Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 580 Master National Teacher Wants Paternity Test?restore memory 1

Chapter 580 Master National Teacher Wants Paternity Test?restore memory 1
Jun Moqing's eyes turned cold: "What did you say?"

Ye Anyu repeated again: "My lord, the current Princess Jiuyou is fake. I heard it with my own ears at the inn. If you don't believe me, you can ask her face to face."

Jun Moqing glanced at the prince and princess, eyes full of disgust, "You came here in such a hurry just to tell me about this?"

Ye Anyu nodded vigorously, "Yes, my lord, I don't want to see that liar continue to lie to my lord, so I came here to tell my lord."

Jun Moqing said: "Is Xiao Jiu my daughter? I know better than you. Do you need to tell me?"

Ye Anyu didn't react for a while, because the national teacher's reaction was a little different from what she expected, shouldn't she be angry?

She asked again uncertainly: "Master Guoshi already knows that Princess Jiuyou is a fake?"

Jun Moqing said in a deep voice: "My daughter, who can fake it? Do you think anyone has the same vision as you?"

Ye Anyu was so frightened that her legs were a little weak, but she was unwilling to give up at this point. The Master of the State Teacher definitely didn't know that it was a fake.

She insisted and said: "I'm just worried that the national teacher will be deceived by the villain, and I heard it with my own ears, so there will be no mistakes. The national teacher can ask first."

Impatientness appeared in Jun Moqing's eyes, "Are you questioning my ability to discern? You don't even know your own daughter?"

Ye Anyu shook her head in fright, "No, no, that's not what I mean. The National Teacher is wise and powerful, but he is afraid that the villain will be tricky and unpredictable."

After Shen Chuwei finished his dinner, he happily came to call for Master Guoshi to have dinner, and saw Ye Yuxi and Ye Anyu also there.

She came over with doubts, and said with a smile: "Father, dinner is ready."

When Ye Anyu saw Feng Wuyou coming, she couldn't believe that she couldn't expose her false identity.

"My lord, you can confront me face to face."

She pointed at Feng Wuyou and said: "I heard what you said today, you are not the real Feng Wuyou, you said it yourself, you and Feng Wuyou will definitely not be the same person."

Shen Chu blinked her beautiful big eyes twice, it turned out that An Yu heard what she said tonight, and even ran to the Master Guoshi specially to pick her up.

She sneaked a glance at Master Guo Shi, his beautiful and frosty face showed no expression.

Believe it or not?

Is she dying?
When Ye Anyu saw that she was silent, she knew she was guilty. Look at how you can argue this time.

"Why don't you talk? Are you guilty?"

Shen Chuwei ignored Ye Anyu, but looked at Master Guoshi, "Father, do you need blood to recognize your relative?"

Jun Moqing looked at Xiao Jiu, "What do you think?"

Shen Chu smiled, "You decide."

Jun Moqing said: "This seat is not so bad that I can't even recognize my own daughter."

Shen Chu breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, Master Guoshi has a firm sense of self-reliance, if it were someone else, he would take it seriously if his entourage provoked a few words.

Ye Anyu didn't expect the National Teacher to believe in a counterfeit so easily, she still said unwillingly: "Master National Teacher, don't be fooled by her, she is really a fake."

Jun Moqing uttered three words coldly: "Get out."

Ye Anyu shivered in fright.

Ye Yuxi has been watching from the side. The master of the country obviously doesn't believe his sister's words. He glanced at Xiaojiu. Is she real or fake?

It's just that the most important thing now is to take my sister away.

He stepped forward and saluted, "My lord, An Yu has a straight temper and said something wrong, so don't be offended by my lord."

Jun Moqing looked at Ye Yuxi coldly, "You are the prince, let your sister talk nonsense and slander Xiao Jiu without stopping, your ability as a prince is worrying."

Ye Yuxi lowered his head hastily, "What Master Guoshi taught me is that the younger generation will follow the instructions."

Jun Moqing ignored Ye Yuxi, and turned to Ye Anyu again, "Apologize to Xiaojiu."

Facing Ye Anyu, the master of the national teacher, was still very scared, but she couldn't do it if she was asked to admit her mistake to a fake.

Why should a counterfeit enjoy better than her a genuine princess?
Master Guo Shi is also stupid, he can't even recognize the counterfeit.

Ye Yuxi raised his head to look at Ye Anyu, and said sharply, "Anyu, apologize."

Ye Anyu raised her head and glanced at the prince's elder brother, seeing that the accusation in his eyes was somewhat aggrieved, she pursed her lips, and looked at Feng Wuyou, still unwilling.

"Princess Jiuyou, I was wrong, I ran over and talked nonsense without knowing it, I hope you don't take offense."

