Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 563 Xiao Jinyan confronted Ye Suhan after thinking about it

Chapter 563 Xiao Jinyan confronted Ye Suhan after thinking about it
Shen Chuwei always felt that there was no conflict of interest, no power struggle, no blood feud, and no need to kill a person.

Looking at Ye Suhan in front of him, he was born with a noble status, neither lacking in money nor in power, why did he kill Xiao Jinyan?

Even though she was afraid of the pervert Ye Suhan, as long as she was in the palace for a day, she would not be able to avoid contact with him.

"Why did you kill him?" Ye Suhan filled himself with tea, raised his head to look at her, his eyes wandered as if he was thinking about something.

Obviously there was a vague smile on the corner of his mouth, but it made Shen Chu's back feel cold.

"You don't need to know." Ye Suhan raised the teacup to his lips and took two sips.

Shen Chu stood up slightly, almost slapping the table with that posture, "He is my husband, if you want to kill him, don't I even have the right to know the reason?"

Ye Suhan said slowly: "You are Feng Wuyou, but Shen Chuwei is in the marriage certificate. Even if Daxia admits it, Nan Zhaoguo will not admit it."

Shen Chuwei snorted in his heart, I'm not Feng Wuyou, I came from the modern world, but I can't say this to Ye Suhan.

"Anyway, I won't let you hurt him. The rabbit bites in a hurry."

Ye Suhan looked at her without blinking, "I want to kill him, can you stop me?"

It was still a light sentence, but Shen Chuwei lost all confidence. Ye Suhan couldn't beat Ye Suhan when he was not the prince, but now he is the prince, not only can't beat him, but he is also afraid that he will be bad for Daxia.

"Even if I can't stop it, I will try my best to stop it."

Ye Suhan looked at Xiao Jiu, who was fierce and fierce in front of her, and suddenly remembered that in the past, she seldom got angry, and was happy every day, and her mouth never stopped.

When she is angry, she looks like this, like a little wild cat, with fierce breasts.

"If you marry me, I will let him go."

Shen Chuwei almost didn't think about it, and replied: "Want to marry one and get two free? You think beautifully!"

Ye Suhan: "..."

Shen Chuwei found out what she said, she coughed twice to ease the embarrassment: "I have a lot of bad habits, I am lazy and do nothing, I look cute on the surface, but in fact I am no different from a big man who picks my feet. Not only can I marry back, I will not be able to support my husband and raise my children , but it will cost a lot of money to support it.”

"I am such a useless person, won't it take up space for you to marry back?"

Ye Suhan's red pupils stared at her without blinking, Shen Chuwei began to feel guilty.

"The palace is so big, how much space can your small body take up? No matter how much you eat, I can afford it."

Shen Chuwei had a black line on his face: "I'm sorry, I have no idea of ​​reconciling."

Ye Suhan put down the teacup, stood up and came in front of Shen Chuwei, scared her back her legs, backed up to the fence of the couch, until there was no way to retreat.

The good-looking star eyes are like a frightened deer, looking at him vigilantly.

Seeing her frightened like this, Ye Suhan paused, he didn't seem to have done anything to her, why are you so afraid of him?

"I'll see you again tomorrow."

After Ye Suhan finished speaking, he turned and left.

Shen Chuwei breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him walk out of the side hall, and then collapsed on the couch again, thinking that she could eat and drink and wait for the national teacher to come back.

Now that there is Ye Suhan, she can't eat and drink with peace of mind.

Shen Chuwei, who was about to take a nap, suddenly opened his eyes. Xiao Jinyan didn't know that the man in the mask was Ye Suhan, the third prince of Nanzhao Kingdom, and the key was that he had already returned.

Xiao Jinyan had to be notified in advance so that he could be prepared.

Shen Chuwei looked at the snowball on the ground naturally.

Xuetuan, who had just finished eating the fish, was leisurely licking his paws and washing his face. He felt Shen Chuwei's gaze. When he raised his head, he saw Shen Chuwei smiling at him, which gave him a bad feeling.

After a cup of tea, Xuetuan let Shen Chuwei hang the small purse around his neck in a daze.

Shen Chu slightly rubbed Xuetuan's small head. He didn't think it was small before, but since touching the tigon, the difference is very obvious.

"Xuetuan, you must hand it over to Xiao Jinyan, you know? I'll give you roast duck when I come back."

Xuetuan heard the roast duck's eyes shine, and when Shen Chu patted its butt slightly, he turned his head and ran out, exhausting all his strength, and when he came back, he would eat the roast duck.

It was not the first time for Shen Chuwei to ask Xuetuan to do this, so he didn't worry too much.

It was already time to hold the lanterns, the sky was still dark, and Xue Tuan's vigorous figure shuttled neatly among the red walls and green tiles.

After running for a while, Xuetuan met an acquaintance, looked at Ye Suhan standing on the wall, "Meow?"

Ye Suhan squatted down and waved to Xue Tuan, "Come here."

