Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 571 Can You Control Her If She's Handsome? 1 The tone of a father...

Chapter 571 Can You Control Her If She's Handsome?A father's tone...

After being stunned for a few seconds, Shen Chuwei took a bite of the mung bean ice cream to suppress his shock, and then stared at the man a few times to make sure that he wasn't too blind during the day.

A very handsome man indeed.

She stepped onto the arch bridge curiously, and walked towards the slender figure.

The tigon wagged its tail excitedly, and when it saw Xiao Jiu coming, it turned its head and howled twice excitedly, "Wow!"

Then, as usual, he ran over wagging his tail.

Shen Chuwei was eating mung bean ice cream. When the tiger lion came, she just rubbed its huge head perfunctorily, but kept looking at the man in front of her.

When the tigress ran over, the man also turned to look over, and at the same time, she saw the man's front.

The man's facial features are exquisite and three-dimensional, and his eyes are high and cold with a bit of indifference.

The blue and white clothes on his body are very elegant, and there is a blue girdle around his waist. When he looked closely, he found that it was in the shape of an orchid, and the slender leaves wrapped around his thin waist. The clothes were a little empty, which was enough to show that there was no trace of fat on his waist .

Shen Chuwei is a face controler, and when he sees a handsome man with a super high value, he can't help but take a few extra glances.

She felt that the man in front of her was more handsome than Xiao Jinyan, probably because of his incomparable temperament.

Thinking about the days when the prince always came to see her, could it be that the prince in front of her is also the prince?

"Are you the prince?"

While Shen Chuwei was looking at him, Jun Moqing was also looking at her. His eyebrows were very similar to when he was a child, and hadn't changed since he grew up. His eyebrows were slightly curved, and his bright eyes always contained a faint smile.

Glancing at the things in her hands, she hadn't seen them for so many years, and she still held food in her hands wherever she went.

"Why do you ask that?"

Jun Moqing's voice is like the gurgling spring water in a mountain stream, and the clearness of pearls falling on a jade plate, without losing the calmness that an adult man should have.

Shen Chuwei found that the man's voice was also very pleasant, his appearance and temperament were directly proportional to his voice, and he couldn't pick out any faults.

She took two steps forward, closing the distance between each other, and felt a faint cool breath as soon as she got close, which made people feel awe.

"During this period, many princes came to Sanssouci Palace. If you are not a prince, are you a courtier? But courtiers are not allowed to enter and leave the inner courtyard of the palace at will."

Shen Chuwei raised his head and stared at the handsome man in front of him. He had no choice but to see the man in front of him as tall as Xiao Jinyan, maybe a centimeter or two taller. If he didn't look up, he might only see his chin~

The powerful aura that people can't ignore, could it be the legendary regent?

Does Nanzhao Kingdom have a regent?

If you knew about entering the palace, you should sort out the relationship between all important and powerful characters, otherwise it would be difficult to guess the identity of the other party.

The neglected tigon raised its huge head and rubbed Xiao Jiu's arm.

Jun Moqing glanced down at the tiger lion beast.

Feeling the cold gaze from Jun Moqing, the tiger, lion and beast immediately shrank its neck, and moved behind Xiao Jiu.

Shen Chuwei looked at the tigon's actions, because it was the first time that the tigon reacted with fear to a stranger, she looked at the man in front of her suspiciously, and at first glance she was a powerful person, and she couldn't afford to offend him!
She is currently in a state of thanking guests behind closed doors. If others find out, wouldn't it be obvious that people will be misunderstood?
And Ye Suhan, if she insisted on not leaving, it seemed that when the princes came back tomorrow, she would not even have a reason to refuse.

Jun Moqing's voice was clear: "Girls should eat less cold food."

As soon as Shen Chuwei took a bite of the mung bean ice cream, he was inexplicably reprimanded. The cold ice cream remained in his mouth, neither swallowing nor spitting it out.

It took several seconds to realize that it was just a nosy stranger.

She ate the ice cream in her mouth, "Do you know why my grandpa lived to be 99 years old?"

"..." Jun Moqing: "Have you met your grandfather? How do you know he lived to be 99 years old?"

Shen Chuwei was taken aback when he heard the words, why didn't the man in front of him play his cards according to the routine?Don't normal people always ask, why?
Xiao Jinyan is so smart that he asks obediently, why?
She raised her chin, "Of course I have. My own grandfather doesn't know yet?"

I thought to myself, you don’t know if I have a grandfather, and you don’t know if I make it up~
"...Talking nonsense, make a cup of tea."

After Jun Moqing finished speaking, she stepped onto the arch bridge.

