Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 597 The function of space that she doesn't know, Susu looks for Mama

After hearing this, Xiao Jinyan looked down at her with curiosity, "What do you understand?"

Feng Wuyou snorted: "You were the one who offended me after I recovered my memory, that's why you said that."

Xiao Jinyan couldn't help laughing, "Well, I guessed half right."

Feng Wuyou thought that Xiao Jinyan would be nervous or something, but saw him smiling.

"stop laughing."

Xiao Jinyan looked at her seriously, "I was afraid that you would be disappointed and disappointed. I thought that what happened when I was a child was insignificant in my eyes and could be discarded. I can't let it go because the memories that belonged to us when we were young are too important. , so important that you can't let go. If you say the words of letting go easily to coax you, won't you feel lost now?"

Feng Wuyou curled her lips, "What you say is reasonable, but if I know that you don't care about what happened when you were young, I will really feel very sad."

Xiao Jinyan hugged her into his arms again, recalling all the past, still feeling lucky.

"This arrangement of fate shows that we have fate. Even if we have been separated for ten years, we will still meet again. Even if we don't remember, we will still cherish each other."

Feng Wuyou agreed, "It's very predestined. I became your concubine as soon as I put it on, and even the process from falling in love to talking about marriage is saved."

Xiao Jinyan smiled, knowing what she meant by falling in love, and comforted her: "The same goes for falling in love after marriage."

Things have already happened, what can Feng Wuyou say?But the beginning is not important, what matters is the result.

She yawned, "Sleepy."

Xiao Jinyan said softly: "Go to sleep, tomorrow we will set off for the big summer."

"Yeah." Feng Wuyou closed her eyes and muttered, "But it will take a long time to see Taotao and Susu."

Xiao Jinyan patted her on the back reassuringly. Xiao Jiu could have been with her son and daughter every day because he was only so far away from the palace.

And because of his persistence, he accompanied him to Nanzhao Kingdom without hesitation, fortunately, it was rewarding.

Xiao Jinyan fell asleep with Xiao Jiu in his arms, and he slept very deeply.

the next morning,
While Feng Wuyou was eating breakfast, Ye Suhan came.

"Little Nine."

Feng Wuyou was still eating her meal, when she saw Ye Suhan, she called out: "Third Brother."

Ye Suhan stood in front of Xiao Jiu, looking at her bulging cheeks with the food in her mouth.

"I heard that you are going back to Daxia."

"Well, it's been too long since I've been out, and I miss the babies." Speaking of babies, Feng Wuyou remembered that she told Ye Suhan about having babies, "Third brother, I have a pair of baby twins, they are already over two years old , if you have time, you can go to Daxia to see them."

"Okay, then I'll go to Daxia with you." Ye Suhan said, looking at Xiao Jinyan with a smile on his lips, "Prince Daxia should welcome you, right?"

Xiao Jinyan has never seen such a brazen person, and still wants to go to Daxia?
"Of course you are welcome." Xiao Jinyan gritted his teeth and spit out four words.

The smile in Ye Suhan's eyes got bigger.

When there was no one around, Feng Wuyou asked: "Third brother, were you angry before?"

Ye Suhan asked suspiciously: "What are you talking about?"

Feng Wuyou said: "That is, if you said you want me to marry you, is it because I don't remember you and you are angry?"

Ye Suhan didn't answer but asked instead: "Why do you think I said such things out of anger instead of the truth?"

"But isn't our relationship like brother and sister? You are just like my own brother." Feng Wuyou has always regarded Ye Suhan as her elder brother, so unlike other princes, she has a very good relationship with Ye Suhan, because her eldest brother is not She is often by her side, so she spends more time with Ye Suhan.

Ye Suhan said: "But what I tell you is the truth, and I never treat you as a younger sister, but always as a future daughter-in-law. Master also said that as long as I work hard, I can marry you .”

"Besides, I'm not angry. I'm already very happy that you can come back."

Feng Wuyou was stunned when she heard the words, no wonder Ye Suhan always said when he was a child that he wanted her to be his concubine, give her delicious food, and said he wanted to make her fat.

She said, "I can't carry my back when I'm fat."

Ye Suhan said, "No matter how fat you are, you can move your back."

When she was a child, she was raised like a glutinous rice dumpling, with a chubby face and a heavier weight than ordinary little girls.

Except for Ye Anyu who said she was fat, no one said she was fat.

Ye Suhan said again: "When you were five years old, didn't I say I wanted you to be my princess? You even nodded in agreement."

Feng Wuyou felt a little speechless, "Who said this to a five-year-old child? I was thinking about food at the time, and thought you were coaxing me, so I nodded. Besides, what didn't you say when you coaxed me?"

