Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 593 After learning that her daughter became a concubine and got angry, she was shocked to fi

Xiao Jinyan could feel that she had just confirmed her identity and met her father who had been separated for so many years, and it was only normal for her to be happy to forget about it.

"It's okay, it's the same next time."

"I'll find a chance to tell my father that today is a very happy day, and we have to celebrate it." At this time, she was still immersed in the emotion of meeting her father. Anyone who has such a handsome and powerful father will be excited dancing.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Xiao Jiu, and after he came out of the study, he kept smiling, happier than eating two crystal elbows.

"You have been separated from your father-in-law for so many years, so it's time to celebrate."

The corners of Shen Chuwei's mouth could not be restrained from curling up, "I plan to cook by myself, Dad wants to eat pickled fish, and I happen to want to eat it too."

Thinking of cooking with parents and children, and making a table of meals, the little maid had to prepare the ingredients in advance.

Xiao Jinyan thought that his father-in-law had helped restore his memory, so maybe Xiao Jiu's memory could also be restored.

"What about your memory? Did your father-in-law tell you to restore it for you?"

"Yes, my father said that he would help me recover my memory in two days." Now Shen Chuwei speaks of his father more smoothly than ever.

Shen Chuwei also felt that from this moment on, she was called Feng Wuyou.

Thinking that she is Feng Wuyou now, she found an important question, why is her surname different from her father's?

Father's surname is Jun, her surname is Feng?

Xiao Jinyan was happy and excited when she learned that she could recover her memory in two days. After Xiao Jiu recovered her memory, she would remember their childhood memories.

Seeing that Xiao Jiu was frowning, he asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Feng Wuyou expressed her doubts, "Why don't I have the same surname as Daddy, but Feng?"

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Jinyan said, "Could it be that your mother's surname is Feng?"


I heard from my father that my mother disappeared suddenly, and she may have never seen her.

It's not easy to talk about Dad, a big man takes her and raises her alone.

The key is that after so many years, my father has no idea of ​​marrying another, which is commendable.

Xiao Jinyan hugged her into his arms, and the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time were relieved a lot because the mystery was solved. Fortunately, he liked Feng Wuyou until he met Shen Chuwei later, even if he forgot, he would still like her.

Like is complete, without any defects.

He was also glad that what he insisted on was right.

"After you recover your memory, we will go back to Daxia and miss Taotao and Susu."

Feng Wuyou nodded vigorously, "Okay, I miss them too, they say that children change every day, and I don't know how they are now."

She raised her head and looked at Xiao Jinyan, "I also want to tell Dad that he has not only been upgraded to be a father-in-law, but also a grandfather. He will definitely be very happy."

Xiao Jinyan hugged her, thinking that it would be good if he didn't get angry. He abducted the daughter of Master Guoshi...

However, the father-in-law should be very happy to see Taotao and Susu.

Feng Wuyou spent an hour cooking a table of dishes, and the five members of the family sat around the table.

Xu Qingqing glanced at the food in front of her. She had spent countless times eating in Hehuan Hall, and she immediately recognized that the food was made by Xiao Jiu.

She looked at Feng Wuyou with a smile, "Xiao Jiu, did you cook yourself?"

"That's right, we must celebrate well today." Feng Wuyou looked at Jun Moqing with a smile, "Father, do you drink?"

Jun Moqing said: "I'm happy today, drink a little."

Jun Wuxian was a little surprised, "Xiao Jiu can still cook?"

"Xiao Jiu's cooking is delicious." Xu Qingqing's little expression was smug, as if she was the one who knew how to cook.

Jun Wuxian saw that the food on the table looked good, and Xu Qingqing said that he was surprised but also looking forward to it.

"Then I want to have a good taste of Xiao Jiu's cooking skills."

Feng Wuyou asked someone to bring wine, first poured a glass for the old man, then poured a glass for Xiao Jinyan and Jun Wuxian each, "Brother, Jin Yan, you two have a drink with my father."

Father-in-law, of course Xiao Jinyan wants to drink two glasses with it, "Okay."

Jun Wuxian hasn't had a drink with his father for a long, long time, and today is another happy day when he meets his younger sister, so naturally he wants to have two drinks.

The men drank, Feng Wuyou and Xu Qingqing lowered their heads to eat, one was greedy, the other was greedy for Xiaojiu's cooking skills.

After drinking for three rounds, Jun Wuxian thought about his marriage, even though his father didn't care about him, it would be better to ask.

"Father, Qingqing and I plan to get married in Daxia at the end of the year, does father have any opinions?"

When mentioning marriage, Xu Qingqing's heart immediately rose to her throat. Facing the handsome and powerful father-in-law, she dared not show her air, so she could only listen with her ears pricked up.

