Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 539 I'm Too Familiar... She's Great at Pleasing People

Xiao Jin raised the stone and took a closer look. Although the characters were small, they were clearly visible.

The small nine characters are engraved on it.

"Who is Xiaojiu?"

Just when Xiao Jinyan was puzzled, he raised his head and glanced inside the tent, but he didn't see Shen Chuwei's figure. Thinking of her going to take a bath, she hasn't come out for so long?
Holding the bracelet, he stood up and walked behind the screen, "Shen Chuwei?"

No one answered.

Xiao Jinyan still knew her a little bit, and he would not answer him. He quickened his pace and came behind the screen with doubts, and saw only a dark head and jade-white shoulders, waist-length, in the bathtub. Hair cascading down like a waterfall.

At this time, her eyes were closed tightly, and she could tell that she was asleep.

I think she has always been snoozing, riding a horse for several hours today, returning to the tent and cooking again, no wonder she fell asleep from exhaustion.

Xiao Jinyan put the bracelet into his clothes, picked up the towel on the side, then picked up the one in the bathtub and wrapped it in the towel, turned around and strode to the bed, and put her on the bed.

After doing this, Xiao Jinyan had already used a lot of self-control. He sat down on the bed and looked down at the sleeping Shen Chuwei.

After falling asleep, she is very well-behaved, like a child, it is not easy to wake up.

He looked at it for a long time before he undressed and went to bed, lying beside her.

It's just that there is a woman sleeping next to him, and the faint fragrance after bathing always surrounds the tip of his nose, disturbing his mind.

When Shen Chuwei woke up from sleep, she was awakened with a start, and she was still in the shower.

She opened her eyes suddenly, looked down, and found that she was not in the tub, and she knew without thinking that it must be Xiao Jinyan who picked her up from the tub.

She raised her head and saw Xiao Jinyan dressed neatly. The clothes he was wearing were the brocade robes he usually wore, which had a different sense of sight from ordinary clothes.

Xiao Jinyan came over slowly, "Are you awake?"

Shen Chu rubbed her eyes slightly, she didn't know that she just woke up, her voice was a little hoarse: "Well, is there still time to make breakfast?"

Xiao Jin said: "Qin Xiao has already gone to prepare breakfast."

"It's so squishy." Shen Chuwei propped himself up and sat up, stretching his waist, feeling the chill all over his body.

As soon as Xiao Jinyan walked to the bed, he saw such an alluring scenery, and suddenly felt a little hot.

Shen Chu lowered his head slightly and glanced at his body. Last night Xiao Jinyan hugged her up without dressing her...

She picked up the obscene clothes on the side and put them on herself, and a figure covered her face, grabbed her wrist, and stopped her next movement.

Shen Chu raised her head slightly, and saw those twinkling phoenix eyes as dark as ink, she was too familiar with this look.

Xiao Jinyan lowered his head and kissed her tender lips. In fact, he couldn't help it last night, but he couldn't bear to wake her up.

Seeing now, she was awake again, so naturally she couldn't help it.

"Jinyan, didn't you say that Qin Xiao went to get breakfast? Then he..."

Xiao Jinyan leaned close to her and said ambiguously, "Just once."


When Qin Xiao fetched breakfast, he stood at the door and yelled twice, but no one answered, so he didn't dare to go in.

Shen Chuwei was extremely nervous. Although she knew that Qin Xiao would not come in without permission, those two voices still made her nervous.

Xiao Jinyu came to the door of His Royal Highness's tent with serious injuries and saw Qin Xiao who was carrying breakfast, "Why don't you go in?"

"The master did not allow his subordinates to enter."

Xiao Jinyu glanced at the door curtain curiously, and his tone was full of doubts, "Have the prince brother and sister-in-law gotten up yet?"

"Master has already woken up and is busy." Qin Xiao lowered his eyebrows and nodded, in fact he was too embarrassed.

Xiao Jinyu didn't think about that at all, he was just a little puzzled, "Brother Prince doesn't remember anything, what can he do?"

Qin Xiao: "..." It's hard to say...

The conversation between the two outside came in word for word.

Shen Chu blushed slightly and pushed the man on him, "Get up."

Xiao Jinyan stared at the person below him, his eyes sparkling, he wanted to continue both physically and mentally, but now was obviously not the time.

He got up, turned around, took out a wet towel, and wiped her body.

After being busy for a while, the two of them got dressed one after another.

With Xiao Jinyan's permission, Qin Xiao walked in with the breakfast, lowered his brows and lowered his eyes, placed the breakfast on the table, then withdrew to get the breakfast for Xuetuan.

Without Shen Chuwei's instructions, Qin Xiao also formed a habit.

Xiao Jinyu walked in, saw Xiao Jinyan, and walked over, "Brother Prince, when do you plan to return to Daxia?"

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "I will not return to Daxia for the time being."

Xiao Jinyu was a little excited when he heard the words, "Brother Prince wants to wait for us to recover Xueyue Kingdom and Fengqi Kingdom, and then go back to Daxia together?"

However, Xiao Jinyan said: "Now that Nanzhao Kingdom is dominant, Da Xia will not allow Daxia to recover Xueyue Kingdom and Fengqi Kingdom."

Xiao Jinyu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then realized what the prince brother said, "No wonder Xueyue Kingdom and Fengqi Kingdom are so rampant."

