Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 557: Tigons Are Terribly Angry, It's For Her! !

Ever since she met Ye Anyu, she has been targeting herself, no, it should be targeting Feng Wuyou, and she doesn't know how much hatred there is between them.

Otherwise, why would they question and target each other as soon as they met?
Just when Shen Chuwei was angry about the grievances between them, her cheeks became hot, she looked back and saw the tigress licking her face~
Shen Chuwei immediately petrified on the spot.

When she first thought, have you brushed your teeth?You open your mouth to lick?

Tigons are carnivores. They don’t brush their teeth or rinse their mouths. For a long time, if you think about it, you will know what it smells like in your mouth~

After reacting, Shen Chuwei immediately took a handkerchief, no, it was a disinfectant tissue, she would keep a pack in her sleeve pocket every day.

She took out a sterile paper towel and wiped the place where the tigon had licked.

Just after wiping it clean, the tigon came over again and licked it, but it still licked the original position.

Shen Chuwei paused her hands in the air, looking at the huge face that was close at hand. Because of the tigon's movements, the overlong hair poked her face from time to time. The beast's hair was not as soft as Xue Tuan's, so there was Slight tingling.

She found that the tigon was staring at her, and she could tell from its eyes that it was not malicious.

Just when she was about to communicate with the tiger and lion, the huge head moved again, opened its mouth and licked again~
"..." Can you stop licking?

Outside the animal cage, several pairs of eyes stared at the tigon and Shen Chuwei inside, holding their breath nervously while expecting it, because they knew the tigon too well, it was extremely ferocious.

Once, Ye Haoting put together three tigers, four leopards, three lions and the tigon in order to verify the ability of the tigon.

It turned out that the ten wild beasts did not dare to move when they saw the tigon, and the tigon lay lazily in the corner, leisurely, and did not pay attention to them.

Ye Haoting didn't know what the tigon's move meant, but it was obvious that the tigon was interested in her, and he looked forward to what the tigon would do next.

Ye Anyu kept staring at the tigon, expecting it to show its might and scare the fakes to death.

She just heard the chief guard say that the tiger and lion beast hadn't eaten for two days, so it must be very hungry. The beast will eat anything when it is hungry.

Seeing the tigress opening its mouth to lick Shen Chuwei now, it probably wanted to taste it.

Just when the tigon opened its mouth to lick again, Shen Chuwei finally couldn't help stretching out his hand to hold the tigon's nose, preventing it from opening its mouth.

She tried to tell the tigon with her eyes, no licking!
The tiger and lion silently closed its mouth, nuzzled Shen Chuwei's palm with its nose, and opened its mouth to lick again.

Seeing this, Shen Chuwei hastily withdrew her hand, actually wanting to lick her hand?
The tiger and lion rushed to nothing, licked its mouth, and stared at Shen Chuwei with eyes as big as copper bells.

Shen Chuwei actually saw such a fierce monster being wronged... It's her who should be wronged, okay?

At this moment, the tiger lion took a step forward, which seemed like a step, but to Shen Chuwei, it was a big step, forcing her directly to the edge of the cage.

She looked at the tigon approaching again, and resisted the urge to roll her eyes, not to lick it!

The tigress paused and snorted, the hot air hit Shen Chuwei's cheeks, and the hair on her forehead also swayed.

She knew that the tigon was angry~

When the beast is angry, it naturally wants to smooth its hair.

Shen Chuwei looked at the tigon that was still humming, and reached out to touch its head, but because of its height, her hands couldn't reach the top of the tigon's head, because it was tilting its head up.

She had to stand on her tiptoes, but found that she still couldn't reach it...

Just when she was about to give up, Tigon suddenly lowered her head.

Shen Chuwei found out that the tigon is actually kind of cute?

The tigon lowered its head, and it was much more convenient to touch its head. She rubbed its huge head, and then smoothed its fur one by one.

After a while, the tigon stopped humming.

Shen Chuwei stared at the tiger and lion for a while, the hair on his body was too long, and he didn't know how long it hadn't been trimmed?The originally snow-white hair looked dirty.

At this moment, a huge claw lifted up and stretched towards Shen Chuwei.

The people outside the cage held their breath again, staring at the tigon without blinking, wanting to see what it would do next.

There was a guard who delivered food before, but he was slapped and flew out by the tiger and lion beast. Several ribs were broken, and the whole person was useless.

Ye Haoting looked at the chief guard and motioned him to prepare anesthesia.

The head guard nodded, and told his subordinates in the distance to draw their bows and arrows, and the arrows were smeared with anesthesia.

