian beckoned to him, "Come here."

Xue Tuan ran down from the couch helplessly, flew all the way into Xiao Jinyan's arms, raised his furry head and looked at him, as if waiting for him to speak.

Lin Xian found that Xuetuan really listened to him, as if he was its owner. Shen Chuwei said that Xuetuan was his pet, very smart.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen."

As he spoke, he picked up the snow ball and got up to go out.

The snow ball nestled in Xiao Jinyan's arms, and it was naturally happy for someone to hold it, and it was more comfortable than running.

As soon as he walked out the door, he saw Qin Xiao, who claimed to be his personal bodyguard.

"Master, where are you going?"

Lin Xian said indifferently: "Go out for a walk."

"Master, the princess said that your legs have just recovered, and you have been exercising for a long time today, so you should not be overworked." Qin Xiao reminded.

Lin Xian: "..."

Qin Xiao said again: "Master, I heard from the Crown Princess that you are going to Nanzhao Kingdom, do you need your subordinates to prepare the carriage in advance? Or prepare the horses in advance?"

Lin Xian frowned, "You have nothing to do now, right?"

Qin Xiao lowered his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes: "This subordinate is fine for the time being."

Lin Xiandao: "Then go and see your princess."

Qin Xiao looked up at his master suspiciously, "What are you doing looking at the princess?"

Lin Xian raised his eyebrows: "Do you still want me to teach you?"

"Subordinate, let's go find the Crown Princess." Qin Xiao walked out with doubts, and when he was far away, he looked back, and there was no sign of the master at the door.

"What does master mean?"

When Qin Xiao came to the kitchen and saw Shen Chuwei who was busy in front of the stove, he was even more puzzled about what his master meant, why did he look at the princess?
Until he saw Wu Tan who was burning a fire beside him, he seemed to understand something~
For dinner, Shen Chuwei prepared his favorite food, including braised pork and Sixi meatballs.

The steaming food was brought to the table, and Shen Chuwei served the two of them.

"Husband, it's time for dinner."

Lin Xian is already hungry now, listening to the cheerful voice makes Lin Xian even hungrier than seeing the delicious food.

He picked up a Sixi meatball with his chopsticks, looked at Shen Chuwei eating the braised pork, and glanced at her stomach. She was wearing men's clothing, and the lower abdomen was flat. She didn't grow any meat after eating so much meat every day.

Shen Chuwei ate three pieces of braised pork, picked up a Sixi meatball, and asked while eating: "Husband, are you going to Nanzhao Kingdom this time, do you want to regain your memory in Nanzhao Kingdom?"

Just as Lin Xian took a bite of the Sixi meatballs, he heard her mentioning her husband's matter again. A look of doubt flashed in his eyes, "Your husband has been in Nanzhao country before?"

Shen Chuwei puffed his cheeks and said vaguely: "That's right, you stayed in Nanzhao Country for several years, but you forgot about it before you came back."

Lin Xian chewed for a moment, thinking that he wanted to go to Nanzhao Kingdom wholeheartedly. In fact, he didn't know what to do in Nanzhao Kingdom, but his mind seemed to be drawn by something.

Is it really the same as what Shen Chuwei said, to find lost memories?

Seeing that he didn't eat braised pork, Shen Chuwei lost a lot of weight, so he should eat more meat.

She put two pieces of braised pork into the bowl in front of him, "husband, eat some braised pork, it's not greasy."

Lin Xian looked at the meat in the bowl. It was evenly fat and thin, and the color was good. He looked up at Shen Chuwei, and saw that she put a piece of braised pork into her mouth, and it was delicious.

Sure enough, eating with her was very appetizing.

He picked up the braised pork and put it into his mouth to take a bite, it was not as greasy as expected.

"Isn't he the prince? Why did he stay in Nanzhao Kingdom for a few years?"

"Going to be a hostage in Nanzhao Kingdom, I'm also very curious about what happened to you in Nanzhao Kingdom in the past few years." In fact, she was even more curious about who Feng Wuyou was?

"So that's how it is." Lin Xian said faintly: "Nanzhao Kingdom is the strongest of the six kingdoms. It was almost unified by the six kingdoms at the beginning. Not only Daxia sent the prince to Nanzhao Kingdom, but other countries were also spared."

Shen Chuwei was a little surprised when he heard the words, "So powerful? Then, as the prince of Daxia, will it be dangerous to go to the Nanzhao Congress like this?"

Lin Xiandao: "It's not blatantly, only you think I'm the prince of Daxia, and others don't know."

"That's right, put on a disguise, who will know if you don't tell me?" Shen Chuwei was relieved and continued to eat the food in the bowl.

Shen Chuwei ate half of it, and suddenly asked: "You said that Nanzhao Kingdom is so strong, there should be a lot of delicious food, right?"

Lin Xian raised his head to look at Shen Chuwei, only to see that her eyes were shining brightly, she really couldn't forget to eat at any time.

Before going to bed tonight, Shen Chuwei lay beside him, resting his chin with one hand, and asked with a smile: "Jin Yan, do you want to kiss goodnight tonight?"

Lin Xian's eyes subconsciously fell on her lips, which were faintly pink under the light, as if they were tempting him to pick them.

The beauty of every night is in his arms, but he wants to endure it with all his self-control.

No matter how tempting the kiss was, it was also to torture him.


Shen Chuwei didn't understand, "Why? Didn't you really like it last night?"

Lin Xian didn't want to discuss the kiss last night, he also wanted to sleep well and recharge his energy.

"Who likes it? Sleep."

Shen Chu curled his lips slightly, pretending to sigh: "The husband and wife live like us, sooner or later they will get divorced."

"Divorce?" Lin Xian thought for a moment, then guessed, "You said reconciliation?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "That's right, the disharmony between husband and wife is reflected in this."

Lin Xian was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked at her sideways, getting closer to each other, his breath was filled with the fragrance of peach blossoms from her body, just thinking about it for a while, he became very hot.

"You really want to?"

With a slight smile, Shen Chu took the initiative to go up to his neck, "Jin Yan, don't you want to?"

The moment Shen Chuwei took the initiative to post it, Lin Xian lost the last bit of self-control, probably because he also began to feel that he was her husband, so he had no resistance to her at all.

Shen Chuwei took the initiative to offer a kiss, pressed against his lips, and called out, "Jin Yan."

His voice is sweet and soft like insoluble honey, and Lin Xian is a bee picking honey, he can't restrain his instinct to pick it.

From being cautious at the beginning to being eager at the end, Shen Chuwei felt that he seemed to remember, because Xiao Jinyan would kiss her like this.

At the same time, Ouyang Leyuan thought about going out with Lin Xian tomorrow, so she began to think about what clothes to wear tomorrow.

When she returned from the closet, she saw a black figure disappearing in an instant.

A trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, and when she came to the table, she saw a letter on the table.

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