Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 538 He doesn't like... found out the secret

Chapter 538 He doesn't like... found out the secret
Seeing that he didn't speak, Xiao Jinyan thought he didn't believe it. He said solemnly: "Brother Prince, I can swear."

Xiao Jinyan looked at Xiao Jinyu with a serious face, and thought of Shen Chuwei's words, he believed it a little bit, he said softly: "You are seriously injured, the most important thing is to rest first."

Xiao Jinyu had just returned from the battlefield, and was seriously injured and lost a lot of blood. He was indeed very tired. If he hadn't learned that the prince's brother was excited and forgot to be tired, he might have rested a long time ago.

"it is good."

After Xiao Jinyu rested, Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei returned to their camp.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan and frowned all the way, maybe because he couldn't accept that he had a second-hand brother for a while...

"Your Highness, my concubine asked someone to prepare hot water. You can take a bath and rest first, okay?"

Xiao Jinyan frowned again when he heard the title, "Why did you change your title?"

Shen Chuwei didn't think there was anything wrong, she answered it as a matter of course, "I've always been called that, is there any problem?"

Xiao Jinyan said: "Didn't you call me husband, or Jinyan before?"

Shen Chuwei said very seriously: "That's because outside, it's very common to address your husband. Jin Yan can only address you in the boudoir. You are His Royal Highness, and you can't call him casually. That's outrageous."

Shen Chuwei realized later that the tone of her words was very similar to that of Chunxi back then~

No way, who let her live in ancient times?No matter how much Xiao Jinyan spoils her, certain rules still have to be followed. If someone catches her in the wrong place, she will make a big fuss.

Xiao Jinyan frowned even more, because he didn't like such a title.

Shen Chuwei still had hot water prepared.

After the hot water was ready, Shen Chuwei walked up to Xiao Jinyan, stretched out his hand to hook his belt, and looked up at him, "The concubine will undress you, will you?"

Before Xiao Jinyan lost his memory, this sentence was very common, with a bit of intimacy and ambiguity in it.

It's just that Xiao Jinyan didn't remember at the moment, so Shen Chuwei suddenly said to undress him so gently, and hooked his belt with his small hands, with a hint of seduction.

His eyes darkened a little: "Okay."

Shen Chuwei hasn't undressed Xiao Jinyan for a long time, which is what she is best at. With a smile on her face, she neatly untied his belt, put it aside, and then went to undo his belt again.

After taking off her shirt, she looked at Xiao Jinyan's lean body. Not only did she not have fat on her waist, but her waist was particularly obvious, and the sexy mermaid line highlighted a bit.

The feeding these days didn't make him fat either.

"Thinking of going to Nanzhao Kingdom, the journey is far away, I'm afraid it's not easy to take care of my health, I can only wait until I return to Daxia to make up for it.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at her, and found that she had been staring at him. He asked, "What are you looking at?"

Shen Chu slightly raised his head and teased, "Your Highness has lost a lot of weight, and if you lose weight, you'll be ribs."

"Really?" Xiao Jinyan looked down at his figure. He hadn't noticed it for a while, and he had been looking forward to his injury recovering and being able to stand up. Now that he saw it, he felt that what Shen Chuwei said made sense. He had indeed lost some weight. .

"I will eat more in the future, and I will always grow up."

"Yeah." Shen Chuwei also took off his trousers, and then threw them together with his clothes.

"Your Highness, go take a bath."

Xiao Jinyan asked, "What about you?"

Shen Chuwei said: "The concubine is going to cook. His Highness has not recovered from his serious injury. In terms of meals, he still needs to eat some good ones that suit his taste."

Xiao Jinyan: "..." He thought that Shen Chuwei wanted to take a bath together~
"The concubine is going to cook." Shen Chu smiled and walked out happily.

Xiao Jinyan turned around and stepped into the bathtub. Regarding Shen Chuwei's attitude, he still liked being outside, and now he felt a little weird.

What Shen Chuwei is best at is cooking, for several people to eat, five dishes and one soup are enough.

The dishes are not famous dishes, but some home-cooked dishes, with meat and vegetables, double the nutrition.

She stewed chicken soup, which was fat and nutritious, which she had brought along the way.

After the dinner was ready, Xiao Jinyan also woke up after a nap.

Shen Chuwei asked Qin Xiao to call Wu Tan over for dinner, and then called Xiao Jinyu himself.

The two tents were very close to each other, and they arrived in a short while.

At this time, Xiao Jinyu was still resting, and she woke up after being pushed slightly by Shen Chu twice.

He opened his hazy peach blossom eyes and saw Shen Chuwei, "Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

Shen Chu smiled and said: "It's dinner, I will cook myself."

When Xiao Jinyu heard the words, he immediately regained his spirits, "Really? I haven't eaten the food made by my sister-in-law for a long time. I almost vomited after eating the food in the military camp these days."

Shen Chuwei looked Xiao Jinyu up and down, his complexion was not as fair as jade when he first came here, but a bit more wheat-colored, and his figure seemed a little stronger?
"I saw that your muscles have grown a little~"

Xiao Jinyu said: "Sister-in-law, you don't understand. I practice riding and shooting every day, and go to battle to kill the enemy. When I am hungry, I can eat two big bowls of food that doesn't suit my appetite. Besides, I am not strong, but my muscles are stronger than before."

"...That's right. People who exercise every day will indeed become very strong in their muscles. Let's go and have dinner together."

Shen Chuwei brought the greedy Xiao Jinyu to the camp. At this time, Xiao Jinyan was already fully dressed and sitting at the table.