Ye Anyu was a little excited, the tiger, lion and beast finally couldn't hold back and wanted to strike, she secretly urged the tiger, lion and beast, hurry up, and slap her away.

Shen Chuwei felt that a huge claw was hugging her waist, and she instinctively hugged that claw to avoid being shot flying.

In the end, she found that the tigon just gently pushed her behind her...

Shen Chuwei's back was against the stone wall, and the stone wall was smooth and not sticky. She looked at the tigon's movements suspiciously.

I saw the tiger and lion shaking the hair on its body, and roared to the sky again.

Everyone at the scene was startled by the raised head and howled, and instinctively stepped back.

Ye Anyu's face turned pale with fright, and she hurriedly backed away.

At this moment, the tiger and lion beast suddenly ran up quickly, and loaded it fiercely towards the cage.

There was only a loud "bang", and the door of the animal cage was pretended to fly out, hitting Ye Anyu's leg.

"Ah!!!" Ye Anyu cried out in pain, and fell into the mud.

After entering, there was another loud "bang", a hole was made out of the animal cage, and the cage made of iron was bent out of shape.

After the guard was frightened, he remembered to use anesthesia, and shot the bow and arrow into the tigon's body.

The tiger and lion roared and shook its body, and the two arrow feathers shook down.

The guards were terrified and froze for a while before remembering to continue using the anesthetic.

Ye Haoting didn't expect the tigon to go crazy suddenly when it was healthy, and even the arrow feathers were useless, which is enough to show how thick the tigon's fur is, it's no wonder that it has to be afraid of wild animals such as lions and tigers.

Ye Yuxi was also taken aback. Seeing his sister fall, he took his guards to help Ye Anyu up.

Ye Anyu was in so much pain that she couldn't care about Shen Chuwei anymore, she cried and looked at Ye Yuxi, "Brother Prince, my leg hurts so much."

This scene happened so fast, Shen Chuwei was shocked on the spot, the tiger lion beast is too powerful, the iron cage collapsed after two hits?
Shen Chuwei was still in shock, the tiger lion beast snorted to make room, turned to look at Shen Chuwei, and signaled her to go out.

Shen Chuwei looked at such a big hole, and when he looked at the tigon, he found that it raised its long beard, looking triumphant.

Did the tigon think she was locked up, so he was angry and smashed into the cage?
Shen Chu secretly rejoiced that he had this golden finger, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous~

She just saw that bows and arrows are useless to tigons and lions, and her silver needles are also useless, and she has no ability to protect herself from accidents~
Shen Chuwei walked out of the cage under the watchful eyes of the tiger and lion beasts. When he came out, he found Ye Haoting and the others who were standing nearby, and now they were standing and looking at this side from a distance.

After Shen Chuwei came out, the tiger and lion beast also came out of the cage and stood beside Shen Chuwei, the difference in size immediately became apparent.

Ye Anyu burst into tears in pain, seeing Shen Chuwei coming out safe and sound, with unbelievable eyes, how is this possible?

Ye Haoting saw Shen Chuwei coming out safe and sound, and the tiger, lion, and beast was beside her, just like when Xiao Jiu was a child, the tiger, lion, and beast would stay by her side quietly.

At that time, tigons were still cubs, not so tall, and looked a little cute.

This is also the first time he has seen the power of the tigon, such an indestructible cage is nothing in front of the tigon, it only depends on whether it wants to or not.

After the tiger, lion and beast calmed down, Ye Haoting strode over.

After walking in front of her, Ye Haoting smiled twice and said: "Xiao Jiu, the tiger, lion and beast only listen to you."

Shen Chu raised her head slightly to look at the tigon, and found that the tigon was looking down at herself. She looked back at Ye Haoting with a guilty conscience. If he knew that he was born with this ability, he probably wouldn't say that~
"The tigon looks fierce, but it's actually quite cute." This is her truest evaluation of the tigon.

Ye Haoting glanced at the big hole in the animal cage, and then at the ferocious appearance of the tiger and lion beast, is it cute?
The corners of his mouth twitched violently.

"...It's kind of cute." Ye Haoting said something against his will.

Listening to Ye Haoting's tone, Shen Chuwei probably didn't doubt whether she was genuine or not. She glanced at the tigon and reminded: "Tiger and lion are hungry, prepare some food for it."

"It's no problem." Ye Haoting ordered the chief guard, "Go and prepare food for the tiger and lion."

"Here." The head guard's legs were so frightened that his legs went limp, and he couldn't move his legs when he was walking.

After the matter was resolved, Shen Chuwei followed Ye Haoting and left the zoo.

