Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 578 Exposing the fake identity?Master Guoshi's eyesight

Chapter 578 Exposing the fake identity?Master Guoshi's eyesight
Xiao Jinyan looked at Xiao Jiu who was walking in front, took two quick steps to follow, and grabbed her hand.

Shen Chuwei struggled dissatisfied, but Xiao Jinyan's grip tightened.

"Do not be angry."

Shen Chu slightly raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, and said angrily, "Why am I angry, don't you know?"

Xiao Jinyan looked down at her, and said seriously: "I know, but I think you are Xiaojiu."

Shen Chuwei: "..."

Xiao Jinyan said again: "The national teacher also thinks you are Xiaojiu, doesn't he?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "That's because Feng Wuyou and I look alike. Master Guo Shi hasn't seen his daughter for almost ten years, so it's normal to admit a mistake. You may not know, but there is no blood relationship in this world. There are not a few people with relationships."

Xiao Jin said: "There are indeed many people who look similar, but your personality is similar to Xiao Jiu's, and so is your feeling."

Shen Chuwei turned to look at Xiao Jinyan when he heard the words, and touched his chin, "What you said makes sense."

Xiao Jinyan was a little overjoyed: "You also think you are Feng Wuyou, don't you?"

Shen Chuwei shook his head, "If I were Feng Wuyou, why did I become Shen Chuwei? The relationship between the two of them is irrelevant, and besides, the Shen family doesn't even know their own daughter?"

The original owner's temperament is not like Feng Wuyou at all, on the contrary, for example, the original owner is not a person who likes to eat and sleep, doesn't like pets, is very ambitious...etc.

It is very different from the Feng Wuyou in their mouths.

And she is from modern times, separated by the entire time and space, it is even more impossible.

Ye Anyu waited outside for a long time, and saw Feng Wuyou coming down the stairs. When she saw the man next to Feng Wuyou, her eyes widened in disbelief. Isn't this the young man she met on the street two days ago?

What is his relationship with Feng Wuyou?
Ye Anyu followed with doubts.

Xiao Jinyan guessed: "Maybe it's a mistake for some reason?"

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan in front of him, "Are you afraid that it will be difficult to choose at that time, so you hope that I am Feng Wuyou? Then you will be disappointed, Feng Wuyou and I will not be the same person, and..."

Before Shen Chuwei finished speaking, Xiao Jinyan covered his mouth. Just when he was in doubt, he heard Xiao Jinyan whisper: "Someone is following you."

Shen Chuwei immediately understood and stopped talking.

Xiao Jinyan said in a low voice: "You go out first."

Shen Chuwei doesn't know martial arts, if he followed Xiao Jinyan, he might not even be able to find anyone following him.

"I'm waiting for you at the shortbread shop."

Xiao Jinyan nodded and left.

Shen Chuwei went to the carriage to wait for Xiao Jinyan first.

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the pillar not far away, and walked over.

Ye Anyu showed a shocked expression, she heard correctly just now, Feng Wuyou is a fake.

This is undoubtedly the best news for her.

Looking up again, he found that the person had already left.

Ye Anyu turned around to leave, but just as she turned around, she saw a person standing behind her, she raised her head and saw the young master who was with the fake Feng Wuyou just now, the cold eyes made her back shiver.

When Xiao Jinyan saw the woman's face, he felt familiar, like Princess Ye Anyu.

"Who are you? What are you doing sneaking behind me?"

Ye Anyu was a little guilty, but at the same time a little excited, she always wanted to see him again, could she not be happy to see him now?

Only, the timing was wrong.

"Young master, don't you remember me? We met on the street two days ago."

Xiao Jinyan didn't remember her at all. Although he suspected that she was Ye Anyu, he didn't want to know.

"I don't remember, why did you follow me?"

Ye Anyu originally looked at him expectantly, but the other party didn't remember her?Although she is not a celestial being, her appearance is rare in Nanzhao Kingdom.

Don't remember?
Although Ye Anyu was disappointed and somewhat dissatisfied, she still said shyly: "I was just passing by and saw you and wanted to say hello to you, but when I saw you with someone else, I didn't go up to bother you."

Xiao Jinyan didn't believe what she said at all, he said coldly: "If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing that he was angry, Ye Anyu said aggrievedly: "My lord, I'm a princess. I don't need anything. I just came here when I saw you. I just want to make friends with you."

At this moment, two guards hurried over to protect the princess, each of them drew out their swords and pointed at Xiao Jinyan.

Ye Anyu shouted angrily: "What are you doing?"

The guard said: "Princess, I am afraid that he will harm you."

Ye Anyu glanced at Xiao Jinyan, then looked at the guard and ordered: "This princess and him just had a misunderstanding, you all step down for this princess."

The guards looked at each other, then put away their swords, "I obey." Then they retreated behind the princess.

