Shen Chuwei, who was drawing seriously, suddenly heard a cold voice. Even though the voice was nice, she was still startled.

When she raised her head, she saw a handsome face. When her cold eyes looked at her, there seemed to be imperceptible tenderness.

After being dazed for a few seconds, she smiled and stood up, "Father, you are back."

Jun Moqing nodded, "Well, I didn't see that, apart from eating, you are also serious about painting."

Shen Chuwei was a little embarrassed, "I drew for fun."

Jun Moqing said: "Show me."

Shen Chuwei just thought for a moment before handing the drawing board in front of Master Guoshi, "I haven't finished drawing yet."

Jun Moqing held the drawing board and looked at the characters on the painting. The distance just now is far away and the distance is close now. The feeling of seeing is completely different.

In the painting, he has a half-faced face, expressive eyebrows, and the blue and white clothes he often wears. He is passing candied haws in his hand to a greedy little girl. The girl has a very sweet smile.

Whether it is his calmness and coldness, or the immaturity of the little girl, they are all vividly drawn.

Shen Chuwei looked at Master Guoshi curiously, "Father, how do you know this is a sketch?"

"I've seen it, so I know." Jun Moqing continued to look at the painting. This is the second time his daughter has drawn him and herself. The painting is better than before. It's not at 01:30. The only thing that remains the same is that he bought candied haws feed her.

Shen Chuwei asked: "Where did you see it? Is it here?"

Jun Moqing looked at her daughter, and saw that she was looking at him curiously, "Do you think there will be one here?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "I haven't seen it, and neither has Jin Yan."

Sketch originated in Europe and was later introduced to China.

Sketch has not appeared in ancient times.


Jun Wuxian strode over.

Xu Qingqing followed unhurriedly, and secretly glanced at her future father-in-law. If Shen Chuwei hadn't been standing with only one man beside her, she really wouldn't have thought that such a handsome young man would be her father-in-law.

Shen Chuwei didn't lie to her, her future father-in-law is really super handsome and super young.

Jun Moqing looked up and saw Jun Wuxian, "You're back too."

"When I heard the news about Xiao Jiu, I rushed back." Jun Wuxian said, looking sideways at Xu Qingqing, took her hand and led her to the front.

"Father, this is my fiancee Xu Qingqing."

Xu Qingqing was embarrassed at first, but she was even more embarrassed when facing her super handsome and super young father-in-law.

She didn't even dare to lift her head, "Hello, Uncle."

As soon as Jun Moqing heard that she had a daughter-in-law, she looked at the girl next to Jun Wuxian, saw that she kept her head down, and asked Jun Wuxian, "What's wrong with her?"

Jun Wuxian glanced down at Xu Qingqing, saw her flushed face, and said with a smile, "Father, she's shy."

Xu Qingqing squeezed Jun Wuxian's palm, she was really embarrassed, and she was even more embarrassed to say it.

Jun Wuxian noticed Xu Qingqing's small movements, smiled and said: "Qingqing, let my father see what my daughter-in-law looks like."

Xu Qingqing was not only afraid to look up because she was shy, but also because of her own face, the effect of the ointment was not obvious after only two days of application.

Let the future father-in-law see the disfigured face, more or less inferior.

She pursed her lips, and slowly raised her head to look at her future father-in-law. She was still amazed when she saw that beautiful face again.

Seeing the scar on Xu Qingqing's face, Jun Moqing guessed why she kept her head down. If there was no scar, she would still be a pretty girl.

"When are you going to get married?"

Jun Wuxian said: "Go back to father, I plan to get married by the end of the year."

Jun Moqing: "Well, you are not young anymore, you should start a family as soon as possible, and you can't treat other girls poorly."

Jun Wuxian nodded and said, "Father, don't worry, I will treat her well."

Xu Qingqing kept holding Jun Wuxian's hand nervously, thinking that her father-in-law would say something in the future, but she didn't say anything, but asked Jun Wuxian to treat her well.

What they said is correct, the future father-in-law is not picky and easy to get along with.

Now that I have really touched it, the tension I have been feeling has gradually relaxed.

At this time, Xiao Jinyan also came over, stood beside Shen Chuwei, and greeted his future father-in-law, "Master National Teacher."

Jun Moqing glanced at Xiao Jinyan, then looked away and continued to look at the painting in his hand.

Shen Chuwei was still wondering why Master Guoshi knew about sketching, so she tugged on Master Guoshi's sleeve.

After Jun Moqing noticed it, she looked down at Xiao Jiu, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Shen Chuwei looked at him expectantly, "Let's chat."

Jun Moqing: "Okay."

Shen Chu slightly frowned.

