Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 573 At the scene of the death of a large society, Jun Moqing questioned the reason for Xiao

Chapter 573 At the scene of a large-scale social death, Jun Moqing questioned the reason for Xiaojiu's amnesia
The sentence was neither big nor small, which made Shen Chuwei a little confused.

Because whether it is big or small is generally what the elders and juniors say, and even high-ranking officials and low-level officials can also be reprimanded by whether they are big or small.

Feng Wuyou is still a princess with a title, even if the man in front of her is a proud apprentice or subordinate of the national teacher, she shouldn't say that she is not big or small.

This is very impolite.

"I have just returned to the palace not long ago, and the people in the palace can't recognize them all. Then tell me, how should I call you?" There shouldn't be any problem with asking this question, right?
"Master, master, the prince is here." The little maid ran all the way in and saw the man, although she didn't know who it was, she was blessed.

When Shen Chuwei heard that the prince was coming, as she expected, she was just a little helpless, so she went out to deal with it anyway.

"I'll go see the prince first, and I'll bother you later."

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she turned and left.

Jun Moqing looked up at Xiao Jiu's back, and took a sip of tea thoughtfully.

Shen Chuwei returned to her side hall, and saw Ye Yuxi sitting on a chair, his face was still a little pale despite his serious injuries.

Seeing her coming, Ye Yuxi stood up and walked over with a smile on her face, "Xiao Jiu, I heard that you are not feeling well, are you feeling better?"

Being ill was just an excuse Shen Chuwei found to thank guests behind closed doors. She herself could eat, drink and sleep.

"I'm fine, I just have a headache, it's okay."

"That's good." Ye Suhan lifted the oiled paper bag in his hand, and said with a smile: "I left the palace early this morning, and saw the freshly made jujube cake and chestnut cake. I thought you would eat it for the first time, so I bought some return."

Although Shen Chuwei is very greedy, when he thinks that the brothers are looking for what they like because of a certain interest relationship, the purpose is to marry her... No, it is to marry Feng Wuyou.

How could she enjoy it with such peace of mind?

"You're injured so badly, the most important thing is to rest at home. I can send people to buy these pastries outside the palace."

Ye Yuxi smiled and said: "Xiao Jiu is still the same as before, understanding and understanding. I hope Xiao Jiu doesn't take what happened that night to heart."

After Ye Yuxi finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Jiu with an apologetic expression and anticipation at the same time.

When it comes to what happened that night, Shen Chuwei still has lingering fears, not because of Ye Yuxi, but because of Ye Suhan, this is the first time he meets such a person...

She nodded perfunctorily, "Yes."

Ye Yuxi was relieved when she saw her nodding. He was afraid that she would reject him and not believe him because of what happened that night.

"It's been a while since you've been back. The night view of the capital city is pretty good. Do you want to go and see it?"

Shen Chuwei rolled his eyes, and politely refused with a smile: "I've been researching a delicacy for the past few days, but I haven't succeeded yet, so I don't have time for now."

The first time was cut off by Ye Suhan, but this time it was rejected by Xiao Jiu, which made Ye Yuxi feel a little embarrassed, but at the same time didn't understand.

There are countless famous ladies who want to go with him, but Xiao Jiu was the first one he asked out on his own initiative, but he was rejected.

He couldn't force a smile, "You are still so obsessed with food, so how about we wait until you succeed?"

Shen Chuwei did not nod in agreement, but said, "We'll talk about it when we succeed."

Ye Yuxi smiled and said, "Then I hope you succeed soon."

Shen Chuwei just smiled, whether she can succeed or not is not up to her?
After seeing off Ye Yuxi, Shen Chuwei thought about the man opposite, in order to find out about the national teacher, she planned to go and have a look.

As soon as he came out of the side hall, he saw the man standing under the peach blossom tree. Beside him, the tiger, lion, beast and Xue Tuan did not fight, but stayed obediently under the tree.

Shen Chuwei came over with curiosity, raised his head and glanced at where the man was looking. Peach trees don't bloom in autumn, so there's nothing to see.

"What are you looking at?"

Jun Moqing looked down at her, "Come here."

Shen Chuwei pointed to himself, "Me?"

Jun Moqing nodded.

Shen Chuwei came over with doubts, looked up at the man who was much taller than herself, "Is there something wrong?"

Jun Moqing didn't speak, but pressed her shoulders and made her lean against the peach tree.

Being touched by a stranger, Shen Chuwei instinctively wanted to avoid it, but just as she moved, a frosty voice came from above her head, "Don't move."

She raised her head to look at the man in front of her with a puzzled expression. What exactly is he trying to do?

With a cold and paralyzed face, he doesn't look like a disciple.

Such a handsome man, as long as he hooks his fingers, there will be women following him, so there is no need to play hooligans~
They were too close to each other, so close that they could smell the cold breath on each other.

