Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 534 Xiao Jinyan is jealous of his younger brother, and even has a son and daughter

Chapter 534 Xiao Jinyan is jealous of his younger brother, and even has a son and daughter
"Even if Mr. Lu didn't say anything, I still came to find you. I found you within two days after I came here. Mr. Lu is still very powerful."

Lin Xian also felt that she was very powerful. He saw him the first time he entered the imperial city. It should be due to Xue Tuan's contribution and his sensitive nose.

He was even more curious about the Master Lu in her mouth.

"Who is Master Lu you are talking about? Can you even count this?"

"Lord Lu is the supervisor of the Qintian Supervisor. He can watch the stars to calculate his fortune, and he can do a little bit of divination. He is very powerful."

Shen Chuwei told Lin Xian about praying and making a wish.

"I ordered two catties of fish, and the imperial dining room delivered them that day. Don't you think it's very good?"

The corner of Lin Xian's mouth twitched violently, "Pray and make a wish, do you want two catties of fish?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "Well, I'm an abandoned concubine who can't be favored. The meals delivered by the imperial dining room are either cabbage or leftovers. At that time, I was too greedy for grilled fish, so I just made a wish to ask for grilled fish."

Lin Xian showed disbelief in his eyes. It is a legend that a concubine who can't even eat fish can become a princess.

But later, when he thought about it, recalling Shen Chuwei's words, he felt sorry for her and at the same time felt a little guilty.

Because there was no prayer or wish at all, it was just to set her birthday horoscope.

But she regards Lu Zhaoyan as a god~

Shen Chuwei continued to persuade: "Jin Yu looks very similar to you, you really don't want to meet him?"

Lin Xian thought for a while, but it was only a two-day delay, so he agreed, "Okay, I'll go meet the person who looks similar to me."

Seeing that he agreed, Shen Chuwei happily kissed his lips, "I haven't seen Jinyu for a while, and I don't know if he has lost weight. He probably can't get used to the food in the military camp. He was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child. You will have to suffer a lot, and then..."

Lin Xian frowned when he heard the words, "He is your uncle, why do you care so much about him?"

Shen Chuwei said: "You don't remember, although Jinyu is my younger uncle, she is also his sister-in-law. She is very nice and treats me like a younger sister. When you were not around, I was falsely accused of having an affair with your bodyguard in April of my pregnancy. In order to protect me, he slammed the emperor hard."

She was wronged by Chang Liangyuan when she was pregnant, and Xiao Jinyu was domineering and protective of her sister-in-law. She still remembers it deeply.

When Lin Xian heard that he had a hard fight with the emperor, he felt that Xiao Jinyu was very courageous. Even if he was a prince, how dare he challenge the imperial power?
Shen Chuwei is his sister-in-law, and it's easy for him to misunderstand her by protecting her so much.

"He protects you so much, could it be because he likes you?"

Shen Chuwei paused when he heard the words, raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, and squeezed his face, "I don't remember, and I can't talk nonsense."

Lin Xian snorted: "If it's not the one you love, who would have the guts to challenge the imperial power?"

Shen Chuwei said: "The more you talk, the more outrageous it is. If your younger brother knows that his prince's elder brother suspects him like this, he will definitely be very sad."

Lin Xiandao: "Then you know that the royal family is a place where family affection is concerned. For the sake of the throne, it is normal for brothers to kill each other."

Shen Chuwei said: "I know, but you brothers have a very good relationship. He protects me so much because of you. He said that the brother of the prince went to the battlefield to kill the enemy. As the younger brother, he has the responsibility to protect the brother of the prince. Besides, your younger brother is the most favored among all the princes, and he dared to act so boldly because the emperor pampered him, but he might have been a little bit afraid at the time."

Then, she said: "Your brother has a woman he likes, and she is married."

Lin Xian was startled when he heard the words, he didn't expect the relationship between the princes to be so good.

Wait, he found something more important.

"You said you were pregnant?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "That's right, because you don't remember, so I didn't mention it. We also have two lovely babies, twins, who are almost two years old."

Lin Xian received a lot of information today, and he couldn't digest all of it for a while, and he had a severe headache.

He has younger brothers, even sons and daughters?
"Baby, I haven't seen you for half a year. I must miss you very much. I haven't seen them for two months. I also miss them very much. When our affairs are finished, I will rush back without stopping."

During this time, her attention was on Xiao Jinyan.This will mention two treasures, I can't think about it.

Shen Chuwei found that something was wrong with Xiao Jinyan, and he frowned, as if he was in a bad mood.

"What's wrong with you? Could it be that you want to remember again?"

A few times before, when Xiao Jinyan had a severe headache, he remembered the memories belonging to Xiao Jinyan. Although it was a bit strange, it was indeed Xiao Jinyan's words, memories.

Lin Xian also heard Shen Chuwei talk about it a few times before, at first he didn't pay attention to it that time, but the next two times he discovered that when he didn't know it, another person's memory would pop up in his mind, and that memory was Xiao Jin said.

Seeing her worried face, she said softly, "Go to sleep."

"Okay." Shen Chuwei lay beside him, almost falling asleep after touching the pillow.

Today is Ouyang Leyuan's birthday, and the imperial city has already begun to prepare for the birthday banquet in full swing. In fact, it has been prepared two days ago, and the movement is not as big as today.