Ye Suhan replied seriously: "But what I say is serious."

Feng Wuyou: "..."

Ye Suhan couldn't help but asked again: "Am I not good-looking?"

Feng Wuyou nodded, "It's pretty."

Ye Suhan asked: "Then why don't you like me?"

Feng Wuyou said: "I like the third brother, there are so many princes, I only like the third brother, but it's different from liking Xiao Jinyan, does the third brother understand?"

There are thirteen princes under Ye Haoting's knees, Xiao Jiu only calls him third brother, other princes don't get this treatment.

Xiao Jiu was only close to him, and he was the only one who had ever recited Xiao Jiu.

Ye Suhan snorted: "I don't want to understand."

Feng Wuyou: "..."

After tidying up, Feng Wuyou hugged the snowball, and when she saw Caiyu and the tigon, she took Caiyu with her.

It's just that the tigon is too big to carry.

Seeing the big copper bell-like eyes of the tigon staring at him, he must have guessed that she was leaving.

Feng Wuyou rubbed the huge head of the tiger and lion beast, "I'm leaving Sanssouci Palace and going back to Daxia, and I'm also reluctant to leave you in Sanssouci Palace, but you..."

She looked up and down the tigon, "It's too big to carry."

"Aww." The tigon howled a little aggrieved, it was reluctant to part even if the tigon was a wild beast after being separated for so long.

Jun Moqing came over and stood beside her daughter, and said softly, "Xiao Jiu, what's wrong?"

"Daddy, I can't bear to leave the tiger, lion and beast here." Feng Wuyou knew that it would be difficult not to see each other again this time, Nanzhao Kingdom is thousands of miles away from Daxia, so they didn't just come here just because they wanted to.

Jun Moqing said calmly, "It's simple."

Feng Wuyou almost thought she had heard it wrong, "...Father, is this easy? I'm going to separate from the tiger, lion, and beast."

She retracted her eyes and looked at the tigon. It was only a little big when she picked it up, and she was really reluctant to part with it.

Just then, something weird happened.

Feng Wuyou watched the tigon in front of her suddenly disappear, she rubbed her eyes, the big tigon disappeared?

She was stunned for a while, then suddenly thought of her father, and turned to look at him, "Dad, you probably took the tiger and lion beast, right?"

Jun Moqing said lightly: "Well, put it in the space."

Feng Wuyou was shocked, "Is it possible to put living things in the space?"

Jun Moqing asked back, "Why not?"

"I always thought that you can't put live things." For the first time, Feng Wuyou felt so stupid that he didn't know the function of space, otherwise he would have to bring some chickens and ducks out of the chicken coop.

Jun Moqing reassured: "It's not too late to know now."

"It's not too late, it's just that it's been useless for so many years, it's a bit of a loss." Feng Wuyou almost beat his chest, he didn't know much about the functions in the space.

Jun Moqing said: "Okay, it's time to set off."

Feng Wuyou nodded.

A group of people left the metropolis in a carriage.

In the carriage, Feng Wuyou looked at the snow ball in her arms, no wonder the snow ball came to look for her when she first came through, it turned out to be her spiritual pet.

I heard from my father that a spiritual pet like Xuetuan is rare in a hundred years.

No wonder so smart.

She smiled, suddenly felt something was wrong, turned her head to look at her father, "Daddy, are tigers, lions and beasts considered spiritual pets?"

Jun Moqing nodded, "It's okay."

Feng Wuyou felt that she was fooled by her father, "Didn't you say that spiritual pets are rare in a hundred years? I met two at once?"

Jun Moqing said with confidence, "It's true that you meet once in a hundred years, but you are lucky, you have met them."

Feng Wuyou: "..." Why do I feel that my father's words are a little unreliable?

Inside the Daxia Palace

After Xiao Jinyu came back from Mobei, she found that her daughter-in-law had lost a lot of weight, and her heart ached for a long time.

"Didn't I tell you to go to my sister-in-law's chicken coop to grab some chicken and stew it? Look at you, you are so thin, you don't even have any meat." Xiao Jinyu reached her waist while speaking, and pinched it. There was no meat, and my heart ached. To no avail.

Miss Han was a little itchy from being touched, she grabbed Xiao Jinyu's hand and stopped him from touching it, "Don't touch it."

Xiao Jinyu hugged her into his arms, and his hands were dishonest, "What's wrong with me touching? You won't let me touch after being separated for so long?"

Miss Han blushed a little, "It's daytime now."

"What's the matter during the day?" Xiao Jinyu lowered his head and kissed Miss Han's face, feeling that it wasn't enough, so he went to kiss her small mouth.

