Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 543 After being captured, I was so shy, and I was well protected by him

Shen Chuwei, who just woke up, was a little dazed, all her attention was on the smell of the food, because she was already hungry at this time.

Meeting Xiao Jinyan's gaze, she froze for a moment, then shook her head, "I slept well."

Xiao Jinyan asked again: "Then you can fall asleep while riding a horse?"

Shen Chuwei thought for a while, and explained: "The sleepiness in spring and the lack of autumn may be caused by the ease of sleepiness in autumn."

"Sleeping on horseback is too dangerous." Xiao Jinyan deliberately emphasized his tone when he said this.

Shen Chuwei was a little embarrassed, she was the only one who could fall asleep while riding a horse~
"The concubine must pay attention next time." She whispered into Xiao Jinyan's ear.

Shen Chu woke up slightly, Xiao Jinyan didn't let her down, but went straight up to the second floor with her in his arms.

The shop waiter took them to the private room, took out the white towel around his neck, wiped the table, and said with a smile, "Please be objective."

Xiao Jinyan came to the table with Shen Chuwei in his arms, put her on the chair, and sat down by himself.

Wu Tan walked in with even steps, glanced at the private room, and found that there was only one table, so he sat down on the other side.

The waiter asked with a smile all over his face: "Guest officer, what do you want to eat?"

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyes to look at Shen Chuwei, "Order."

"Okay." Shen Chuwei understood Xiao Jinyan's taste, so he not only ordered his favorite food, but also Xiao Jinyan's favorite food.

After ordering, Shen Chuwei looked at Wu Tan, "Little Master Wu Tan, what do you eat?"

Wu Tan said: "Two bowls of porridge and two dishes of side dishes are enough."

"Okay, a few guests, please wait a moment." The waiter walked out with a smile.

After Qin Xiao bought the carriage, he took tea to make tea. Every time he went out, tea was indispensable, because he was not used to rough tea outside.

When Qin Xiao walked in, he had a pot of tea and three cups in his hand.

After placing it on the table, he lifted the teapot, poured three cups of tea, and placed them in front of Xiao Jinyan, Shen Chuwei, and Wu Tan respectively, and exited after finishing these.

Shen Chuwei took a few sips of tea to quench his thirst, and asked Wutan curiously, "Little Master Wutan, how far is it from Nanzhao Kingdom?"

Wu Tan pondered in his mind for a while, and said: "According to the current speed, it will take about a month's journey."

When Shen Chuwei heard that there was still a month left, he would need to ride a horse and a carriage for this month... Can he still have a butt?
She turned her head to look at Xiao Jinyan. At the age of eight, he left his parents and went to Nanzhao Country to be a hostage. At that time, he must have been a little scared.

Xiao Jinyan was drinking tea, when he noticed the sideways gaze, he turned his head to look over, "What's wrong?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "It's nothing, I just lament that Nanzhao Kingdom is too far away."

Xiao Jin said: "Nanzhao Kingdom is indeed far away from Daxia, but you are weak, so you can't ride a horse every day, and it's not bad for these few days."

In fact, men can't bear to ride horses every day. Only those who are used to riding have calluses under their buttocks, and the pain is not so obvious.

Xiao Jinyan said that people who had just recovered from serious injuries couldn't stand riding a horse every day. Fortunately, Shen Chuwei prepared a horse riding artifact for him, which made him feel better.

At this time, the waiter in the shop brought the food to the table one after another.

Shen Chuwei was hungry a long time ago, picked up the rice, put a piece of meat and rice into his mouth together, and ran for half a day, what he looked forward to most was the time to eat.

There were two bowls of clear porridge and two bowls of side dishes in front of Wu Tan. He picked up the porridge, took the side dishes into his mouth leisurely, and chewed slowly.

Shen Chuwei took several mouthfuls of food, looked up to see Xiao Jinyan eating slowly, no matter when and where, he could maintain such graceful movements.

