Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 595 Restoring memory, tearing off Ye Suhan's mask

After Ye Anyu finished speaking, she looked at Feng Wuyou again, because she was concerned about the presence of the national teacher, she restrained her tone, "How dare you swear that you never said that you are not Feng Wuyou?"

Feng Wuyou blinked her beautiful big eyes twice, and replied honestly: "I mean, but now I am indeed Feng Wuyou."

Ye Anyu saw that she had admitted it, and said proudly: "My lord, you see, she has admitted it herself, and now she says that she is Feng Wuyou, and she clearly wants to lie to my lord."

Jun Moqing glanced at Ye Anyu coldly, "As a princess, do you have a lot of free time every day? You always hold on to my daughter, what's your intention?"

Ye Anyu only felt a chill down her back, and there was interest in her eyes, "My lord, I am just afraid that you will be deceived by her and delay your search for the real Princess Jiuyou."

Jun Moqing: "Do you think this seat is you? So easy to deceive?"

Ye Anyu hurriedly explained, "My lord, I didn't mean that, I just..."

Jun Moqing said coldly: "It's not up to you, an outsider, to gossip about my family affairs, get out."

How dare Ye Anyu say a word?His legs went limp from fright, he turned around and ran away.

Seeing that Ye Anyu had left, Feng Wuyou looked at her father with a smile, "Father, breakfast is ready, let's go eat together."

Jun Moqing nodded, "Yes."

On the dining table, most of the meals were made by Feng Wuyou, fried dough sticks, dumplings, pan-fried buns, etc., as well as porridge with preserved eggs and lean meat.

When Xu Qingqing saw fried dough sticks and dumplings, she became very hungry. She hasn't eaten them since she left the palace.

"It's been a long time since I ate fritters."

Jun WuXian picked up the chopsticks and put a deep-fried dough stick in the bowl in front of her, "Then eat more."

"Yeah." Xu Qingqing shyly picked up the fritters and brought them to her mouth to take a bite. It was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, which was the taste she had always been craving.

Jun Wuxian watched her eating, and also picked up a deep-fried dough stick and took a bite. It was completely different from the meals he had eaten, and the taste was good.

Feng Wuyou deliberately cooked some more meals, because the father came from modern times, so he will definitely miss modern food.

She put a fritter into the bowl in front of Jun Moqing, "Father, you eat too."

"Hmm." Jun Moqing looked down at the porridge in front of him, and recognized at a glance that it was porridge with preserved egg and lean meat, as well as fried dough stick dumplings. They hadn't eaten them for many years, and they didn't expect to be able to eat them again.

He hasn't eaten for so long, he almost forgot what fried dough sticks taste like?

He picked up the chopsticks and picked up the fried dough sticks and brought them to his mouth, chewing slowly, it was the taste in his memory.

Seeing Jun Moqing eating, Feng Wuyou asked, "Father, how does it taste?"

Jun Moqing boasted without hesitation: "The taste is good, and Xiao Jiu's cooking skills are great."

Feng Wuyou laughed when she heard the words, "You're not good at cooking, how can you satisfy your own stomach?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at Xiao Jiu's actions, and felt sore in his heart. Sure enough, if he had a father, he would forget about him as a husband and not give him fried dough sticks~

Jun Wuxian tasted a few dishes and congee, they tasted very good, he smiled and looked at his sister, "I didn't expect Xiaojiu to cook so well, Xiaojiu was very lazy in the past."

Feng Wuyou shrugged helplessly, "In order to satisfy my appetite, there is nothing I can do, but Chunxi can cook, so I don't have to cook myself."

Xu Qingqing suddenly remembered that every time she went to the Hall of Hehuan for dinner, Xiaojiu didn't actually cook, but Chunxi did the cooking, and Chunxi learned her cooking skills from Xiaojiu.

"It seems that I also need a cook to learn how to cook well, so that I can eat Xiaojiupai delicacies every day."

Feng Wuyou said: "Why is this so difficult? I will come up with a recipe and let the cook follow it."

"That's right." Xu Qingqing happily continued to eat fried dough sticks.

Jun Moqing looked at the top of the pan-fried bun, picked one up, put it in his mouth and took a bite. The skin is thin, the stuffing is rich, the meat is tender, very authentic pan-fried bun.

Jun Moqing has never been so obsessed with food, but he has traveled to the ancient times, and since he hasn't eaten modern food for a long time, he will inevitably miss it.What's more, it's made by my daughter herself, so the meaning is even different.

Therefore, every time Xiao Jiu cooks the dishes himself, he will eat more.

After breakfast, the bowls and chopsticks were removed by the little maid, and then another little maid came up with freshly brewed tea.

Jun Moqing picked up the teacup and took a few sips of the tea. The meal I ate just now was quite oily, so drinking tea can remove the oil.

Feng Wuyou was so full that she couldn't drink any more tea, so she could only take a few sips.