Jun Moqing said slowly: "I don't have any objections. If it's you, you will get married at the end of the year, and now there is not much time until the end of the year. You should return to Daxia earlier to prepare."

Jun Wuxian nodded in response, "I know about my father, and I'm planning to go back to Daxia in two days to prepare for the wedding."

Xu Qingqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the future father-in-law is so talkative, no wonder Jun Wuxian got engaged when he said he was engaged, and he didn't inform the future father-in-law, and the future father-in-law was not angry.

Jun Moqing glanced at Xiao Jinyan, her eyes fell on her daughter, and she saw that her small mouth hadn't stopped from the moment she ate.

He withdrew his gaze, raised the wine glass to his lips and took a sip of the wine.

Xiao Jinyan noticed the gaze from his father-in-law, and thought that his father-in-law would ask him a question, but he didn't.

It's better to tell about the fact that he and Xiaojiu are married earlier, sooner rather than later.

As a man, it is most appropriate for him to say this.

Dinner was almost finished, Xiao Jinyan put down the chopsticks in his hand, picked up a wet handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, after wiping, he stood up, and when he looked at his father-in-law, he bowed first.

"Master National Teacher."

Xiao Jinyan stood up suddenly, and everyone looked over.

Jun Moqing raised her eyes and looked at Xiao Jinyan lightly.

Feng Wuyou asked suspiciously: "Jin Yan, what are you doing?"

Xiao Jinyan looked down at Xiao Jiu, "It's better to make it clear today."

Feng Wuyou immediately understood that Xiao Jinyan wanted to be frank and lenient.

She nodded, it's better to say it earlier, lest the father say that Xiao Jinyan tricked her.

Looking at the actions of the two, Jun Moqing guessed that Xiao Jinyan had something important to say. He put down the chopsticks in his hand, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, waiting for Xiao Jinyan's next words.

Only then did Xiao Jinyan look at Jun Moqing again, "Master Guoshi, now my son-in-law should call you father."

Jun Moqing seemed to have guessed it, her voice was a bit cold: "Don't be in a hurry to call Dad, I haven't promised Xiao Jiu to marry you yet."

Xiao Jin said: "But Xiao Jiu and I were married a long time ago. At that time, we didn't know Xiao Jiu's identity, so we didn't ask father's permission in time."

It is said that the first time is raw, the second time is acquainted, and it will be easy to call it dad twice.

What's even more fortunate is that he and Xiao Jiu fell in love and married each other when they didn't remember each other.

Jun Moqing stopped drinking tea, and when she looked at Xiao Jiu, she put down the teacup, "Xiao Jiu, what's going on?"

He didn't even know that his daughter was married?

How did this make him calm?

Even Jun Wuxian, who was at the side, noticed that his father, who had always been calm and calm, was not calm for the first time.

This is the difference between a daughter and a son. When he gets married, his father can do whatever he wants, but when Xiao Jiu gets married, his expression immediately changes~

Feng Wuyou smiled to ease the tense atmosphere, "Father, I was already Xiao Jinyan's concubine when I wore it..."

At this time, Jun Moqing can't even take care of his own fate, how can the daughter he loves in his hands be a concubine?What's the difference between that and the lovers of modern nurturing?
Immediately angry.

"I don't know if Xiao Jiu is married, so how can I be a concubine?"

Jun Moqing has consciously realized that she will no longer be angry because of one thing. After so many years, she can deal with everything calmly and calmly face it.

But this time, he couldn't deal with it calmly and face it calmly.

"Xiao Jinyan, are you married? It's really embarrassing for you."

Xu Qingqing thought that her future father-in-law was super easy to talk to just a moment ago, and she was glad that she was so lucky, but it took less than a cup of tea to see her future father-in-law get angry~
Jun Wuxian clasped Xu Qingqing's hand tightly under the table, reassuring her not to be afraid, and explained with his eyes that Xiao Jinyan was the one who got angry, and we couldn't burn it here.

Xu Qingqing opened her eyes wide, but she didn't understand the meaning in Jun Wuxian's eyes, but being held by him gave her a sense of security.

Seeing his father getting angry, Feng Wuxian immediately grabbed his hand and explained: "Don't worry, father, I have already climbed from the concubine to the position of the princess. Although the process is a bit difficult, the result is good."

Feng Wuyou's words did not calm Jun Moqing, but made him even more angry.

"Does my daughter need to compete with other women?"

Xiao Jinyan explained: "Father..."

Jun Moqing said coldly: "Don't call me daddy, I don't agree to this marriage, without my consent, it can't be counted."