Enduring the pain, Xiao Jinyu walked over quickly, sat down next to Xiao Jinyan, and said with a smile: "Brother Prince, we haven't seen each other for a long time, how about a few drinks later?"

Xiao Jinyan glanced at his bandaged chest, and said lightly: "You have injuries on your body, so you should not drink."

Xiao Jinyu was a little moved when he heard the words. Although the prince's brother didn't remember him, he still cared about him very much.

"Then don't drink, and drink together when I recover from my injury."

Xiao Jinyan: "Yes."

The food is already on the table.

Everyone is hungry now, especially Xiao Jinyu, smelling the aroma of the food, can't wait to pick up the food with chopsticks and eat first.

Qin Xiao walked in at this time, "Crown Princess, Wu Tan can't explain it."

Xiao Jinyan raised his head to look at Shen Chuwei, still thinking about that monk?

Shen Chuwei asked: "Did he say anything?"

"Wu Tan said that he is used to light food, and he doesn't want the Crown Princess to deliberately cook light food just to please him." Qin Xiao said.

"Okay." Shen Chuwei pointed to a relatively plain cabbage in front of him and said, "You can send this dish over."

"Your subordinate obeys." Qin Xiao took a few steps forward, picked up the dish of cabbage and withdrew.

Xiao Jinyu took some meat with the chopsticks and put it into Xiao Jinyan's bowl, and said, "Brother Prince, sister-in-law's cooking is delicious, eat more, you've lost a lot of weight."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the meat in the bowl, then at Xiao Jinyu's similar face, and after looking at it for a while, he said, "Thank you."

"Brother Prince, you are too polite." Xiao Jinyu laughed twice, and continued to eat the food in the bowl. He felt that he could eat three bowls of rice today.

The bowls in the barracks are much larger than those in the palace.

Shen Chu slightly opened the lid, and the smell of chicken soup wafted out immediately. She first filled two bowls and placed them in front of the two brothers.

"Chicken soup, try it while it's hot."

Xiao Jinyu picked up the soup bowl and smelled it, "It smells so good." He raised his head to look at Shen Chuwei, and boasted without hesitation: "My sister-in-law is here, so I can satisfy my appetite."

Xiao Jinyan took a look at Xiao Jinyu, not only was he a bit silly, but his mouth was also sweet. He looked back at the chicken soup in front of him, it smelled really good.

He picked up the soup bowl in one hand and the spoon in the other, took a spoonful and put it into his mouth to drink. It was not greasy and tasted good.

Shen Chuwei took a soup bowl and filled it for herself. It had been a long time since she had chicken soup. She handed it to her mouth and took a sip. The soup was rich, not greasy, and delicious.

The chicken soup was specially stewed for Xiao Jinyan and Xiao Jinyu, so Shen Chuwei only drank a bowl to satisfy his hunger, and let them drink the rest to replenish their bodies.

After dinner, someone will come to clean up the dishes.

Xiao Jinyu still wanted to chat with the prince's brother, but he hadn't seen him for a long time, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he was safe, thinking he really wanted to.

"Brother Prince, tell me who saved you? Did you have any adventures?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at Xiao Jinyu, who was a little familiar, although in Xiao Jinyu's eyes, he was already a loser, but he was not familiar~
"You have suffered such a serious injury, don't you need to rest?"

Xiao Jinyu said indifferently: "It's okay, I'm not very tired yet."

Xiao Jinyan said again: "Is it not very tired, or a little tired?"

Xiao Jinyu froze for a moment, then nodded, "A little bit."

Xiao Jinyan got up, bent down and grabbed Xiao Jinyu's arm to help him stand up together, "In this case, then go back to rest earlier, and rest enough to recover from illness."

Xiao Jinyu was a little confused, "...but,"

Xiao Jinyan helped Xiao Jinyu to the entrance of the tent, and said to Qin Xiao at the door: "Qin Xiao, send King Yu back to rest."

"Your subordinate obeys orders." Qin Xiao took a few steps forward, took Xiao Jinyu from his master, and helped him to leave.

Shen Chuwei: "..." Xiao Jinyan seemed to dislike his younger brother after losing his memory~

Xiao Jinyu was a little depressed, but he was not depressed when he thought that the prince's brother was concerned about his body.

After returning to the camp, the personal guards walked in and handed over the letter with both hands, "Master, it's a letter from Concubine Han."

When Xiao Jinyu heard that it was a letter from his daughter-in-law, he couldn't wait to pick up the letter, took out the letter in twos and opened it, there were only a few short words on it, all asking him to pay more attention to his health and safety.

The last sentence is, when will you return?

After reading the letter, Xiao Jinyu missed his daughter-in-law already, and he thought about it even more. He wished he could fly back immediately and hold her in his arms.

He took the letter to the desk and sat down, laid out the letter paper, picked up a pen and ink, and began to reply to the letter.

Shen Chuwei waited for Xiao Jinyu to leave before going to take a bath. He rode a horse for a long time today, and he didn't rest for a while before cooking. He would sit in the bathtub, and his body was soaked in warm water, which relieved a lot of fatigue.

Perhaps it was too comfortable to soak, Shen Chuwei felt a little drowsy, and finally fell asleep leaning against the edge of the tub.

Xiao Jinyan waited outside, looking at the furnishings in the camp with nothing to do, trying to regain a sense of familiarity.

He came to the bed and sat down, saw the pillow, reached out to pick up the pillow, and saw a bracelet placed under the pillow, and a crystal clear stone strung on the red rope.

He picked it up and played with it for a while, and found words engraved on the stone.

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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