Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 542 The reason for Shen Chuwei's changes?Xiao Jinyan's heart aches to death

Chapter 542 The reason for Shen Chuwei's changes?Xiao Jinyan's heart aches to death
During the past few days of getting along, Xu Qingqing and Jun Wuxian are naturally closer than before, and even their names have been changed.

The excitement in Jun Wuxian's voice could not be concealed, "Although there is no proof, she is indeed not from the Shen family, and she is similar to Xiao Jiu, even pets, and there are many similarities."

The more Jun Wuxian talked, the more excited he became. At first, it was because of these similarities and coincidences that he thought Shen Chuwei might be his younger sister and came to the capital to investigate.

It's just that the results of the investigation are somewhat surprising. Shen Chuwei is the daughter of the Shen family, so it's not Xiaojiu. The similarity is also a coincidence.

And the pair of twins, Susu and Xiaojiu looked more alike when they were young.

Now he blamed himself for not investigating thoroughly enough. It turned out that the present Shen Chuwei was not the daughter of the Shen family.

Xu Qingqing held Jun Wuxian's hand and said, "I also hope that the Crown Princess is your sister and not Shen Mingzhu's sister."

Jun Wuxian was puzzled: "Why do you say that?"

"The Shen family doesn't treat the Crown Princess well. Sometimes even the servants dare to bully the Crown Princess. Mrs. Shen treats the Crown Princess very harshly. She eats and drinks as much as a maidservant, so she's just acting on the surface. And Shen Mingzhu , every tea party, I always use the princess to embarrass me to set off myself..."

Xu Qingqing said a lot in one breath, before it was just teasing, but now it is just gnashing of teeth, aggrieved.

Jun Wuxian frowned upon hearing this, Xiaojiu is smart and smart, even if she is small, not everyone can bully her.

If it is really amnesia, there is still this possibility.

Xiao Jiu has been held in the palm of his hand since growing up, who dares to bully him like this?
"The Shen family originally expected Shen Mingzhu to honor their ancestors, but unfortunately Shen Mingzhu did not live up to it and framed the princess everywhere, and was eventually abolished. Seeing that Shen Mingzhu was useless, the Shen family wanted to use the princess to honor their ancestors. Unfortunately, the family did not do good things and was dismissed. got an official position."

Speaking of this, Xu Qingqing still felt a little gloating. In her eyes, this was her own fault.

Jun Wuxian clenched his fists tightly, his eyes darkened like the sea, surging with fury, "Xiao Jiu, I won't just let people bully me like this."

Xu Qingqing doesn't know what Xiaojiu's character is like, but she heard from Jun Wuxian that she is smarter than her and is not so easy to be bullied, but she can bully Shen Chuwei from the beginning~
If Jun Wuxian found out about this, would he be angry?

She took a peek at Jun Wuxian, "Shen Chuwei was a bit weak-tempered at first and was easily bullied, but then he seemed to be a different person."

A look of doubt flashed in Jun Wuxian's eyes, "What do you mean?"

Xu Qingqing said: "It's just that Shen Chuwei was a little stupid at the beginning, and was easily bullied. When he first entered the palace, he seduced His Highness in various ways, but then changed. He didn't look for opportunities to seduce His Highness, and became very greedy. Anyway, he changed Pretty big."

Jun Wuxian frowned when he heard this, Xiao Jiu was not that kind of girl, but Qingqing would not lie to him, so why did Shen Chuwei change so much before and after?

Seeing that Jun Wuxian was silent, Xu Qingqing stretched out her hand to hold his hand, and called out, "Ah Xian?"

Jun Wuxian said: "I'm fine, I just have some doubts. Xiao Jiu was only ten years old when she got lost. She is smart, cute, and very popular. Everyone likes her and dotes on her, like her gluttonous and lazy. Temperament, you can't do things to seduce men."

Xu Qingqing heard that every word Jun Wuxian said was praising her sister, she suddenly felt a little envious of his sister, and praised her n times in front of her.

Never praised her, and said she was not as clever as his sister~

I don't know why Jun Wuxian has a crush on her...

Jun Wuxian noticed something was wrong with Xu Qingqing, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Qingqing came back to her senses and shook her head, "I'm fine."

