Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 579 The National Teacher Promises to Help Him Restore His Memory, and Expose the Fake Little

Chapter 579 The national teacher promised to help him restore his memory, and expose the fake Xiaojiu's identity in front of the national teacher

Xiao Jinyan looked down at her standing at the door of the study, but did not go in for a long time, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Shen Chu tiptoed slightly and leaned close to his ear and whispered, "A little nervous."

Xiao Jinyan thought it was a little funny, and said in the same voice: "Why are you nervous? You have never been afraid of Master Guoshi."

When Shen Chuwei heard the words, he knew that Xiao Jinyan insisted on treating her as the real Xiaojiu. The real Xiaojiu might not be afraid of her father, but she was a fake, and she was so afraid.

But that's not what she's afraid of now.

"I'm afraid that Master Guoshi will make things difficult for you. There is a saying, the more the mother-in-law looks at the son-in-law, the more she likes it, and the more the father-in-law looks at the son-in-law, the more picky she is."

Xiao Jinyan suddenly realized, and then nodded seriously, "Really? Then I will work hard."

Shen Chuwei: "..." You still nodded~
At this moment, the closed door suddenly opened from the inside, which startled Shen Chu slightly, no way, no way, the national teacher heard such a low voice?

After the door was opened, Shen Chuwei found that there was no one at the door. She looked inside and saw the Master of the State Teacher sitting in front of the desk.

She and Xiao Jinyan glanced at each other, Master Guoshi is very powerful.

The door is already open, so it's not good to whisper to each other.

Shen Chu slightly calmed down his nervousness, subconsciously pulled Xiao Jinyan's sleeve and walked in.

Xiao Jinyan glanced down at Xiao Jiu's actions, and he found that she always liked to pull his sleeves.

Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan stood side by side in front of the desk, she secretly swallowed her saliva, and called out unprecedentedly: "Father, he is here."

Jun Moqing paused while writing, and slowly raised her head to look at Xiaojiu in front of her. The voice of father was both familiar and unfamiliar, probably because she grew up, and her voice was not as sweet and coquettish as it was when she was a child.

Xiao Jinyan was born in an emperor's family, and the most important thing is etiquette, but at the moment he is not as calm and calm as he appears on the surface. After all, he is still a little nervous to see his father-in-law.

He stepped forward to salute, "Master National Teacher."

Only then did Jun Moqing look at the man next to Xiao Jiu, and she felt familiar just by looking at him, like Daxia's prince Xiao Jinyan, Xiao Jiu also loved to play with him when he was a child.

Shen Chuwei saw that Master Guoshi was looking at Xiao Jinyan, she smiled and introduced: "Father, he is Xiao Jinyan, you should know him."

Jun Moqing looked at Xiao Jiu with cold eyes, "The sweetheart you mentioned is him?"

Shen Chuwei nodded embarrassedly, "Yes, didn't you want me to bring him to see you? I brought him."

Jun Moqing looked at Xiao Jinyan again, not seeing him in several years, his facial features are more refined and three-dimensional than before, and much calmer than before.

"How did you trick Xiao Jiu into it?"

Shen Chu said angrily: "Father, what are you talking about? Am I so easy to deceive?"

Jun Moqing put down the pen in her hand, raised her eyes to look at Xiao Jiu, with a face control, it is inevitable that she will not be deceived.

"No matter how smart a person is, there is a time when he is blind."

Xiao Jinyan knew that Master Guoshi was eager to love and protect his daughter, so it was normal to have doubts.

"Master Guoshi, this junior and Xiaojiu are in love with each other, treat each other sincerely, and have no intention of deceiving."

Shen Chuwei secretly glanced at Xiao Jinyan, and didn't know whether Xiao Jiu in his mouth was Feng Wuyou or Shen Chuwei, so annoying!

Jun Moqing didn't pay attention to Xiao Jinyan's words, whether they are in love with each other, whether they treat each other sincerely, remains to be studied.

"Xiao Jiu's disappearance is related to you?"

Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "The junior doesn't know."

Jun Moqing asked again: "Then how could Xiao Jiu be with you after she disappeared?"

"...This," Xiao Jinyan couldn't answer for a while, because he couldn't remember.

Shen Chuwei looked at Master Guoshi, and agreed not to embarrass Xiao Jinyan, but now he will ask one sentence at a time, what is it not to embarrass?
She took a step forward and explained: "Father, he has lost his memory, and he doesn't remember many things."

Jun Moqing looked at her daughter's anxious expression, which was exactly the same as when she was a child, and she loved to speak well for Xiao Jinyan.

"Amnesia? When is the memory?"

When Shen Chuwei heard the words, she felt something was going on, she took another step forward, and told the story of Xiao Jinyan's indirect amnesia with a serious face.

"Before, he just didn't remember anything about Nanzhao Kingdom. Later, after he led the army and encountered assassins, he couldn't remember all his memories, and then he occasionally remembered things about Nanzhao Kingdom. Just like now, he only remembers about Nanzhao Kingdom. .”