Xuetuan took two steps forward, thinking of Shen Chuwei's words, it stopped again, raised its head and looked at Ye Suhan suspiciously.

Seeing that Xue Tuan couldn't come, Ye Suhan was not angry, "Then I have to do it myself."

Xue Tuan turned his head and ran away after hearing this, using all his strength to nurse.

However, before he could run more than ten feet away, someone pinched the back of his neck and lifted him up.

Xue Tuan opened his eyes wide, kicking his limbs desperately, trying to resist.

Ye Suhan easily carried the snow ball, looking at the purse around its neck.

Xuetuan noticed that Ye Suhan was looking at the purse, and it stretched out its forelimbs to try to protect the purse, but Ye Suhan easily took the purse off with both hands.

He held the purse between his fingers, and with the other hand he tore open the purse, took out the note inside, and glanced at the words written on it.

Urgent!Husband, the masked man has come to Nanzhao Kingdom, he is the third prince Ye Suhan, be careful at all times!He thought I was Feng Wuyou, so I was safe, don't worry.mwah!

Ye Suhan was not surprised after reading the words on the note, so he rushed to notify Xiao Jinyan so soon?

Looking at the last sentence again, he laughed lowly.

Ye Suhan slowly put the note into his purse, and glanced at the snow ball, only to see that it was staring at two blue eyes, with a puffy look, which looked very much like Shen Chuwei.

Ye Suhan hung the purse around its neck again, flicked Xuetuan's forehead with his slender fingers, "Do you dare to run next time?"

Xuetuan yelled in dissatisfaction: "Meow!"

Ye Suhan let go of his hand, and the snow ball slapped and fell on the wall. Fortunately, he was young and strong, otherwise he would fall off the wall and become a dog eating mud~

As soon as she was free, Xuetuan ran away without looking back, as if she had been beaten with chicken blood, more like she was afraid of being caught by Ye Suhan.

Ye Suhan stood up slowly, watched Xue Tuan's snow-white figure disappear on the wall, and then went back to her bedroom.

As soon as he stepped into the bedroom, he saw Ye Yuchen standing there, perhaps he had been waiting for a long time.

He lifted his foot and walked in, "Is there something wrong?"

Ye Yuchen turned around and saw Ye Suhan walking in, he said: "Have you gone to see Xiao Jiu?"

Ye Suhan: "Yes."

Ye Yuchen asked with a smile: "Did you find that when she grows up, she is actually not much different from when she was a child?"

Ye Suhan raised the corners of his lips: "It's just as greedy as when I was a child."

"Indeed, Xiao Jiu has been gluttonous since he was a child." Ye Yuchen smiled, staring at the mask on his cheek for a while, "Why did you wear a mask to see her?"

Ye Suhan didn't answer this question, he went straight to the table and sat down, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, and also poured one for Ye Yuchen.

Ye Yuchen also came over, sat down opposite him, looked at the cup full of tea in front of him, and was not in a hurry to drink it.

"What are you going to do next?"

Ye Suhan said casually, "What's the hurry?"

Ye Yuchen picked up the teacup and took a sip, and said indignantly, "I just couldn't wait. If you hadn't disappeared suddenly back then, how could the crown prince fall on Ye Yuxi's head?"

Ye Suhan paused when he heard the words, and continued to drink tea.

Xue Tuan ran into the inn with all his strength, and when he saw Xiao Jinyan, he threw himself into his arms, and finally arrived~

Xiao Jinyan knew that Xiao Jiu had delivered the letter when he saw the snow ball. When the snow ball fell into his arms, he rubbed its head and took off the pouch around its neck.

Like last time, he took out a letter from inside, with only a short paragraph written on it.

After reading it, Xiao Jinyan frowned. He didn't expect that the person who wanted to kill him would be Ye Suhan, the third prince of Nanzhao Kingdom. Could it be that he offended him when he was a proton in Nanzhao Kingdom?

He read the last sentence for a while, because Shen Chuwei and Feng Wuyou looked similar, Ye Suhan didn't hurt Shen Chuwei, so he should have thought that Shen Chuwei was Feng Wuyou.

This reassured him a little.

Xiao Jinyan read the words on the note again, thought for a while, and patted the snow ball, "Let's go and find Xiaojiu together."

Xuetuan shook his body indifferently, it was going back anyway.

Xiao Jinyan followed Xuetuan all the way into the palace, and was stopped when he was approaching the Palace of Sanssouci.

Even though the man was wearing a brocade robe, he could tell that his figure was thin. Under the moonlight, the silver mask was even more cold as water.

It's Ye Su Han.

When Xuetuan saw Ye Suhan, he was furious, blocked him when he left, and blocked him when he came back, humming.

Xiao Jinyan watched Ye Suhan on the roof vigilantly. He knew that he was no match for Ye Suhan when he was in Xingmiao.

Ye Suhan knowingly asked: "The one who came to find Xiaojiu?"

Xiao Jin said: "I came to find her, what does it have to do with you?"

Ye Suhan walked over slowly, and said in a word: "Of course it does matter, she is my fiancée."

