Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 570 A man even more handsome than Xiao Jinyan came to Sanssouci Palace, very immortal

Chapter 570 A man even more handsome than Xiao Jinyan came to Sanssouci Palace, very immortal
It's been a while since I came to Sanssouci Palace, although I spent very little time in the side hall, I never paid attention to the furnishings inside.

It also includes this painting.

The portrait on the wall is a girl, about seven or eight years old.

It is very similar to her when she was ten years old, but I don't know who drew this painting. Without her sketch, it is more comparable.

So it can only be said that it is very similar.

If the guess is correct, it should be Feng Wuyou, there is no one else but her.

Hearing footsteps, Ye Suhan turned around and saw that she was also looking at the portrait, so he asked, "Does it look like it?"

Hearing the sound, Shen Chuwei looked back at Ye Suhan, he was still wearing that silver mask, and he couldn't see whether his face was good-looking or not.

But whether it looks good or not, what does it have to do with her?

"Are you here for something?"

After so many days, Ye Suhan was naturally a little disappointed when he heard this sentence.

"Of course it's here to make you fulfill your promise."

Shen Chuwei looked at Ye Suhan with doubts in his eyes, and after thinking for a long time, he didn't expect that she had any promise to Ye Suhan.

"What promise? I don't seem to have promised you anything, have I?"

Ye Suhan would not only be disappointed, but also a little displeased: "You said that if I let the prince go, you will make mung bean ice cream for me, forgot?"

Shen Chu blinked his beautiful big eyes a couple of times, and his mind was racing through memories... It seemed that he had said that night.

"You came here just for the mung bean ice cream?"

Ye Suhan asked back: "Otherwise?"

Shen Chu breathed a sigh of relief, "Alright then, I'll have someone prepare the materials and make them right away. However, the production process will be a bit complicated and will take some time. Why don't you go back first, and when I'm done, I'll have someone send it to you ,How about it?"

Ye Suhan shook his head, "No need, I'll just wait here."

Shen Chuwei: "...Okay!"

Shen Chuwei ordered the little maid to prepare ingredients, mung beans, milk, sugar...

During the production, Ye Suhan was watching from the side.

When Shen Chuwei was grinding mung beans, he glanced at Ye Suhan beside him, admiring his patience, he could watch and wait for such a long production process.

"Third prince, can I ask you a question?"

Ye Suhan asked: "What's the problem?"

"I grew up with you as childhood sweethearts, right?"


Shen Chuwei continued to ask: "Then what is the relationship between me and the emperor?"

Ye Suhan, "Father watched you grow up, it's true that he treats you well, but..."

Shen Chu asked curiously: "But what?"

Ye Suhan stared at Xiaojiu for a long time, seeing that she was so curious, he didn't put it off, "He always treats you like his daughter-in-law."

Shen Chu slightly opened his eyes wide, "Being a daughter-in-law?"

Ye Suhan nodded, "Well, no matter which prince you marry, the position of concubine belongs to you, otherwise you think so many princes are all around you? Is it because they really like you? Even this is the prince's Ye Yuxi also circles around you, just to make the crown prince's position more stable."

Shen Chuwei was shocked for a long time and couldn't say a word, Crown Princess?Marry whoever is a princess?

So when I just came back, so many princes came to the door every day, all with a purpose.

Feng Wuyou is the crown princess and will not change, so the person who will marry her must be the crown prince!

Ye Suhan looked at her with a half-smile, "Want to know?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, she was very curious about Feng Wuyou's identity now, if she had no identity background, how could she be named a princess?Still a titled princess.

The person who will marry her must be the prince, this also shows that Feng Wuyou's identity is not simple.

Ye Suhan raised the corners of his lips, "Kiss me once, and I'll tell you."

Shen Chuwei couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "You pretend I didn't ask."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Ye Suhan, bowed his head and continued making ice cream.

Ye Suhan looked down at her without blinking.

Shen Chuwei felt uncomfortable being stared at by a pair of fiery eyes, so he could only ignore him as much as possible.

The production process is actually simple, but the process is a bit long, after the production is completed.

With the mold, it is easier to make.

Shen Chuwei showed Ye Suhan twenty mung bean ice creams, "Okay, put them in the ice cellar, and eat them when they are frozen."

Ye Suhan glanced down, "How long will it take?"

Shen Chuwei didn't know if the freezing speed of the ice cellar was faster than that of the refrigerator, so he guessed the time by himself, "It will take more than two hours, maybe it will take longer."

Ye Suhan ordered: "Come here, put these into the ice cellar."

Before the words were finished, the bodyguard walked in, took the tray from Shen Chuwei, and then left.

Shen Chuwei wiped his hands with a handkerchief, and glanced at Ye Suhan standing in front of him, wouldn't he want to wait here all the time?