After being separated for such a long time, it's okay to be busy killing enemies during the day, but at night, I miss my wife so much that I can't fall asleep thinking about it.

Miss Han was panting from the fuss, "Jin Yu, stop the fuss."

Xiao Jinyu missed his wife so much, so he just wanted to get closer to her when he came back. Seeing that her face was a little bad, he felt even more distressed.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore. I'll go to the chicken coop and catch an old hen to feed you."

Miss Han nodded, "OK."

Xiao Jinyu hugged his wife and was reluctant to let go, "Would you like to go over and have a look together? Isn't it uncomfortable to be bored in the house all day?"

When Xiao Jinyu was away, Miss Han stayed in the house, or watered the flowers at the door or something.

Now that Xiao Jinyu is back, it would be nice to go out with him.

"Then let's go and have a look."

"Okay, I'll put on shoes for you too." Xiao Jinyu got up and squatted down in front of her, supported her feet with one hand, picked up the embroidered shoes on the pedal with the other, and put them on firmly for her.

Miss Han looked down at Xiao Jinyu's actions, who would have thought that a dude prince would be so careful?
The past few years of getting along has also let her know that Xiao Jinyu looks unreliable, but in fact he is more reliable than anyone else.

Xiao Jinyu stood up and reached out to hold her hand, "Okay, let's go."


Miss Han followed Xiao Jinyu out of the house, and when she passed the front yard, Wan Xin came back from the outside and bumped into her.

Wan Xin walked over with a gentle smile on her lips, "My lord, where are you going?"

Xiao Jin said: "I took her to the chicken coop to have a look. She lost a lot of weight. I plan to catch a chicken to make up for her."

Wan Xin stared at Miss Han, she had indeed lost some weight, and she never understood why the prince wanted Miss Han?She looked thin, and her figure was not as exquisite as a woman's.

"My lord, I also want to go and have a look."

"You'd better not go, I just go with her." Xiao Jinyu said, leading his daughter-in-law and walking out in front of Wanxin.

Miss Han glanced at Wanxin lightly, but didn't take her seriously. She knew better than anyone how straight Xiao Jinyu was.

Wan Xin froze in place, seeing Xiao Jinyu walking out with Miss Han in his arms, she couldn't help but clenched the handkerchief in her hand tightly.

Miss Han is your side concubine, and I am also your side concubine, why can't they be treated equally?

The more Wan Xin thought about it, the more unwilling she became. She thought that choosing a man like Xiao Jinyu would be a good destination.

In the end, she had to choose from thousands of choices, but she still chose the one who didn't care about her. How could she not be better than any Han girl?

Xiao Jinyu naturally didn't hear Wanxin's words.

Xiao Jinyu didn't regard Wanxin as his own woman at all, and was planning to find an opportunity to send her away so as not to disturb him and his wife.

Xiyun Pavilion was a little far away, and Xiao Jinyu was afraid that Miss Han would be tired from walking, so she asked, "Are you tired? Do you want me to carry you away?"

Someone is willing to hug her, but Miss Han is too lazy to leave, which is exactly what she wants.

"it is good."

Xiao Jinyu happily let go of her, bent down and stretched out his arms to hug her. It was easy to hold her before, but now it is even more effortless to hold her.

"No wonder you're thinner. Holding it is much easier than before. You must be fattened up."

Miss Han asked curiously, "Why?"

Xiao Jinyu grinned, "It's fleshy and comfortable to the touch."

Miss Han: "..."

When they came to Xiyun Pavilion, Xiao Guizi greeted him with a smile.

"Why is King Yu here?"

Xiao Jinyu said: "I'll catch a chicken to make up for my wife."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Guizi immediately nodded and said, "I'll grab one for you."

"I will pick one myself." Xiao Jinyu wanted to pick a big fat one.

Xiao Guizi didn't dare not say no, and let King Yu go.

The chicken coop has been extended to more than double its previous size.

Xiao Jinyu put down his wife and said: "You just wait here, I'll pick one."

Miss Han nodded, "OK."

Xiao Jinyu came to the chicken coop, glanced at the chickens inside, and picked the fattest one.

Guoguo and Xiaoguopuo were in class, and there was no one to play with Susu, so she lay on top of Dabai and went out for a stroll.

Susu has come out countless times, accompanied by Dabai, she is the only one who bullies others, and no one else bullies her, so Chunxi relaxes her supervision.

Chunxi will mention the prince and princess in front of Taotao and Susu every day, because they have been away from the palace for too long, and they are afraid that the two little families will forget their father and mother.

Today Chunxi mentioned it again.

Susu hasn't seen Mama for a long time, she was thinking very much at the moment, she patted Dabai's neck, "Hoohoo, let's go find Mama."



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