Shen Chu cleared his throat slightly, "For the sake of the emperor, let's forget this time, if there is a next time, I won't let you go so easily."

Ye Anyu lowered her head and grabbed the hem of her clothes with both hands. It was obviously a fake, so what's so exciting about it?It's just relying on the prestige of the national teacher, without the national teacher, you are nothing.

Ye Yuxi knew that her younger sister had offended Master Guo Shi and Xiao Jiu, and it was easy to offend anyone, but the people in Sansou Palace could not offend.

"My lord, the juniors will leave." After he finished speaking, he pulled Ye Anyu and walked out.

Unwilling, Ye Anyu followed the prince's brother and left.

After walking away, Ye Anyu said indignantly: "Brother Prince, I really didn't lie, that Xiao Jiu is a fake."

Ye Yuxi said displeased: "Do you have any evidence? The Master is so powerful, how could he not be able to tell the truth from the fake? If you hadn't been reckless, how could you have offended the Master?"

Ye Anyu raised her hand unwillingly, and said seriously: "Brother Prince, I can swear by raising my hand that I really heard her say that she is not Feng Wuyou."

Ye Yuxi scolded angrily: "Enough, this matter ends here, stop messing around."

"Brother Prince, what I said is true, why don't you believe me?" Ye Anyu was so wronged.

"What you said is useless. The National Teacher thinks she is real, so she is real, understand?"

After Ye Yuxi finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Ye Anyu watched the prince's elder brother leave her and leave, clenched the handkerchief in his hand and turned to look at Sanssouci Palace, she couldn't believe that there was no way to cure a counterfeit.

She withdrew her gaze to look at the figure that had gone away, and trotted to catch up.

Shen Chuwei watched Ye Yuxi and Ye Anyu leave, and had the illusion that she would survive the catastrophe. If the Master of the State Teacher believed their words, then she would be finished.

She looked at the master of the country, and found that the master of the country was looking at him. Perhaps she was guilty, and she didn't dare to meet those eyes that were so good at seeing the ultimate.

Jun Moqing said: "Let's have dinner together."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Okay."

When Shen Chuwei and Jun Moqing came to the restaurant, the food was already on the table, while Xiao Jinyan was standing at the door waiting, seeing someone coming, he stepped forward to salute.

"Master National Teacher."

Jun Moqing glanced at Xiao Jinyan and stepped into the restaurant.

When Shen Chuwei passed Xiao Jinyan's side, he poked the back of his hand with his hand, the two looked at each other, and walked in tacitly.

Because Master Guoshi promised to help restore Xiao Jinyan's memory, Shen Chuwei deliberately cooked a few more special dishes, but most of them were her favorites.

Because every meal, the dishes served by Master Guo Shi are made by her. On the contrary, he didn't pick up a chopstick for the meals in the imperial dining room, and the accuracy every time is so admirable.

Jun Moqing glanced at the dishes in front of him. There were eight dishes and one soup, both meat and vegetables. He raised his eyes to Xiao Jiu, "Tonight's meal is very rich."

Shen Chu glanced at Xiao Jinyan slightly, and said with a smile: "Father is worried about his daughter, so he prepared a few more dishes to honor you, and I don't know if it suits your taste."

In the end, don't forget to be humble.

Jun Moqing glanced at Xiao Jinyan, always feeling that her daughter did not prepare these meals for him.

Xiao Jinyan felt the gaze from the Master of the National Teacher, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Jun Moqing looked back at Xiao Jiu, only to see her eyebrows and eyes curved, and felt that this table of food should be prepared for him, not an outsider.

Master Guoshi didn't move his chopsticks for a long time, Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan looked at each other, and they both felt tremendous pressure.

Jun Moqing picked up the chopsticks and reached into the soup bowl, picked up a piece of fish fillet and put it in his mouth. The meat was tender, a little sour, and more spicy, but the spiciness was just right.

After Shen Chuwei saw that the master had eaten it, he asked, "Father, this is pickled fish. Do you like it?"

Jun Moqing boasted: "It tastes good."

Shen Chu looked away happily, took a piece and put it into the bowl in front of Xiao Jinyan, "Try it, too, I specially made it less spicy."

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Yes."

When he picked up the chopsticks to pick up the fish fillet in the bowl, and just brought it to his mouth, he noticed the staring eyes from the other side, with a cold look, neither eating nor not eating.

Jun Moqing looked at Xiao Jinyan's fish fillet coldly.

In the end, Xiao Jinyan pretended not to notice Master Guoshi's gaze, and bit the bullet and ate the fish fillet into his mouth, so that he didn't even taste the fish.

Shen Chuwei didn't notice the dissatisfied stares and the difficulty of eating. She picked up several fish fillets and put them in the bowl, and ate them unceremoniously.