Xiao Jinyan was stunned, and wanted to refute, but he couldn't reveal Xiao Jiu's identity, the one who had the marriage contract was Feng Wuyou.

Ye Su smiled coldly: "I didn't go looking for you, you brought it to your door yourself, don't blame me."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Jinyan felt a strong murderous aura, and he instinctively drew out the soft sword at his waist to fight.

Taking advantage of the fight between the two, Xuetuan ran into the Palace of Sanssouci with all his might.

Shen Chuwei had just finished taking a bath and was sitting on the bedside reading a storybook waiting for the snow ball. When she heard the movement, she raised her head and saw the snow ball running in quickly.

When Xuetuan climbed onto the bed, she found that the purse around Xuetuan's neck was empty.

"Didn't Jin Yan reply?"

"Meow" Xuetuan yelled, and ran down from the bed again, ran to the door and looked back at her.

Shen Chuwei knew something was wrong when she saw this, she hurriedly picked up her coat and put it on her body, and ran out following the snow ball.

It didn't take long for Xiao Jinyan to lose the wind, and was forced by Ye Suhan to fall off the roof. For a moment, a picture appeared in his mind, that is, the picture of falling off the cliff.

He barely stabilized his figure, covered his aching chest with his hands, raised his head to watch Ye Suhan jump off the roof, and walked towards him with invisible pressure.

Xiao Jinyan clenched the soft sword in his hand, "You were the one who hurt me, and then knocked me off the cliff."

A cold light flashed across Ye Suhan's eyes: "So what? You should die!"

Xiao Jin said: "Because Xiao Jiu likes me, you are jealous, right? Do you think Xiao Jiu will like you if you kill me?"

Ye Suhan took out the silver fire from his sleeve, and sneered: "I grew up with her, and our relationship is deeper than yours."

"Really?" Xiao Jinyan also sneered: "You are so cruel, she will only hate you."

Ye Suhan stopped walking when he heard this, his brows under the mask were furrowed, his body was stiff, he clenched the Liuhuo tightly in his hand, but he didn't make a move for a long time.

When Shen Chuwei came, he saw Xiao Jinyan being forced to a corner, with his hands covering his chest, and he knew he was injured at a glance.

Looking at Ye Suhan again, he stood there straight, holding something like a hidden weapon in his hand, without asking her, she knew that he was planning to deal with Xiao Jinyan.

She rushed over almost without thinking, and stretched out her hands to push Ye Suhan away.

Shen Chuwei was already stronger than the average person, and Ye Suhan was defenseless, so he was pushed directly to the side wall.

When Ye Suhan reacted, it was too late, his body hit the wall, a fishy sweetness welled up in his throat, but he swallowed it forcefully.

After Shen Chuwei pushed Ye Suhan, he ignored him, ran straight to Xiao Jinyan, and looked him up and down worriedly. This was not enough, and both hands were used.

"Husband, where are you hurt?"

Seeing her pushing Ye Suhan down desperately, Xiao Jinyan secretly sweated for her.

"I am fine."

"I'm scared to death." Shen Chuwei still picked up his hand and began to feel his pulse with some uneasiness.

Xiao Jinyan didn't stop her when she saw her, and she might not feel at ease if she didn't feel her pulse.

Ye Suhan stood up straight, pursed his lips and looked at the two people opposite him without saying a word, the fire in his hand was about to move.

I don't know how long he endured it, he put away the running fire, turned around and left quietly.

Xiao Jinyan watched Ye Suhan leave suddenly, a little surprised and confused, when he looked down at Xiao Jiu, he suddenly seemed to understand.

Shen Chuwei took the pulse, raised his head and looked at Xiao Jinyan, his eyes were full of worry: "You have suffered an internal injury, although it is not serious, you still need to take care of it."

Xiao Jinyan said softly, "It's okay."

Shen Chu slightly turned his head to look at Ye Suhan, originally wanted to ask a few questions, but there was no one behind him, "Huh, where is the person?"

Xiao Jin said, "Let's go."

Secretly heaved a sigh of relief, it was good to go, otherwise she would not know how to persuade Ye Suhan to let Xiao Jinyan go.

Shen Chuwei took Xiao Jinyan back to Sansou Palace. Fortunately, she didn't have the habit of being served personally. It was so late, and the maids and eunuchs went to rest early.

In the dormitory, Xiao Jinyan was sitting on the couch. After he had just been acupunctured, his complexion improved a lot, and his chest pain did not hurt so much.

He watched Shen Chuwei busy dispensing medicine at the table, and couldn't help but think of what Ye Suhan said.

Xiao Jiu has a marriage contract with him.

After Shen Chuwei prepared the medicine, he wrapped them in oiled paper so that Xiao Jinyan could take them back to the inn.

After preparing all this, she stood up and came to Xiao Jinyan, and looked at his complexion, which was much better than before.

Xiao Jinyan looked up at her, "Did Ye Suhan say anything to you?"

 Good night, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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