Shen Chuwei stretched out his hand, but retracted because of timidity, stared at the eyes under the mask for a long time, then stretched out his finger to poke again.

After waiting for a while to see that he didn't respond, he boldly stretched out his hand to remove his mask.

At first glance, she couldn't see the tether on the mask. After pulling it twice, she saw a tether of ordinary silk thread, which didn't feel like silk thread.

She tugged and found that it didn't come off.

How on earth is he tied?

Shen Chuwei originally just wanted to take a peek, but she was stumped by a rope. She frowned, and from the space came out a sharp weapon like breaking the moon and cutting iron like mud. Afraid that she would not be able to cut this rope?

Shen Chuwei clenched Po Yue tightly, and hesitated when he was about to cut it.

Would he be pissed if he woke up to find the mask cord snapped?
At the moment when Shen Chuwei hesitated, her wrist was tightly held by a hand, which scared her so much that she almost threw Po Yue away.

Ye Suhan looked up at Shen Chuwei, "What are you doing?"

Peeking and being caught at the scene is no one else~
Shen Chu smiled awkwardly, "I want to see what material your mask is made of, that's all~"

Even if he didn't believe this reason, Ye Suhan definitely wouldn't believe it.

Ye Suhan glanced at Po Yue in her hand.

Shen Chuwei also glanced at Po Yue subconsciously, which would make it even more difficult to explain.

At this moment, the carriage stopped suddenly.

Shen Chuwei sighed in his heart that the stop was too timely, "Let's get off when we arrive."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to break Ye Suhan's hand, and got out of the carriage without looking back, as if he would be silenced if he stayed in the carriage for a while.

After Shen Chuwei came down, she stood outside the carriage and waited for a while, but Ye Suhan didn't come down, and it was hard to rush her.

Are you angry?

After a while, she saw Ye Suhan slowly coming out of the carriage.

After Ye Suhan came down, he ordered the guards at the side: "You send Princess Jiuyou back."

The guard lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "I obey."

Shen Chuwei looked at Ye Suhan suspiciously, only to see him say: "I'll go back first."

After saying this, he left without looking back.

Shen Chuwei put a question mark on his forehead, what does Ye Suhan's eyes mean?It seems like a different person.

The guard brought out the contents of the carriage one by one, and stood in front of Princess Jiuyou.

Although Shen Chuwei was puzzled by Ye Suhan's reaction, she didn't investigate further, and turned back to Sansou Palace.

Inside the palace, there are red palace lanterns.

Ye Suhan supported the wall and walked for a while, finally couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood, the bright red blood sprayed on the wall, even in the dark night, people could clearly see that it was blood.

Ye Suhan stared at the bloodstain for a while, then took out a square handkerchief from his sleeve pocket and wiped the bloodstain on the wall.

The blood on the wall was not so easy to wipe off. In the end, he went to the lake to fetch some water, so that he could not wipe the blood off forcefully.

After doing this, Ye Suhan stood up straight and left.

In the dark night, that thin figure stood upright.

It was the first time for Xu Qingqing to travel far away, and she has been in a state of excitement for the past few days. She looked away from the carriage and looked at Jun Wuxian, "Axian, where are we going to find Shen Chuwei?"

Jun Wuxian stopped drinking tea, looked up at Xu Qingqing, and saw her smiling face, he said with a smile: "Let's go to Mobei first."

Xu Qingqing loosened the curtain of the car, moved her body and came to Jun Wuxian's side, took a teacup to her lips and took a sip.

"Although I haven't been there, I heard my father and my elder brother mention it."

Jun Wuxian said: "It's very close to the desert over there, and there will be sandstorms when the wind blows. The living environment is not as good as the capital."

"My father said the same thing, but he said it to my little brother, so he won't be dissatisfied." Xu Qingqing laughed after finishing speaking.

Jun Wuxian laughed when he heard that, General Xu has always been strict with his son, and he is very fond of Xu Qingqing.

"Are you tired after driving for a few days?"

Xu Qingqing smiled and shook her head, "Not tired."

Jun Wuxian looked at the squeamish Xu Qingqing, who had never been out before, how could it be possible that she wasn't tired?

"There is no inn for today's journey, and we will stay outside tonight."

If it were Xu Qingqing before, she would naturally not be able to bear the hardships of the bumpy road. Not only could she not bear the hardship, but she would complain all the way, not to mention sleeping in the wild overnight.

It's just that today is different from the past, as long as you are with Jun Wuxian, what's the point of suffering?
Xu Qingqing frowned: "I'm fine, sleeping in a carriage is the same."

Jun Wuxian smiled, and hugged her into his arms. There was only Chu Zhao by his side when he traveled far away before, but this was the first time he had a delicate woman by his side, and there were more funs on the road that he never had before.

