Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 556 Everyone Shocked After Proving the True and False Little 9

The reason why I feel so guilty is that it is inevitable to do immoral things for the first time.

No matter what, she had to wait until the national teacher came, otherwise she would rely on their blind eyes to find it, and she didn't know when she would find it.

If the national teacher is easy to talk, he can successfully help Xiao Jinyan recover his memory, of course, if the national teacher has this ability.

Ye Yuxi's eyes turned cold, "An Yu, speak well."

"Brother Prince, Princess Jiuyou has been missing for so many years." Ye Anyu looked at Shen Chuwei, with disgust and disdain flashing in her eyes, "If it's all right, why didn't she come back for so many years? I think she's a fake, maybe behind the scenes There is some conspiracy."

Ye Yuxi glanced at Xiao Jiu, and explained: "Father said she is Princess Jiuyou, she is, if you talk nonsense, be careful that Father is not happy."

After speaking, she looked at Xiao Jiu again, and explained with a smile: "An Yu is straight-tempered, she doesn't go through her brain when she speaks, so don't take it to heart."

Shen Chu took a slight look at Ye Anyu, smiled and said, "I don't know as much as a child."

Ye Yuxi laughed out loud upon hearing this.

Ye Anyu looked at Shen Chuwei, which clearly meant that she was a child making trouble for no reason.

"Since you are Princess Jiuyou, then show evidence to prove that you are Princess Jiuyou. In the past, many people sent counterfeit goods to the door for rewards and said they were Princess Jiuyou."

When Jiuyou just disappeared, Ye Haoting put up the imperial list and paid a lot of money to find people. As long as he found Princess Jiuyou, he would be rewarded with ten thousand gold, a luxurious house, and enjoy life without worry.

After the imperial list was posted, many people would come to the door every day and say that it was Princess Jiuyou, but the results were all true.

Because there were too many impersonators, Ye Haoting had someone withdraw the imperial list.

Ye Anyu looked at Shen Chuwei coldly, she really wanted to see, how would a counterfeit get evidence?
Shen Chuwei touched her pocket with both hands, she really didn't have any evidence... She suddenly remembered her face, and said with a smile, "Maybe it's because of my resemblance?"

Ye Anyu snorted coldly: "There are too many people who look alike in the world, do you think they look a bit like Princess Jiuyou? If that's the case, those girls who looked similar in the early years were all Princess Jiuyou is here, where is it your turn to impersonate her?"

Ye Yuxi looked sideways at Xiao Jiu, and he did look somewhat similar to Xiao Jiu, if it was fake, the consequences would be very serious.

Shen Chuwei looked at the domineering Ye Anyu in front of her, as if wishing to drive her out of the palace, but she just looked at Ye Anyu indifferently, and didn't answer.

Seeing that Shen Chuwei didn't speak, Ye Anyu knew she was guilty, and her tone became more and more arrogant: "Why didn't you speak? Guilty? Let me tell you, daring to impersonate Princess Jiuyou is a death sentence."

When Shen Chuwei heard that pretending to be a dead end, she felt guilty and wanted to shrink back, but she was not reconciled when she thought that she hadn't seen the national teacher yet.

Unwilling and afraid of death at the same time~

Ye Anyu knew that Shen Chuwei was afraid when she saw Shen Chuwei like this, and she looked at Ye Yuxi, "Brother Prince, you are so smart, you should have seen that she is a counterfeit, otherwise why would she not even dare to refute?"

Ye Yuxi looked at Xiao Jiu, saw that she didn't say a word, and felt a little doubtful in his heart, he looked at Ye Anyu and said: "Whether she is Princess Jiuyou or not, the emperor can decide for himself."

Ye Anyu thought that Ye Yuxi would drive the counterfeit out, but she didn't, she looked at the counterfeit in front of her, "You come with me to see the emperor, I want to see who gave you the courage to pretend to be Princess Jiuyou?" .”

Shen Chuwei: "..." What could she say?There is no evidence to prove that she is Princess Jiuyou, let alone rebuttal, Ye Haoting thinks she has lost her memory~

Seeing her indifference, Ye Anyu became angry, as if thinking of Feng Wuyou back then, who always seemed indifferent, yet easily won the favor of so many people.

The emperor dotes on her and has the title of Jiuyou, but she is just a princess without a title.

There is a big difference between having a title and not having a title.

Ye Yuxi didn't stop his sister, he also wanted to know if the girl in front of him was Xiao Jiu, if it was a fake, it would be meaningless.

The three of them came to the imperial study room and first went forward to salute.

Ye Yuxi and Ye Anyu said in unison: "Father, Wanan."

Shen Chuwei stood there straight, because Ye Haoting said that next time you see him, you don't need to salute~
Ye Haoting was in the middle of the memorial, and when he saw them coming, he raised his head and glanced at the three people below, "Get up."

Out of the corner of Ye Anyu's eyes, Guangyun saw Shen Chuwei standing there upright, not being polite when he saw his father?
After standing up straight, he questioned: "Why did you not show respect when you saw your father?"

