Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 572 Lying is not a good boy, Master Guoshi is so young...

Chapter 572 Lying is not a good boy, Master Guoshi is so young...

Shen Chuwei paused when he heard the words, and looked down at the mung bean ice cream in front of him. With his own strength, he would definitely not be satisfied eating one.

It's only afternoon now, why don't you have to eat two or three?

Wait, why would she listen to someone she doesn't know?
Xiao Jinyan usually talks about the right amount, for fear that she will have a toothache, or that she will accumulate food...

"Of course I do." So don't mind your own business!

Jun Moqing said: "It's not a good boy to lie."

Shen Chu raised his chin slightly, "That's none of your business."

Jun Moqing: "..."

Shen Chuwei said again: "You may not know that people who worry about it are easy to get old and get wrinkles. You are young now, you still have to study like me and don't care about anything. You are much younger than your peers."

There is no distinction between men and women in the love of beauty. A handsome man like the one in front of him must also care about his appearance and be afraid of getting wrinkles.
Jun Moqing's voice was as cold as frost: "Is it finished?"

Shen Chuwei looked at the handsome man suspiciously: "It's over."

"I'm going to take a shower."

Jun Moqing was somewhat stained with dust and sweat on the way, and she would feel uncomfortable if she didn't take a bath.

Shen Chuwei was hoping that he would leave quickly so as not to hinder her from eating mung bean ice cream.


When Jun Moqing stood up, Shen Chuwei also stood up, sent him outside the door, and waved with a smile: "Handsome guy, go slowly, don't see him off."

Jun Moqing stared at Xiao Jiu for a while, then withdrew her gaze and walked straight out.

Shen Chuwei saw people leaving, and ran in without looking back. Seeing the mung bean ice cream she was thinking about, she sat down on the couch, and reached for the mung bean ice cream, but found nothing. All right.

The twelve mung bean ice creams that were originally neatly arranged will not even have a plate.

She looked around and found that the mung bean ice cream was really missing.

There was a big question mark written on Shen Chuwei's forehead, it was on the table just now, why did it suddenly disappear?

She suddenly thought of that handsome man, no need to guess, it must be him who messed up.

Shen Chuwei chased him out without even thinking, and glanced at the place within sight, but he didn't see the fairy-like figure of the man.

After such a short period of effort, it is impossible to leave the Sanssouci Palace.

She turned her head and asked the little maid beside her, "Where did that man go just now?"

The little maid replied: "Go back to the princess, the servant saw that young master went to the main hall."

main hall?What is he doing in the main hall? "

Shen Chuwei went to the main hall with doubts.

The little maid followed behind with small steps.

The main hall is on the opposite side, about 20 meters away.

When he reached the entrance of the main hall, Shen Chuwei raised his head and took a few glances, and asked the little maid behind him uncertainly.

"Are you sure that man entered the main hall?"

"My servant saw that Young Master enter the main hall with my own eyes." The little palace maid answered with certainty.

When Shen Chuwei thought that the twelve mung bean ice creams were gone, her heart ached. No matter what, she wanted to ask for an explanation.

"Knock on the door."

The little maid was ordered to knock on the door, and after a while, the door opened, and a handsome man opened the door, wearing a white long-sleeved gown, clean and fresh.

It's just that expressionless face with no affinity.

Xue Huai asked: "Is Princess Jiuyou okay?"

Shen Chuwei glanced inside, naturally she couldn't see anything, she looked at the man in front of her again, she was also very strange, but she could guess that it was the follower of the handsome man just now.

"I'm here to find your master."

Xue Huai said: "My master is taking a bath."

Shen Chuwei said: "I can go in and wait."

"Okay." Xue Huai didn't stop him, opened the door, and let her in sideways.

Shen Chuwei lifted the hem of her skirt and walked in across the threshold. It was the first time she entered the main hall in Sanssouci Palace for so long. The design and decoration inside were the same as those in the side hall, the only difference was probably a little bigger.

Shen Chuwei followed Xue Huai to the side hall of the main hall and waited.

There was no one in the main hall, and it was even more empty than her place.

Xue Huai brought a new cup of tea and put it in front of her, then withdrew.

Where does Shen Chuwei have time to drink tea?All she can think of is mung bean ice cream, twelve of which are equivalent to a huge sum of money.

After waiting for a long time, Shen Chuwei finally saw the man coming, while Shen Chuwei looked left and right. He was still in his blue and white gown, and he didn't seem to have changed much before and after taking a bath.

Jun Moqing was not surprised to see her, more like expected.