Night falls
Chu Zhao parked the carriage beside the tree, tied the rope, and began to pick up branches to build a fire.

Jun Wuxian took Xu Qingqing out of the carriage, and when he got off the carriage, Jun Wuxian carried her down.

Xu Qingqing blushed slightly in embarrassment.

Jun Wuxian said: "It's a little cold at night, go sit in front of the fire for a while."


Xu Qingqing followed Jun Wuxian to the fire and sat down.

In the dark night, the surroundings are silent.

Xu Qingqing suddenly thought of hunting in Qiuwei, that's how she felt.

The food is prepared by Chu Zhao, so they don't need to bother.

Some pastries were eaten, and the water was freshly boiled.

Just eating cakes makes you thirsty, Jun Wuxian took out the teacup and poured a cup of tea to Xu Qingqing, "The water is very hot, be careful."

"En." Xu Qingqing took the teacup from his hand, held it to her lips and blew it for a while before taking a sip, repeating it several times.

Chu Zhao looked up at the master and the mistress-to-be. He had followed the master for so many years, and at the age of [-], he thought that the master would be single to the end.

Who would have thought that the master would solve his personal problems in lightning speed.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that the master would only be so considerate to Xiao Jiu.

Because I have to hurry tomorrow, I will go to rest after eating pastry.

Xu Qingqing stood on the carriage and did not go in for a long time.

Jun Wuxian asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Qingqing couldn't help asking: "Aren't you going to sleep in the carriage?"

Jun Wuxian glanced at the cushions outside the carriage, he was used to traveling far all these years, so he can sleep anywhere.

"I'm just outside."

Xu Qingqing knew that the outside Jun Wuxian was referring to was where Chu Zhao sat in the carriage, and it would definitely be uncomfortable to sleep all night.

"However, sleeping outside is not as comfortable as sleeping inside."

Jun Wuxian immediately understood what she meant, and he asked with a smile, "You want me to go in and sleep with you?"

Xu Qingqing nodded shyly, "Yes."

Jun Wuxian asked again: "Aren't you afraid?"

Xu Qingqing said: "We are a fiancé couple, why should I be afraid?"

Jun Wuxian said, "Go in."

Xu Qingqing didn't know what he meant when she heard the words, but she obediently lowered her head and got into the carriage. After getting in, she saw that Jun Wuxian followed him in. She obviously let him in, but she felt embarrassed~
After Jun Wuxian lit the lamp in the carriage, the dark interior of the carriage lit up instantly. He opened the camera obscura under the carriage box, took out the quilt and spread it inside the carriage.

"Go to sleep."

"Yeah." Xu Qingqing sat down on the quilt, took off her shoes, and lay down on it, looking at Jun Wuxian, who was sitting there with his back leaning on the carriage.

"Are you going to sit all night?"

Jun Wuxian chuckled: "What else? Lying with you?"

Xu Qingqing asked softly, "Can't you?"

Jun Wuxian put his hand on her side, looked down at Xu Qingqing, "It's not impossible, it's just that my self-control is not as good as you imagined."

"Hmm." Xu Qingqing didn't realize the meaning of his words.

Jun Wuxian didn't lie, he was a man, not Liu Xiahui who was restless in his arms, sleeping with a woman next to him, it was hard to think about it.

"Go to sleep."

Xu Qingqing realized the meaning of Jun Wuxian's words later, and felt embarrassed to speak again when she blushed.

Jun Wuxian sat up straight, picked up the soft pillow on the side and placed it behind his back, then leaned against the carriage wall to rest.

Xu Qingqing fell asleep shortly after she closed her eyes. After driving for a few days, how could she not be tired?
In the quiet carriage, Jun WuXian knew that Xu Qingqing was asleep when he heard the sound of even breathing.

He just closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When we arrived at Mobei, it was already ten days later.

Jun Wuxian can't get close to the important military camp, so he can only temporarily stay in the inn in the town.

After settling in, we went to have lunch.

Halfway through the meal, Xu Qingqing suggested: "Ah Xian, why don't I go to the barracks? My father is a general and he knows many people, including King Yu. They should let me in."

Jun Wuxian thought for a while, they didn't know what happened to Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan when they came here, if they didn't ask clearly, they would be blind and it would be hard to find them.

"You can try."

Xu Qingqing's happiest thing is being able to help Jun Wuxian instead of dragging him down all the time.

She looked excited: "Well, when will you try it?"

Jun Wuxian said: "Tomorrow, let's have a good rest today."

Xu Qingqing nodded vigorously, and then said hopefully: "Alright, I hope that Shen Chuwei has found His Highness and is in the barracks, so we don't have to continue looking."

Jun Wuxian said: "I hope so, I also want to see Shen Chuwei as soon as possible, and make sure that she is Xiaojiu."