Shen Chuwei felt that the princess in front of her seemed to be targeting her all the time. Could it be that Feng Wuyou had a bad relationship with her?
She looked at Ye Haoting, because he was the one who prevented her from saluting.

Ye Haoting sternly said: "An Yu, be careful when talking to Xiao Jiu, she is the only one who doesn't need to salute when you meet."

Ye Anyu said: "Father, Princess Jiuyou has been missing for almost ten years, and a person similar to Jiuyou suddenly appeared, do you think it's suspicious? My son thinks that she is deliberately pretending to be Princess Jiuyou. Defrauding riches and honors."

Shen Chuwei: "..." I'm really not interested in the prosperity and wealth of your place, my husband is the prince~

Ye Haoting naturally also thought about this question, he looked at the face similar to Xiaojiu, he smiled and said: "Caiyu can't mistake the master, she sent Caiyu back yesterday."

Shen Chuwei suddenly thought of that silly bird. It turned out that Ye Haoting thought she was Feng Wuyou not only because of her similar looks, but also because of that silly bird.

But Ye Haoting didn't know that she was born with a better relationship with animals~

"Father, Caiyu is just a bird. If the animal trainer uses some tricks, it is still possible to deceive a bird."

Ye Anyu said and looked at Shen Chuwei, "If she is Princess Jiuyou, Father can test her about Jiuyou."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Let's see, this princess probably has a grudge against Feng Wuyou, otherwise why would she target her everywhere?
Ye Haoting said: "She doesn't remember the past."

Ye Anyu sneered secretly, no wonder she was silent just now, it turned out she was pretending to lose her memory.

"That's even more suspicious. I don't remember a sentence, which saves a lot of trouble."

Ye Haoting pondered for a moment, then asked: "Xiao Jiu, you forgot about the past, how do you remember that your name is Xiao Jiu?"

"I often have a dream. In the dream, someone always calls Xiao Jiu, which sounds nice and easy to pronounce, so I take Xiao Jiu as my nickname."

Shen Chuwei answered neither humble nor overbearing, because what she said was true. When Xiao Jinyan asked her nickname, she thought of Xiaojiu.

Ye Anyu knew she was lying when she heard the words, who would believe this reason?
"Father, she is clearly lying. She must have known in advance that Princess Jiuyou's nickname is Xiao Jiu, so she made up a pretext for dreaming."

Shen Chuwei felt a little helpless, no one would believe the truth these days~

"I'm not lying. If it wasn't for that dream, I wouldn't use Xiao Jiu as my nickname."

Ye Haoting smiled and nodded when he heard the words, "I believe you alone."

Ye Anyu couldn't help being anxious, "Father, why did you believe what she said so easily? If she hides evil intentions and does something that will harm Nanzhao Kingdom, it will be too late."

Seeing that his sister was still insisting, Ye Yuxi said, "An Yu, you always say that Xiao Jiu is a fake, do you have any evidence to prove it?"

Ye Anyu glanced at Shen Chuwei, and snorted, "Of course."

Ye Yuxi asked, "What evidence do you have?"

Shen Chuwei took a sneak peek at Ye Anyu, with a confident look on her face, this princess really got into a fight with her.

She secretly prayed in her heart, begging for the koi to possess her body, and she didn't really want to occupy Feng Wuyou's identity, just let her persist until Master Guoshi came.

Ye Anyu looked at Ye Haoting, and said in a sentence: "Father, isn't there a tiger and lion in the zoo? The tiger and lion was raised by Princess Jiuyou since childhood, and it was only close to Princess Jiuyou. She If the tiger, lion and beast can be obedient, it can prove that she is Princess Jiuyou."

Ye Haoting also thought of the tigress at this time, which was brought back by Xiao Jiu when he went out with the national teacher. He was fierce when he was a child, and became more fierce when he was an adult. No one dared to approach him. After Xiao Jiu disappeared, he was afraid that the tiger and lion would hurt people. , put it in the zoo.

"Father, what An Yu said is somewhat reasonable. If she is really Xiao Jiu, the tiger, lion and beast should listen to her, but if she is not, her life will be in danger." Ye Yuxi said with some worry Look at Shen Chuwei.

Shen Chu took a slight look at Ye Anyu, wishing that she would not be Feng Wuyou and let her die. Moreover, even if they were raised since childhood, they have been separated for almost ten years, so it is hard to guarantee whether the tiger, lion or beast remembers the original owner.

Although she has a golden finger, she just doesn't know what kind of beast it is to a tigon. If it is the same as a tiger and lion, she doesn't have to worry about it.

Ye Haoting pondered for a moment, yesterday he concluded that she was Xiaojiu based on Caiyu's identity and her similar looks, which was too arbitrary.

He looked up at Shen Chuwei and said, "In order to prove that you are Xiao Jiu, I can only let you take the risk to try."

Shen Chu glanced slightly at the three people in front of her, with questioning and expectant eyes, she couldn't control whether she wanted to or not.