Feng Wuyou immediately stood up, patted his father on the back comfortingly, and gave him comfort with one hand.

"Father, don't be angry, don't be angry, how can I compete with a bunch of women for favor? They are busy competing for favor, and I am too busy eating and drinking, so I have no time to compete for favor."

Jun Moqing's eyes froze when he heard the words, and he raised his head to look at his daughter. How could he have forgotten her daughter's temperament? How could a child brought up by him, a modern person, compete for favor for a man like other women?

Jun Moqing told her daughter since she was a child that men are not important, but that you are happy is the most important thing. You can't have a man with a bunch of women, you can't have a man with a sweet mouth, you can't have a man who just says nothing... and so on.

Being a little salted fish is the most relaxing and joyful thing to do without worrying about anything.

The reason why he makes his daughter a salted fish is because with him, her daughter can always be carefree. At the same time, he will still teach her some self-protection skills.

Being a salted fish doesn't mean being useless.

He also deliberately chose a future husband for Xiaojiu, that person is Ye Suhan, who can fulfill all the requirements he put forward, and will never take concubines for life.

Who would have thought that Xiao Jinyan would cheat him away?

Jun Moqing glanced at Xiao Jinyan in disgust, "Then why did you fall in love with him?"

Feng Wuyou looked at Xiao Jinyan, and found that Xiao Jinyan was also looking at her, she retracted her gaze, and said with a smile: "Xiao Jinyan is very handsome, but I won't be fooled by beauty."

Jun Moqing showed approval. With a father like him, he should be able to withstand the temptation of beauty. This is his daughter.

Xiao Jinyan: "..." He began to suspect that Xiao Jiu had taken a fancy to his beauty~
"I want to be a salted fish, eating and drinking, but..." Feng Wuyou glanced at Xiao Jinyan, "But he said that I am the only woman, and he will not touch other women in the future, so I compromised."

In ancient times, such a handsome and single-minded man was really hard to find. Is there any reason not to be tempted?

Jun Moqing: "..."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

Feng Wuyou continued: "Jinyan did it, and made me a princess. I can't say what will happen in the future. Cherishing the present is the most important thing."

"Father, do you think I'm right?"

Jun Moqing looked at her daughter and found that she had really grown up, knew how to make choices, and had her own bottom line.

Ever since his daughter was born, he has been worried, fearing that his daughter will become a woman here, respecting men, relying on men to survive, and competing with a bunch of women for a man.

Therefore, when Xiaojiu's mother disappeared, he could say that he took his daughter with her every step of the way. No matter how old she was, he taught her personally and never pretended to be her.

"Xiao Jiu has grown up, and there are some things that I have in my mind. If you think it's okay, you're right."

Feng Wuyou frowned when she heard this, "Father also said that some things are predetermined in the dark, so before I came here, it was all predestined, otherwise I would not have met Xiao Jinyan."

Jun Moqing felt a little regretful, "If I knew that you were someone else's concubine from the beginning, I would have taken you away long ago."

Jun Moqing can pinch and count, but fortune-telling is not just a matter of forgetting, sometimes it will backfire.

So he only counted for his daughter once, and the calamity of death is resolved, and the fate of great wealth and great nobility will follow.

If he knew that he would become a concubine, he would take his daughter away no matter what.

Feng Wuyou smiled and said: "Father, the beginning is not important, what matters is the result."

To her daughter, Jun Moqing couldn't keep a cold face, but her daughter has indeed grown up, knows a lot, and what she says makes sense.

Xiao Jinyan promised at this time: "Father, I will treat Xiao Jiu well, protect her for the rest of her life, and never let her be wronged."

Jun Wuxian knew why his father was angry, and he was also very angry at the time, when Xiao Jiu's identity was not confirmed.

However, I learned from Xu Qingqing that Xiao Jinyan treated Xiao Jiu very well, otherwise he would not let Xiao Jinyan go.

"Father, it's okay if you don't agree, your grandson and granddaughter will be soy sauce."

Jun Moqing was startled when he heard the words, almost thinking that his ears were deaf, and asked again uncertainly: "What do you mean?"

Feng Wuyou was a little embarrassed, and even her voice softened a bit: "Father, you have a grandson and a granddaughter. They are already over two years old, but they are smart."

The last sentence was deliberately accentuated, with a bit of complacency.

Jun Moqing was stunned for a long time. He really never thought that he would become a grandfather. In his eyes, a daughter is still a child. Marriage is enough to shock him, let alone having a child.

He actually has grandchildren?

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"


...recommended pre-acquisition of the new book "The Fake Daughter Just Wants to Be Pampered After Being a Salted Fish".

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