Shen Chuwei was already hungry, so she couldn't wait to sit at the table, picked up a meat bun, put it in her mouth and took a bite, reminding the two men in front of her: "Eating breakfast is the most important thing, and it's okay to discuss this matter after breakfast." Late."

Xiao Jinyu nodded in agreement, "Sister-in-law is right."

Sit down at the table with Xiao Jinyan.

In front of him are meat buns, a bowl of steaming porridge, beef and a few side dishes.

After eating the breakfast made by Shen Chuwei, and then eating the breakfast in the military camp, it will be a little hard to swallow.

Xiao Jinyan didn't eat the meat buns, he picked up the porridge and drank a few sips, ate some beef, and found that the beef was not as delicious as Shen Chuwei's cooking~

Xiao Jinyu was already tired of eating the food in the military camp. He took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun and sighed, "It's still the Xiaolongbao made by my sister-in-law. The pan-fried buns are delicious."

Shen Chu smiled and said: "I got up late today, otherwise I planned to cook breakfast myself."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Xiao Jinyu when he heard the words, his voice was slightly cold: "She is a princess, not a cook."

"Brother Prince, I know."

Xiao Jinyu knew that the prince's elder brother felt sorry for his sister-in-law, so he took another bite of the meat bun, and suddenly raised his head to look at Shen Chuwei.

"Sister-in-law, teach the cooks in the military camp to cook, so you don't have to cook by yourself."

"Yes, yes, just teach one or two cooks. As for the big pot, you can't do it."

There are so many soldiers in the barracks, and they have to eat so much food and meals every day, so it is impossible to make them so delicate.

"I understand." Xiao Jinyu just wanted to satisfy his appetite.

After breakfast, Shen Chuwei went to teach the cook how to cook.

Xiao Jinyan was pestered by Xiao Jinyu to tell about his experience this time, and he also learned Xiao Jinyu's stalking skills.

In fact, he doesn't hate Xiao Jinyu, but he's a bit of a dick and annoying, so he's a little disgusted~

The cooks learn cooking skills very quickly, and Shen Chuwei spent some time teaching them simple cooking, stewing soup, and meals, so far.

These three cooks specially cook for Xiao Jinyan, Xiao Jinyu, and several generals.

It took two hours to teach them cooking skills, one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon.

After Shen Chuwei went to church, on the way back to the camp, he saw Wu Tan standing in the open space, looking up not far away, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

It's just that he was alone and seemed a little lonely.

He was no longer wearing Haiqing clothes, but cassocks, and the little monk became a little master.

But Wu Tan gave her the feeling that she looks down on the world of mortals, nothing can catch his eyes, and nothing can affect his peace of mind.

This is probably what Buddhism often says, the highest state where the four elements are empty.

Shen Chuwei just thinks about her admiration. Just like the so-called food and sex, she is an ordinary person, and she can't reach the realm of Wutan.

"Wu Tan." She greeted and walked towards him.

Wutan Wensheng turned around slowly, saw Shen Chuwei, clasped his hands together, and asked with a smile, "Where did the princess go?"

Shen Chuwei raised his hand to cover the sun above his head, and asked suspiciously: "I'm going to teach the cook how to cook, why are you standing under the sun? Isn't it hot?"

Wu Tan said: "It's okay."

Shen Chuwei gave a thumbs up in admiration, "It seems that the words of calmness and coolness are perfect for you."

Wu Tan chuckled: "The concubine was joking, poor monk, I'm just learning about one thing."

Shen Chu tilted his head slightly, eyes full of doubts, "Do you need to stand under the sun to understand something?"

Wu Tan said: "Master said that the more you think about some things, the easier it is to get into a dead end. If you comprehend one thing, you probably get out of the dead end."

Shen Chuwei said: "It's no wonder that an eminent monk is not a realm that ordinary people can reach, and you can't understand it."

Wu Tan said: "It's not as mysterious as you think."

Shen Chuwei boasted without hesitation: "No matter what, you are already very powerful."

Wu Tan said softly, "I'm just an ordinary monk."

Shen Chuwei thinks that Wutan is self-effacing.

Xiao Jinyan was pestered by Xiao Jinyu for a day, and finally got tired of that bastard brother, went back to rest, and found that Shen Chuwei hadn't come back yet, so he came out to look for it.

When he saw two figures standing in the open space, his eyes darkened,
No wonder I haven't come back yet, so I was talking and laughing with that monk?

He walked over with a sullen face.

"Shen Chuwei."

Shen Chuwei turned to look at Xiao Jinyan when she heard the sound, and she cheerfully stepped forward to meet her, "Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan saw that her forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, then looked at that little red face and asked, "Isn't it hot?"

"A little hot." How could it not be hot~

"Then go back." Xiao Jinyan grabbed her hand and walked back.

Shen Chuwei turned his head and smiled at Wu Tan, expressing his politeness and leaving.

Wu Tan stood where he was, watched Shen Chuwei's figure disappear around the corner, and then looked away.

Back in the tent, Shen Chuwei picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea to quench his thirst. When he looked at Xiao Jinyan, he found that his face seemed a little unsightly.

"Your Highness, are you in a hurry to go to Nanzhao Kingdom? You can leave at any time, and I want to go back soon."

Xiao Jinyan also wanted to go to Nanzhao Kingdom earlier to resolve doubts, maybe he could think of it.

"Let's go tomorrow then."

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