She couldn't help asking: "What do you want to do?"

Jun Moqing's eyes fell on the small incision on the peach tree, which was made when she was nine years old.

"It's been almost ten years, and you've grown a lot."

Hearing the words, Shen Chuwei turned to look at the peach tree behind him. After searching for a while, he saw a mark left on the trunk, which was left by Feng Wuyou before he disappeared without asking.

She said with a guilty conscience: "Of course, ten years is a long time."

Jun Moqing looked at her height and came to a conclusion: "It's a bit shorter."

Shen Chuwei: "..." I know I'm not tall, but I'm not short either, 163cm is not short in ancient times.

Jun Moqing said again: "However, this is also very good."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Can you finish the sentence at once?If it were someone else, they wouldn't even be able to hold the knife.

After seeing her height, Jun Moqing began to look at her appearance. After the baby fat faded from her palm-sized face, it became more delicate.

His facial features look more like hers now.

Shen Chuwei didn't bother about her height, anyway, as long as it didn't hinder her from cooking, although she only met the man yesterday, and only four times today, she felt that apart from being cold and paralyzed, he seemed pretty good.

It may be because of the beauty filter.

"You are a subordinate of Master Guoshi, right?"

Jun Moqing looked at Xiao Jiu indifferently, waiting for her to speak.

Shen Chuwei asked again: "Do you know when the old man of the State Teacher will come back?"

Jun Moqing: "..." Old man?Does he look old?

Shen Chuwei had to admit that his face was paralyzed and he cherished words like gold, this sentence was not deceiving.

The one in front of you is the best example.

"do not you know?"

As soon as Shen Chuwei finished speaking, a familiar voice came from behind.


Master?Shen Chu looked back suspiciously, and saw Ye Suhan walking towards him.

Ye Suhan only saw the figure familiar from a distance, but when he got closer and saw the side face, he was sure that the person was the master.

Since Xiao Jiu disappeared, he has not seen Master again.

He strode over and stepped forward to salute.


The followers behind Ye Suhan also saluted, "My lord."

Shen Chuwei was already surprised enough by saying "Master", but suddenly he said "Master National Teacher" and asked her to die on the spot.

She stared at the man in front of her with wide eyes, Master Guoshi is so young?No wonder they ignored me when I mentioned the old man just now.

A handsome man in his youth, who wouldn't be depressed if he was called an old man?
Jun Moqing looked at the person coming, and his eyes fell on the silver mask, "Disfigured?"

The corners of Ye Suhan's mouth twitched, who would have thought that when master and apprentice meet, the first sentence would be disfigurement?

"No, Tuer is just used to wearing a mask."

Shen Chuwei secretly glanced at the Master of the State Teacher, and did not speak according to the routine, and asked if he was disfigured when he met him?Why not pretend to be mysterious?

Jun Moqing was not interested in Ye Suhan wearing a mask, so he said three words lightly, "Get up."

"Yes, Master." Ye Suhan got up from the ground, looked at Xiao Jiu, and saw that she was staring at Master.

"When did the master come back? Why is there no news at all? The apprentice can welcome him in advance."

Jun Moqing: "I don't like excitement."

After Ye Suhan heard the words, he realized that he was asking nonsense. Master always likes to be quiet, so maybe even his father didn't know about it when he came back.

Moreover, it is definitely because of Xiao Jiu that Master will come back. If it is not for Xiao Jiu, Master probably will not come back.

Shen Chuwei stood there in embarrassment, looking at Ye Suhan for a while, and Mr. Guoshi for a while, the more he looked, the more guilty he felt.

She thought she had a good eye, so why did she think that the national teacher must be an old man with gray hair and a goatee?

What's more, he didn't expect that Master Guo Shi lived in the same palace with Feng Wuyou.

Jun Moqing looked at Xiao Jiu, and asked Ye Suhan, "You found Xiao Jiu first?"

Ye Suhan glanced at Xiao Jiu, and replied respectfully: "When I found Xiao Jiu, I was not sure that she was Xiao Jiu. I checked and checked to confirm that she is Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chuwei, who was named, didn't dare to show his air. The national teacher is so hot, wouldn't he find out that she is a fake?
Judging from his tone, it seems that he is very familiar with Feng Wuyou, probably lived in the same palace together before.

She held her breath with a guilty conscience, and stood there obediently, so well-behaved.

Jun Moqing turned her gaze back to Xiao Jiu, and found that she lowered her head, which is not like her at all. Ever since she was a child, even if she did something wrong, she would not keep her head down and keep silent, but act like a baby until you don't get angry until.

"Little Nine."

Shen Chuwei immediately stood up straight, and blurted out: "To..."

This is because I was nervous when I was in school, and I would subconsciously blurt out the name at roll call.

This will make you nervous and guilty as much as stealing snacks during class~
She wanted to buckle her feet in embarrassment, and when she looked at Master Guoshi, she forced a smile: "Master Guoshi, I'm here."

