Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 596 Kill Xiao Jinyan because of this?Daddy really doted on her so much that she cried...

Chapter 596 Kill Xiao Jinyan because of this?Daddy really doted on her so much that she cried...

Feng Wuyou has long been curious about the face under the silver mask, but now that she regains her memory, it is also the appearance of Ye Suhan's youth.

So when Ye Suhan approached, he reached out to pick off the silver mask without even thinking about it.

What she didn't expect was that the mask would be torn off so smoothly.

The moment the mask was pulled off, the study suddenly fell silent.

Ye Suhan didn't expect that Xiao Jiu would take off his mask directly, and when his too fair handsome face was exposed to the air, he was stunned for a moment.

There are still some differences between Xiaojiu and when he was a child, at least he would ask him when he was a child, but when he grows up, he becomes smarter and gets started directly.

But when Xiao Jinyan mentioned this matter just now, Ye Suhan was already prepared, although he was caught off guard, he calmed down quickly.

Xiao Jiu wanted to see, why would he stop him?

Even Xiao Jinyan was stunned for a while, who would have thought that Xiao Jiu would put this matter into action just now after mentioning it a moment ago?
When Feng Wuyou saw Ye Suhan's face, he realized that he was a little more mature than ten years ago, and his facial features were more three-dimensional and handsome, but this face looks familiar?
She looked at it for a while, and came to a conclusion: "Third Brother, you look a lot like Little Master Wutan."

She said and raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyan, "Husband, do you look like that?"

Although Xiao Jinyan saw the face under the silver mask for the first time, he already knew that he was Wu Tan. He looked at Xiao Jiu's puzzled expression and nodded, "Like."

Ye Suhan glanced at Xiao Jinyan, because he heard Xiao Jinyan mention Wutan, and smiled at Xiao Jiu: "I don't know Wutan."

Feng Wuyou has been staring at Ye Suhan all the time, she grew up with Ye Suhan, she still has a little understanding of Ye Suhan, and Wu Tan's temperament is not at all similar, but this face is exactly the same.

The difference is that Ye Suhan's face has a somewhat shadowy coldness.

And Wu Tan's face was somewhat cold and gentle.

It's just that they look so much alike.

"Wu Tan is in Dadu City. You will know when you see him. We look alike."

Curiosity flashed across Ye Suhan's eyes, "Really? Then I want to meet him too."

"Wu Tan lives in the inn. I have been so busy that I haven't seen him for many days." Feng Wuyou looked up at Xiao Jinyan, "Have you seen Wu Tan during this time?"

Xiao Jinyan has been paying attention to Ye Suhan's expression, whenever Xiao Jiu mentions Wutan, Ye Suhan doesn't show any panic or fear.

He withdrew his gaze and looked at Xiao Jiu, "Wu Tan is no longer in the inn."

"Then where did he go?" Feng Wuyou thought that Wutan was from Nanzhao Country, so he went back to his home?

She looked at Ye Suhan again, looking at that face, she really looked alike, maybe because of her different personality, the expression in her eyes gave people a different feeling.

What Ye Suhan wanted to do most now was to hug Xiao Jiu into his arms and feel the joy of regaining what was lost, but he held back.

"Xiao Jiu, it's all my fault, I didn't protect you back then."

Feng Wuyou stared at Ye Suhan for a long time, he was still the third brother in memory, the third brother who went along with everything.

However, it was still sad to think of him repeatedly attacking Xiao Jinyan.

"Why do you want to kill my husband over and over again? You were not like this before."

"It's because of him that you had an accident. If it wasn't for him, you could live here without any worries. You don't have to be separated from Master, and we won't be separated. It's all because of him." Ye Su looked at Xiao Jinyan coldly, The moment Xiao Jiu had an accident, he wished he could kill Xiao Jinyan.

"What does my accident have anything to do with him? It's obvious that I was disobedient and wanted to sneak out, so that the bad guys got their way. Third brother, why do you put the blame on my husband?"

"Husband?" Ye Suhan's eyes flashed a coldness, "How many women are there in Xiao Jinyan's East Palace? He wants you to be his concubine. If Shen Chuwei's original body wasn't you, if you didn't wear it back, how many women would there be? He Where is it worthy of you?"

Feng Wuyou was stunned for a moment, then explained: "But he only has me as a woman."

Ye Su smiled coldly: "If you weren't here, do you think he wouldn't marry another woman in order to stabilize the position of the prince? How did you get imprisoned in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion in the first place?"

Feng Wuyou was stunned when she heard the words, Xiao Jinyan was very professional, if she hadn't passed through, Xiao Jinyan would not have been able to resist the emperor forever, would he compromise for the position of the crown prince?
Xiao Jinyan paused and said: "To stabilize the position of the prince, you don't need to rely on women, but rely on strength."