Looking at Wu Tan again, the porridge and side dishes in front of him didn't have any oil or water, so he lost his appetite just looking at it, and only Wu Tan could eat it.

She glanced at Wu Tan's figure, although she was wearing loose clothes, the clothes were empty, she looked very thin.

Maybe because she loves meat, she couldn't understand when she saw someone who didn't eat meat. She took a piece of meat and put it in her mouth.

After lunch, we rested at the inn for a while, and then continued our journey in a carriage.

Seeing that Xiao Jinyan was reading again, Shen Chuwei would not feel sleepy, so he secretly took out a romance novel and opened it to read.

She was glad that in order to earn some pocket money, she bought a bunch of romance novels and rented them out. For five yuan a week, she earned a lot of pocket money.

If you didn't have this idea at the beginning, it would be less fun to pass the time when you travel to ancient times.

Xiao Jinyan looked at it for a while, but there was no movement around him. He thought Shen Chuwei was asleep, so he turned his eyes away to drink tea, and saw Shen Chuwei who was also reading with a book.

We have been together for so long, I have never seen her read a book, most of the time is eating or sleeping...

Xiao Jinyan leaned over curiously, looking at the book in her hand.

In Shen Chuwei's hands, this is about a good-looking captain vs a sexy actress. During the captain's vacation, a friend entrusted her to act as a bodyguard for the actress for a month. The actress has a hot body and only wears a suspender dress at home. Captain hates revealing clothes...

The actress coaxed the captain to buy women's products, and asked her friends to go to the bar to drink together, but the captain who came rushed out of the hotel.

The drunk actress not only kissed the captain forcibly, but also took advantage of him...

Shen Chu was engrossed, and didn't notice Xiao Jinyan's gaze. When she was curious about the captain's reaction, she heard a slightly deep voice next to her ear: "Where did you get this book?"

Originally, there was nothing wrong with reading romance novels, but the key point was the scene of racing, so I felt very guilty.

Guiltyly, Shen Chuwei pressed the romance novel to his chest, then raised his head and looked at Xiao Jinyan who was beside him. His eyes were obviously not fierce, but just being stared at by him like this made him feel a lot of pressure.

"The concubine brought it out by herself."

Xiao Jinyan asked again: "I'm asking you, where did this book come from?"

There are a bunch of romance novels in Shen Chuwei's space, all of which are secretly read, for fear that Xiao Jinyan will find out and ask her where she came from...

"Your Highness, this is a story book for entertainment and leisure. The concubine has already grown up, and the concubine is already a wife and mother. Is this book still readable?"

Shen Chuwei asked cautiously, because from what he saw just now, it was true that racing was a bit serious, and Xiao Jinyan was an ancient person~
Xiao Jinyan looked at her with a half-smile, "The story book? Why have I never seen the things mentioned in it?"

He saw bars, cars, unknown wine names, apartments, etc., these were things he had never seen or heard of.

"Your Highness, what's in it is all made up, and the concubine doesn't even know about it." Shen Chuwei said in the end, her voice weakened because the reason was too far-fetched.

Xiao Jinyan didn't believe her words, he stretched out his hand, "Show me."

Shen Chuwei subconsciously hugged the book in his arms: "Your Highness, this is something girls read, men can't read it."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the book she was guarding and refused to read it, so there was clearly something wrong.

"I haven't seen it yet, how do you know I can't see it?"

Shen Chuwei said: "The concubine guessed."

Xiao Jinyan said again: "Bring it."

Shen Chuwei knew that she couldn't be fooled this time, she looked down at the book in her arms, and sighed in her heart, I can't keep you anymore.

She had no choice but to hand the book to Xiao Jinyan, and when she handed it over, she deliberately closed the book so that he couldn't find the clip just now.

Xiao Jinyan took the book in her hand and put it back on the table. The one Shen Chuwei just looked at was still creased, so he flipped through it casually.

