Chapter 567 National Teacher?crazy about her
The little maid has only been in the palace for two years, how do I know who lived here before?
She shook her head, "Back to the master, the servants don't know."

Shen Chuwei asked again: "Can I go in and have a look?"

The little maid froze for a moment, "I don't know."

Facing the little court lady who asked questions and didn't know anything, Shen Chuwei was not angry, but just looked at the main hall in front of him curiously, wondering who was the person who lived with Feng Wuyou before?

To be able to live in the main hall, one's status is naturally higher than Feng Wuyou's.

She is not the real owner here, so she chooses not to go in without permission.

During lunch, Shen Chuwei was eating deliciously, and the little maid reported, "Princess Jiuyou, the princess is here."

As soon as the words were finished, Ye Anyu walked in slowly. After a few days of recuperation, her leg injury was already healed, so she didn't need to be supported by the maid.

Shen Chuwei ate the braised pork, looked up at Ye Anyu, and said that he would go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, and didn't know what Ye Anyu wanted to do.

She clenched her chopsticks tightly and took another piece of braised pork into her mouth, eating with relish.

When Ye Anyu came in, she saw Princess Jiuyou eating braised pork, mouthful after mouthful, as if she had never eaten meat before, where was the elegance and dignity of a princess?

He only cared about eating, and didn't speak when he saw her coming. He had no manners at all. If she wasn't a national teacher, how could she be qualified to stay in the palace?
No matter how upset Ye Anyu was in her heart, she still managed to squeeze out a perfunctory smile on the surface.

"Princess Jiuyou, tomorrow is my birthday, I invite you to my birthday party."

Shen Chuwei hasn't eaten Nanzhao Kingdom's banquet yet, but judging from the meals she eats every day, it should be better than Daxia's.

She agreed almost without thinking, "Okay."

Ye Anyu clicked her tongue in her heart, she agreed so quickly, she was very vain, how could she look like a princess?
I don't know how to tame the tiger and lion beast, and convince the father and the prince's brother to believe that she is Feng Wuyou.

Even the third prince who had been missing for so long has returned.

Ye Anyu watched as Shen Chuwei ate two more bites of meat. Tomorrow's birthday party would definitely be laughed at with such a state, she snorted coldly in her heart, then turned and left.

Shen Chu lowered his head slightly and continued to eat his lunch. Braised pork and fish were more attractive than Ye Anyu.

The little maid came in with small steps, and said with a smile: "Master, the emperor sent some clothes over."

Shen Chu raised his head slightly and saw Eunuch Xian walking in with a few little maids. Each of the little maids was holding clothes in their hands. The colors were bright and suitable for girls to wear.

Eunuch Xian said with a smile on his face: "Princess Jiuyou, when the princess just came back, the emperor ordered the Clothing Bureau to make these clothes overnight."

Shen Chu slightly frowned: "Eunuch Xian, please thank the emperor for me."

Eunuch Xian immediately said: "Don't bother, don't bother, the princess will continue to eat, and the miscellaneous family will go back to serve the emperor."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Okay."

After Eunuch Xian ordered them to put down their clothes, he led them out.

The little maid immediately went forward to look at the new clothes, and reached out to touch the material, which they couldn't afford to wear in their lifetime.

The little maid smiled and raised her head to look at Shen Chuwei, "Master, do you want to try on the new clothes? The new clothes are very beautiful."

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "No need, just put them all in the closet."

"Your servant obeys." The little maid replied, and hung up the new clothes one by one in the closet.

The next day, Shen Chuwei was led by the maid to attend Ye Anyu's birthday banquet.

Shen Chuwei thought that Ye Anyu's birthday banquet was for princes and princesses, but when she went there, she found out that there were a lot of women, either relatives of the emperor or daughters of important officials in the court.

At first glance, it looks like a group of butterflies fluttering in the flowers.

Someone in the crowd saw Shen Chuwei and asked Ye Anyu in a low voice, "Princess, who is she?"

Ye Anyu saw Princess Jiuyou coming, she was wearing a light pink dress, her makeup was similar to that of when she first came, and she knew that she came here without carefully dressing up.

"She is Princess Jiuyou."

None of the Qianjin ladies present had ever heard of Princess Jiuyou, and they all looked at Shen Chuwei curiously.

Not long after Feng Wuyou disappeared, everyone in Dadu City had already forgotten about Feng Wuyou, so they never heard of him.

"Why haven't you heard of Princess Jiuyou? When will you become a princess?"

"Look at her makeup, how does she look like a princess? Look at An Yu, she is the model of a princess."

Coming to Ye Anyu's birthday party is naturally a good time to have fun, and Ye Anyu is a princess, so she can flatter and flatter her at will.

Even though Ye Anyu was used to hearing these words, she was still very happy every time she heard them, because she compared Princess Jiuyou, a bumpkin.

She raised her handkerchief to cover her mouth and snickered, "You guys, don't say that, she just came back from outside."