Shen Chuwei stood up, watched the man pass by, and then sat on the couch, she asked, "Did you hide my mung bean ice cream?"

Jun Moqing said in a faint voice, "Yes."

Shen Chuwei couldn't help being a little angry when he saw his upright and calm look.

"Why are you hiding mung bean ice cream from me?"

Xue Huai brought a new cup of tea and put it in front of the master, then retreated.

Jun Moqing picked up the teacup and glanced at Xiao Jiu, who was furious, "This is the only way to deal with lying children."

Shen Chuwei was angry and aggrieved, "The mung bean ice cream is mine, not yours. What right do you have to hide my things?"

The little maid held the master's hand, leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Master, don't be angry, we don't know his background yet, if he is a big shot, it would be bad if he offends."

In fact, Shen Chuwei knew that the identity of the man in front of him was not simple, and he was still a very powerful person without the little maid's reminder.

She didn't understand, how could a big man live in the same palace with a princess?
too weird.

If it weren't for the twelve mung bean ice cream, she wouldn't be so unwilling to ask for an explanation.

But for twelve mung bean ice creams, it's really not worth it to offend people who shouldn't be offended.

It's a big deal and I'll spend some time doing it again tomorrow.

Shen Chuwei gritted his teeth, "Forget it, those twelve mung beans are given to you, I have to go back beforehand."

Shen Chuwei slipped away without looking back after speaking, mainly because of a guilty conscience.

As soon as he got out of the main hall, Shen Chuwei ordered: "Go and find out if someone powerful came to the palace, and then ask who lived in the main hall before."

The little palace maid replied: "This servant knows."

Shen Chuwei returned to the bedroom, still a little depressed in her heart, until she saw sauced elbows on the table during dinner, she was relieved a little.

The little maid ran back to report, "Master, I have been inquiring for a long time, but I haven't heard of any powerful people coming to the palace."

Shen Chu took a bite of the sauced elbow, his eyes were full of doubts, that man didn't look like a prince, and a prince can't live with a princess.

"As for who lived in the main hall before, the servants also asked many people and they said they didn't know. Later, I asked the elderly for a while, and she said that it seemed that the master of the country used to live."

Shen Chuwei just took a sip of the broth, and when she heard the Master, she almost spit it out. She took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth.

"You mean Master National Teacher?"

"The slaves don't know either. Most of the palace are newcomers. They don't know about the Sanssouci Palace. They finally found an old man to ask. Maybe it's true." The little maid said.

"No way! Is that man a national teacher?"

But it was quickly denied by Shen Chuwei.

The national teacher is a well-known big man, and the emperor respects the national teacher so much, he will definitely greet him with a big banquet in person. This is a conclusion based on the information provided by Xiao Jinyan.

But there was no news from the palace in the past two days, and the emperor didn't say anything about the return of the master.

Moreover, the person who can be a national teacher must be at least five or sixty years old, right?

That man today looks very young, less than 30 years old.

How could it be a national teacher?

Is it possible that they are people around Master Guoshi?

Thinking of this possibility, Shen Chuwei's eyes lit up. Does that mean that the National Teacher will be back soon?
She was secretly glad that she didn't continue to make that person angry because of those twelve mung bean ice creams.

Because she was happy, Shen Chuwei showed off an extra bowl of rice tonight.

Before going to bed, Shen Chuwei brought an incense stick from the little maid.

The little maid fetched an incense as fast as she could and lit it.

Shen Chuwei held the incense and prayed devoutly. The gods passing by hoped that Master Guoshi would return to the palace tomorrow.

After the master finished begging, the little maid held the incense and couldn't help asking: "Master, are you seeking marriage this time?"

Shen Chu smiled and said, "What do I beg that thing for? I'm going to sleep, so you should also rest."

The little maid couldn't figure out what was going on in the master's head, and she didn't continue thinking, so she took the incense and withdrew.

The next day, people came and went on the bustling streets.

"Brother, you are injured, what are you doing so hard to please her? You are the prince now, as long as she is not blind, she will choose brother."

Early in the morning, Ye Anyu followed the prince out to buy something for that Feng Wuyou, feeling a little unhappy.

Ye Yuxi said: "Xiaojiu's favorite thing is to eat. If I don't like him, someone else will like him. Besides, Xiaojiu has a very good relationship with the third brother before. If Xiaojiu remembers Remember the past, do I still have a chance?"

Ye Anyu heard that what the prince's elder brother said was reasonable, but she was dissatisfied with Feng Wuyou being favored by everyone, she was the real princess, her father did not criticize her, she had no title, and she doted on Feng Wuyou everywhere.