Jun Moqing stared at her for a while: "Let's have lunch together."

Shen Chu smiled and said: "The younger generation is worse than obeying orders."

Jun Moqing didn't pay attention to her words, she looked back at Ye Suhan, "Follow me as a teacher."

Ye Suhan lowered his eyebrows and nodded, "Yes, Master."

Shen Chuwei watched Master Guoshi and Ye Suhan walk into the main hall, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief, Master Guoshi has a strong aura, and even Ye Suhan, who has always been fierce and arrogant, has become old like a mouse seeing a cat. Honestly.

Having lunch together, Shen Chuwei planned to cook two dishes to make up for the recklessness of the past two days.

She was also a little hungry.

"Go to the imperial dining room and bring back some ingredients. I'll write a list for you." As Shen Chuwei said, he walked into the side hall, took out a pen and paper, and scribbled down the names of a few ingredients.

At this time in the main hall

Jun Moqing sat on the couch, took a sip slowly with a cup of tea in his hand: "Do you know what's wrong?"

Ye Suhan knelt on the ground with a plop, and explained: "Master, this disciple knows he's wrong."

Jun Moqing asked: "Where is the mistake?"

"Disciple, disciple..." Ye Suhan faltered for a long time without saying anything, he didn't know what the master was referring to.

Jun Moqing looked at Ye Suhan with cold eyes: "It seems that you have a lot of things to hide from your teacher."

Ye Suhan lowered his head, and said respectfully: "Master, this disciple is wrong, I shouldn't have secretly learned hypnotism."

Jun Moqing flicked his sleeves, two strong winds were like two hands, only two "slaps" were heard, the mask on Ye Suhan's cheeks fell off, and two more slap marks appeared on his fair cheeks.

Jun Moqing said coldly: "You are not big, but your heart is wild."

Ye Suhan secretly swallowed the fishy sweetness in his mouth, and kowtowed: "Master, this disciple is willing to be punished."

He didn't know how Master learned that he secretly learned hypnotism, but he didn't dare to ask.

Jun Moqing said: "Punishment must be punished."

Ye Suhan didn't dare to make a sound, knowing that Master would be angry at this moment, learning hypnotism secretly, two slaps are nothing at all.

Jun Moqing put down the teacup and stood up, and walked slowly in front of Ye Suhan, with a cold voice: "Xiao Jiu's amnesia, does it have something to do with you?"

Ye Suhan said: "Returning to Master, it's not the disciples who did it."

Jun Moqing stared at Ye Suhan for a while, and thought he would not dare to lie, so Xiao Jiu's amnesia must be due to other reasons.

"Get punished."

"Disciple leave." Ye Suhan picked up the mask on the ground, got up and left.

Xue Huai had already been waiting outside, and when he saw Ye Suhan coming out with two slap marks on his cheeks, he took him to be punished without asking.

Ye Suhan asked: "Xue Huai, when did Master come back?"

"When I returned to the capital city yesterday, I immediately went to the palace to see Princess Jiuyou," Xue Huai said.

"I came back yesterday." Ye Suhan came to Sanssouci Palace yesterday morning, it should be after he left that Master came back.

Shen Chuwei was busy for a while, and made two dishes and one soup, all according to his own preferences. If he doesn't know the taste of Master Guo Shi, what if he doesn't like it?
Don’t think about it so much for now, if you don’t like it, just ask what you like, and it will be better next time.

Shen Chuwei asked the little palace maid to bring the food to the table, and she went to invite the Master of the State Teacher to have the meal in person, that's how people ask for it, and they take the initiative to show hospitality.

When Shen Chuwei came to the main hall, he found that Ye Suhan had already left, and only the national teacher was sitting on the couch with a book in his hand.

She walked in and asked cautiously: "My lord, the lunch is ready, do you want to eat now?"

Jun Moqing looked up at Xiao Jiu, "Let's go."

Shen Chuwei frowned, this was her signature smile.

Jun Moqing put down the book in his hand, stood up and went to the side hall with Xiao Jiu.

When stepping into the dining room, the little maid had already placed the food on the table.

After Shen Chuwei waited for the national teacher to sit down, she sat down slowly, looked at the food in front of her, and explained: "I don't know what the national teacher likes to eat, you can try it first, if you don't like it, I will eat it next time Just change to something else."

Jun Moqing glanced at the food in front of him. There were a few dishes that were not available in the capital city. He raised his head and looked at Xiao Jiu, "You made this?"

Shen Chu nodded with a smile, "That's right, of course it's not as good as the imperial chef, so you can eat as much as you can."

Jun Moqing thought of Xiaojiu when she was a child, in order to eat more bunches of candied haws and a piece of pastry, she would hold her arm and draw big cakes while acting like a spoiled child.

You satisfy me now, and when I grow up, I will cook a lot of delicious food for you.

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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