Shen Chuwei looked at the group of people in front of them whispering to each other, she could still hear the louder ones, she glanced at the pastries and melons beside her, walked over to pick up a piece of melon, put it into her mouth and took a bite.

Ye Anyu originally wanted to see Princess Jiuyou's jokes, but saw her go straight to the table, pick up the melons and fruits and eat them, one piece after another without stopping.

"Why doesn't she talk? Mute?"

"Maybe it's inferiority? You see, she just stands there eating without saying a word."

"Why do I look a little silly?"

While they were talking, Shen Chuwei finished eating the melons and fruits beside him, and also ate three pieces of pastries.

What Shen Chuwei thought was to make a quick decision, eat enough and leave.

Ye Anyu walked over with a group of daughters, took a look at the melon and fruit peel in front of her, and thought that it was really edible...

She smiled and said: "Princess Jiuyou, don't just focus on eating, drink some wine."

"I don't drink well, so it's better to eat pastry." Shen Chu smiled and picked up another piece of pastry, put it into his mouth and took a bite.

"Today is Princess An Yu's birthday, how can I do without drinking?"

When everyone was booing, the maid had already come over with wine and wine glasses.

Ye Anyu took the initiative to pour a glass of wine and handed it to Princess Jiuyou, and said with a smile: "Princess Jiuyou, it was all a misunderstanding before. After drinking this glass of wine, we can settle our suspicions."

Shen Chuwei glanced at the wine in front of him, then at Ye Anyu, pouring wine in front of so many people, isn't this forcing her to drink?

She asked with a puzzled look: "Is there any misunderstanding between us? Why don't I know?"

Ye Anyu didn't expect that Princess Jiuyou would not play cards according to common sense, what misunderstanding you don't know?Still asking me?

"Before I misunderstood that you were not Princess Jiuyou. I really don't blame me for being suspicious. Princess Jiuyou has been missing for almost ten years. We all thought that something happened to you. Even the national teacher thinks so. Are you not angry?"

"You are suspicious. It's your business. What should I care about? It can't be eaten." Shen Chuwei picked up a piece of sweet cake and put it in his mouth and took a bite, eating with relish.

Ye Anyu's complexion was a little ugly, no matter what she said, Princess Jiuyou just didn't care about anything, she was really thick-skinned.

Still eating all the time, as if those pastries held a great charm.

That's right, maybe it's a hard life outside, these pastries have never been eaten, that's why they gobbled them up like this.

The eunuch's shrill voice came from outside the door: "His Royal Highness is here."

"His Royal Highness has come down..."

When all the daughters heard that the crown prince was coming, they all showed excited expressions and began to tidy up their appearance. At the same time, they looked at the Moon Cave Gate not far away.

Ye Yuxi strode in with a birthday gift, surrounded by a group of guards and eunuchs.

"His Royal Highness is so handsome."

"Of course, the crown prince is facing the wind in a jade tree and has an outstanding figure. How many people want to marry the crown prince."

"That's natural. There is no crown princess yet. If you marry the crown prince, you will have the opportunity to become the crown prince. Who wouldn't want to?"

The daughters squeezed forward desperately while talking, showing their most beautiful scene in an attempt to get His Royal Highness to notice themselves.

Shen Chuwei was eating all the time, but was blocked by a group of women after a while, she didn't care, she lowered her head and continued to eat the delicious food in front of her.

Ye Anyu took a look at their behavior and appearance of nymphomaniacs, and naturally knew what they were thinking, the prince brother would always marry a random woman as the prince concubine?
She looked at Feng Wuyou behind the crowd, if she really chose the crown princess, she would rather be the daughter of an important minister in the court than Feng Wuyou.

Ye Anyu brought a group of daughters to salute Ye Yuxi.

Ye Yuxi came over, glanced at the crowd, but didn't see Feng Wuyou, so he handed the present to his sister, "An Yu, happy birthday."

Ye Anyu happily accepted the birthday gift, "Thank you, brother Prince."

"His Royal Highness."

"His Royal Highness..."

A group of women surrounded Ye Yuxi, fearing that the prince would not notice her.

Women swarmed over like bees, which made Ye Yuxi a little unhappy.

Shen Chuwei had already eaten and drank enough. Looking at the group of people in front of her, she clapped her hands and told the little maid next to her, "Tell the princess, I'm leaving first."

After giving instructions, he went for a walk.

Ye Yuxi raised his head and saw Feng Wuyou behind the crowd. Seeing that she kept walking without any intention of stopping, he yelled at Feng Wuyou who was running away.

"Little Nine."

Ye Yuxi ignored the group of women in front of her and walked towards Feng Wuyou.

All the daughters watched helplessly as the prince abandoned them and walked towards Princess Jiuyou, their eyes were full of doubts.

Shen Chu looked back slightly and saw Ye Yuxi walking towards him with a smile on her lips, so she could only turn around in embarrassment to greet her, "Prince."

