Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 535 Lin Xian: I Don't Take a Concubine, Let's Go Out of the City Together

Chapter 535 Lin Xian: I Don't Take a Concubine, Let's Go Out of the City Together

Lin Xian stared at the gift box in her hand. It was beautiful in appearance, but he didn't know what the gift was inside. He glanced sideways at Shen Chuwei, and saw that she was turning her head to pick up the sweet cake on the table. The sweet cake was only the size of a finger. Just put it in your mouth...

Ouyang Leyuan was very curious about what gift Lin Xian would give her, and couldn't wait to open the gift box in front of Lin Xian.

Inside the gift box is a pair of jade bracelets with a ruby ​​inlaid on them. The style is somewhat different from that of the Xing Miao people, but they are very luxurious and beautiful.

Lin Xian just looked up and saw the gift inside, and he knew it was worth a lot at a glance, no wonder Shen Chuwei told him on the way here that he didn't have to worry, he would definitely not lose face.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at Shen Chuwei, only to see that she was puffing out her cheeks, and she knew she was eating in silence again.

Shen Chuwei noticed that he was looking over, and frowned at him.

Ouyang Leyuan raised her head happily and looked at Lin Xian: Mr. Lin, I like the gift you gave me very much. "

Lin Xiandao: "As long as you like it."

"I'll put it on and have a look." Ouyang Leyuan put the gift box on the table, took out the jade bracelet of the brocade robe, and put it on her wrist carefully, for fear of accidentally dropping it.

Her wrist is slender, and the jade bracelet fits just right on her wrist.

After Ouyang Leyuan put on the jade bracelet, she happily raised it in front of Lin Xian, "Mr. Lin, is it pretty?"

Lin Xian looked at the jade bracelets, and Shen Chuwei had a good eye. Although he saw the pair of jade bracelets, he did not lose his grandeur.

He nodded, "Yeah."

Ouyang Leyuan was overjoyed.

At this time, the maid came over, "Princess, the patriarch asked you to go there."

"Okay." Ouyang Leyuan raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Xian, then followed the maid and left.

The patriarch saw his precious daughter approaching, beckoned her to stand beside him, and announced in front of everyone: "Today is Princess Le Yuan's 16th birthday, and she has reached the marriageable age. Choose a talented young man to be her son-in-law."

As soon as the patriarch's words fell, the place boiled up. Many young talents liked Ouyang Leyuan, and they were just waiting for this day to become a son-in-law, a step up to a higher level than nobles.

The patriarch looked at his precious daughter with a smile, "Le Yuan, these young talents, which one do you like?"

Ouyang Leyuan just glanced at the so-called young talent, and said shyly, "My daughter has already been chosen."

The patriarch heard that he was a little curious about his daughter's eyes, who would he look at?

"Tell me and see, which son is it?"

Ouyang Leyuan looked at Lin Xian in the corner, even standing in the corner, his noble temperament would stand out from the crowd.

With an incomparably handsome face, you can't take your eyes off just by looking at it.

"The person I like is Mr. Lin, Lin Xian."

The young talented people below were puzzled when they heard the words, because they had never heard of this person.

"Who is Mr. Lin? Which family's noble son?"

"I've never heard of it. Is there anyone named Lin among the nobles?"

Lin Xian, who was named, also looked confused, how could he directly speak of Yuan Consort in public?
Shen Chu was stunned for a moment, although he guessed that Ouyang Leyuan had unreasonable thoughts about Xiao Jinyan, but he didn't expect that she would name her son-in-law in public.

She looked up at Xiao Jinyan, and said in a low voice, "Are all princesses so confident?"

This is no less than a public confession. If the two parties' intentions are not confirmed, there are only two results in this method of confession.

Either the other party agrees, and everyone is happy.

Or be rejected, embarrassing on the spot...

Lin Xian replied, "I don't know."

Ouyang Leyuan walked down from the stage happily, and the crowd automatically parted ways. She walked towards this side from the middle of the crowd with a smile on her face.

Lin Xian looked at Ouyang Leyuan who was walking towards him, and probably guessed what she was going to do. He stood there upright, his hand was suddenly held by a warm hand, he turned his head and saw Shen Chuwei beside him.

Who would have thought that they would encounter this on the last day of their stay here?

Ouyang Leyuan slowly came to Lin Xian, today she was extraordinarily gorgeous and beautiful.

Everyone's eyes followed Ouyang Leyuan's figure, and also saw Lin Xian in front of her, vaguely guessing that he was Lin Gongzi Lin Xian who Le Yuan had a crush on.

"This person looks so strange, he doesn't look like a member of the Xingmiao tribe."

"You can tell by the clothes he's wearing that he's not from here."

"Why does Princess Le Yuan fall in love with an outsider?"

Ouyang Leyuan took out her belongings, the bag she wore when she was a child, with beautiful patterns embroidered on it, and red tassels tied underneath.

"Mr. Lin, I want you to be my husband."

Lin Xian took a look at the items in her hand. These days, every time Ouyang Leyuan came, he would see her carrying them with her. Adding that sentence, it might be a token of love.

He didn't want to solve this matter in public, but Ouyang Leyuan didn't give him this chance.

"Princess Le Yuan, you have a noble status and a natural beauty, but I already have a sweetheart, thank you for your kindness."

As soon as Lin Xian finished speaking, there was a sound of surprise all around.

"How many people wanted to marry Princess Le Yuan, but he refused? He didn't take Princess Le Yuan seriously at all."