When Shen Chuwei heard the words, she immediately petrified in place. It was the first time she met a person who didn't follow the rules. He thought it was okay and ordered her to do things?

Where did this come from?
Like grandpa.

Although Shen Chuwei was a little dissatisfied, the visitor was a guest, but this guest was a bit anti-customer, and he was not restrained at all.

She looked at the mung bean ice cream in her hand, took a big bite, and then went to make tea.

The little eunuch carried three mung bean ice creams and hurried all the way to the residence of the third prince, fearing that the road would be too hot and the mung bean ice creams would melt.

Go in under the leadership of the guards.

Ye Suhan just woke up from a nap when the guards came in to report.

"Master, Princess Jiuyou sent someone to deliver something."

Ye Suhan guessed what it was when he heard the words, he put on his clothes slowly, and said calmly: "Let him in."

The guards responded and withdrew, and after a while, the little eunuch walked in with a bowed body and came forward to salute.

"Third prince, this is sent by my master's servant."

Ye Suhan looked up at the tray in the little eunuch's hand, "Bring it here."

"Here." The little eunuch bowed a few steps forward and raised his hands in front of the third prince.

Ye Suhan looked at the mung bean ice cream, stretched his slender fingers into the plate, picked it up and looked at it several times, and took a bite after looking enough, the mouth was cold, and immediately tasted the taste of mung beans, followed by milk fragrance.


He glanced at the plate, there were still two mung bean ice creams left, and asked, "She prepared so many, why did she only bring three?"

"Back to the third prince, the master said that eating too much mung bean ice cream will hurt your stomach." The little eunuch replied.

Ye Suhan laughed lowly, "She really knows how to find a reason."

The little eunuch smiled awkwardly.

Ye Suhan said: "Go back and tell her, it tastes good."

"The servant will convey it, and the servant will leave." The little eunuch withdrew.

The little palace maid also hurried to the imperial study room, also fearing that the ice cream would melt.

When Eunuch Xian came to report, the emperor was very busy. In normal times, Eunuch Xian would have blocked it directly so as not to annoy the emperor even more.

However, those who came to Sanssouci Palace are naturally a little different.

"Your Majesty, Princess Jiuyou sent someone to bring desserts, and I want you to try them." Eunuch Xian said cautiously.

Ye Haoting heard that Princess Jiuyou was bringing desserts, so he put down the memorial in his hand, raised his head and looked at Eunuch Xian, "Guzheng is worried, so Xiaojiu sent someone to bring desserts."

"Here." Eunuch Xian turned around and let the little maid in.

The little palace maid came in with a bow, not even daring to lift her head, and walked forward with small steps to salute.

Eunuch Xian took the dessert from the maid of honor, slowly handed it to the emperor, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this dessert is very delicate, I haven't seen it before."

Ye Haoting's gaze fell on the dessert in Eunuch Xian's hand, he looked at it several times and then smiled: "It's the first time I see a bamboo stick for dessert, try it, Xiao Jiu will not disappoint Gu."

After hearing the words, Eunuch Xian sent his hands forward again, and said with a smile: "Princess Jiuyou has always loved to eat, and the dessert she chose is definitely right."

"It makes sense." With anticipation, Ye Haoting picked up the bamboo stick on the plate, and was about to eat it with the bamboo stick, but in the end he picked up the mung bean ice cream, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"This dessert can be picked up."

Ye Haoting smiled and put the mung bean ice cream into his mouth and took a bite. It was cold in the mouth, as if he tasted the taste of mung beans, a bit sweet with a milky aroma.

The coolness entered the stomach, as if driving away the restlessness just now.

Ye Haoting took another bite and found that it tasted good. He stared at the dessert in front of him and said, "Xiao Jiu said that when you are in a bad mood, eating some desserts will make you feel better. This sentence is not false at all."

Eunuch Xian smiled and said, "It seems that the emperor likes this dessert very much."

Ye Haoting nodded, "Well, it tastes good."

Mr. Xian said fairly: "Princess Jiuyou still understands the emperor, and knows the emperor's taste."

After Ye Haoting finished eating, he still couldn't get enough of it. He raised his head and looked at the little maid below, "Why is there only one?"

The little maid was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and thought of what the master said just now, she replied: "Return to the emperor, Princess Jiuyou said that eating too much is not good for the stomach, it is better to eat less."

Ye Haoting was even more happy when he heard the words, "So that's the case, Xiao Jiu has a heart, you can go back."

"Here." The little maid kowtowed, then stood up and exited the imperial study.

Ye Haoting is no longer as irritable as before, but rather calm.