Xiao Jinyan was just guessing just now, but this meeting has confirmed that the woman in front of her is Ye Anyu, and she has changed a lot from when she was a child.

Being entangled with her is not a good thing.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, don't let it go."

After Xiao Jinyan finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Ye Anyu finally met him, how could she let him go so easily?

She chased after her, "My lord, my lord, please stay."

Xiao Jinyan frowned, looked back at Ye Anyu, "Princess, is there anything else?"

Ye Anyu said: "Meeting is fate. Now that you know that I am a princess, I didn't intend to hide it from you. Let's be friends, shall we?"

"I have no intention of making friends for the time being. Thank you Princess for your kindness. I still have something to do, so I'll leave first." Xiao Jinyan left without looking back after talking with Ye Anyu.

Ye Anyu wanted to say a few more words, but when she realized that he had left without looking back, she gritted her teeth angrily, wondering what was the relationship between him and that impostor?
But it doesn't matter, Feng Wuyou is a fake, daring to impersonate Feng Wuyou is a death penalty.

Ye Anyu's heart, which had been depressed for several days, finally had some joy.

She wants to go back to the palace, and tell the prince brother about this as soon as possible, so that the prince brother doesn't have to try to curry favor with that impostor.

Ye Anyu looked back and led the people back to the palace.

Shen Chuwei stood beside the carriage, waiting left and right for Xiao Jinyan to disappear, feeling a little anxious.

Could something have happened?
Shen Chuwei, who was still angry just now, can't care about being angry anymore, and his heart is full of worries about Xiao Jinyan.

She held up the hem of her skirt and rushed towards the inn.

Before she could take two steps, someone grabbed her wrist. She turned her head suddenly and saw Xiao Jinyan standing behind her, and she was relieved.

Xiao Jinyan asked, "Where are you going?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Looking for you, why are you here now? Who is following us?"

Xiao Jin said: "The one following us is the Princess of Nanzhao Kingdom."

"Her? There must be no good intentions." Shen Chuwei still remembered that when she first entered the palace, she made things difficult for her everywhere.

Xiao Jinyan originally wanted to tell Xiao Jiu, but she knew that Ye Anyu was not a good person, so she nodded in agreement.

"I think so too, it's better to have less contact with her."

"I don't like her, so of course I don't like to be in contact with her, so why not make yourself happy?" Shen Chuwei pulled Xiao Jinyan and walked to the carriage, "Let's go to the palace first."

Xiao Jinyan let her hold hands, thinking that she was not allowed to hold hands just now, and now he will take the initiative to hold hands again, with a shallow arc on the corner of his mouth.

"it is good."

After getting into the carriage, Shen Chuwei suddenly smelled a scent. She turned her head and saw the boss taking out the shortbread from the oven neatly with a shovel.

I've seen it all, isn't it appropriate not to buy it?

Xiao Jinyan saw her standing still on the carriage, and when she raised her head, she saw her beautiful eyes staring at the shortbread, which looked very similar to the freshly baked shortbread.

"Want to eat?"

Shen Chu raised his chin slightly, "It's the tigress that wants to eat."

Xiao Jinyan knew that she would remember that she was angry again. As before, she would blame the tiger, lion or snowball, or sometimes others, as the reason for wanting to eat.

"Okay, I'll buy it."

Xiao Jinyan turned around and came to the shop, thinking of the appetite of tigers and lions, he bought twenty directly.

Shen Chuwei ran over holding the hem of her skirt, afraid that Xiao Jinyan would buy it. A tiger, lion and beast can eat a lot, and she can eat a lot by herself.

When she saw a few oil-paper bags in Xiao Jinyan's hand, she smiled.

Xiao Jinyan raised the oil-paper bag in his hand and asked her, "Twenty, is that enough?"

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, "Enough is enough, I can eat five."

Xiao Jinyan stepped forward, "Let's go."

After the two got into the carriage, the little eunuch drove the carriage back to the palace.

The carriage was very spacious. After Xiao Jinyan sat firmly, he opened one of the oil-paper bags and handed it to her, "Eat a piece first."

Shen Chuwei smelled the fragrance and couldn't help but want to taste it. He was not pretentious. He happily picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, took a bite, and put his other hand under his chin to continue. The surface of the shortbread was crispy, and the inside was filled with sesame seeds. ,tasty.

Xiao Jinyan turned his head and looked at her with a satisfied face. This is his favorite thing to watch, and eating with her is particularly appetizing.

Shen Chuwei took two bites in a row, and found that Xiao Jinyan had been staring at him but refused to eat.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Eat." Xiao Jinyan picked up a piece, followed Xiao Jiu's example by placing one hand under his chin, and then opened his mouth to take a bite. No matter how careful he was, crumbs of shortbread would fall into the palm of his hand.