"Third prince, how many hours, do you want to wait here?" On the surface he was asking, but in his heart he was shouting frantically, please go back and wait~

Ye Suhan seemed to see her thoughts, and didn't force her to stay or anything else.

"Wait, send it to my palace."

Shen Chu smiled slightly: "No problem."

Ye Suhan stared at her for a long time, looking at the smile on her lips, wishing that he would leave immediately.

The corners of Shen Chu's smiling mouth were a little sore, but Ye Suhan still didn't leave, "Is there anything else for the third prince?"

Ye Suhan looked at her fixedly: "Why do you like Xiao Jinyan?"

Shen Chuwei replied very straightforwardly: "He's handsome."

Ye Suhan: "..."

"There are countless handsome men in this world. Are you handsome because of him? But I'm not bad either."

Shen Chu looked at the silver mask on Ye Suhan's cheek slightly, and said with a smile: "Then take off the mask and let me see, it's not bad."

Ye Suhan also smiled and asked: "If you pick it up, will you like me?"

Shen Chuwei answered two words simply, "No."

Ye Suhan's voice suddenly turned cold, "Then you read it, what's the point?"

"self boasting."

Shen Chu snorted slightly, turned his head and walked into the bedroom.

Ye Suhan: "..."

If Ye Suhan doesn't leave, it's okay for her to go, right?

When you wake up from sleep, you can eat mung bean ice cream.

Before going to sleep, Shen Chuwei asked the little maid to bring an incense stick to light it.

The little maid was very fast, and when she came back, she had an extra incense stick in her hand.

"Master, what do you want Xiang to do?"

Shen Chuwei took the incense and said seriously: "Worship God."

The little maid raised a question mark on her forehead: "What do you worship God for?"

"You do not understand."

Shen Chu slightly closed her eyes, the so-called sincerity makes spirit, it was rare for her to make a wish so sincerely.

The gods passing by, the little girl made a sincere wish here, begging the master of the country to come back quickly.

Seeing the pious expression on the master's face, the little palace maid suddenly understood that the master was looking for marriage, and there were so many princes around every day, all handsome and rich, and she didn't know which one to choose, so she begged the gods for help.

After Shen Chuwei made his wish, he handed the incense to the little maid, and then began to undress and go to bed.

The lit incense in the little maid's hand reminded her very seriously: "Master, you have to go to the Yuelao Temple to get it to work, and the gods passing by don't care about it."

Originally, the little palace maid had a submissive nature, so she moved her head because she was afraid that she would not be able to serve her well.

After getting along with Shen Chuwei for a period of time, she became more courageous, her temper became more lively, and she even learned how to speak.

Shen Chu took off his clothes slightly, "Who said I asked for marriage?"

She doesn't seem to have revealed the idea of ​​asking for marriage, right?
The little court lady asked with a puzzled look: "Then what is the master looking for if he doesn't want marriage? Could it be that he has decided who to marry? The prince? Choose the prince, and the master will be the princess in the future."

Uh!Is the little maid so worried?

"You're still young, so you don't understand." After Shen Chuwei patted her on the shoulder, he went to bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The little maid looked at the master, still puzzled, it seemed that the master was no older than her.

As soon as Ye Suhan walked out of Sansou Palace, he saw Ye Yuchen walking towards him.

"Third Brother, I knew you were looking for Xiao Jiu." Ye Yuchen strode over and looked at Ye Suhan worriedly.

Ye Suhan asked indifferently: "Why are you here?"

Ye Yuchen said helplessly: "Of course I came to see you. You can't wait for your injury to heal before you come to see Xiaojiu? You can't run away."

Ye Suhan was only released from the confinement division yesterday, and there was not a single piece of his body that was healthy, no matter how good his martial arts were, he couldn't stand the three-day whipping.

The wound was deep enough to show bone, and the whip used was faulty.

You don't need to guess to know that someone is deliberately playing tricks behind the scenes, the purpose is to kill Ye Suhan.

Ye Suhan laughed lowly, "It's late."

Ye Yuchen asked: "Why is it late?"

Ye Suhan didn't explain, and continued to walk forward.

Ye Yuchen caught up, "Third brother, let's heal your injury first."

After returning to the bedroom, Ye Yuchen came in and ordered: "Bring the medicine box."

The guard quickly went to get the medicine box.

Ye Suhan sat down on the couch, raised the teacup to his lips, and took two sips of tea.

Ye Yuchen strode over and saw him drinking tea leisurely, he really didn't care about his injuries at all.

The guard quickly brought the medicine box and the medicine prepared by the imperial doctor.

Ye Yuchen said impatiently: "Stop drinking, take off your clothes, and I will change your medicine."

"Why do you look like an old lady?" Ye Suhan said disgusted, but put down the teacup in his hand, and came to his waist to undo the girdle.

"Why am I like an old lady? You don't know what to do? If you are like me, I don't have to worry about it." Ye Yuchen said as he opened the medicine box.