Jun Moqing took the drawing board and led her daughter into the study.

Xiao Jinyan and Jun Wuxian also followed, but were stopped outside the door.

"You guys, don't come in."

After Jun Moqing finished speaking, he closed the door.

Xue Huai stood guard at the door.

Xiao Jinyan and Jun Wuxian looked at each other, since Jun Moqing wouldn't let them in, they naturally didn't dare to break in.

But both of them guessed that the chat between Xiao Jiu and Jun Moqing was definitely related to her background.

In the study

Jun Moqing and Shen Chuwei sat at the table, where tea and pastries were placed.

There were only the two of them in the study, and they could hear their own nervous heartbeats quietly.

Shen Chuwei lifted the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Master Guo Shi, and poured himself a cup of tea by the way.

Jun Moqing held the teacup to his lips and took two sips of tea, looking at his daughter, "What do you want to talk about?"

Shen Chuwei held a cup of tea and sipped tea to relieve her nervousness. After drinking a few sips of tea, she slowly said, "I didn't think I was your daughter."

Jun Moqing looked at her calmly, "Why do you think so?"

"Because of many reasons." Shen Chuwei drank two more sips of tea, and continued: "Actually, I'm not sure if I am your daughter."

Jun Moqing was a little curious about her thoughts when she heard the words, "Let's hear it."

Shen Chuwei told Master Guoshi one by one about his original thoughts and reasons.

After finishing speaking, he asked: "Do you think it is complicated?"

Jun Moqing shook her head, "It's not complicated in my opinion, you thought you were pretending to be Xiao Jiu at first?"

Shen Chuwei nodded in embarrassment, and was a little embarrassed, "At first I didn't think about pretending to be Feng Wuyou, the emperor. He said I was Feng Wuyou and asked me to stay in the palace. Later, I heard him say that the Master of the State Teacher would Coming to Dadu City, I happened to be looking for you, so I followed the emperor's will and continued to be Princess Jiuyou."

Jun Moqing knows that Ye Haoting thinks she is Xiaojiu without asking, and besides this face, there are also Caiyu, Tigon and Xuetuan's reasons.

"Then what did you ask me for in the first place?"

"Didn't Xiao Jinyan lose his memory? I heard that Master Guoshi is super powerful, and there must be a way to help him recover his memory, so I wanted to find you." Shen Chuwei still didn't forget to blow rainbow farts.

"So that's how it is." Jun Moqing took a sip of tea, and said quietly: "But it's normal for you to have such thoughts. Traveling from modern times to ancient times, and still wearing souls, I definitely wouldn't think that I was originally here People, plus you have amnesia, have ten years of modern knowledge and ideas, and there is no paternity test here, so it is easy to prove the relationship between father and daughter."

"That's how it is, so Xiao Jinyan and them all say that I am Feng Wuyou, and I can't tell about the time travel."

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she leaned in front of Jun Moqing curiously, "Then how did you recognize me as your daughter at a glance? Better than the paternity test? And how do you know modern knowledge?"

Jun Moqing explained: "Our space is connected, so we knew it when we stepped into the Sanssouci Palace. And your face, which is born from your heart, and it has been a few years since you wore it back, so it is also true from the face. It can be seen."

Shen Chuwei was shocked and curious when she heard the words, she grabbed Jun Moqing's arm and asked, "What is the connection between our space?"

Jun Moqing: "I gave you your space, I can feel it, but you can't feel it. It's like the main machine and the auxiliary machine."

"Can it still be like this?" When Shen Chuwei found out that he had the space, he thought he had his own golden fingers~ he was so awesome.

It turned out that she had an awesome father!
It's too bullshit.

Shen Chuwei's tone was full of expectation, "Then can you travel to modern times?"

Jun Moqing shook her head, "I can't."

Shen Chuwei asked suspiciously, "Why?"

"After you disappeared, I made an exception and made a divination for you. It was calculated that you would die. Judging from the divination, there is a way to solve it. You will be put to death and reborn. The moment your soul wears is equivalent to experiencing life and death, and you have also broken death. Jie. If I could wear it to modern times, I wouldn’t put him there alone.”

Jun Moqing said slowly, as a father, how could he not look for her when his daughter who was brought up by himself suddenly disappeared?
It's just that, knowing that his daughter is in another place, but he can't accompany her, thinking about her being spoiled and spoiled, going to a strange place, who will she meet?Will someone bully her?
These are unknown.

Shen Chuwei was so touched after hearing this, with such a father, what more could she ask for as a daughter?

"You can't wear it with your soul, so why don't you even care about your physical body? This body was almost destroyed by someone."

Jun Moqing patted her head, "Everything has its own destiny in the dark, too much intervention will only be counterproductive, understand?"