"Although Xiaojiu is not Gu's daughter, she is more caring than them. She even knows to bring food for Gu when she goes out to play. If there is something delicious, she doesn't forget to give Gu a taste."

Eunuch Xian grew up watching Princess Jiuyou. Princess Jiuyou grew up cute and very sensible and polite. The key is that her mouth is really sweet.

"Princess Jiuyou has been very sensible since she was a child, and the servants like her very much."

Ye Haoting smiled and said: "It hasn't changed when I grow up, I just don't know which son of Gu will be blessed to marry Xiaojiu."

Eunuch Xian said: "Your Majesty, no matter which prince marries Princess Jiuyou, that is your daughter-in-law."

Ye Haoting laughed heartily when he heard the words: "It makes sense."

After Shen Chuwei made tea, he walked into the side hall with it, and saw a handsome man sitting on the couch in a leisurely and contented sitting posture, and his aura was beyond description.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but I always feel that the man is surrounded by immortality, like a person walking out of a painting, with the appearance and temperament of a descendant.

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, now is not the time to admire beautiful men, but how to drive this master out of Sanssouci Palace.

She came to the couch with new tea and put it in front of him.

When she was done, she sat down on the other side.

Jun Moqing picked up the teacup and looked up at her, "How have you been these years?"

Shen Chuwei subconsciously replied after hearing the words, "It's okay."

She didn't realize until she finished answering, and looked at the man in front of her suspiciously.

After thinking about it, I realized that this person knew himself, so he asked such a question, because he had heard similar questions before Buqian during this period of time.

Shen Chuwei stared at the man for a long time, he looked so good drinking tea... I realized that I had been watching him for a long time, what if I misunderstood that she liked him?
If Xiao Jinyan found out, he would definitely be jealous.

Looking around at the mung bean ice cream, there are twelve more.

Although I have already eaten three, it is okay to eat another one.

Shen Chuwei was never polite about his own things, he reached out and picked one up, and caught a glimpse of the man opposite, no matter how the visitor was a guest, it was better to be polite.

"Would you like mung bean ice cream?"

Jun Moqing: "No need."

Shen Chuwei was waiting for this sentence, and said with a smile: "If you don't eat, then I will."

As he said that, he delivered it to his mouth. It happened that the little maid came back and saw the master took another piece of mung bean ice cream, so she quickly reminded her.

"Master, didn't you say that eating too much ice cream is bad for your stomach? Why do you still eat so much?"

Shen Chuwei is a doctor himself, so he naturally understands, but he can't bear his hunger.

"It's okay, I'll eat less tomorrow."

The little maid was a little worried, "But, if you hurt your stomach, it's not easy to take care of it."

Shen Chuwei thought of Chunxi when she saw the little palace maid's earnestness, and suddenly missed her, but the mung bean ice cream still had to be eaten.

"you do not need to worry."

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he ignored the little maid, and raised the mung bean ice cream in his hand, and when he was about to bite, the ice cream in his hand disappeared.

She watched helplessly as the ice cream paused in the air, then flew to the plate with a "swoosh", neatly arranged with the remaining eleven mung bean ice creams.

Looking at Jun Moqing again, he was as steady as Mount Tai, drinking tea leisurely, as if what happened just now was not his doing.

Shen Chuwei didn't believe it, she clearly saw the man make a move just now, although it wasn't obvious.

"It's your fault, right?" She used an affirmative tone, just not allowing him to renege on his debts.

Jun Moqing gave a faint "hmm".

"Although you are a guest, you can't hinder me from eating, and I didn't provoke you." Shen Chuwei held back his anger, but his hand had already reached into the plate, and picked up the mung bean ice cream that he had grabbed just now, waiting for her to take it When she got up, she found that there was a strong force pressing her hand, making her unable to move.

She exhausted all her strength, even trying to feed her milk, but she still couldn't hold a small mung bean ice cream.

Shen Chuwei raised her head and looked at the man opposite. She didn't need to ask, she knew it was his fault.

She couldn't bear it and asked, "Are you here to find fault?"

Jun Moqing was cold and indifferent as always: "No matter what you eat, it should be in moderation."

Shen Chuwei had never seen such a nosy stranger.

Oh, no, it's someone who thinks he knows Feng Wuyou, so he takes care of everything.

Xiao Jin said it's fine to take care of her, so why should he take care of her?Why?
Shen Chu said in a slightly puffy voice: "Of course I know it should be in moderation. Can't I still eat another piece? I won't eat it after eating one piece."

Jun Moqing put down the teacup in her hand, raised her beautiful eyes, "Do you believe me when I say this?"



The son is asking for a monthly pass online!
 Good night spicy!

  Babies, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support!

(End of this chapter)

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