Ouyang Leyuan is the birthday star today, so she is too busy to find Lin Xian.

Lin Xianneng could tell that Ouyang Leyuan had a crush on him, because it was so obvious that he didn't know it.

Even if Ouyang Leyuan didn't come to look for him, he was at ease.

After today, you can leave tomorrow, and you can't make extra troubles.

"Today is Ouyang Leyuan's birthday, what would you like to give? I'm penniless now, and I can't even give you gifts."

It is said that the savior is beyond heaven, he is not an ungrateful person, so gifts must be prepared.

"Put it on me, who told me to be your wife?" Shen Chuwei ran out after speaking, and ran in again after a while, with an extra brocade box in his hand.

Lin Xian asked suspiciously: "What is this?"

Shen Chuwei held his hand and said, "The birthday party is about to start, let's go."

Lin Xian could only nod his head, "Okay."

When they arrived, it was already full of people.

The birthday banquet here is different from that in Daxia. The birthday banquet is in the garden, and there is an arch to enter the garden.

There are tables and chairs inside, and various gourmet fruits are placed on the table, but most of them are talking.

A birthday banquet like Daxia's must be attended in a proper manner.

As a princess, Ouyang Leyuan has to face too many people and socialize a lot.

Shen Chuwei pulled Xiao Jinyan to a corner, sat down and began to eat the delicious food on the table.

Lin Xian has been with her for so long, and he also knows that she loves to eat. In front of her, besides the big things, eating is the most important thing, and then sleeping.

But she can distinguish the priority of things.

Shen Chuwei picked up a piece of glutinous rice cake and handed it to his mouth, "You eat some too, after you leave here, you won't be able to eat the delicacies here."

Lin Xian lowered his head and took a bite, feeling that the cakes made by Shen Chuwei were not as delicious, not soft enough, and a little too sweet.

Shen Chuwei stuffed the rest into his mouth, and glanced at Ouyang Leyuan who was not far away. She was surrounded by many young talents, and they all had a good impression of her.

With so many young talents, it's better not to take Xiao Jinyan's idea.

Ouyang Jingyuan searched for a long time, and finally saw Shen Chuwei and Lin Xian in the corner, and saw them eating glutinous rice cakes as soon as they walked over.

He stopped in his footsteps, afraid of disturbing a warm scene.

This scene reminded him of when Feng Wuyou and Xiao Jinyan would often be together in Nanzhao Kingdom, Feng Wuyou would often give Xiao Jinyan something to eat, and Xiao Jinyan would pick it up one by one.

He withdrew his thoughts and continued walking.

"Mr. Shen."

Shen Chuwei raised her head from the delicious food and saw Ouyang Jingyuan, she greeted with a smile: "Your sister is celebrating her birthday, won't you go with her?"

Ouyang Jingyuan smiled and said: "It's like this every year, it doesn't matter if you stay with me for a while."

Shen Chu glanced slightly but didn't see Wu Tan, so he asked him, "Where is Wu Tan? Why didn't he come?"

Ouyang Jingyuan explained: "He is a monk, so he won't come."

"No wonder I didn't see him. Being a monk is too painful." After speaking, he picked up a piece of barbecue with chopsticks and put it in his mouth, secretly glad that he was not in a nunnery when he passed it on, otherwise it would really be no fun at all.

The barbecue was taught by Shen Chuwei to the cook. Since they started to show off the cooking skills they have learned recently, she can eat the food she wants without having to cook it herself.

Lin Xian raised his eyes and looked at Ouyang Jingyuan faintly. As a man's intuition, he had different thoughts about Shen Chuwei.

Ouyang Jingyuan raised his head, their eyes collided, and neither of them flinched.

At this time, Ouyang Leyuan happily ran over, "Young master Lin, come with me."

A look of doubt flashed in Lin Xian's eyes, "What are you doing?"

Ouyang Leyuan stretched out her hand to hold his arm, Shen Chuwei saw it, and stretched out her hand to grab Xiao Jinyan's sleeve, she pulled him over with great strength.

She patted his sleeve and said, "Your clothes are dirty."

"Really?" Lin Xian looked down at his sleeves. Although it was a moon-white shirt, it was night and he couldn't see it even if it was dirty.

He raised his eyes to look at Shen Chuwei, only to see her grinning at him, she looked small, but she was quite strong.

Ouyang Leyuan rushed to nothing, a little dissatisfied, when she was about to reach out to pull Lin Xian, she was pulled over by Ouyang Jingyuan, and yelled in a low voice: "Sister, in the public, you, as a princess, are blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. What is the system?"

How could Ouyang Leyuan bear this anger, and immediately retorted: "Brother, are you too lenient? How can I make a fuss?"

Ouyang Jingyuan said: "Then speak well when you speak, what are you doing by pulling someone's arm? As a princess, there are so many people present, so don't be too self-willed."

Ouyang Leyuan's face changed with anger, "Today is my birthday, why don't you just ignore me?"

Seeing this, Lin Xian took out the gift prepared by Shen Chuwei from behind and handed it to Ouyang Leyuan.

"Le Yuan, this is a birthday present for you."

When Ouyang Leyuan heard the birthday gift, all the unhappiness just now was swept away. She took it happily and looked down at the exquisite gift box in her hand. It looks very beautiful.

I don't know what gift Lin Xian gave?

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  Babies ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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