Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 566 Jun Wuxian's Identity Shocks Everyone, There Are Mysterious People Living in Sansso

Jun Wuxian looked down and saw Xu Qingqing's puzzled face, but he just smiled and didn't speak, he raised his head to look at the soldier in front of him.

"Did you two recognize it?" Jun Wuxian glanced at the token in his hand and said, "There are three tokens in total, made of thousand-year-old cold iron, and the pattern on it is impossible for others to imitate."

After the soldier was shocked, he looked at Jun Wuxian in front of him. Anyone who was not blind could see that he was full of nobility, and his unparalleled handsome face was difficult for ordinary people to raise. He must have been born into a noble family.

Although they haven't seen this token, they have definitely heard of it.

This token is the token of Taoism, countless people have heard of it, but very few people have seen it.

But Xuanmen, as the most mysterious metaphysics sect, is unknown to everyone.

I don't know how many people want to worship Taoism, but they can't get in.

This is the shocked expression they showed when they saw Xuan characters.

"Are you from the Taoist sect?" The soldier even changed his tone of voice.

Jun Wuxian said: "That's right, I want to see King Yu, and I have something important to discuss."

The soldiers didn't stop after hearing the words, "Please follow me."

Jun Wuxian nodded.

Xu Qingqing stared at Jun Wuxian in surprise. She never asked about Jun Wuxian's identity and family background. In her opinion, these are not important, because her family is not short of money, as long as the two like each other.

Judging from Jun Wuxian's clothes, he doesn't look like he is short of money, he spends a lot of money, and he is not the kind of person who agrees to marry her just for money and future.

Although there is some love brain, but there is no way, who makes her like it?

Now, she feels that she has to look at Jun Wuxian again, it's amazing!
Jun Wuxian saw Xu Qingqing's doubts, and he said in a low voice while riding the horse: "I didn't want to take out the token, so I had no choice but to use it."

Xu Qingqing raised her head and couldn't help asking, "Why isn't it your identity?"

Jun Wuxian smiled: "Do you care?"

Xu Qingqing shook her head, "I don't really care, I'm just a little curious." Then she whispered: "I feel so powerful."

Jun Wuxian couldn't help laughing out loud: "I'm just a soy saucer."

Xu Qingqing's eyes were full of admiration: "That's amazing."

Jun Wuxian smiled and hugged her waist tightly, flicking his whip to keep up with the soldier's horse.

When you see from a distance, countless white hills, you know that the army camp has arrived.

Going in was also smooth.

Although Xu Qingqing had visited the military camp many times, this was the first time she had come to the barracks, which also shocked her.

Along the way, the doors of the soldiers were all blackened like charcoal, their clothes were torn, and when they passed the tents, they could smell the smell of stinky socks...

No wonder the old man said, isn’t what you eat and use good enough?You still dislike this one and dislike that one. After you go to the battlefield for two days, you will know how good your life is.

The soldiers led them to a tent with simple furnishings, a table and four benches.

The soldier made tea and said: "You two wait here first, and when King Yu comes back, you will report to King Yu."

"Thank you." Jun Wuxian sat down at the table with Xu Qingqing.

The soldier put the tea in front of the two of them and withdrew.

The two of them were a little thirsty after riding for so long.

Xu Qingqing picked up the teacup and brought it to her lips to drink, her almond eyes looked around, "Ah Xian, do you think Shen Chuwei has already found the prince? It's been so long."

Jun WuXian said: "I can't say for sure, I'll know when King Yu comes."

"That's right." Xu Qingqing lowered her head and continued to drink tea.

In fact, Daxia had already won, and Xiao Jinyu had been talking with General Xu during this time, because Xueyue Kingdom and Fengqi Kingdom were not sincere enough, and their attitudes were also lacking.

If they had a good attitude and sincerity, Xiao Jinyu would have already returned to court.

He has long wanted a wife.

As soon as he came back, some soldiers ran over to report.

"King Yu, someone is looking for you."

Xiao Jinyu got off the horse neatly, patted the horse's head, and asked casually, "Who is it?"

"People from Xuanmen, there is another daughter who claims to be General Xu." The soldier said.

When General Xu heard that his sister was coming, he showed disbelief in his eyes. His own sister is so delicate and the journey is far away. How could she have come to the barracks?
"My sister is here? Are you sure it's my sister?"

The soldier said: "This subordinate does not know."

Xiao Jinyu heard Xuanmen was stunned for a long time before reacting, his face was excited, "People from Xuanmen came to find me? Is it true or not?"

The soldier said: "That person has a Xuanmen token in his hand, so it should be unmistakable."

General Xu was also puzzled, "My sister is with someone from Xuanmen?"

"My lord, go and have a look." Xiao Jinyu threw the reins to the soldiers, and strode towards the reception camp with excitement.