Hearing the words, Jun Moqing raised her eyes and looked at Xiao Jinyan thoughtfully.

Xiao Jinyan felt a lot of pressure being stared at by the Master of the State Teacher.

"Master Guoshi, this junior really only remembers about Nanzhao Kingdom. I heard from Xiaojiu that I don't remember any memories of this junior after returning to Daxia, and I don't remember how I met her. Every sentence of this junior is true, and I dare not deceive the country. Master."

Jun Moqing: "I wouldn't even dare if I gave you the courage."

Shen Chuwei moved two steps towards Jun Moqing, grabbed his sleeves with two small hands, and called out very affectionately: "Father."

Jun Moqing glanced at the two little hands on the sleeves with her eyes as cold as ink, and then raised her head to look at its owner.

"Ask me for something?"

Shen Chuwei: "..." Uh!Master Guoshi is so annoying, he can see through her thoughts at a glance.

"Can you help him recover his memory?"

Jun Moqing looked at Xiao Jiu indifferently, "Why should I help him and waste my time?"

Shen Chu said cheekily: "He is your prospective son-in-law, just based on this, do you think you should help?"

Jun Moqing glanced at Xiao Jinyan, "Are you sure you want to marry him?"

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, she and Xiao Jinyan are already married~
"Of course, didn't you say that you want to see what I mean? You are so open-minded, you shouldn't be able to beat mandarin ducks, right?"

Jun Moqing: "That won't happen."

Shen Chu slightly tugged on the sleeve of Master Guoshi, and looked at him expectantly, "Then will you help?"

Jun Moqing said: "I won't waste time and energy on irrelevant people, how do I know that he treats you sincerely?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Whether it's true or not, I know best."

Jun Moqing looked at her, "Huh?"

Shen Chu slightly coughed twice, and leaned close to Master Guoshi's ear to whisper a few words.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Xiao Jiu suspiciously, not knowing what she was talking about with Master Guo Shi.

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, Jun Moqing said, "How do you know he's not making cakes for you?"

Shen Chuwei: "..." Master Guoshi actually knows about painting cakes?so avant-garde...

"There is a saying, the road I choose, I have to walk to the end on my knees. Although I don't know how to walk on my knees, I will definitely be able to walk to the end. It's just that the things I encounter and the method are different."

Jun Moqing: "..."

Shen Chuwei asked seriously, "Do you understand?"

Jun Moqing naturally understood that she always thought her daughter was like her, but now it seems that they are half and half.

"Two days later."

Shen Chuwei was so happy that she almost jumped up, seeing the cold and paralyzed face of Master Guoshi, she forcibly held back.

She turned around and pulled Xiao Jinyan's sleeve, "You can recover your memory in two days."

Xiao Jinyan was also very happy, he was eager to know what happened after leaving Nanzhao Kingdom.

He bowed to Jun Moqing: "Thank you, Master Guoshi, for your help."

"I'm looking at Xiao Jiu's face." What Jun Moqing said was that if it wasn't for Xiao Jiu, I wouldn't have that much free time.

Shen Chu gritted her teeth slightly and took out a piece of shortbread from her sleeve pocket. When she ate it just now, she purposely saved a piece and wrapped it in oiled paper. She had to donate it in order to thank Master Guoshi.

She opened the oiled paper bag, handed the shortbread to Master Guoshi with both hands, and called out sweetly: "Father, eat a piece of shortbread."

Jun Moqing looked at the shortbread in front of him, "Be courteous for nothing..."

Shen Chuwei answered shamelessly: "My daughter just wants to honor you."

Jun Moqing shook her head helplessly, picked up the shortbread from her hand and passed it to her mouth, and took a bite.

Shen Chuwei saw that Master Guoshi had eaten, so he asked, "Father, is it okay to let him live in Sansou Palace?"

Jun Moqing said: "You have already spoken, if I don't agree..."

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Shen Chuwei smiled and said, "You are the best."

"..." Jun Moqing: "Arrange a guest room for him."

"Okay, then we'll take our leave first." Shen Chu waved his hand slightly, pulled Xiao Jinyan and walked out.

Jun Moqing watched her daughter leave happily, looked down at the shortbread in her hand, and instantly lost its fragrance.

The Sanssouci Palace is very large and has many guest rooms. Shen Chuwei arranged Xiao Jinyan in a guest room not too far from her, and let the little maid clean up the room first.

Shen Chuwei thought that two days later, Xiao Jinyan would be able to recover his memory, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground.

"It's smoother than I thought. It's probably due to taking up Feng Wuyou's identity. If Master Guoshi finds out that I'm a fake, it will be the end of the game."

Seeing that she still didn't believe that he was Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jinyan was a little helpless: "Master National Teacher is not so easy to fool. If you are fake, Master National Teacher may be able to tell at a glance."

"Didn't you hear what the National Teacher said just now? Shen Chu cleared his throat slightly, and imitated the tone of the National Teacher: "No matter how smart a person is, there is a time when he is blind. "

Xiao Jinyan smiled and said: "Don't you know the skills of Master Guoshi?"