The Crown Princess went to look for Xiao Jinyan, and it has been more than two months, right?I haven't come back for so long, maybe something happened?
The more Jun Wuxian thought about it, he felt a little uneasy. He couldn't feel at ease unless he confirmed this matter in person.

"I want to find her."

Xu Qingqing unconditionally supported, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Jun Wuxian looked down at Xu Qingqing, thinking that the entire General's Mansion knew that he had given a betrothal gift, and if he left at this time, it would make people dream about things.

Whether it is with Xu Qingqing or not, it will attract criticism.

After hesitating for a long time, he said: "I'll hire you first, and then we'll go find Xiaojiu together, and find a doctor to heal your face by the way."

Naturally, Xu Qingqing knew what he meant by "official employment", three letters and six engagements, she and Jun Wuxian were unmarried couples, and they just had to choose a date to get married.

She nodded embarrassingly, "Okay."

Jun Wuxian tilted his head, seeing Xu Qingqing who was blushing, he smiled lightly: "With the name of fiancé, it's more convenient to take you with you."

Xu Qingqing nodded, "I know."

Jun Wuxian looked at her shy look in a leisurely manner, "Why didn't I realize you were so shy before?"

Xu Qingqing raised her red face and looked at Jun Wuxian, thinking that Jun Wuxian was always dressed in black, from head to toe, even her exposed eyes were black, at first she was afraid besides fear, how could shy?
She always thought that the man in black was a person who entered the palace with a purpose in his appearance. Sometimes he felt that he was not bad. When she was infected with the plague, if it wasn't for him, she would have finished the game.

Until she saw Jun Wuxian's face, she was amazed.

"It's just a normal reaction of mine, isn't it strange that I'm not shy?"

Jun Wuxian rubbed his chin, and his eyes fell on Xu Qingqing, "Is it because of my face that you like me?"

Xu Qingqing didn't admit that she was really vulgar, "No, I'm not that superficial."

Jun Wuxian looked at her with a half-smile, "Really?"

Xu Qingqing said: "Of course, if you like just one face, there are so many good-looking ones, you can't like all of them, right?"

Jun Wuxian asked jokingly: "Didn't it be because of Xiao Jinyan's face?"

Xu Qingqing's eyes widened, "Who told you?"

Which bastard talked to Jun Wuxian about these old sesame seeds and rotten millet?

Jun Wuxian's eyes suddenly became serious, "You answer yes or no."

Jun Wuxian has always been lazy and flamboyant in front of Xu Qingqing, she has never shown such eyes, she shrinks her neck in fright, "I was quite vulgar at that time, I entered the palace confidently when I saw Xiao Jinyan's face... ..."

Noticing that Jun Wuxian's eyes became darker, her voice also weakened, "But then I didn't like it anymore, I only like you, it's different from liking Xiao Jinyan at the beginning, I won't feel sad when I don't see Xiao Jinyan , but I can't see you, I will not think about food and drink, I want to see you."

After Xu Qingqing finished speaking, she was too ashamed.

Jun Wuxian suppressed a smile when he heard the words: "For the sake of your honesty, I will let the past go."

Xu Qingqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she almost thought that Jun Wuxian would get angry and ignore her.

At this time, on the way to Nanzhao Country, they drove for dozens of days, and the carriage and horse ran alternately.

Xiao Jinyan gripped the reins tightly, and rode for a long time. He lowered his head and glanced at Shen Chuwei in his arms. It was okay if he didn't look at her, but he found that she was asleep, shaking from side to side. If he didn't find out in time, he would have fallen up.

He put one arm around her and grabbed the reins with the other, worried that Shen Chuwei's frail body would not be able to bear it, so at the next stop, he ordered Qin Xiao to buy a carriage.

When staying at the inn, Qin Xiao went to buy a carriage, Xiao Jinyan walked into the inn with Shen Chuwei in his arms, and Wu Tan followed closely behind.

Shen Chuwei immediately woke up when he smelled the aroma of food.

Xiao Jinyan said worriedly: "Did you not sleep well last night? Are you so sleepy during the day?"

For the past two nights, he was afraid that Shen Chuwei would not be able to bear the pain of the bumps, so he resisted touching her.

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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