"I'll go and have a look too." General Xu threw the rope in his hand to the soldier and strode after him.

Xiao Jinyu strode into the reception camp, and saw two people sitting at the table, a man and a woman, he knew the woman, she was Xu Qingqing.

As for the man... He looked him up and down a few times. He was about the same height as him, and he was good-looking, with a dignified temperament and a bit of laziness.

Is this someone from Xuanmen?
Seeing Xiao Jinyu standing up, Xu Qingqing stepped forward to bless her body, "King Yu."

Jun Wuxian raised his head and saw Xiao Jinyu, his face was six points similar to Xiao Jinyan's, his skin was slightly wheatish, it should have been tanned after killing the enemy in battle.

He put down the teacup in his hand and stood up, came to stand beside Xu Qingqing, doing the greeting in the Jianghu.

"King Yu."

When Jun Wuxian was looking at Xiao Jinyu, Xiao Jinyu was also looking at Jun Wuxian. The man who met the man was not an ordinary person, no matter his appearance or temperament.

Mature and steady is different from the prince's elder brother, with a bit of laziness and uninhibitedness.

"It's you looking for this king?"

Jun Wuxian nodded, "That's right, my servant Jun Wuxian."

"Young Master Jun." Xiao Jinyu nodded, and he recognized him, and then he looked at Jun Wuxian expectantly, "I heard that you are from the Xuanmen? Could it be that the Xuanmen recruited disciples?"

It is a great thing to be able to enter the Xuanmen. It can only be said that the people of the Xuanmen are too discerning, so they chose him!

Jun Wuxian said: "...No, I'm here for the Crown Princess."

Xiao Jinyu's tone immediately changed when he heard the words, "What are you looking for with my sister-in-law?" He looked at Jun Wuxian vigilantly in front of him, "My sister-in-law and the prince's brother are in a good relationship, don't meddle in your free time."

Jun Wuxian looked at Xiao Jinyu who turned his face faster than the book in front of him, and quickly realized the meaning of his words, thinking that he was here to break up Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan?
Xu Qingqing also heard the meaning of Xiao Jinyu's words, she stretched out her hand to hold Jun Wuxian's arm, and then raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyu.

"Prince Yu, is the Crown Princess in the tent?"

"No, why did you come here? Are you here to look for General Xu?"

As Xiao Jinyu said, he looked Xu Qingqing and Jun Wuxian up and down, and finally landed on the hands of the two of them. He gasped in his heart, and everyone joined hands...

General Xu walked in from the outside, and the first thing he saw was his sister Xu Qingqing, and he strode over.


Seeing her eldest brother, Xu Qingqing immediately smiled, "Brother."

"It's such a long way, why did you come here?" General Xu looked at his sister's face, the scar was clearly visible, her face was fine when she came out, why was she injured?

He grabbed his sister's hand and asked, "Qingqing, what happened to your face?"

Xu Qingqing took off her face towel while drinking tea, she was still immersed in the joy of seeing her eldest brother.

"I'll talk to you later, it's not important now."

General Xu looked at his younger sister's hand, and she was holding a man's arm. He didn't have time to look at the man, so he immediately pulled his younger sister in front of him.

Xu Qingqing looked at her elder brother suspiciously, "Brother, what are you doing?"

General Xu didn't know about Xu Qingqing being kidnapped and rescued by Jun Wuxian, and then hired and engaged, that's why she acted like this.

"How can you, a girl, be so close to a man?"

Xu Qingqing said with some embarrassment: "Brother, he is my fiance, Jun Wuxian."

No matter how calm General Xu is, he will not be so calm this time.

"Fiance? When did you have a fiance? Why didn't I know?"

Xu Qingqing glanced shyly at Jun Wuxian, "Axian and I came out only after we got engaged, and there are a lot of three-match and six-hire, in front of father and mother."

Ah Xian?General Xu knew his sister's temperament, although she was a little headstrong, she would not joke about lifelong events.

Only then did he raise his head to look at Jun Wuxian in front of him, glanced up and down, and then looked carefully a few more times, fearing that he was lying to his sister.

Jun Wuxian's back was straight, and he let his future uncle look at him, but General Xu was very similar to old General Xu, with a sense of righteousness in his body.

After General Xu sized him up, his desire to lie to his sister was reduced by half. The man in front of him was good-looking, with a good temperament.

Looking at my sister again, having scars on her cheeks is disfiguring, Jun Wuxian doesn't care about it, and doesn't care about money.

Just now I heard that Jun Wuxian is from the Taoist sect, and he doesn't need to think about his future.

General Xu looked at his sister again, "Why didn't you tell me about your engagement?"

Xu Qingqing explained: "Time is too urgent, and my father said that I will tell you when you come back."

"You guys met each other on a blind date?" General Xu himself didn't believe that people from the Taoist sect came to the capital for a blind date~

Xu Qingqing shook her head, "A Xian and I have known each other for several years, so we didn't know each other on a blind date."

