Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 562 Teammate Pig, It’s Unlucky to Have a Childhood Sweetheart like You

Chapter 562 Teammate Pig, It’s Unlucky to Have a Childhood Sweetheart like You

Shen Chuwei thought she was wrong, rubbed her eyes and took another look, and found that she was right, it was him.

I never dreamed that I would meet an acquaintance here, or such an "acquaintance"~
For the first time, I lamented my bad luck.

In fact, I'm not an acquaintance, I've met him two or three times.

Just those two or three times were enough to scare her so much that she didn't sleep well for two nights.

Just, why is the masked man here?

The man walking with Ye Yuchen was wearing a black brocade robe with a crow-blue tunic underneath, and his long black hair was bound by a jade crown.

Under the backlight, the mask on the cheeks seemed to be coated with a layer of silver light.

Even from such a distance, he could feel his noble and sinister aura.

Seeing them walking towards this side, Shen Chuwei immediately hid behind the tree, holding her breath, and made sure not to find her, or she would be lost.

Ye Yuchen said: "I'm still very happy that you can come back."

Masked man: "Is this what you expected?"

"Of course, it's just..." Ye Yuchen stared at him for a long time.

Shen Chuwei hugged the pastry in her arms tightly, took a peek, and was relieved to see Ye Yuchen and the masked man walking away. She patted her small chest soothingly, "I was scared to death."

After the person walked further, she came out from behind the tree, took a look from a distance, and could only see a corner of the masked man, and the sense of security gradually returned.

What is the identity of the masked man?Can actually enter the royal study?
With doubts, Shen Chuwei turned and went to the imperial study room.

Eunuch Xian at the door had met him a few times and was familiar with him, so he let her in after letting her in.

Ye Haoting sat in front of the dragon case and flipped through the memorial. When he saw Xiao Jiu coming in, he put down the memorial in his hand and looked at her with a smile.

"Xiao Jiu, come here."

Shen Chuwei walked over with the cake, put the cake in his hand in front of Ye Haoting, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I just came back from the palace, and this is the cake I brought for you. It is moderately sweet. You can try it." Do you like it or not?"

Ye Haoting looked at the pastry in front of him, opened the box, and took out the pastry inside. It didn't look as exquisite as in the palace, and it didn't look good either. He smiled and raised his head to look at Xiao Jiu.

"It's hard for you to be so caring. Every time you leave the palace, you will bring food to Gu."

Shen Chuwei naturally knew that Ye Haoting was talking about Feng Wuyou every time she said it, so her decision to buy pastries happened by mistake, and it just happened to happen.

Ye Haoting lowered his head and picked up a piece of pastry, handed it to his mouth and took a bite, it melted in the mouth, the sweetness was moderate, like someone who doesn't like too sweet, it is still very appetizing.

He smiled and said, "Xiao Jiu, this pastry tastes good."

Eunuch Xian brought two cups of tea, one in front of the emperor and the other in front of Princess Jiuyou.

Shen Chuwei happened to be a little thirsty after walking all the way, and was a little embarrassed to drink first. Looking at Ye Haoting who was eating cakes, she reminded with a smile: "Your Majesty, please drink some tea."

Ye Haoting glanced at the tea, cakes and tea are a perfect match, he smiled and nodded, "OK."

As he spoke, he picked up the cup of tea and brought it to his lips, blew on it, and took a sip.

Only then did Shen Chuwei smile and took the teacup to his lips, blew on it, and took several sips.

The pastry was delivered and the tea was drunk, so Shen Chuwei waved his hand and left.

Ye Haoting was eating cakes and watched Xiao Jiu disappear at the door of the imperial study room. He originally wanted to tell her that Han'er was back, but thinking that she didn't remember anything, and she didn't know if she said it, it's better to let Han'er talk to her by herself. she says.

He sighed and continued eating the pastry.

Eunuch Xian has been with the emperor for decades, and he is also a celebrity around the emperor. Hearing the emperor's sigh, he asked: "Your Majesty, are you not happy that the third prince is back?"

Ye Haoting said: "Happy is of course happy, but I don't know what he has experienced these years? I just see that he has lost a lot of weight, and there is no news at all for so many years, and he came back suddenly..."

Eunuch Xian said softly: "The sea of ​​people is vast, how can it be so easy to find someone? The third prince must have suffered a lot while away from home these years."

Shen Chuwei left the imperial study room, thinking of the man in the mask, he didn't know why he was in the palace, he probably didn't know that she was also in the palace, right?
Unless he can pinch and count, he definitely doesn't know.

The palace is so big, if she has nothing to do with him, she will definitely not see each other.

Before the national teacher came, it was safest for her to avoid going out of the Sanssouci Palace.

Thinking of this, Shen Chuwei felt relieved, and walked briskly back to Sansou Palace.