Feng Wuyou would be nothing if it wasn't for the master of the country.

Ye Anyu was feeling aggrieved. A figure in the crowd caught his attention. When he looked carefully, he found that it was the man he met last time. She searched for a long time but couldn't find it. Today, he actually found it.

She almost chased after him without even thinking about it, and even forgot to take into account the princess's demeanor.

"Young master, this young master please stay."

Xiao Jinyan has been going out these days for the purpose of collecting information, and by the way, asked if the national teacher had returned to the capital city, but was suddenly stopped, and he looked at the person in front of him suspiciously. It was a woman, a woman he didn't know.

"Is something wrong?"

Ye Anyu ignored the cold and distant tone of the other party because she was happy, she smiled and said: "I see that you look familiar, have we met somewhere?"

The man in front of him is indeed a bit familiar, but it's not important, the important thing is to keep him, otherwise it will be difficult to see him again next time.

Xiao Jinyan didn't want to waste time on someone he didn't know, he said coldly: "Sorry, I don't know you, if nothing happens, I'll leave first."

Ye Anyu reached out to stop him again, "Wait a minute."

Xiao Jinyan asked coldly, "Is there anything else?"

Ye Anyu smiled and said, "My son's accent doesn't sound like a local. Are you here for business? There must be a lot of unfamiliar places when you're new here. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me."

It is said that there is nothing to be diligent about, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

The woman in front of her is full of hospitality, her eyes are very familiar, she has seen it in Ouyang Leyuan's eyes before.

Xiao Jinyan frowned, "Thank you, I'll take my leave first."

Ye Anyu said: "You still don't know who I am? If you want to ask someone for help, you don't even know where to find me."

Xiao Jinyan's eyes were already a little impatient.

Ye Yuxi came over and asked his sister, "What are you doing?"

Ye Anyu raised her head to look at the elder brother of the prince, and said happily: "Brother, I hit it off with this young master, and I want to make friends."

Ye Yuxi raised his eyes to look at the man opposite, but he found something familiar at a glance, "What's your name?"

Xiao Jinyan keenly sensed a hint of hostility in the eyes of the man in front of him. In this unfamiliar metropolis, when he doesn't know the identity of the other party, it's better to avoid him.

"We don't know each other before. I'm afraid it's impolite for you to ask like this. I have to leave beforehand."

Xiao Jinyan left without looking back after speaking.

When Ye Anyu wanted to catch up, she was stopped by Ye Yuxi, she said with some dissatisfaction: "Brother, why did you stop me?"

Ye Yuxi said: "Don't you think he looks like a person?"

Ye Anyu looked at the prince's elder brother suspiciously, "It looks familiar, what's wrong?"

Ye Yuxi looked at the man who had disappeared into the crowd, "I think he looks very similar to Xiao Jinyan."

"Xiao Jinyan?" Ye Anyu suddenly remembered, "It's the prince of Daxia? No wonder he looks familiar, but how could the prince of Daxia be in the capital city? I think they just look similar."

Ye Yuxi said: "I hope so, it's getting late, it's time to go back."

Ye Anyu was not reconciled, she finally ran into her today, and she still left her contact information.

After Shen Chuwei finished his breakfast, he stood at the door and glanced at the main hall on the opposite side. He didn't know if the national teacher had returned, so why not inquire about the news?
With that in mind, she lifted her skirt and went down the steps.

It was still the handsome guy from yesterday who opened the door.

Shen Chu smiled and asked, "Is your master here?"

Xue Huai took two steps back and said, "Yes, Princess Jiuyou, please come in."

This was Shen Chuwei's second time entering the main hall. She came to the side hall familiarly, and saw the man from yesterday, sitting on the couch drinking tea, and his sitting posture was so good-looking.

Especially that face, no matter how many times I look at it, I can't help but look twice more.

The subordinates of the national teacher are really different from ordinary people. The national teacher himself must be an old man with a goatee and a goatee.

Just as Shen Chuwei was imagining, a clear voice came into his ears, "Come in."

Uh!was discovered...

Shen Chuwei stood up straight and walked in. It was completely different from the feeling when he walked in yesterday.

"Young Master, look, we live together in Sanssouci Palace, and we are also neighbors. I don't know what to call you, Young Master? It's easy to say hello when we meet in the future, don't you think?"

Jun Moqing paused while drinking tea, and raised her cold and frosty eyes: "It's not big or small."

 Good night spicy!

  Babies ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support!

(End of this chapter)

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