Shen Chu took a slight look at Xiao Jinyan's movement of eating shortbread. Sure enough, a good-looking person who eats the same movements as hers is still noble.

She withdrew her gaze and continued to eat the shortbread, taking one bite to the left and one to the right, and she ate three pieces in a short while.

When the carriage entered the gate of the palace, there were routine inspections by guards.

When the guard opened the carriage door and saw a strange man inside, he asked, "Princess Jiuyou, who is this?"

Shen Chu glanced at Xiao Jin slightly and said: "He is my friend, my father wants to see him."

The guard has only been working at the gate of the palace for three years, how do you know who the father of Princess Jiuyou is?

"May I ask Princess Jiuyou's father?"

Shen Chuwei was also taken aback for a moment, they didn't know that Princess Jiuyou's father was the Master of the State Teacher?

But when you think about it, many people in the palace don't know that Master Guoshi lives in Sansou Palace.

"Master National Teacher."

The guard was stunned for a few seconds before realizing it, and couldn't help but widen his eyes. He has been guarding the gate for three years, and he has only heard about the Master of the National Teacher from other people's mouths. He has not seen it yet. I don't know if there is anyone who has almost seen the true face of Master Lushan.

"It turns out that Master Guoshi has returned, I just found out about it."

Seeing the guard's surprised expression, Shen Chuwei knew that Master Guoshi's reputation was not built on.

"Then can it be released now?"

The guard nodded immediately, "Of course, please, Princess Jiuyou."

After the guards let him go, the little eunuch continued to drive the carriage.

Shen Chu slightly turned his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, and saw that he opened the curtain to look outside. His current memory is the memory of Nanzhao Kingdom, and he should be very familiar with it after staying in the palace for so many years.

"Are you afraid of Master Guoshi?"

Xiao Jinyan put down the curtain and looked back at Xiaojiu, "Who is not afraid of Master Guoshi? It's not so much fear as respect."

Shen Chuwei nodded thoughtfully, "That's right, I was also frightened when I first found out that he was the Master of the National Teacher, but the Master of the National Teacher is still easier to get along with, even though he is in Feng Wuyou's favor .”

Xiao Jinyan couldn't help but said: "You don't believe in the eyesight of Master Guoshi?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Believe it, no matter how good your eyesight is, you may miss it sometimes. Of course, Master Guoshi is still very powerful."

Xiao Jinyan shook his head helplessly.

After the carriage stopped at the gate of Sanssouci Palace, Xiao Jinyan got out of the carriage first and looked at the familiar Sanssouci Palace as if it was just yesterday.

He turned around to help Xiao Jiu.

With Xiao Jinyan's support, Shen Chuwei got off the carriage neatly, and then the two walked in side by side.

As soon as I walked in, I saw the tiger and lion lying on the arch bridge, its huge paws were stirring in the running water, and the fish were too frightened to approach it.

Seeing Xiao Jiu come back, the tigon stopped playing in the water, shook the hair on his body, and walked towards Xiao Jiu.

When it got close, it rubbed its huge head against Xiao Jiu's arm.

Shen Chu rubbed its head slightly, took out a piece of shortbread and opened the oiled paper bag, picked up a piece of shortbread and shook it in front of the tiger lion, "I'm not lying, I brought you something to eat."

The tigon hummed happily, then opened its mouth wide and waited to be fed.

Shen Chuwei didn't disappoint him either, and fed the shortbread in his hand into its mouth.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the huge body of the tigon, which was more than twice as big, and he couldn't help feeling a little emotional: "Tiger and lion have grown so big."

While feeding the shortbread, Shen Chuwei said, "How big was it before?"

Xiao Jinyan smiled and said, "It's bigger than a dog."

Shen Chuwei knew how much the tiger and lion had grown just by comparing them slightly.

"That's grown up a lot."

Xiao Jinyan said again: "Tigers, lions and beasts are only close to Xiao Jiu, so you still say you don't talk about Xiao Jiu?"

Shen Chuwei said: "You don't understand, I have this ability since I was a child."

Xiao Jin said it as a matter of course, "You have indeed had this ability since you were a child."

Shen Chuwei: "..." But she came from modern times! ! !
She fed the last piece of shortbread into the tigon's mouth and rubbed its head.

"Let's not talk about this, I will take you to find Master Guoshi."

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Okay."

Shen Chuwei walked into the main hall with Xiao Jinyan, saw Xue Huai from a distance, and she shouted, "Where is Master Guoshi?"

Xue Huai replied: "Go back to Princess Jiuyou, the master is in the study."

Shen Chuwei went to the study once, and took Xiao Jinyan straight to the study.

When he reached the door of the study, Shen Chuwei was still a little nervous, nervous that Mr. Zhang Guoshi would embarrass Xiao Jinyan.

 Good night spicy!

(End of this chapter)

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