The palace maid stood guard at the door, and when she saw Princess Jiuyou came back, she stepped forward and reported softly: "Princess, the Third Prince has come to see you."

Doubt flashed in Shen Chuwei's eyes, "Third prince?"

The maid nodded and said, "Princess Hui, it's the third prince."

Shen Chuwei walked in with doubts, and didn't know how many sons Ye Haoting had, did they have a particularly good relationship with Feng Wuyou?
Otherwise, when they heard that Feng Wuyou had returned, they all ran to see her?

Shen Chuwei doesn't care about these princes, it's fine for anyone to come to see her, as long as they don't see the masked man.

Shen Chuwei walked up the arch bridge with brisk steps, and just when she wanted to get off the bridge briskly, she saw a figure standing under the peach tree and beside the swing, wearing a black brocade robe and a jade belt around his waist, making him look slender and thin.

Her eyes were attracted by the silver mask on her cheeks, no, she was frightened by the silver mask.

Although I can only see the side face, and I can't see the side face even wearing a mask, but the bridge of the nose is high, the lip shape is good-looking, and the jaw line is also very good-looking.

It is enough to see that the man under the peach tree is the masked man.

Shen Chuwei scolded her mother in her heart, she really didn't want to meet each other, but she did.

If I knew it earlier, I would have had more tea with Ye Haoting, maybe he got impatient and left on his own.

Pretending not to come back now, is there still time?
Shen Chuwei really wanted to pretend she didn't see it, and just turned her head and left, but just as she had this thought, the tigress beside her were already excitedly running towards her...

"Wow..." The tigon wagged its tail while running, really, really, really like a giant dog.

Shen Chuwei couldn't help but rolled his eyes and asked, come on, come on, what's your name?Afraid that others will not know that I am back?
Seeing the masked man under the peach tree turn around and look over, Shen Chuwei looked at the huge tiger and lion in front of him, and immediately squatted down, his petite body was easily covered by the huge tiger and lion.

When the masked man turned his head, he only saw the tigon, not Xiao Jiu.

The tigon looked down at Xiao Jiu, not knowing why she squatted down suddenly, it blinked its big eyes twice, and bent back, I wanted to squat down.

Shen Chuwei found out what it was thinking, and patted the tigon's belly, signaling it to stand upright.

The tigon rubbed its nose against her hand.

Shen Chuwei was so nervous that he could only touch its nose perfunctorily, praying in his heart that the masked man would leave sooner.

The tigon shrugged its nose happily.

Just as Shen Chu was praying inwardly that she would not be discovered, a male voice that was somewhat familiar and made her feel terrified suddenly came from above her head.

"What are you doing?"

If it wasn't for the masked man being too perverted, the voice would actually be pretty nice.

No matter how nice it sounds, she never wants to hear it in her life!
Being discovered, Shen Chuwei could only bite the bullet and reply: "The tiger lion is injured, I'll show it."

At this time, she also guessed that the masked man was the third prince.

The third prince Ye Suhan.

When talking, breathe and lower your head so that the masked man can't see his face.

Ye Suhan looked at her with a half-smile, "Really?"

"Of course, I need to check it carefully." Shen Chuwei replied without raising his head, his two slender hands were pulling the tiger and lion in a dignified way. As a doctor, he is still very good at putting on airs and pretending.

The tigon was also very cooperative and let her run amok without moving.

Ye Suhan walked around the tiger and lion beast, and knelt down beside her.

Shen Chuwei noticed that the masked man also squatted down, and turned his head away in fright, instinctively moved his body to one side, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, why did he squat down?
Ye Suhan called out: "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chuwei instinctively denied, "I'm not Xiaojiu, you've got the wrong person."

Ye Suhan chuckled lightly: "You're not Xiao Jiu, why are you in Sanssouci Palace?"

Shen Chuwei didn't realize until he heard the words that he wasn't slapping himself. He really wanted to slap himself unconscious and make himself talk nonsense.

It's a pity that I'm afraid of pain. If I don't get dizzy, I will suffer for nothing.

Shen Chu lowered his head slightly and didn't want to talk to the masked man, but he thought that if he didn't speak, it would be tantamount to admitting that he wasn't, then he was pretending.

In this way, the masked man has more reason to say that she is a fake, and he might be more eager to kick her out of the palace than Princess Ye Anyu.

She mustered up the courage to look up at the masked man, the first thing she saw was the eye-catching silver mask, her eyes widened in feigned surprise.

"It was you..."

Ye Suhan smiled lowly: "It's me."

Shen Chuwei asked again: "Are you the third prince?"

Ye Suhan nodded, "Well, we grew up together."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Feng Wuyou is unlucky enough to have a perverted childhood sweetheart like you.

She grabbed the tigon's hair, and her fear of the masked man was still the same as the day she jumped off the building.