Ye Yuxi walked up and asked with a smile, "Where are you going?"

Shen Chuwei said, "I'm done eating and I'm planning to go back."

Ye Anyu walked over with a smile, "Brother Prince, Princess Jiuyou, sit down and drink while talking."

Ye Yuxi wanted to spend more time with Feng Wuyou, so he said, "Xiao Jiu, how about sitting down and having a few drinks before going back?"

"There are so many people, Princess Jiuyou will of course give the crown prince some face." Ye Anyu took Feng Wuyou's arm and led her to the wine table.

Shen Chuwei: "..." We are not familiar~
The wine table is divided into two tables, one for the prince, Ye Anyu, and Shen Chuwei, and the other for several daughters.

The daughters who didn't pay attention to Princess Jiuyou at first, saw the prince's attitude towards Princess Jiuyou, and immediately re-examined Princess Jiuyou.

Apart from being beautiful, there is nothing special about her, and she doesn't have any ladylike demeanor at all.

Shen Chuwei looked at the delicious food on the table, she was not interested in chatting, so she could only eat.

During the period, she drank two glasses of wine, which tasted like fruit wine. She didn't dare to drink too much, for fear that it would be bad if she talked nonsense when she was drunk.

Ye Yuxi looked down at Feng Wuyou, seeing that she only ate vegetables and didn't drink with her, "Don't you like to drink stuffed fruit?"

Shen Chuwei said: "I don't drink well, and I'm afraid of causing trouble if I drink too much."

Ye Anyu looked over after hearing the words, and explained with a smile: "Princess Jiuyou, this is stuffed with fruit, not green bamboo leaves. It's okay to drink two more glasses."

Shen Chu smiled slightly: "I'm full."

Ye Anyu's smile froze.

Ye Yuxi raised his wine glass and drank the remaining wine in the glass. After putting down the glass, he looked at Feng Wuyou, "I'll take you back."

Shen Chuwei was about to find an excuse to escape, but immediately nodded when he heard the words, "Okay."

"Go ahead, Xiao Jiu and I will go back first."

After Ye Yuxi finished speaking, she took Feng Wuyou and left the scene.

As soon as Ye Yuxi left, the daughters who had been curious about the relationship between Princess Jiuyou and the crown prince immediately came to ask.

"Princess, what is the relationship between that Princess Jiuyou and the crown prince?"

"Yes, what is Princess Jiuyou's background?"

Ye Anyu said disdainfully: "What do you care about her? It's just that she has the name of a princess."

Ye Anyu's palace was a bit far from Sanssouci Palace, and it took a long time to walk to Sanssouci Palace.

Shen Chuwei stepped into the Sanssouci Palace with her skirt lifted, and glanced at Ye Yuxi, seeing that his footsteps were flimsy, as if he was drunk.

No wonder the walking is super slow... It also shows that the fruit brewing has a lot of stamina.

She drank two cups and now feels a little hot on her cheeks.

She reminded: "Prince, we have arrived."

Ye Yuxi swayed twice, stretched out his hand to grab Feng Wuyou's shoulder, Shen Chuwei instinctively stepped back, and didn't stop until his back touched the pillar.

Ye Yuxi came over with the smell of alcohol all over his body, looked down at Feng Wuyou's delicate face, and called out in a low voice: "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chuwei stretched out his hand to push Ye Yuxi, but when he found that he couldn't push, he wondered if he knew kung fu?
With her strength just now, an ordinary man would have been pushed away long ago.

"You're drunk, I'll ask two people to take you back."

As Shen Chuwei spoke, she squatted down, trying to get out from under his armpit, but Ye Yuxi pushed her back onto the pillar just as she got out, and hit Shen Chuwei's Butterfly Valley just in time, and the force made her cry out in pain.

I don't like to be in contact with drunk people. The reason is that drunk people can't understand people's language, and those who don't drink well will play hooligans.

Obviously, Ye Yuxi in front of him has both.

When Ye Suhan stepped into Wuyou Palace, he saw that Ye Yuxi wanted to do something wrong to Shen Chuwei, so he slapped Shen Chuwei with all his strength.

As soon as Shen Chuwei took out the silver needle from the space, he saw the tall and straight body of Ye Yuxi flying out and hitting the opposite wall.

Hearing a loud "bang", Ye Yuxi fell down and vomited blood.

She raised her head and looked across, and saw Ye Suhan, who had disappeared for two days, standing there full of hostility, and her original red pupils were swaying red at this time.

Ye Suhan didn't intend to let Ye Yuxi go, when he walked towards Ye Yuxi, he could vaguely feel the anger from him.

As soon as Ye Yuxi stood up while leaning on the wall, seeing Ye Suhan, he felt a chill down his back. Before he could explain, he was hit by Ye Suhan's palm, and his body hit the wall behind him again, vomiting blood continuously.

 Tell me about Ye Suhan's character, paranoid!

  Good night, babies!
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(End of this chapter)

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