In order to save her life, she had to discuss it in advance, "...try it and try it, if it doesn't work, you have to save me, I'm afraid of death."

Ye Haoting laughed when he heard the words, "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you."

Shen Chu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

The animal garden is in the northwest corner of the imperial palace, where it is the most spacious, but it took a lot of time to walk from the imperial study to the animal garden.

After walking for so long, Shen Chuwei felt that she had digested all the meals she ate for breakfast, because she was hungry and wanted to eat.

There were guards guarding the gate of the beast garden. When the emperor came in person, the guards knelt down to greet him.

The man in charge of the zoo was a middle-aged head guard in his forties. He stepped forward and saluted, "Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

Ye Haoting asked: "How is the tiger lion now?"

The chief guard was a little guilty, he didn't expect the emperor to pay a sudden visit, and asked to see the tigress by name.

"Back to the emperor, these two days have been hot, and the tiger and lion beasts are not in good condition."

Ye Haoting frowned, "Is the tiger lion sick?"

The chief guard wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and replied cautiously: "I haven't eaten for the past two days."

Ye Haoting frowned even more when he heard this, "Go in and have a look."

"Here." The guard led the way.

Shen Chuwei followed behind unhurriedly, looked at the animal garden, and found that there were not only tigers and lions, but also wolves and other wild animals. What do you do with wild animals in the palace?
If you accidentally run out, can't you finish playing?

At this moment, the lions and tigers who were originally inside the beast suddenly came out and looked out from the cage.

The chief guard saw it, and said with a smile on his face: "Because of the emperor's arrival, today's beasts are very excited."

Ye Haoting glanced at the wild beasts in the animal cage, but ignored them. He came to the animal garden today mainly to verify the authenticity of Xiaojiu.

Looking at those glowing eyes, Shen Chuwei could probably understand their mood at the moment, that was excitement!
After walking for about a cup of tea, I came to the innermost part of the animal garden, and in front of me was the largest wild animal cage along the way.

In the beast cage, there was a huge monster lying in the corner, with snow-white fur, if it wasn't winter, it would be easily mistaken for a small snow mountain, mainly because it was too big.

Ye Haoting glanced at the tigon, he hadn't looked at it for a long time, and found that the tigon was not as fierce and energetic as before, but this did not affect the proof of Xiaojiu's authenticity.

He looked at Shen Chuwei, "Xiao Jiu, this is a tiger lion."

Ye Anyu looked at Shen Chuwei proudly, she wanted to see what the counterfeit would do next?
Shen Chuwei retracted his gaze and looked at Ye Haoting, "...Okay."

When Shen Chuwei walked up to the animal cage, the chief guard showed the key from his waist, and was about to unlock it, when the giant animal inside suddenly moved, and the chief guard's hand trembled.

I saw that huge monster propping its forelimbs on the ground, shaking the hair on its body, and turning its head to look over.

Shen Chuwei looked at the tiger and lion beast, even the fur around its neck was white, snow-white and snow-white, and it felt like the snowball was even whiter, because there were a few strands of silver hair mixed on the snowball's head.

His eyes were as big as copper bells, and he stared at her without blinking.

The tiger-lion that had been lying on its back suddenly stood up, and it was clearly visible that it was a knot taller than the tiger, reminding it that it was about the size of two tigers.

Look at those strong limbs, it feels like one palm can kill her~

The chief guard opened the lock tremblingly, and then said to Shen Chu slightly: "You can go in."

Shen Chuwei hesitated for a while and walked in.

As soon as he entered, the chief guard locked the door, for fear that the tiger, lion and beast would rush out suddenly.

After Shen Chuwei went in, he stood there without moving, but quietly looked at the tigon, and finally looked at the pair of eyes as big as copper bells.

The tiger lion stared at Shen Chuwei for a long time, then suddenly raised its head and roared. The moment it opened its mouth, it showed sharp fangs, which were sharp weapons for tearing its prey.

The voice was deafening, as if afraid that others would not hear it.

Shen Chuwei covered her ears for fear of deafening her ears.

Ye Haoting frowned and watched the tiger lion's reaction, feeling a little more excited than when he first came here.

Seeing this scene, Ye Anyu looked at Shen Chuwei in the animal cage. The tiger and lion beast is the most ferocious beast, and the Nanzhao Guojin is the one at present, and the impostor is doomed this time.

After the tiger and lion roared, their strong forelimbs kicked the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Shen Chuwei hurriedly covered her mouth and nose, and couldn't help coughing twice because of the dust.

The tiger, lion and beast seemed to have had enough kicks, walking towards Shen Chuwei with strong limbs, that powerful aura was no less than Mount Tai pressing down on the top~
It was the first time for Shen Chuwei to see a tiger lion at such an age, and it was taller than her. Seeing that huge head approaching, she instinctively turned her head away, and saw Ye Anyu looking at her with a smile on her face.

Ye Anyu was standing by the cage, watching how Shen Chuwei was frightened by the tiger and lion beast, and was slapped away by the tiger and lion beast as if watching a play.

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