Ye Su coldly snorted, obviously in disbelief.

Feng Wuyou didn't want the two to always be at war, so she simply changed the subject, "Third brother, where have you been all these years?"

Ye Suhan said: "After you disappeared, I never went back to the palace and looked for you everywhere."

Feng Wuyou looked up at Jun Wuxian, "Brother has been looking for me too."

Jun Wuxian nodded, "Well, after you disappeared, my father left the capital city. I asked him and he didn't tell me, so I had to look for you everywhere. But from the attitude of my father, it can be seen that you just disappeared That's all."

When mentioning Dad, the corners of Feng Wuyou's mouth raised, with a look of admiration, "Daddy is the most powerful."

She suddenly remembered something, glanced left and right, and was a little disappointed that she didn't see her handsome father.

"By the way, where's dad? He didn't stay with me when it was such an important moment for me to recover my memory."

Jun Wuxian said, "Father should have gone to take a bath."

"Then I'll go find him after he finishes bathing." Feng Wuyou and her father have been separated for so many years, and she really misses him so much.

She raised her head and looked at Xiao Jinyan, Jun Wuxian and Ye Suhan in front of her, and lamented how quickly time had passed, the former youth faded from immaturity and became a grown man.

In the end, his gaze fell on Xiao Jinyan, who no longer looked like a 16-year-old boy, and his facial features were more handsome and calm than before.

Feng Wuyou stared at it for a long time, Xiao Jinyan couldn't help asking: "What are you looking at?"

Feng Wuyou frowned, "I didn't see anything."

Xiao Jinyan smiled and said: "You just recovered your memory, you should be very tired, take a rest first."

"Wait a minute, I'm going to see Daddy first, and then go to bed." Feng Wuyou was excited at the moment, even if she was tired, she still wanted to go and see Daddy first, she got off the bed, put on her shoes and walked out with brisk steps.

Xiao Jinyan watched Xiao Jiu's figure leave the study, and looked at Ye Suhan, who was also looking at him.

Seeing that his sister has recovered her memory, Jun Wuxian plans to talk to Qingqing about it.

Only Xiao Jinyan and Ye Suhan were left in the study.

The two looked at each other, and Xiao Jinyan spoke first, "You've done a good job at pretending."

Ye Suhan's voice was a little cold: "I don't understand what you're talking about."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Ye Suhan, but he still didn't respond. Although he was puzzled, he didn't continue talking, and walked out with doubts.

Ye Su walked out with a cold face.

At this time, in the dormitory
Feng Wuyou came all the way to the dormitory. Although she had been away for ten years, the place where she lived since childhood was still very familiar.

She came to her father's bedroom familiarly, and saw that the door was open, she leaned on the door frame and glanced inside, and saw a slender figure standing in front of the desk, wearing a blue and white wide-sleeved gown, which was the type most often worn by her father. The color to wear.

"Daddy." Feng Wuyou walked in with cheerful steps.

Jun Moqing raised her head and saw her daughter approaching, with a smile on her face, "I just recovered my memory, why don't you take a good rest?"

"I'm here to see daddy." Feng Wuyou walked to Jun Moqing with a smile, looked curiously at the two paintings in front of her, and found that they were all drawn by her.

One was drawn by her recently with a sketch, and the other was drawn when she was eight years old with a pencil from her father, which was also a birthday present for her father.

She raised her head and looked at her father with a smile, "Dad, do you still keep this painting?"

Jun Moqing said: "Of course, the gift from my daughter must be kept."

Feng Wuyou recalled many things when she was a child, her father never got angry with her, no matter what she did or what trouble she caused, he would always talk to her in a good temper.

When she loses her temper, Daddy will coax her to satisfy all her demands.

She likes to eat with her hands, and when she sees her father, she will use the hand that just took the pastry to grab his sleeve, and when she cries, she will hug his thigh, with snot and tears all over the place.

Daddy, who has always loved cleanliness, never disliked her for soiling his clothes.

As long as she can remember, Dad has been alone, coaxing her to sleep, telling her stories, and eating all kinds of delicious food.

The disadvantage is that my father can't cook, and he often talks about some delicious food, but he can't eat it. She is often so greedy that she can't sleep.

She reached out and hugged her father, "Daddy, I have grown up."

Jun Moqing looked at his daughter, no matter how many times he watched her, no matter how old she was, she was still a child in his eyes.

"Well, I have grown up and become more sensible than before."

Feng Wuyou said with a grin: "I can take care of Daddy now."

Jun Moqing said: "It's as if I'm old."