He thought that he would not be able to see him if he left the Xingmiao people, but he never imagined that he would be able to meet him when he arrived in Nanzhao Kingdom.

She raised her head and howled silently, could she survive until the day when the national teacher came back?
Wait, he can't know where Xiao Jinyan is. If the masked man wants to kill Xiao Jinyan, Xiao Jinyan is not his opponent.

Shen Chuwei took a peek at Ye Suhan, and found that his crimson eyes were staring at her without blinking, which gave her the illusion of being read into her mind.

Ye Suhan looked at the tiger and lion beast in front of him, he hadn't seen it for so many years, and it was more than twice as big as before.

"Have you found out what disease the tigon has?"

After Shen Chuwei heard the words, he remembered that he was squatting here because he was treating tigers, lions and beasts.

She said seriously: "It's just some skin diseases, not a big problem."

Ye Suhan said: "That's good. Tigons are not ordinary beasts. If they get sick, it may not be so easy to cure."

Shen Chuwei supported the tiger and lion beast to stand up. After squatting for a long time, her legs were a little numb. She glanced at Ye Suhan, seeing her again, when is she going to leave?

Ye Suhan saw something was wrong with her sharp eyes, "Is your leg numb?"

Shen Chuwei felt that there was nothing to say about numbness in his legs, so he nodded.

"I'll carry you in." Without waiting for her to speak, Ye Suhan bent down and picked her up, and strode towards the side hall.

When Shen Chuwei came to his senses, he patted Ye Suhan's chest with both hands angrily, "Put me down quickly, don't you know whether a man or a woman can kiss or not?"

Ye Suhan looked down at her, "I used to carry you on your back when you were too lazy to walk, so what if I hug you?"

You are carrying Feng Wuyou and not me!
Shen Chuwei was furious, "I don't remember again, why are you telling me these things?"

Ye Suhan said: "Today in the imperial study, I heard Father mentioned about your amnesia. You don't remember, but I do."

Shen Chuwei: "..."

The side hall arrived in a short while, Ye Suhan stepped into the side hall and put her on the couch.

Sitting on the couch, Shen Chuwei raised her head and looked at Ye Suhan in front of her. She hated his domineering behavior?

But having said that, judging from his actions just now, does he believe that she is Feng Wuyou?

Ye Suhan leaned on the low table with his hand, leaned over, Shen Chuwei's body instinctively leaned back, and distanced himself from him.

Ye Suhan watched her actions, and did not approach her again.

"Are you afraid of me?"

The corners of Shen Chuwei's mouth twitched violently. Could she not be afraid of the pervert who forced her to jump off the building?

"You have seen it too, shouldn't it be time to go?"

Ye Suhan sat down on the couch, and quietly said: "I plan to have dinner with you."

Shen Chuwei immediately replied, "I like to eat alone."

Ye Suhan chuckled lightly: "It doesn't matter how many people eat at the dinner table, the important thing is that the food on the table is all your favorite."

Shen Chu curled his lips slightly, he must have been peeping in the dark when he was promoting the Miao people, otherwise how could he know her so well?
"Men and women don't get along well, and it's not appropriate for lonely men and widows to stay in a side hall."

Ye Suhan said: "The side hall is not just the two of us."

Shen Chu glanced slightly at the side hall, but did not see the maid. She frowned and looked at Ye Suhan, "Aren't there just the two of us? The maids are all outside."

Ye Suhan glanced at Xue Tuan lying on the ground, and Cai Yu who was pecking at her feathers on the window, "Aren't Xue Tuan and Cai Yu counted?"

"..." Shen Chuwei: "They are all animals."

Ye Suhan looked at her with a half-smile, "You didn't say that before."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Feng Wuyou didn't know why she didn't know before. If she insisted on treating Xuetuan and Caiyu as human beings, it probably has something to do with food, and the purpose is to eat two more~
In the end, Ye Suhan stayed for dinner.

Shen Chuwei's nervousness and worry will be automatically blocked as soon as he arrives at the dinner table, and the cooking mode will be turned on.

The dining table was full of her favorite meals, so she ate four bowls of rice, plus some fruit.

After eating and drinking, she lay down on Ge You directly on the couch, looking at Ye Suhan who was drinking tea, looking at ease.

Don't leave after dinner!
Ye Suhan looked up, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." There's no way, in front of a powerful pervert, you should be cowardly when you should.

silence for a while

Ye Suhan took two sips of tea, looked up at her, "I didn't expect you to enter the palace so soon."

Shen Chuwei looked at him suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Ye Suhan didn't answer but instead asked: "Are you assured that Xiao Jinyan is outside alone?"

When Xiao Jinyan was mentioned, Shen Chuwei's heart immediately rose to his throat. Sure enough, he came back to kill Xiao Jinyan.

"Xiao Jinyan has no grievances with you, why do you always want to kill him?"

 Good night, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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