"Third brother, if the prince hadn't asked the minister to impeach you behind your back this time, you wouldn't have to stay in prison for a few more days and suffer more. It's better to get rid of Ye Yuxi as soon as possible, otherwise he might use some means behind the scenes."

Ye Suhan's eyes were cold: "He bullies Xiao Jiu, so naturally I won't let him go."

Ye Yuchen still knows Ye Yuxi a little bit, and he coveted the position of the prince long ago, how sincere can he be to Xiao Jiuhao?
"Ye Yuxi is quite courageous. He dared to bully Xiao Jiu with alcohol. He deserved to be beaten."

After complaining about Ye Yuxi, he began to criticize Ye Suhan again, "You too, on the surface, if you teach him a few words, your father will at most tell you a few words, and after that, we will not suffer any disadvantage if you teach him a good lesson in secret."

Ye Suhan threw three words at him, "I can't bear it."

Ye Yuchen had already guessed that he would say that, otherwise he wouldn't have beaten the prince openly until he was left breathless.

"You have been away for so many years. Although your connections are not as good as before, there are many ministers who support you. Take back the position of prince first."

Ye Suhan was silent for a long time before uttering a sentence: "If there is no her, what use is it for me to have this throne?"

Ye Yuchen stopped applying the medicine, and looked at Ye Suhan suspiciously, "Third brother, what do you mean by that?"

No matter what Ye Yuchen asked, Ye Suhan never spoke.

Facing Ye Suhan's temperament, Ye Yuchen thought that one day he would be punished and depressed.

When Shen Chuwei woke up, it was lunch time. After lunch, she ordered the little eunuch to go to the ice cellar to check if the mung bean ice cream was frozen.

The little eunuch took the order and went to the ice cellar to check.

Shen Chuwei waited for quite a while and did not see the little eunuch come back, greedy, she couldn't help but ask the little maid beside her.

"Why hasn't he come back yet?"

The little maid replied: "Master, the ice cellar is far away from the Sanssouci Palace, and I won't be able to come back for a while."

Only now did Shen Chuwei realize that the palace is huge, and the ice cellar must be far away, so he could only wait slowly.

It's just that the glutton in my stomach is gurgling and doesn't want to wait.

Just when Shen Chuwei was looking forward to seeing through, the little eunuch trotted back, holding the tray that was sent in in the morning in his hand.

"Master, it's frozen." The little eunuch shouted excitedly as he ran all the way.

Shen Chuwei hasn't eaten mung bean ice cream for a long, long time. She was almost hungry, so she couldn't wait to wave to the little eunuch, "Open it quickly, I want to try it."

"It's master." The little eunuch raised the tray in front of Shen Chuwei with both hands.

Shen Chuwei picked it up and looked at it for a while, then took a bite, the mouth was cold, the mung beans were accompanied by the aroma of milk, the sweetness was moderate, delicious!
The little maid and the little eunuch had never seen mung bean ice cream before, and seeing the master eating it with gusto, they became a little greedy.

Shen Chuwei ate a couple of mouthfuls. Seeing their gluttonous appearance, they served them personally during the time she came to Sanssouci Palace, and they did their best. She was also a person who was clear about rewards and punishments.

"You also try it."

The little maid and the little eunuch looked at each other with disbelief.

"Master, can we eat too?"

Shen Chu smiled and said: "It's okay, let's eat! After eating, just do it again."

"Thank you, master, for the reward."

The little maid and the little eunuch happily took one, and when they ate it, their eyes lit up, it was cold and refreshing, and the taste was good.

"By the way, give it to the third prince..." Shen Chuwei thought for a while, then raised three fingers, "Give him three to taste, it should be enough, you tell him, eating too much is bad for the stomach."

"I know." The little eunuch smiled, prepared three, and went to the third prince's palace.

Shen Chuwei suddenly thought of the emperor, after entering the palace, the emperor was really kind to her, "Go and give one to the emperor."

"Okay." The little maid prepared one and happily went to the imperial study.

Shen Chuwei finished eating two, and the depressed mood of the past few days disappeared instantly.

Looking at the twelve mung bean ice cream in front of him, he picked up another piece and walked out of the side hall with cheerful steps while eating.

As soon as I came out, I heard the cry of the tiger and lion, "Wow."

Shen Chuwei walked over with doubts when he heard the sound, and saw a slender and tall man standing beside the tiger and lion beast. The man's long black hair was pouring down like satin, and his blue and white wide-sleeved gown was windless, showing a bit of immortality. gas.

Looking at the man's side face, the eyebrows and eyes are as exquisite as picturesque, the bridge of the nose is high, and the shape of the lips is also very beautiful.

Just a side face made Shen Chuwei dumbfounded,



ps: blue and white is a kind of white with a very light blue, the color is very plain, similar to white.

(No charge for nonsense)

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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