Feng Wuyou boasted without hesitation: "Daddy is young and handsome as always, I will cook whatever Daddy wants to eat in the future, so you don't have to rely on your brain to think about it."

Hearing this, Jun Moqing thought of Xiaojiu when he was a child, he often talked about some modern and delicious food, but it made her greedy, so she looked at him eagerly, "Daddy, I want to eat."

"Daddy doesn't know how to cook, imagine for yourself."

"It is said that a daughter is a caring little padded jacket, and this saying is not false at all."

Feng Wuyou chuckled twice, "Daddy, have you been separated for so many years, do you miss me?"

Jun Moqing looked down at her daughter, and after recovering her memory, Hu really got closer to her.

"My precious daughter is in another time and space, so I naturally think about it."

Feng Wuyou sighed, "It's a pity that I have been separated from Daddy for so many years, and I don't remember Daddy, I always thought I was an orphan."

Jun Moqing comforted: "It's fine if you don't remember, or you'll be even more sad if you want to be alone but can't see you."

Feng Wuyou said: "But the feeling of being an orphan is not good. If I remember my father, I don't have to envy others, because my father is young, handsome, and super powerful."

Jun Moqing thought of how Xiao Jiu was like this when she was a child, no matter how good other people's parents were, she would lift her chin and show off her father with a small and arrogant expression.

She would put her arms around his neck and say in a childish voice: "Owning Daddy is equivalent to owning the whole world."

Xiao Jiu is very smart, and he can draw inferences from one instance. This sentence comes from him, "Owning Xiao Jiu, Daddy is equal to having full time."

When he is wronged, he will hug his leg like a koala, "Daddy, the little bear biscuit in the nest... was caught by a fish."

After he inquired clearly, he found out that she was lying on the fence eating biscuits, but fell into the water and was eaten by fish.

Bear biscuits are modern snacks. He has been keeping them in the space and is reluctant to eat them.

When he was happy, he would tug on his sleeves and follow him in a bouncing manner, with a soft and sticky voice: "Daddy, I want some sweets."

After eating, she will stretch out her fleshy little hand towards him, "Daddy, Daddy, I want more."

Jun Moqing deliberately scares her daughter: "If you eat too much, your teeth will grow worms."

Xiao Jiuhui immediately opened his mouth wide, "Daddy, Daddy, hurry up and catch the bugs."

Countless images of his daughter's childhood flashed through Jun Moqing's mind. After so many years of separation, he, who seemed calm on the surface, was actually more anxious than anyone else, and missed Xiaojiu more than anyone else.

It's just that there are some things that he can't change.

All he can do is wait and miss.

But her daughter is only ten years old, and she has to face the strange time independently, from a spoiled little princess to an orphan, seeing other people's parents, she doesn't even show off.

Jun Moqing listened to his daughter's choked voice, tears glistened in his beautiful starry eyes, he rubbed his daughter's head distressedly, "It's good to be back, we won't be separated in the future."

Feng Wuyou nodded vigorously, "Well, I will never be separated from Daddy again."

Jun Moqing patted her daughter's back lightly, as if she had returned to when she was a child. She was only three years old at that time. When she woke up and didn't see him, she was out of breath from crying and was so wronged.

When he heard the sound and returned to the room, Xiao Jiu immediately reached out to hug him after seeing him.

After he picked her up, Xiao Jiu was still sobbing aggrievedly, as if she had been bullied.

"Tomorrow, we will go to Daxia. You haven't seen Taotao and Susu for so long, and you miss them very much."

Feng Wuyou secretly wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, "It's been a long time since I saw you, Daddy will definitely like them when he sees them."

Jun Moqing said: "That's natural, my daughter's child, how can I not like it?"

Feng Wuyou laughed upon hearing this, "That's true."

Jun Moqing looked at her daughter, still lamenting that her daughter got married too early.

"You and Xiao Jinyan are already married and have children, so it's useless for me to object. However, if he dares to bully you, you don't have to endure it, just make up and leave. Neither of the two children will be left to him. I will help you raise them."

Jun Moqing's words are telling her daughter that he is the strongest backing behind her, so don't be afraid.

Feng Wuyou couldn't hold back her laughter, "I see, Daddy."

at night
Feng Wuyou actually had nothing to pack, she put all the things she brought into the space, and she was lying on the bed waiting for Xiao Jinyan.

Xiao Jinyan came out after taking a bath and saw Xiao Jiu lying on the bed, so he walked over.

After going to bed and lying down next to Xiao Jiu, too many things happened during this period, but it was also something to be happy about.

He hugged her excitedly and returned to Daxia tomorrow, so he didn't do anything tonight and had a good rest.

Feng Wuyou raised her head from his embrace, "I suddenly understood why you said that that night."

 Good night spicy!

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(End of this chapter)

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