Shen Chuwei asked, "What's your ability?"

Xiao Jin said: "If you can pinch, you will count."

Shen Chuwei slapped his forehead, how could I forget, Master Guoshi is super powerful, so he probably knew that I was a fake? "

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

Shen Chuwei guessed again: "Then his daughter hasn't come back yet, and he misses her, and I look similar to Feng Wuyou, that's why he didn't expose it?"

"..." Xiao Jinyan: "...You can really imagine."

After three days of cultivation, Ye Suhan was finally able to get out of bed and walk around. During these three days, he had been looking forward to Xiao Jiu's coming to see her, but every day ended in disappointment.

That's right, Xiao Jiu hates him so much now, how could he possibly come to see him?

When he came out of the dormitory, the afternoon sun was particularly bright.

Ye Suhan asked someone to prepare a sedan chair.

After arriving at Sanssouci Palace, Ye Suhan first went to Master Guoshi to pay his respects.

He went straight to the study, knocked on the door, and waited for a while before opening the door and entering.

Seeing Jun Moqing in front of the desk, he stepped forward to salute, "Disciple pays respects to Master."

Jun Moqing was drinking tea, and quietly asked, "Why do you want to learn hypnotism?"

Ye Suhan lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "At that time, my apprentice accidentally saw the effect of hypnotism and became interested, so I couldn't help but learn by myself."

Jun Moqing looked up at Ye Suhan, "You are indeed talented in learning martial arts, but there are some things you cannot and should not learn."

Ye Suhan lowered his head, "I know I was wrong."

Jun Moqing waved his sleeves, signaling him to go down.

"Disciple leave." After Ye Suhan withdrew, he went straight to the side hall.

When he stepped into the side hall, he stopped when he saw the two figures in the corridor.

Shen Chu smiled and said: "I'm going to cook myself, and reward my lord, do you have anything you want for dinner?"

Xiao Jin said: "I will eat whatever you do."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, wiping his chin, "That's right, I know what you like to eat, and I'll make you two dishes you like."

Seeing this scene, Ye Suhan was going crazy with jealousy.

How did Xiao Jinyan appear in the Sanssouci Palace?
It is daytime.

What is Xiao Jinyan doing here?
Does the master also know?

If he hadn't agreed to Xiao Jiu, he might not be able to help Xiao Jinyan.

Ye Suhan's hands hanging by his sides were clenched into fists, his eyes were fixed on the two figures, he pursed his lips, turned and left.

At this time, Ye Anyu waited for a long time in the prince's bedroom before waiting for the prince's brother to come back.

"Brother Prince, I have something important to tell you."

Ye Yuxi just came back from the palace, holding the stinky tofu he just bought in his hand.

"What's the matter? So flustered?"

Ye Suhan smelled the bad smell, covered his nose and said, "Brother, what stinks so much?"

Ye Yuxi looked down at the oil-paper bag in his hand, and said with a smile, "I just bought the stinky tofu, and I'm going to give it to Xiaojiu to taste."

Ye Anyu was furious when she heard the words, "Brother Prince, Feng Wuyou in Wuyou Palace is a fake, stop doing useless work."

Ye Yuxi frowned, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I followed her to the inn today and heard it with my own ears. That counterfeit product is a fake. I said how could Feng Wuyou, who had been missing for so long, suddenly appear for no reason? It turned out to be a fake." Ye Anyu said angrily.

Ye Anyu asked uncertainly: "Really? Is Xiaojiu a fake? How do you explain the tiger, lion and beast?"

Ye Anyu said: "Maybe she has the ability in this area, so she can get away with it."

Ye Yuxi frowned, her younger sister would naturally not lie to her, "If Xiao Jiu is a fake, then it doesn't matter who is the princess."

Ye Anyu said: "Brother Prince, let's expose her, I have long disliked her."

Ye Yuxi thought for a while and said, "It's not suitable now."

"When will we wait until we don't expose it now? I can't wait to let everyone know that she is a fake, and see how she enjoys these honors that do not belong to her by relying on her status as Princess Jiuyou?"

Ye Anyu took the hand of the prince's elder brother and continued: "Let's go and tell the national teacher, the national teacher hates others to lie to him the most."

Ye Yuxi thought for a while, and finally followed her sister to Sanssouci Palace.

Jun Moqing smelled the aroma of food in the study, he put down the book in his hand, stood up and walked out, and saw the prince and princess walking towards this side.

Ye Yuxi and Ye Anyu stepped forward to pay respects, "Master of the State Teacher."

Jun Moqing uttered two words coldly, "What's the matter?"

"My lord, I have something important to tell you..."

Before Ye Anyu finished speaking, she was interrupted by Jun Moqing in a cold voice: "Get to the point."

Ye Anyu has been afraid of the national teacher since she was a child, and the cold voice made her back unconsciously shiver, and she dared not say a word of nonsense.

"Feng Wuyou in Sansou Palace is a counterfeit."

 Good night spicy!

  The next chapter restores memory!
(End of this chapter)

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