Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 536 His Royal Highness returned happily and finally saw his brother

Chapter 536 His Royal Highness returned happily and finally saw his brother

Shen Chuwei, Xiao Jinyan, and Wu Tan stood beside the carriage. Although they left with a high profile, Shen Chuwei was too excited to take care of it at this time, because she finally coaxed Xiao Jinyan into the barracks.

Returning to Daxia is just around the corner.

Shen Chuwei's excitement was even noticed by Xiao Jinyan who was beside her. Since she got up in the morning, the smile on her face has not disappeared, although there is always a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

It's just that when he saw Wu Tan beside Shen Chuwei, his eyes darkened.

Ouyang Jingyuan's eyes fell on Shen Chuwei, but the words were addressed to Shen Chuwei and Wu Tan, "I'll say goodbye today. I don't know when it will be. Take care all the way."

Shen Chu smiled and said goodbye, "Well, take care of yourself too."

Wu Tan clasped his hands together and said in a gentle voice, "Take care."

Ouyang Jingyuan chuckled, "I will."

After Shen Chuwei said goodbye, he happily got into the carriage, and before he got in, he heard someone shouting from behind.

"Doctor Shen, wait."

Shen Chu paused slightly, then looked back, and saw two cooks walking towards this side, a man and a woman, both were about 30 years old, their faces were shiny because they stayed in the back kitchen all year round.

"Are you okay?"

The male cook raised a few oil paper bags in front of Shen Chuwei with both hands, and smiled sincerely: "Mr. Shen, these are the meals and cakes we made early in the morning. We learned them from you. You will take them on the way to eat."

"During this time, I have learned a lot of cooking skills from you. The patriarch and the others praised us for our improvement in cooking skills, and even increased our monthly salary. These are all thanks to Dr. Shen." The female cook also echoed.

When Shen Chuwei heard about the pastries, she was so greedy. It was a great enjoyment to eat cooked food that was just out of the pan on the road.

"Then I'm not going to be rude."

"Doctor Shen, you're welcome." The male cook said cheerfully.

Shen Chuwei was not pretentious, he reached out to take a few oil paper packages from the male cook, waved goodbye, and then got into the carriage without looking back.

Wu Tan withdrew his gaze and followed.

When Ouyang Leyuan looked at Xiao Jinyan, she was still obsessed with admiration. From the first time she saw him, she thought he was really good-looking, better than all men.

My heart is more unwilling.

"Mr. Lin, I must see your wife. I want to see that she looks like a fairy and can make you swear not to take concubines."

Xiao Jinyan didn't know what to say, and the last thing he said was just a short sentence, "Princess Le Yuan, I will remember the grace of saving my life, take care."

After speaking, he turned and got into the carriage.

Ouyang Leyuan saw him getting into the carriage, and when the curtain was about to close, she shouted unwillingly: "You will definitely regret not choosing me."

Xiao Jinyan got into the carriage without looking back, and closed the curtain.

Ouyang Jingyuan pressed his sister's shoulders and persuaded: "Sister, a gentleman does not take what others like, but also has the beauty of an adult. Why are you so?"

Ouyang Leyuan retorted dissatisfied: "I'm not a gentleman, why can't I grab what I like? Why do I want to make myself sad by helping others?"

Ouyang Jingyuan saw that his sister was so obsessed with it, he was a little helpless: "Haven't you figured out what happened last night? People obviously don't have any feelings for you. As a princess, why are you so petty?"

"Are you my brother? Slander me every sentence?" Ouyang Leyuan looked at the carriage that had gone away, and ran away without looking back.

Ouyang Jingyuan watched his sister leave, but did not stop her. She has been pampered since she was a child, and it was hard to accept being rejected for the first time.

He looked at the carriage that had gone away, and really wanted to visit Nanzhao Kingdom.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the carriage was a bit strange.

Shen Chuwei just opened the oiled paper bag in her hand, and the smell was tangy, she licked her lips greedily, then raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyan and Wu Tan.

"Would you like a meal? It's still warm."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at Shen Chuwei, and saw that in the oil paper bag in her hand were fried dough sticks, dumplings, fried buns... It seemed that those cooks had learned a lot of cooking skills from Shen Chuwei.

"Try it."

Shen Chuwei happily held it up in front of him.

Xiao Jinyan picked up a deep-fried dough stick, handed it to his mouth and took a bite. The taste was not bad.

Shen Chuwei raised it in front of Wu Tan again, "Little Master Wu Tan, you should try it too, it's vegetarian food, not meat food."

Wu Tan looked at the meals in the oil paper bag, but did not refuse, "Okay."

He also picked up a fried dough stick, because he had eaten it many times, and it was all made by Shen Chuwei himself, and it tasted good.

Shen Chuwei picked up the fried bun and stuffed it into his mouth. He took half a bite. The meat was tender and the soup was rich and delicious.

Along the way, Shen Chuwei was eating almost all the time, until the carriage stopped, indicating that he had arrived at the small town of Jisai.

Shen Chuwei, Xiao Jinyan, and Wu Tan got off the carriage one after another.

The three horses that Qin Xiao had prepared were waiting not far away. When he saw the masters, he led the horses over.


Because Gotan was not considered at the beginning, only three horses were prepared.

Shen Chuwei held Xiao Jinyan's arm, and said: "We share a ride, Qin Xiao and Wu Tan share a horse."

Xiao Jinyan would naturally not refuse, and the three horses could only be arranged in this way.