"That's right, I don't know what is good or bad, but I dare to reject Princess Le Yuan."

Ouyang Leyuan was stunned when she heard that he had a sweetheart, because she didn't expect that he had a sweetheart, but it was right to think about it, how could such a handsome man like Lin Xian be loved by no one?
I'm afraid that people who like him will line up to the square.

"A man can have three wives and four concubines. I don't mind if you take a concubine."

Lin Xian paused when he heard this. If it was someone else, he could directly refuse, but facing the savior, he couldn't be silent in the cold moon.

"I promised her not to take concubines."

When Ouyang Leyuan came over, Shen Chuwei didn't continue to eat, but kept staring at Xiao Jinyan, wanting to see his reaction.

But now it seems that she is quite satisfied with Xiao Jinyan's reaction. Fortunately, she was vaccinated in advance, otherwise it would be really embarrassing for the savior to wear such a big hat.

Ouyang Leyuan asked in disbelief, "You're married."

Lin Xian nodded, "Yes."

Ouyang Leyuan thought that she made such a big concession by sacrificing herself, but in the end, he didn't take a concubine for another woman?

How can this make her reconciled?

Even if my sister does things capriciously and without consideration, she is still my sister after all, Ouyang Jingyuan pulled her into his arms, "You always do things like this, without thinking about the consequences."

Ouyang Leyuan has never met a man who can make her heart move so much, even though he already has a wife, she is still very unwilling.

"Who is your wife? I want to meet her."

Lin Xian glanced at Shen Chuwei, apparently it was sensible to have a sudden showdown at this time, he looked back at Ouyang Leyuan and said, "She's in Daxia."

Ouyang Jingyuan scolded angrily: "Haven't you had enough trouble?"

The patriarch also walked over from the crowd and glanced at Lin Xian. He knew that this young man was rescued by his daughter, but he didn't expect his daughter to let so many young talents go and choose a foreigner.

"Le Yuan, stop messing around."

Ouyang Leyuan felt unwilling, but couldn't say anything more.

The originally lively birthday party was a bit awkward because of the selection of a son-in-law.

Back in the guest room, he saw Wu Tan standing under the tree, as if waiting for them.

She took the initiative to step forward and asked, "Little Master Wutan, are you busy?"

Lin Xian saw that Wutan's eyes darkened.

Wu Tan took two steps forward, and asked in a gentle voice, "Well, are you going back to Daxia or to Nanzhao Kingdom?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Go to Nanzhao Kingdom, what's the matter?"

Wu Tan said: "It's nothing, I plan to go to Nanzhao Kingdom, since you are going too, the poor monk wants to go with you, okay?"

"I have no problem." Shen Chuwei seemed to think of something, she asked curiously: "Could your hometown be in Nanzhao Kingdom?"

Seeing her agreeing so easily, Lin Xian frowned displeased, "No, we're not here to play."

Wu Tan didn't look at Lin Xian, but nodded slightly at Shen Chu, "Yeah."

Shen Chu slightly tugged at Xiao Jinyan's sleeve, "Wutan's hometown is in Nanzhao Kingdom, we are not familiar with the place, so having him as a guide will save a lot of trouble."

Wu Tan chuckled: "Nanzhao Kingdom, the poor monk is very familiar."

Shen Chuwei tugged at his sleeve again, "Look, having an acquaintance lead the way can not only save trouble, but also save time."

Shen Chuwei actually wanted to quickly resolve Xiao Jinyan's matter, then return to Daxia, and then reunite with the family.

Hearing this, Lin Xian cast a glance at Wu Tan, and could only forcefully agree.

After making an appointment with Wu Tan, the two returned to the guest room.

Lin Xian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. When he saw Shen Chuwei, he handed it to her first, "After eating so much meat, drink some tea to relieve the greasy."

"En." Shen Chuwei took the teacup and handed it to his mouth to take a few sips.

Lin Xian picked up the teacup and took a few sips of tea, then raised her eyes to look at Shen Chuwei in front of her, she kept her head down drinking the tea, obviously very thirsty.

After Shen Chuwei had had enough, he put down the teacup, his tone full of excitement, because he was about to leave this place.

"Let's rest early tonight and leave early tomorrow morning. I asked Qin Xiao to arrange a horse in advance."

Lin Xian nodded, "Yes."

The two went to bed early.

At this time, the lights in Ouyang Leyuan's boudoir were still on, and there was the sound of crackling and smashing things.

"Princess, calm down." The maid trembled in fright, and advised cautiously.

Ouyang Leyuan's beautiful face became a little ferocious because she was not reconciled, she swept the hot tea on the table to the ground, and the hot tea splashed on the maid's embroidered shoes.

"You all get out of here."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The servant girl turned pale with fright, and hurriedly withdrew.

After Ouyang Leyuan shouted, she still couldn't calm down. She sat at the table, thinking that Lin Xian would leave tomorrow, she was not only unwilling, but also a little bit reluctant.

She suddenly thought of the note saying that Lin Xian would not come back after he left, which meant that he had already married a wife.

In the early morning of that day, Shen Chuwei and Lin Xian woke up early, but they didn't actually salute. Lin Xian came here empty-handed, and also empty-handed when he left.

No, when he was leaving, there was one more person beside him, Shen Chuwei.

Most of Shen Chuwei's things were in the space, so she just carried her bag and thought about it.

At the entrance of the gate of the imperial city, there is a carriage to take them out.

Both Ouyang Jingyuan and Ouyang Leyuan came.

 good afternoon!

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(End of this chapter)

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