He continued to read with the book in one hand, and took a few sips of the teacup to his lips with the other hand to quench his thirst.

Shen Chuwei took a sneak peek, and saw that Xiao Jinyan was watching the exciting clip she just watched...

Xiao Jinyan raised her eyes and glanced at her, she covered her face shyly, thinking that her image in Xiao Jinyan's heart was about to collapse~
Shen Chuwei secretly raised his head to take a look at Xiao Jinyan, and found that he was still watching...

After watching the whole clip, Xiao Jinyan poured himself a cup of tea, raised his lips to take a few sips, and looked at Shen Chuwei.

Shen Chuwei smiled a little embarrassedly, "Your Highness, what do you think?"

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "It's absurd to do such an intimate thing before you are married, and not admit it afterwards."

Shen Chuwei already knew that Xiao Jinyan, who was an ancient person, was very displeased with the behavior of the men and women in the book, even though there were only plots in the book.

"Your Highness is right."

Shen Chuwei's attitude made Xiao Jinyan turn his head involuntarily, so you still watch? "

Shen Chuwei explained very seriously: "Your Highness, it's just for leisure and entertainment, and concubines should behave properly."

Xiao Jinyan returned the book to Shen Chuwei, "Read less."

Shen Chu continued to write with both hands happily, "The concubine obeys."

Qin Xiao's voice suddenly came in, "Master, the weather is not right, I'm afraid it will rain cats and dogs."

Xiao Jinyan heard the words, lifted the curtain of the car, and saw that it was sunny just now, but now it will be covered with dark clouds, fearing that there will be heavy rain.

"Is there a shelter from the rain nearby?"

"There is a small forest all around, and there is no shelter from the rain." Qin Xiao flicked his horsewhip, thinking ahead to see if there was any shelter from the rain.

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew up.

It became difficult for the carriage to move forward.

The car door was blown by the strong wind, and Shen Chuwei was awakened with a start, and hurriedly covered her eyes to prevent dust from being blown in.

Xiao Jinyan got up and closed the car door, then bolted it.

The wind-blown car door squeaked, and the car curtain was blown up by the wind.

Just then there was lightning and thunder, and heavy rain was approaching.

The strong wind blew up the dust on the road, Qin Xiao raised his hand to cover his eyes, and the horse couldn't move an inch.

Wu Tan looked at the situation in front of him and said, "I'd better find a foothold and continue, I'm afraid it's going to rain."

"I wonder if there is a village in front?" Qin Xiao couldn't see the road ahead, let alone hide from the rain. "

There is a tent in Shen Chuwei's space, but the wind is so strong that it is almost impossible to pitch a tent.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the carriage could no longer bear such a strong wind.

Xiao Jinyan saw that the carriage was shaking violently, as if it would be blown away by the wind in the next second, he hugged Shen Chuwei into his arms, "I'm afraid the carriage is not safe, let's get down first."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Okay."

As soon as Xiao Jinyan opened the door, he was slapped towards the car door by the wind. If he couldn't dodge in time, he would definitely be hit by the door. He quickly protected Shen Chuwei into his arms, and the next second his arm was slapped by the carriage door, and he let out a muffled snort.

Ma'er was frightened, turned around and ran away without listening to Qin Xiao's words.

Xiao Jinyan was about to get out of the carriage with Shen Chuwei in his arms, but was thrown back into the carriage by the sudden movement of the horse.

The furnishings in the carriage were already tilted, Xiao Jinyan's back hit the low table fiercely, his brows were frowned in pain, and he did not let go of Shen Chuwei in his arms no matter how painful it was.

Shen Chuwei raised his head from his arms to look at Xiao Jinyan, only to see his face turned pale, and couldn't help but start to worry. "Your Highness, are you alright?"


...The content of the storybook captain and actress comes from Su Changyu and Chu Jianyou in "The Wife in Master Qin's Arms Is a Big Boss"

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