Seeing Xu Qingqing chatting with Xu Qingqing, Jun Wuxian looked at Xiao Jinyu, "Prince Yu, just now you said that Shen Chuwei was not in the barracks? Then where did she go?"

"My lord, tell me first, what do you want with my sister-in-law?" Xiao Jinyu now doesn't suspect that he is destroying the relationship between the prince's brother and his sister-in-law, but he must ask clearly.

Jun Wuxian didn't hide it either, although it wasn't confirmed that Shen Chuwei was Xiao Jiu, what was certain was that Shen Chuwei was not the daughter of the Shen family.

"Because of Shen Chuwei's background."

Xiao Jinyu frowned when he heard the words: "What do you mean?"

Jun Wuxian said quietly: "Shen Chuwei is not the daughter of the Shen family, but she is somewhat similar to my sister. I am looking for her now to confirm if she is my sister."

"So that's the case." Xiao Jinyu nodded and was a little surprised that her sister-in-law was not from the Shen family.

"It's just that the prince's brother and sister-in-law are not in the barracks now, and have already left for Nanzhao Kingdom."

Jun Wuxian couldn't help clenching the folding fan in his hand when he heard the words, and asked, "What is she going to Nanzhao Kingdom for?"

Xiao Jinyu said: "I don't know exactly what the one who accompanied the prince's elder brother did."

Jun Wuxian felt that he wasted a lot of time. He knew that he would go directly to Nanzhao Kingdom, but he didn't know that Shen Chuwei had gone to Nanzhao Kingdom if he didn't come to the barracks.

Here, Xu Qingqing also finished talking with General Xu.

Dinner, several people eat together.

Jun Wuxian picked up the wine bottle and poured wine for the future uncle.

General Xu looked at the man in front of him. If he didn't have any selfish intentions and treated his younger sister wholeheartedly, such a brother-in-law is really good.

Jun Wuxian raised his wine glass and looked at General Xu, "Uncle."

General Xu coughed twice, picked up the wine glass in front of him and clinked it with him, then raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

Xiao Jinyu was drinking a little wine, and suddenly thought about the prince's brother and sister-in-law, and wondered what they were doing now?
He will return to the capital in two days.

He was still very excited at the thought of going back to the capital, and he could see his wife.

Xiao Jinyu drank a little too much tonight, and fell asleep after returning to the tent.

Xu Qingqing chatted with her eldest brother for a while, and most of them were about Jun Wuxian if her father and mother were well.

"Axian is a very nice person. Not only is he handsome, but he also has a good personality. He will take care of me along the way. Don't worry, big brother."

General Xu said: "It's the first time I've heard you praise a man so much. It seems that you really like that gentleman. Father agrees. Naturally, I, as the eldest brother, won't stop him. It's good that he is sincere."

Xu Qingqing smiled and said, "Brother, I'm not a child anymore, I still have some eyes on people. I believe that Ah Xian is a person worth entrusting for life."

General Xu looked at his younger sister. In the past few years, her younger sister has indeed grown up a lot.

After Xu Qingqing came out from her eldest brother, she saw Jun Wuxian, and she walked over happily.

"A Xian."

Jun Wuxian looked back at Xu Qingqing. In the past, he would rush to Nanzhao Country overnight, but Xu Qingqing just met her eldest brother today, and she hasn't rested for two more days, afraid that she won't be able to bear it.

"Tomorrow, we will rest for a day, and then we will leave for Nanzhao Kingdom, what do you think?"

Xu Qingqing stepped forward and took Jun Wuxian's arm, knowing that he was anxious to find his sister.

"Let's set off tomorrow. Anyway, Shen Chuwei is not in the barracks, and it would be a waste of time to stay. It is better to hurry and confirm Shen Chuwei's identity as soon as possible."

Jun Wuxian smiled and nodded upon hearing this, "Okay."

Early the next morning, Xu Qingqing bid farewell to her eldest brother and continued on her way with Jun Wuxian.

For two consecutive days, Ye Suhan didn't come to Sansou Palace, which made Shen Chuwei feel a lot easier.

However, Ye Yuxi and several other princes would come here from time to time, calling her in the name of fearing that she would be bored, chatting with her and strolling around the imperial garden.

Shen Chuwei looked at the huge Sanssouci Palace. She had been here for a while, but she hadn't visited any other places.

With nothing to do today, she took the snow ball around the Sanssouci Palace, and found that the Sanssouci Palace was bigger than she imagined.

Sansou Palace is divided into the main hall and two side halls, and the sleeping hall where she lives is one of the side halls.

At this moment, Shen Chuwei stood in front of the main hall and looked at it curiously, which was much larger than the side hall.

She turned her head and looked at the little maid beside her: "Who lived in the main hall before?"

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