Jun Moqing put down the teacup, looked sideways at her daughter, "Xiao Jiu, follow me to the study."

Feng Wuyou knew that her father was going to help her restore her memory, so she nodded happily, "Okay."

She put down the teacup in her hand, and obediently followed Jun Moqing to the study.

Xiao Jinyan also stood up and followed.

Seeing Xiao Jinyan's figure, Feng Wuyou slowed down and waited for him. When he approached, she asked, "Jinyan, why are you here?"

Xiao Jinyan held her hand secretly, and said in a low voice, "I want to wait for you outside."

Feng Wuyou was someone who had waited once, and the time was really long.

"It will take a long time to restore the memory. You can come back an hour later."

Xiao Jinyan said softly: "It's okay, I can."

"Okay." Seeing Xue Huai, Feng Wuyou suggested: "Let Xue Huai bring you some food, it's too difficult to wait."

Just had breakfast, eat again?

Xiao Jinyan smiled and said, "Don't worry about me, as long as you know, I'll be waiting for you outside."

"En." Feng Wuyou happily followed Jun Moqing into the study.

Without Jun Moqing's reminder, Xiao Jinyan stood at the door without taking a step forward until the study door was closed.

Xue Huai asked, "Do you need some snacks and tea?"

Xiao Jin said: "Tea is good."

Hearing this, Xue Huai turned and left. When he came back, he had an extra cup of tea in his hand, put it down and left.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the closed study door, thinking that the last time he recovered his memory, Xiao Jiu was guarding him at the door until he recovered his memory and went in to see him.

This time it was his turn to guard.

While waiting, I am also very much looking forward to Xiao Jiu after recovering his memory.

In the study

Feng Wuyou stared at Jun Moqing curiously, in fact, she was curious about how to restore her memory.

Jun Moqing turned around and saw his daughter's eyes staring at him, he said, "What are you looking at? Go lie down on the couch."

"Oh." Feng Wuyou bent down and took off her shoes neatly, then climbed onto the couch and lay down, staring at Jun Moqing, "Father, how do you restore your memory?"

Jun Moqing came over, sat down on the bed, looked down at her daughter, "Just close your eyes."

Feng Wuyou still wanted to see how to restore her memory, but she needed to close her eyes. She closed her eyes obediently, and quietly waited for her father's operation.

As a result, I fell asleep while waiting.

Outside the study

Xiao Jinyan stood tall and tall at the door, his handsome cheeks showed no impatience, but eyes full of anticipation.

At this moment, Ye Suhan came over, only saw Xiao Jinyan but not Xiao Jiu, and asked, "Where is Xiao Jiu?"

Xiao Jinyan looked sideways, and saw Ye Suhan striding over wearing a silver mask.

"She's in the study, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Suhan looked towards the closed study door, "My master is back?"

Xiao Jinyan said lightly, "Yes."

Ye Suhan looked at Xiao Jinyan curiously, "What are you doing standing here?"

"Wait for Xiaojiu." Xiao Jinyan suddenly changed the topic: "Xiaojiu will recover her memory soon."

Ye Suhan froze for a moment when he heard the words, what if Xiao Jiu wanted to restore his memory? "Then won't she think of me?"

"So what?" Xiao Jinyan looked towards the closed study door, "How sad would Xiao Jiu be if she knew that her former third brother did these things?"

Ye Suhan was startled again.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Ye Suhan, "Are you still wearing a mask?"

Ye Suhan looked calm, "If Xiaojiu wants to see it, she can show it to her. So what if she knows? If Xiaojiu hadn't sneaked out of the palace to see you off, how could she have been caught by the man in black looking for revenge? "

When Xiao Jinyan returned to Daxia back then, he wanted to see Xiao Jiu, but he had no chance. He was sent out of Dadu City by the Imperial Guards of Nanzhao Kingdom and handed over to the Daxia envoy.

Xiao Jiu probably didn't find him, that's why he sneaked out of the palace to see him off after learning that he had left the capital city.

If he knew, he would rather not see that side than let Xiao Jiu encounter this.

It's just that it's too late to say anything now, things have already happened, fortunately, they have met after going through so much.

"It's just that I'm not good at martial arts, and I failed to protect her well."

Ye Suhan felt guilty and blamed himself for not being strong enough, which made Xiao Jiu's life and death unknown and disappeared for so many years.

If he was as powerful as his master, how could he helplessly watch Xiao Jiu have an accident, but be powerless?

For a moment, both men fell into self-blame and guilt.

When Jun Wuxian came over and saw Ye Suhan wearing a mask, he didn't recognize him yet.

He looked at the person in front of him suspiciously, "Who is this?"

Seeing Jun Wuxian, Ye Suhan took two steps forward and introduced himself: "Brother, it's me, Ye Suhan."

Calling Big Brother, he called Xiao Jiu together.

Jun Wuxian was a little surprised, but at the same time curious, "So it's the third prince, why are you wearing a mask? You've been missing for so long, I almost thought you..."