Ye Anyu was sent to see the imperial doctor by Ye Yuxi one step ahead of time, and she left unwillingly.

Shen Chuwei had just walked a few steps, when heavy footsteps came from behind him, louder than louder.

She had a bad premonition, and when she turned her head, she saw the tigon following her ass leisurely, and she could also see its tail wagging non-stop behind it, like a puppy.

Does it want to follow her away?

Ye Haoting also looked back at the tiger and lion beast, and followed Xiao Jiu closely. This posture clearly wanted to follow Xiao Jiu.

He smiled and said, "After so many years, tigons still like to cling to you."

Shen Chu smiled guiltily, the tiger lion beast was imprisoned for too long, which made it too lonely, and it was rare to meet someone who could understand it, so naturally it had to get closer.

Ye Haoting glanced at the tigon that followed and stopped, and asked her, "Let it follow?"

Shen Chu glanced at the tigon, "Don't let it follow, I'm afraid the roof will be blown off."

Ye Haoting didn't feel that she was exaggerating when she heard the words, just look at the holes in the animal cage, if she didn't follow her, she might go crazy.

It's just that the tigon was not that big in the past, and it was easy to follow, but now it's so big, whether the Moon Cave Gate can pass is a problem~
It's just that the tigon wants to follow, so it can only let it follow.

From the beast garden all the way to the Palace of Sanssouci, when she passed through the first month's cave gate, Shen Chuwei turned her head to look at the tiger and lion beast, and saw it walking slowly with its head down and its huge body, which reminded her inexplicably of the time when she drilled into a dog's hole when she was a child. picture~
When the maids and eunuchs saw the tiger, lion and beast, they all detoured in horror.

After arriving at Sanssouci Palace, after Shen Chuwei entered, she turned her head and took another look at the tigon, and saw that it was shrinking its head down like before, and she couldn't help laughing.

After the tigress came in, it shook its strong body. The hair was so long that it could be braided.

Shen Chuwei looked at the long hair, and would either shave it or braid it, choose one.

When crossing the stone arch bridge, Shen Chuwei looked back at the tigon again. The stone arch bridge was not wide, so it was no problem for three people to walk side by side, but the tigon was huge, and the bridge seemed very narrow to it. Sometimes it's natural to be a little bit restrained.

It felt like a person walking on a single-plank bridge, staggering over.

Shen Chuwei looked at it and didn't smile, but when the tigon raised its head and looked embarrassed, she couldn't help laughing out loud.

The tiger lion came down from the arch bridge, seeing Shen Chu smiling so happily, it lowered its head and rubbed against her arm.

In Shen Chuwei's eyes, it seemed a bit coquettish and embarrassed.

At this time, the chief guard brought a pile of meat, and it was still cooked meat...

The tigon was really hungry, and when it saw the meat, it walked over.

The chief guard and the other two guards hurriedly took a few steps back in fright.

The tigon ignored them, bowed its head and began to eat meat.

Shen Chuwei watched the tigress eat a large pot of meat into its mouth, and then lay there with its mouth open.

Just when she was wondering about the tigon's behavior, she saw the guards walking over tremblingly with brushes, and then tremblingly began to brush the tigon's teeth~
Tigons are usually in cages, and they are not so afraid when cleaning their teeth.

There is nothing blocking this meeting, if the tiger lion goes crazy, it will be disabled even if it does not die.

Shen Chuwei was shocked. Not only did the tiger and lion eat cooked meat, but they also had to brush their teeth?
Thinking of being licked by the tigon several times in the zoo just now, and being disgusted by her several times, it seems that the tigon is still a tigon with a cleanliness habit.

After the guards washed their teeth and saluted Shen Chuwei, they hurried away with their stabs in their hands.

The tiger lion stood up, wagging its tail, and walked towards Shen Chuwei. It had just washed its teeth, and the hair around its mouth was wet, so it stretched its head over without warning.

It was obvious that he wanted her to wipe his mouth~
"You're so big, you still think of yourself as a baby?"

Shen Chuwei said so, but still took out the towel and wiped the water stains on its mouth.

She looked at the tigon while wiping the water stains, and found that it was a bit like a snow ball, and they were both very spiritual.

She was a little curious, would the tigon also mistake her for Feng Wuyou?
Xuetuan fell asleep and woke up without seeing Shen Chuwei, so he ran out all the way, saw Shen Chuwei, and ran over quickly... The main reason was that he was hungry and wanted to find Shen Chuwei to prepare something for it to eat.

Seeing a huge monster suddenly, Xue Tuan hurriedly stopped, but still didn't stop, and bumped into the strong forelimbs of the tigon...

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