Xu Qingqing said: "I hope she is, so you don't have to look for your sister everywhere."

Jun Wuxian smiled, took a piece of snack and put it in the bowl in front of her.

Xu Qingqing looked at the dim sum in the bowl, picked it up happily, put it in her mouth and took a bite. It was soft and delicious, with bean paste inside, which was very sweet.

at night
Although Xu Qingqing and Jun Wuxian were engaged, they still slept in separate beds, and they slept next door.

Xu Qingqing lay on the bed, looking at the wall in front of her, she knew Jun Wuxian was on the other side of the wall.

I don't know if it's because she has read too many scripts, but the relationship between her and Jun Wuxian always feels a little strange.

I don't know if it's Jun Wuxian who is too gentleman, or whether she is not attractive enough, but the closest thing they have is hugging and kissing, the number of times they kiss can be counted on one hand.

Xu Qingqing patted her head irritably, she couldn't think about it any more, and if she continued to think about it, she would become depressed.

The next day, after breakfast, Jun Wuxian took Xu Qingqing to the military camp on horseback.

Sitting in Jun Wuxian's arms, Xu Qingqing was excited when she thought of the first time she rode a horse with Jun Wuxian, and only when she got off the horse did she feel that the bright thigh was not her own.

Jun Wuxian took out a face towel and put it on for her, and said in a gentle voice, "There is wind and sand on the road, and the sun is scorching. If you don't cover it up, your delicate skin may not be able to bear it."

Xu Qingqing thought that Jun Wuxian was too careful, she only cared about being happy.

After fastening the face scarf, Jun WuXian held the rein tightly with one hand and clamped the horse's belly, and the horse ran out quickly.

It takes two hours from the small town to the military camp.

After running for two hours in a row, Xu Qingqing's butt couldn't take it anymore. She dawdled back and forth on the saddle, and it hurt a little, so she gritted her teeth and endured it.

Jun Wuxian seemed to have guessed that her butt was hurting, and whispered close to her ear: "Be patient, it's almost here."

"I know." Xu Qingqing was a little embarrassed, but at the same time felt that she had dragged Jun Wuxian down. She knew that one day, no matter how hard or tired she was, she would learn how to ride.

The eldest brother said that once you get used to riding a horse, it doesn't hurt so much.

Unless the time is too long, men will not be able to bear it.

Suddenly, two soldiers in black armor appeared in front of them and blocked their way.

Soldiers who have been exposed to wind and sun every day, their faces are as black as carbon, and their lips are chapped.

Xu Qingqing saw it, no wonder Jun Wuxian put on such a thick face scarf for her, her skin would be sunburned and peeled within half a day.

The soldier said coldly: "In the important place of the barracks ahead, idlers are not allowed to advance half a step, otherwise they will be killed."

Xu Qingqing replied: "I am Xu Qingqing, General Xu's daughter, and I am here to find King Yu. My elder brother is a general, and he is also in the barracks."

The soldiers looked at each other and asked loudly, "Do you have a certificate?"

Xu Qingqing thought of the token from her father, and hurriedly took it out of her arms, "Can the token my father gave me be used as a certificate?"

The general said, "Show me."

Xu Qingqing handed the token to the soldier.

The soldier picked up the token and looked up and down several times, then looked at Xu Qingqing twice, and looked at the face scarf on her cheek.

"Tear off the towel and take a look."

Xu Qingqing instinctively resisted, "Do you still have to look at the face?"

The soldier said with a cold face: "Although this badge is engraved by General Xu, it doesn't mean that you are General Xu's daughter. Even if you are General Xu's daughter, you can't just enter the important place of the barracks."

Xu Qingqing frowned, isn't even the token given by her father useless?
She raised her head and looked at the soldier, "Then can you tell King Yu that I'm here to find him? The Crown Princess and I are good friends, and King Yu also knows me."

"King Yu is busy fighting the enemy, so where does he have time to take care of these things? If this token is General Xu's military token, it would be useful, but this token is not very useful." The soldier returned the token to Xu Qingqing.

Holding the token, Xu Qingqing said dissatisfiedly, "How could my father give me the token?"

Jun Wuxian hugged Xu Qingqing into his arms. Seeing that the two soldiers in front of him were unwilling to enter, in desperation, he reached into his arms and took out a token and held it up for the soldiers to see.

He will not take out this token unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Do you recognize this token?"

The soldiers looked at the token in Jun Wuxian's hand, it was completely different from the token just now, the color was darker, and the complicated pattern on the token was something they had never seen before.

When he saw the Xuan characters written on the token, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and was stunned for a while.

Seeing the shocked expressions on the two people in front of her, Xu Qingqing looked up at Jun WuXian with some doubts and took a look at the token. What kind of token did he show the soldiers that could shock them so much?

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