Shen Chuwei immediately understood after hearing the words, "I understand, if you bring her back and bring her with you, I might not be able to wear it back, right?"

This body was pierced by the soul. If Jun Moqing had been carrying it all the time and had such a powerful father protecting her, she would not have experienced such things as fighting for favor, and death would not be so easy.

And the soul wearer needs the right time, place and people, so that after the death of the soul wearer, she happens to be able to wear it back when she encounters an accident.

Jun Moqing nodded in approval, "This is causality."

Shen Chu tilted his head slightly and asked, "You can't go to modern times, so how do you know modern knowledge?"

Jun Moqing stared at her daughter for a long time, then said slowly: "Because, I was originally from the modern age, but it is somewhat different from your modern age, which belongs to the balance space."

He is a time traveler, and he hasn't mentioned it to others, not even Xiaojiu's mother.

Shen Chuwei opened his eyes wide when he heard the words, and looked at his father in disbelief, "You are actually a time traveler? From modern times?"

Jun Moqing said: "Of course, otherwise, where did the new things you ate and played when you were young come from?"

When Shen Chuwei thought of how she was treated like this when she was a child, she almost jumped up excitedly, "I'm probably the happiest person in the world, who dares to fight with me? I envy her to death."

Jun Moqing looked at her daughter so excited, she really grew up, experienced some things, became independent, except that she likes to fight her father, she hasn't changed~
After Shen Chu got slightly excited, he grabbed Jun Moqing's hand and asked seriously: "Are you really my father?"

Jun Moqing hugged his daughter into his arms, she was so small back then, when she was hugged in his arms, she was a little bit bigger, he didn't dare to use any force, and hugged her carefully, for fear of hurting her.

Now that my daughter has grown up, she can no longer find the feeling she had when she was a child.
"Of course, if it's a fake replacement."

Shen Chu slightly curved his brows and eyes with joy, "After being an orphan for so many years, I didn't expect that I have a father, who is also very powerful and handsome."

When Jun Moqing heard the words, she thought of when her daughter was five years old, other children had mothers, and they kissed each other.

Xiao Jiu would tell others that my father is very handsome and powerful.

Shen Chuwei suddenly felt that life was perfect, with such a handsome father, a handsome husband, and a pair of children.

Speaking of children, she hasn't told Jun Moqing that she's married yet.

Shen Chuwei stared at Jun Moqing for a long time, thinking how to speak so as not to surprise him?
Jun Moqing asked: "Do you want to restore your memory?"

Shen Chuwei asked: "Is it possible to restore the memory before the age of ten?"

Jun Moqing nodded, "Well, it's just a little troublesome."

Shen Chuwei said: "It would be great if I could remember it. If it bothers Dad too much, it's okay if he doesn't recover. Anyway, we already know each other."

"It's better to have a complete memory. In two days, I'll help you restore the memory." Jun Moqing actually wanted her daughter to be closer to him, just like when she was a child, she followed behind by pulling his sleeves while eating At the same time, she shouted in a childish voice: "Daddy, I want more."

Shen Chuwei started to get excited again, she could restore her previous memories, the memories related to Xiao Jinyan, she really wanted to know how she got along with Xiao Jinyan when she was a child, he kept thinking about it and couldn't let it go.

Jun Moqing suddenly asked, "What's for dinner?"

Shen Chuwei frowned, "What do you want to eat, Dad? My daughter will cook for you personally."

"It's just as you like." After Jun Moqing finished speaking, he couldn't resist ordering a dish: "Sauerkraut fish."

Shen Chu smiled and said, "No problem, pickled fish, I like to eat it too."

When Shen Chu opened the door happily, he saw Xiao Jinyan standing straight at the bottom of the steps, and when he heard the sound of the door opening, he raised his head and looked over, and he followed suit.

"Xiao Jiu, how is your chat with Master Guoshi?"

"We talked a lot, but I've confirmed that I'm Feng Wuyou. Dad is really amazing." With a smile on his face, Shen Chu pulled Xiao Jinyan and walked towards the side hall.

After hearing this, Xiao Jinyan was completely relieved, because now she is [-]% sure that she is Xiaojiu, and she couldn't be happier than this.

"Then did you tell your father-in-law about our relationship?" No wonder Xiao Jinyan was anxious, after all, he was not favored at the beginning, and the master of the State Teacher had his eyes on Ye Suhan as his son-in-law at first.

Shen Chuwei paused, a little embarrassed: "I wanted to mention it just now, but I forgot it when I was happy."


... Babies ask for monthly tickets to climb the list. (Implyed many times that the heroine's father is a time traveler~)

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