Today she asked the little maid to see what ingredients are available in the imperial dining room. She is now Princess Jiuyou, which is different from when she first came to Daxia, she didn't have anything to ask for.

When she heard about black fish, she thought of pickled fish.

I haven't eaten fish with pickled cabbage for a long time, it's so greedy.

After so many dinners, Shen Chuwei ate four bowls of rice before putting down the bowls and chopsticks in satisfaction.

On the other hand, Xiao Jinyan didn't dare to taste this meal, and always felt that the master of the country was staring at him.

Especially when Xiao Jiu was serving him food, his cold eyes became more obvious.

After Jun Moqing finished his meal, he didn't wait for his daughter to bring him some food. As expected, he forgot about his father when he had a sweetheart.

After Shen Chuwei wiped the corners of his mouth, he smiled and looked at Master Guoshi, "Father, did you enjoy your meal?"

Jun Moqing: "...not bad."

The smile on the corner of Shen Chuwei's mouth froze for a moment, okay?Is the food not to your liking?She glanced suspiciously at the leftovers in front of her... There was a lot to eat!

After dinner, before Jun Moqing left, he stared at the two people in front of him for a long time, and Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan were so guilty, he always felt that the next second, the master of the country would hold a sword and lay between them.

Fortunately, Master Guoshi looked at it for a while, then turned and left.

Shen Chu let out a long breath, and watched the figure of the national teacher enter the main hall, she took Xiao Jinyan's hand, and whispered: "I almost lost my job today."

Xiao Jinyan also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, always feeling pressured in front of the Master of the State Teacher.

"what happened?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Anyu came to pick me up again tonight, because she overheard what I said."

A trace of disgust flashed in Xiao Jinyan's eyes, "I knew she had no good intentions."

He asked again: "The result?"

Shen Chuwei said happily: "Fortunately, Master Guo Shi didn't believe her, otherwise I'd be done playing."

Xiao Jin said: "I really think that Master Guoshi's vision is correct."

Shen Chuwei shrugged helplessly, "Unfortunately not."

Xiao Jinyan couldn't help but asked again: "Why don't you believe in the vision of Master Guoshi?"

Shen Chu blinked his beautiful big eyes twice, looked around, and pulled Xiao Jinyan to a quiet place.

Xiao Jinyan watched her sneaky behavior, and followed her cooperatively until she stopped.

"Do you want to say something important?" Because she would be so cautious only when telling important secrets.

Shen Chuwei said: "I have a secret to tell, but I don't want to tell it, because you might not believe it if I tell it."

Xiao Jinyan became interested as soon as he heard it, "If you don't tell me and listen, how will you know whether I believe it or not?"

Shen Chu touched his chin slightly, and kept staring at Xiao Jinyan, "Do you believe there is a soul in this world?"

Xiao Jinyan froze for a moment, then shook his head, "I've never seen it before, I don't believe it."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Actually, I don't believe it either."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Then what secret do you want to say?"

"Let's talk about it after you recover your memory." Shen Chuwei raised his head and looked at Xiao Jinyan in front of him. It's been almost five years since she wore it, and it's been four years since she married Xiao Jinyan.

Xiao Jinyan didn't understand, "Why didn't you say it now?"

Shen Chuwei spread his hands, "Who told you to forget me?"

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

Shen Chuwei stood on tiptoe and stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around his neck. The height gap was too big, even if he stood on tiptoe, it was still a bit difficult.

The sudden hug made Xiao Jinyan stunned for a moment. In his only memory now, except for the intimate contact of kissing in Xingmiao, there is no memory of husband and wife.

Therefore, the intimacy was indeed somewhat uncomfortable for him.

However, just because he doesn't adapt doesn't mean he won't respond.

When he hugged Xiao Jiu, what he thought of was when she was a child. At that time, she was so short...

Shen Chuwei just said "baji" on his lips, "Okay, it's getting late, let's rest earlier."

Xiao Jinyan stared at her for a while, then nodded, "Okay."

Two days later, it was also the day that Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan had been looking forward to, and they were also very nervous.

Shen Chuwei watched the national teacher bring Xiao Jinyan into the study with his own eyes, and then closed the door.

Why can't she go in?

Shen Chuwei lay on the carved wooden door and looked inside desperately, but couldn't see anything.

A familiar voice suddenly came from behind, "Princess Jiuyou, I suggest poking a hole with your finger."

"That's right." People in ancient times peeped like this.

"Thanks." Shen Chuwei imitated the TV, put his finger into his mouth, then poked a hole in the window paper, and stared at it with his eyes up, not even seeing anyone.

 Originally, this chapter restores the memory, and the word count exceeds the number of words~
  Strongly recommend the new book, sweet pet, different character of the male protagonist, the pet wife is action-oriented.


(End of this chapter)

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