After Xiao Jiu disappeared, Ye Suhan also disappeared, and they thought that something happened to them together.

Ye Suhan touched the cold mask with his slender fingers, smiled and said, "I'm used to it, when did big brother come back?"

Jun Wuxian said: "It's been a few days since I came back."

Ye Suhan was a little surprised, "I just found out now, how about drinking together tomorrow?"

Jun Wuxian smiled and said: "I'm afraid it won't work, I'm going back to Daxia tomorrow."

Ye Suhan heard the words and thought that Jun Wuxian had been staying in Daxia for so many years and settled down in Daxia.

"Back to Daxia? Are you in such a hurry?"

The smile on Jun Wuxian's face deepened, "Because I'm getting married at the end of the year, I'll go back and prepare."

"I see." Ye Suhan hurriedly congratulated: "Congratulations, brother."

Jun Wuxian: "I have time to drink wedding wine."

Ye Suhan: "Of course there's no problem."

Xiao Jinyan watched the two of them chatting like acquaintances, and suddenly thought of Xiao Jiu, who used to talk and laugh with Ye Suhan like this, and when he recovered his memory...

The three of them waited for a long time at the door of the study, until the door of the study was pushed open from inside.

The three big men leaned forward together.

"Father, how is Xiao Jiu?"

"Father, how is Xiao Jiu?"

"Master, is Xiao Jiu recovering his memory?"

Jun Moqing glanced at the three people in front of him, "Well, but you can go in later."

The three big men almost went in directly, but when they heard Jun Moqing's words, they all hurriedly stopped and said in unison: "Got it."

Only then did Jun Moqing come out of the study.

Xue Huai took two steps forward, "Master, the hot water is ready."

"En." Jun Moqing strode towards the sleeping hall.

in the study

Feng Wuyou slowly opened her eyes, staring at the beams on the roof for a long time, memories flooded into her mind like a spring, causing her a headache.

She frowned and closed her eyes again, trying to ease the pain.

It's just that the headache didn't ease, but continued.

When Xiao Jinyan and others came in, they saw Xiao Jiu frowning.

Xiao Jinyan rushed over immediately, sat down on the couch, reached out and hugged the woman on the couch into his arms, "Xiao Jiu, how is it?"

Feng Wuyou leaned close to Xiao Jinyan's arms, and only uttered two words after a while, "Headache."

After hearing this, Xiao Jinyan reached out and rubbed her temples to relieve her headache.

After a while, after the pain eased, Feng Wuyou slowly opened her eyes, looking at Jun Wuxian and Ye Suhan in front of her, the memories of the past and the present were constantly circling and entangled in her mind.

She suddenly understood that Xiao Jinyan looked like a fool when he recovered his memory that day, and she probably looked like a fool at this moment.

Xiao Jinyan asked Xiao Jin gently: "Do you remember?"

Feng Wuyou looked back at Xiao Jinyan, nodded, "I remember."

Xiao Jinyan smiled happily, "That's good."

Jun Wuxian also smiled, "I finally remembered, Xiao Jiu, do you miss Big Brother?"

Feng Wuyou looked at Jun Wuxian, who had matured a lot from ten years ago, thinking that he had never stopped looking for her all these years, so she was so moved.

"Of course I do."

Ye Suhan looked at Xiao Jiu equally excitedly, looking forward to it but also a little scared, afraid that she would ignore him.

"Little Nine."

Feng Wuyou knew that the man wearing the mask was Ye Suhan, so when she saw it, she blurted out "Third Brother."

Ye Suhan hadn't heard Xiao Jiu call his third brother for a long time, and heard it again after many years, his voice trembled with excitement, "Well, I'm your third brother, and I've been looking forward to your return."

Feng Wuyou was stunned for a moment.

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Ye Suhan, got up and poured Xiao Jiu a cup of tea, just like she poured tea for him when she came in, she would feel very thirsty when she just woke up.

"Xiao Jiu, drink some tea first."

"Mmm." Feng Wuyou just felt thirsty, took the tea cup from Xiao Jinyan's hand and passed it to his lips to take a few sips to moisten his throat.

After drinking the tea, she raised her head and saw Ye Suhan again. She remembered that Ye Suhan didn't wear a mask when she was a child.

"Third brother, come here."

At first Ye Suhan didn't like Xiao Jiu calling him third brother, but after hearing Xiao Jiu call Xiao Jinyan, after Jin Yan's brother, he wanted Xiao Jiu to call him Brother Suhan.

It's just that Xiao Jiu is used to calling Third Brother, no matter how much he reminds him, it's useless, so he lets her go.

Hearing Xiao Jiu calling him, he would involuntarily approach her.

"What's wrong? Xiao Jiu?"

Feng Wuyou stared at the silver mask for a long time, but still felt it was an eyesore, so she reached out and grabbed the silver mask and tore it off.


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