"it is good."

As Xiao Jinyan said, he grabbed the saddle and got on the horse neatly. After his leg injury healed, getting on the horse was a breeze.

After getting on the horse, he bent down and stretched out his arms to wrap around Shen Chuwei's waist, and carried her onto the horse.

Without having to do anything by himself, Shen Chuwei was naturally happy and relaxed. After getting on the horse, he sat in Xiao Jinyan's arms.

She raised her head and looked at Xiao Jinyan, "It's been a long time since I rode a horse together, this time I can get my wish."

Xiao Jinyan wrapped her arms around her, held the rein tightly, and looked down at her, "How long?"

Shen Chuwei said, "It's been more than a year."

"That's quite a long time." Xiao Jinyan clamped the horse's belly, and the horse galloped, following the path pointed out by Shen Chuwei, all the way forward.

Qin Xiao also got on his horse and followed closely behind.

Wu Tan looked at the two who had already run away, and he also got on his horse neatly, not to be outdone and catch up.

After Xiao Jinyan was seriously injured, he didn't ride a horse so happily. It felt good to gallop without any scruples.

Shen Chuwei is also in a good mood, as long as she leaves the imperial city, she doesn't have to worry about it.

The small town of Jisse was far away from the military camp, so they rode wildly and did not arrive at the military camp until Shen in the afternoon.

Xiao Jinyan tightened the reins, and the horse neighed and stopped.

At the gate of the barracks, the guards saw the man on horseback, and immediately went forward to salute, "See His Royal Highness, Crown Princess."

Then open the gate of the barracks and let them go.

Xiao Jinyan watched the soldiers salute him, although he didn't remember it, but he always felt it was a matter of course, as if he had experienced it since childhood.

A group of people rode into the barracks.

When he dismounted, Shen Chuwei's buttocks were already numb.

Xiao Jinyan reached out and hugged her down, her legs seemed to be stepping on cotton, limp.

Xiao Jinyan let go of her, and his body fell down. He hurriedly hugged her waist to support her, and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Shen Chu raised his head slightly to look at Xiao Jinyan, and said with a painful face: "I, I can't walk anymore, my butt still hurts."

Xiao Jinyan thought about her delicate body, and even he couldn't bear to ride a horse for so long, let alone her as a woman.

"I hug you."

Shen Chu nodded happily, "Okay."

When Xiao Jinyan bent down and hugged her horizontally, Shen Chuwei took the initiative to wrap his arms around his neck, and went down to his tent under Shen Chuwei's guidance.

Wu Tan got off his horse and watched Lin Xian leave with Shen Chuwei in his arms. After a long time, he looked away and followed Qin Xiao to the guest's tent.

When the soldiers saw His Highness the Crown Prince came back, they showed surprise expressions and shouted happily: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is back, His Highness the Crown Prince is back."

Xiao Jinyan had a very good prestige when he led the soldiers to fight, and he planned strategies so that the soldiers would not die in vain. At the same time, the rewards and punishments were clearly defined, which was very popular among the soldiers.

The guard at the gate saw the prince and princess and stepped forward to salute in surprise.

"His Royal Highness, Crown Princess, you are finally back."

Shen Chuwei asked: "Where is King Yu?"

"King Yu went out to fight with General Xu today, and he won't be back for a while." The guard said.

Shen Chuwei said: "Then when he comes back, come and tell us as soon as possible."

"Subordinates obey." The guard said.

Only then did Xiao Jinyan carry her into the tent.

Although it is unoccupied these days, it is cleaned every day, so it is very clean.

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the furnishings in the camp, including the bed, screen, and desk. He looked at the armor rack beside him, and there was nothing there.

Shen Chuwei saw him looking at his tent, "Does it feel familiar?"

Xiao Jinyan shook his head, then carried Shen Chuwei to the bedside, and put her on the bed.

At this time, the guard came in to announce, "Your Highness, the generals are asking to see you."

Xiao Jinyan frowned, how could he disturb his rest just after he came back?
"not see."

"Huh?" The guard looked confused.

Shen Chuwei raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, tugged at his sleeve, and explained: "You have been missing for so long, and they have been worried about your safety. Now that you are back, let them see you, and you can stabilize the morale of the army."

Xiao Jinyan hesitated for a while when he heard the words, maybe because he didn't remember, he was so repulsed by someone coming to disturb him at this time.

"Let them in."

"Here." Not long after the guards retreated, several generals strode in. Every step they took, they could hear the sound of armor grinding, and their steps were sonorous and powerful.

The four generals saw Xiao Jinyan kneeling on one knee in unison, saluting in unison.

"At the end, I will see Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the four generals, all of them were either dark or wheat-colored, and their faces were all unfamiliar.

"Get up."

The four generals rose up in response, all of them stood upright, looking at Xiao Jinyan excitedly, because Xiao Jinyan's ability and strength were obvious to all of them, and they were also willing to admit it.

Before the generals could speak, Shen Chuwei took the lead and said, "Your Highness has lost his memory, you don't need to report the battle situation for now."

The four generals were still excited just now, when they heard such a shocking news, they didn't react for a while.

But having said that, it is already a happy event for His Highness to fall off the cliff and survive miraculously. What is amnesia?
After figuring this out, the four generals didn't say anything more, they just talked about the situation.Then go out.

After resting for a quarter of an hour, the guard came in to report.

"Your Highness, King Yu is back."

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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